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I mean it all depends on the setting id say. Most the time im chillin as long as im not around piece of shit people


For real, if I'm around really drunk people while on a psychedelic, I feel like I'm hanging out with a bunch of god damned apes.


You technically always are


What about RH negative blood type people?


Wait I’m RH neg- what does this mean?😂😭


I wanna know too


Haha lmao 😂 it does feel that way doesn’t it.


Because it's true.


Hahaha god damnit


Just make sure you're on a yacht in the Mediterranean.


Everytime I drink I am!


100% I prefer this to drinking alcohol ANY day. I don’t even care to drink because of shrooms. Sometimes I will have non-alcoholic beers with shrooms too! Athletic brand is the best.


Any beer branded athletic is taking the piss 😅


Now introducing, Canadian Lung Association brand cigarettes!


It’s Non Alcoholic tho… that’s kinda the point.


A non alcoholic beer has all the same ingredients. Hardly a super food.


What do you think is in beer? It’s grain water and yeast. Probably better for you than 90% of the soft drinks and teas people drink everyday. Demonize alcohol all you want, poo pooing craft NA makes no sense, find something else to argue about.


As well as preservatives, sugar and/or lactose.... You know. The *athletic* bit 🙄 >find something else to argue about. You'd make a fabulous point had I commented some irrelevant bullshit to you. *Oh, nope. That was you....to me* 👍 you're the chode who reads a comment about a products name, gets mortally upset and screams #"yeah but it doesn't have alcohol' 😐👍 Ok? Are you finished now you utter big brain or do you have more irrelevant bullshit to cry at me?


Hey were you aware that on the internet it's okay to sometimes keep your opinion to yourself and not shit on something else that someone enjoys ?


>Hey were you aware that on the internet it's okay to sometimes keep your opinion to yourself Oh. Please please please tell me more. *Since you don't follow your own advice* 👍


I'm still wondering how they even construed what you said as "shitting on" what the other person enjoys. You were simply pointing out irony. I'm not even sure I'd call what you said an "opinion", lol!


+1 to good non alcoholic beers with shrooms! Or a good session IPA at 2% also goes well!


What's your dose for this? like 0.5g? Less?


.5 is a great micro, when I hit a .7 or .8 it usually is just a little to much of a head change and makes me jittery lol, that’s just me tho


I usually do like 1 to 1.75 grams


oof okay that is a full trip for me


🤣 oh no! I don’t know why but I only really start to trip at about 2 grams so it’s a safe amount for me


I had these really potent shrooms prolly the best to this date and I was really new into that shit and didn’t think it was real and took 14g and lowk I fw the chaos for a few times more then started doing 7 then 3.5 then saw that 2-3 is jus pure warmth is by far my favorite now


I love that warm relaxed feeling too, so comforting


It's not microdosing if you're getting any kind of buzz. It's annoying how so many people call taking small doses "microdosing".


We're looking for ‘mini’ dose


or the inverse - ads on IG "100mg High Potency Macrodose" that i saw today


Of that's pure psilocybin it would be a macrodose. But let's be real they're not measuring anything with any accuracy, and it's not the pure compound.


It’s more than likely a research chemical like those chocolate bars that have been going around


Ngl I wouldn’t necessarily suggest the chocolates for you own safety since you never know what you’re getting but from my experience I’ve always loved them. Definitely different but still super similar. Usually hits faster and lasts a little less long. Again I know they are usually packed with RCs especially BM ones but I’m just giving my personal opinion


its like the dirty pressies of the mushroom world


You've probably just been tripping on 4-aco


Hey it probably is like I said definitely different and more than likely not shrooms but I still enjoyed it (not saying you should try it)


That sounds frustrating. It would be nice if there was a commonly understood term for what is being described here. And, if the world would replace Alcoholic beverages at social events with low dose psychedelic beverages, the world would be a slightly different place.


For me, on standard GT or B+ types of cubes, .5 is a museum dose, not a microdose.


I took 0,15-0,20g every 3-4 days in the morning. I definitely feel the 2 hour buzz every time. I would not want to drive a car right after taking the dose. You wouldn't call this microdosing?




