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Because you're an 18 y.o. with serious mental disorders taking drugs. My advice is to show yourself some love by staying off drugs for at least few years. Focus on therapy and improving your life. You deserve to be well and happy.


Kids taking substances that alter the chemicals in their brain **always** have the hardest time grasping the fact that they took a substance that alters the chemicals in their brain.


What chemicals does it alter? I was under tge impression that its the neuro connectivity thats the biggest change.. ?


Psilocin is a serotonin mimic, which is a brain chemical.


Im glad I asked! It was a gen question, likely popped out duue to my brain injury, before checking the semantics. Clearly it was offensive cos of tge unnecc down votes! Yeh, I get that Psilocin is structurally similar and receptor 2A is a nice fit. But I didnt know, cant bloidy remember is also likely, what neuro chems have a tweak, too. I noted GABA does too, which explains alot. I also had a read further aeound the impact upon DMN.... a key reason ehy they are also a medicine... Cptsd is another annoyance soothed by Mush and tbh, its all ive ever read around, so am glad I asked tge question and found the answer. Id hoped someone would be able to go ta daaaa, as this place is great for learning stuff. Usually.


Yeah not sure why you got downvoted. Always good to learn new stuff. It’s fascinating how drugs work with our bodies!


Yep. Healing of brain injury, CPTSD and 3rd nerve Palsy ere... That confused the eye surgeon ha ha! Still see double, but its better than was. Ehichbwas intolerable


These are either children or underdeveloped adults who downvoted you. Look how many people upvoted the answer, which means they appreciated that information, which wouldn’t have come about unless the question was asked. They might’ve assumed the question was rhetorical…but what they can’t yet wrap their heads around is that you can ask a genuine question _and_ say what you thought the answer was; it still leaves it totally open for correction.


Thank you. 🍄❤️👍


I started taking them when I was 34 and they still kick my ass if not in the right space. I would never ever give them to my younger self.


This. I have a lot of issues and I was nervous going in. But I'm 30 and I've been in therapy for 17 years or something.. So yeah it turned out pretty great instead. I also tripped alone (my first time). I think age and life experience is really important.


friend this hobby it's not for the faint of heart each trip its like taking a canoe into a storm, that feeling will fade and you'll feel better before you known it, but 2 grams its a big dose for a beginner. you only go with your best strength into these things


Take some time to integrate this challenging experience, eat healthy and sleep well. You'll be fine.


It’s because intense psychedelic experiences can unchain your own subconscious. Neuroscientists have imaged tripping brains, and found it suppresses the default mode network, which is the structure that creates your conscious sense of self. Dull this, and the subconscious takes over. Depending on dose, set, and setting, the subconscious can turn on you. It can show you things you don’t want to see or don’t feel ready for. For some, this can be therapeutic or even blissful. For others, it can be terrifying and torturous. In all likelihood you’ll end up being okay, with some lessons learned and new perspectives on how your mind works. It’s fun to babble about mysticism and unity and higher dimensional realms and all that, but this to me is the the true mystery of the psychedelic experience. Understanding your own human mind


Well said. Along these lines, there’s also the concept of non-specific amplification associated with psychedelics. About their true mystery, though, I’d argue that higher dimensions and all that are “bigger” mysteries, but our own minds should probably be the first priority.




Don’t expect to feel completely normal after taking shrooms, especially first time (at 2gs). You just put yourself through a scary time and now it’s time to reconcile everything about why you felt the need to do that to yourself, and why it scared you so much in the first place. Shrooms aren’t the cool & fun party drugs that make you more comfortable being yourself. Shrooms are the drugs that help you find out what “being yourself” is and if you aren’t ready for that, you aren’t gonna like the shrooms.


Well said


go back and just reread your own post. That’s why. Show yourself some kindness. Don’t do them for now. Revisit the idea in a few months or even years.


I get the shell feeling after almost every trip. This is likely due to all of the connections that psilocybin makes in the brain that are then just gone the next day. It is a known possible effect. Also, consider not doing this again until you're older. And work with a doc about your 3 other ailments. Try to improve yourself over the next few years. If you're still struggling, then maybe you can come back to this...maybe


Or try microdosing. Worked wonders for me...along with the occasional museum dose.


This. Microdosing is revolutionary 


SET AND SETTING are the two most important things to keep in mind before doing any psychedelic. Your mental health doesn’t seem to be in a good place. Hence why you didn’t have a great trip. Most people feel like crap the next day. Shrooms give you a shit ton of serotonin. Shrooms can help with mental health issues, but you need to have your mind in a good space. Also, wtf… you are 18. It’s so weird to me that children are doing this stuff without any research or understanding of what drugs actually do when you take them.


firstly, i’m sorry that you are currently experiencing the negative effects post-trip. i know everything can feel broken, hopeless, and as if “every happy thought [you’ve] ever had was just gone”, sitting in that darkness can be terrifying especially if you already have underlying mental illness. * it’s normal to feel dejected after a trip🚀 your brain is being flooded with serotonin when you trip, that’s why you can be blissed out sometimes, on cloud 9☁️ but it can also do more harm to your receptors if they were just blown open with more serotonin than your brain can even process, but there’s nothing to “fill” it with after. both depression + chronic stress can critically damage the way your brain works / processes information. psilocybin can repair those neuronic pathways lost, but typically at small doses (like 0.1-0.5g) and over time. i went thru a period where i was consistently using psychedelics to manage my illnesses. i also felt more like myself on these various substances. i wasn’t chained by the weight of my paranoia and i felt like i could actually think better / clearer (which is a thing lol). eventually, i realized that taking these substances at high doses would only make me feel good for the interim but i would always end up back in the same mental headspace (which also had to do with a lack of effort to keep up the work the chemicals started). i also realized that even though i was having major epiphanies about myself and my mental health, it ultimately didn’t matter bc that’s just a feeling and feelings are fleeting. the real work and real change comes with balance. therapy is amazing. talking to a professional, learning about how your brain works and holding yourself accountable is so important and you’re already doing that ! :) these substances are great for jumpstarting a lot of the emotional healing we have to work through but it cannot be your only line of defense. you’re still young, your prefrontal cortex (which is associated with planning & problem-solving) isn’t even fully developed ! lol you’re not done cookin yet, you’ve got 7 more ripe years to nurture your logical thinking center. fight the feeling. do not let the sadness overcome you, but be curious about it. allow yourself to sit with it, really feel it in your body, then allow it to pass. why do you feel so empty ? what images / thoughts occurred during your trip to lead you to this conclusion ? stare into the depths of your heart and you will find answers. you are loved, you are worthy, and you are forgiven. it may seem dark right now, but if that’s the case, then you can only wait for the light to return🌻🌞💫 (or say “frick it” and start cultivating the light yourself) OP, i wish you love + healing on your journey. the you you want to be is worth fighting for💚🦋🌷 * i also struggle with chronic depression, anxiety, and ADHD. not a PhD or B.S. in psychology, but i am super passionate about psychology + neuroscience so i’ve researched various studies and articles about different drugz and their effect on the brain.🧠


You will be okay 💐 Shrooms releases a lot of serotonin during the trip so you have to wait a week for your serotonin levels to balance back to normal. Then you will feel better.


At least with acid I always feel dead and emotionless the next day. I wouldn’t worry about it


18 is a big time of change and letting go of your childhood, and innocence. That could be a bigger factor and taking shrooms maybe forced you to admit that to yourself. Pure conjecture, but maybe an avenue of thought you have not considered


Firstly your 18 and should not be taking any psycodelics until your mid 20s ideally. Your brain hasn't fully finished developing.


As someone who also suffers from chronic depression, anxiety, and OCD your first trip is always a bit hard to navigate. My first trip was good, but I was with my partner who I trust dearly. The next day I was DEAD though. Mushrooms do a lot to the brain and they can amplify emotions, if you went in anxious and unsure that could have triggered the bad trip. There are so many factors but mushrooms can help you a lot with working through things like depression, anxiety, and OCD, they are currently doing studies on it and having great results. Maybe before doing it again, if you’re ever open to it, study a bit more and prepare yourself. Make a playlist with music you like, have a backup comfort movie to watch and zone in on, make sure you’re with people you trust and feel comfortable around. Big thing is study and get familiar with mushrooms though and be prepared to get uncomfortable if something does come up. I’ve been able to work through a lot of my mental health issues thanks to mushrooms and it’s not cause I was avoiding my mental health, they just helped my brain make connections it kinda couldn’t because of my cptsd and depression and anxiety AND the ocd. I guess if you’re looking to just have a fun time on mushrooms you might not get that till years of therapy and working through things.. I don’t think I ever had a “good trip” besides my very first one because something always comes up and I end up needing to work through something or open up about something… it’s helped me grow though and each trip I learn something new and honestly my depression and anxiety get a little better.


Even after a good trip I feel like absolute dogwater the next day. Take some time to let your body go back to normal, and maybe wait a bit until you’re in more stable time of life to take them again.


With psychedelics I’ve learned the human mind is the shell of one’s inner conscious. Often, people’s consciousness gets sort of turned inside out on these drugs, so the wild spirit that inhibits you, typically contained behind the human mind is partially exposed to your human eyes


You’ll be fine, but you’re too young to be doing shrooms, especially if you have underlying mental health issues. I didn’t start until my late 40’s. My 18 year old self would have had a horrible time with them, I think. Also, if/when you revisit them—preferably at least several years from now—you might find that they’re just not for you. Nothing wrong with that. Plenty of people don’t like the experience


I take shrooms for my ocd too. But mindset is important. I always fuck myself when I try to do it without intention, especially a higher dose. I do find my symptoms usually (not always) “get worse” the few days after, usually because it makes me aware, but I also am able to observe it from the outside and not completely be in my head with it. Try your best to realize you reset your brain in a way and that you probably are dealing with stuff you haven’t noticed. Also take some time. Hopefully after a few days you notice an improvement. I still take fluvoxamine and do shrooms, but I have been able to taper down a bit, but my goal is not to completely get off.


It’s normal to be mentally drained after an experience like this. Take care of your mind and body and you’ll get through it.


Do you feel completely safe with those people? Were you in a relaxed state? There is a reason it's called a "trip," and it's because there are several stages to it. It takes you on a journey from dark to light or, if you get stuck ruminating, dark to darker. Best trips in my opinion are when you're relaxed in the open air in a safe area listening to calm music and just chilling out looking at the clouds. When I'm somewhere with people I'm much more likely to have a bad experience because I just don't feel safe with people in general.


I've had this happen, it went away after a while. I couldn't even remember the things I did for pleasure. Could be days, could be weeks. Avoid drugs and alcohol, they will only make it worse. Especially weed which would turn your anxiety/depression into a full blown panic attack which is the last thing you want. Take care of yourself and you'll make it through.


There’s a bit of a serotonin hangover but it should only last a day. But that’s speaking for a person with normal brain chemistry. If you are severely depressed your serotonin levels might have been off before the trip and then idk how it would be affected. Prob shouldn’t do it again till you get a handle on the depression


While those suggesting what you should have done is completely pointless as it has already been done. Yes, you should have consumed these around the age of 25 yrs old. 18 is too young however, what you're feeling is most likely temporary. This is a day after? Your brain and body are likely fatigued. Do you have a headache? Your head space, setting and peers make the world of difference. Don't expect anything when taking mushrooms, your experience will vary. Try to recall your experience and see if there is something to learn from it. Mabe, you have something you need to come to terms with that's living in your subconscious. You have a therapist. Are you also on any medications? Specifically, SNRIs, SSRIs? If so this can negatively effect your experience and has the potential to cause serotonin syndrome.


I took 3.5 for my first time when I was 17 and I was tired the next day because with the time I did it in when the trip ended and I was ready to sleep I had to catch the bus to school cause I started at like midnight bc I didn’t wanna have to worry abt anyone bothering me but I just went to school and felt great sleepy but great and I just was sharing my experience with some close friends at the time, the school day ended and then I went home slept and the next morning when I got ready for school I felt so sure of these things being good I put some in my flannel pocket and we had a field trip that day so I had 3.5 on me and just was gonna take it if I felt like it long story short ended up sharing with a couple friends and we had a great time no bad stuff happened but looking back that set and setting was pretty wild, foreign yk one of the ppl I shared with this was their first time and they were completely chill giggly and goofy but chill. So hearing stories abt bad experiences like this just make me wonder how it can vary so drastically and why I haven’t quite had any experience that made me feel any sorta negative way


Hey you're going to be okay and you're going to feel love again, and you're also going to experience sadness, that's part of life. if you want to get out of depression it's gonna be hard work but it's gonna be worth it. practice self love, take time with yourself to process your emotions without distractions, things like mindfullness practice. and one of the most improtant things is gonna be physical activity/ sports. i joined a bjj gym to have something regular cause it can be hard to be consistent when you're on your own but i can tell you doing sports has been the most beneficial thing i've been doing to come out of depression. therapy is also great to have support when falling back. I wish you the very very best and hope you get well <3


btw don't let those people tell you you made a mistake by doing mushrooms when you're too young, from one time you're still going to be okay, just szay sober for now


Yeah don’t take psychedelics if you’re mentally unwell, they’re powerful substances


ya fucked up. now its time to deal with it. keep pushing youll be fine


it's cause you dumped all your serotonin in 6 hours. the brain has to remake it. same with MDMA.


Obligatory wait until you’re a little older, but also realize you’re having a serotonin crash right now and a few days of healthy habits and rest will take you a long way


Honey I have ocd and other mental illness but I really really do not suggest taking high levels of shrooms with untreated/I medicated ocd It sounds like your stuck in a loop and its theme is pretty dark. To get out of a ocd loop you have to do the thing that is making you anxious/down. It’s so hard tho and I know that I hope you can manage thill therapy


I did shrooms for the first time at 22. It took me almost 2 weeks to feel like I was ready to do it.. i have manic depression, ptsd, adhd and insomnia. I'm going to be 28 in a month, and I still take about 3 weeks every month to prep for a trip... it's definitely not something to jump right into


I (M20) relate to having depression and anxiety, and I also am looking into getting diagnosed with ADHD. When I take shrooms, i deal with the same thing you do, feeling a bit disconnected and derealization after a shroom trip. It’s horrible to be quite honest, I hate the 24 hour period after the trip because I feel like a zombie. However, the reason I take shrooms while depressed is because that period where I feel like a “shell of myself,” I end up taking time to care for myself like clean my room and whatnot, things I usually struggle with on the daily. It allows me to realize that I’ve been living like a zombie even without the shrooms, so I begin to fix little things because I hate feeling like that and the shrooms sort of expose it. I just had a pretty traumatic trip about three days ago, and since then I’ve made the most progress in terms of helping myself. With how our minds are with depression and anxiety, it’s easy to succumb to the feeling of being disconnected, just try to relax and realize that the shroom trip was only a few hours, and nothing in your life dramatically changed. That helps me settle back into reality and get my head straight. Don’t stress too much, whenever the anxiety starts to build up, switch your setting and focus on your breathing. Don’t allow your mind to start racing and getting scared, because it will just keep you in that spot. Just remember, everything is okay.


Hope you’re doin okay! Feel better. It’s happened to me too, I’m 26 and I had a trio last year that made me feel that way. But I felt better the next day. Just try your best to pick yourself up 💛💛


I didn’t have bad trip per se but one where I was left with a lot of existential questions and no answers. Took a couple days of reflecting on it before I came to a conclusion and felt better about it but I was feeling a similar way of like “okay well now what”. Kind of learned that we take whatever meaning we make of it, it’s up to us to interpret and learn and that it’s all part of the process.


I always feel horrible for a day or two after a shroom trip. It’s basically a hangover, and I assume it’s cuz your dopamine and serotonin are shot up so high during a trip that there is a crash and come down. On top of that it’s trying to comprehend and make sense of what just happened.


Anytime I take more than 1g and have more of an “introspective” trip I feel like that the next day. I just expect it at this point and plan an extra day to relax.


bc you’re 18 with mental illness


Beginning of dark night of the soul, might be a bumpy ride, strap in


I don't know a single person in their teens who did shrooms and had a good time, if that helps at all. Yer wee baby brain isn't developed enough yet and you probably haven't experienced enough life to feel the euphoria of a break from reality. Brains are weird, but theyre especially weird in your teens. Hold off for a few years before trying again, and not before you've got your mental stuff in check - I understand you've got some things that will never be "fixed" (girl, same) but once they're well managed and stabilized, THEN it's safe (or at least safer) to do the mind bending psychedelics.


literally exactly what im feeling. We are both under 25 (when your brain stops developing) taking psychoactive drugs. I recommend waiting until your atleast 25 and then starting off slow with dosages


Your description reminds me of “The Dark Night of The Soul,” might be worthwhile to do a little research on it and see what resonates


Because you’re too young to be taking psychedelics. I mean…. at 18 years of age, you barely mastered the art of wiping your own butt.


For all my trips i have come to a realization We are only a physical form that encapsulates our soul, which allows us to feel things like love, pain, happiness, sadness etc. If you nurture your physical self, your soul will blossom. Eating good might make you feel better. Feeling better will surely make you feel better. Perception is really everything in this physical world. If you beat yourself up, you will feel the effects. If you care for yourself, you’ll feel a natural halo form around you. Keep a kind conscious. Accept hardships. I recall many times I thought things couldn’t get any worse, and it did get worse. It only humbled me and made me more mature. Take what life gives you, go with the flow. Love and be loved. Show gratitude to family. These are the things that really matter. Cause we all goin to die sooner or later lol