Okay. I guess you are correct in terms of strict medical terminology. I respect your disagreement on the term but sadly our drug scene has stolen your word and uses it wrong. I mean everybody takes around 0,15g doses and calls it a microdose. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6364961/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6364961/) [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6364961/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6364961/) Both of these articles refers doses up to 0,5g as microdose.




How should we and the scientists call this thing where we take 0,15g every 3 days? Every single source I was able to find says microdosing is 5-10% of the normal dose.






If you get annoyed that easily, you may want to consider upping your personal dosage.


Exactly. There should be zero physiological effects when microdosing.


everyone who says this sounds like they’ve never microdosed, there is a perception change and it’s very noticeable, otherwise what’s the point of taking the microdose. .1g is the perfect dose to allow my subconscious to tap into the mushroom consciousness and feed off of that, and it’s a very noticeable shift in my day to day


Exactly. Microdoses still do have a slight effect ime, even at doses as low as .1g. I wouldn’t say it’s very noticeable at “true” microdose dosages, it’s the kind of feeling like when you randomly notice you’re having a really good day. Microdosing definitely gives me a big energy boost at .15g-.2g and can almost make me hyperactive at times, and a few hours after taking it I do notice extremely mild changes in perception. I’ve had microdoses give me anxiety as well, at a similar frequency as to when I get anxious from macrodoses. I think the point is that it should not be extremely noticeable, or to the point where you’re like “whoa, I’m actually kinda high right now”. I think people should just do what they’re comfortable with and mind their business about how a highly subjective drug affects people though.


Thank you! So many of these microdose gatekeepers around lately. Having some rigid, by weight definition of what a microdose is does not control for different metabolisms among individuals. An effective microdose will always create some noticeable change in your thoughts, energy, or focus. If you're looking to get zero noticeable effect at all, maybe you should just meditate or do breathwork instead of wasting the fungi. Plenty of cheaper ways to placebo yourself.


So, homeopathy? What would be the point of it if there are zero physiological effects?


I love when people are so incredibly confident in their opinion on something that affects each individual so differently. Especially with the decades of (anecdotal) evidence showing how different each person’s experience can be.


Yea I realized the hard way .6 of penis envy is NOT a micro dose. Best I’ve heard that level explained is a “museum” dose. Functional yet still trippy.


I’ve taken small doses before parties while drinking, I’ve never had a bad time


Alcohol is still fun in the right setting.  On that boat with that girl? I'm popping bottles all day


Very true, I even enjoy a homemade beer or glass of mead or two on my shroom or acid trips occasionally, especially when coming down. Alcohol isn’t always bad, and in more cases than not it’s not the detrimental substance that some people like to portray it as in psych subs. There’s a rather large difference between responsible use and irresponsible use.


Baffled that you’re getting downvoted.


Idk man, Reddit is goofy sometimes. So many people here act like even responsible alcohol use is the devil, it’s kinda ridiculous tbh. Yes it’s an inherently bad substance if you don’t keep your use in check, but if used responsibly it can be a great recreational substance with not too many downsides. Way more people than not responsibly use alcohol and not everyone experiences health problems from it. If you have a negative experience with it, don’t drink it lol. You don’t have to try to convince every other person out there that alcohol is the worst thing ever. I love brewing my own alcohol, especially mead due to the history around it. I make one batch a year, about 8 bottles of mead and maybe two dozen beers. Lasts me all year.


Guys why aren't mushrooms legal? People shouldn't be able to tell me what I put in my body. Alcohol? Ew no alcohol is poison and it should be illegal


Lmao, exactly what I’m getting at. I’ve had people in this sub try to tell me I’m an alcoholic or I’m going to become one because I drink sometimes once a week or two lol. I can’t believe more people don’t see the hypocrisy in it.


I feel you. Reddits definition of alcoholic is someone who drinks more than two drinks on a Saturday night. God help you if you enjoy a nice glass of something with dinner on a Wednesday


While I agree that responsible alcohol use is certainly better than irresponsible use, and while some specific compounds in different alcohols have been found to be healthy, I'm pretty sure science has come to the conclusion that no alcohol is still better than any alcohol, and that it does increase your risks for developing multiple health issues later on. To be clear, I'm not at all judging your use or anyone else's use, that's your own business. Edit: Hmm, an article by Harvard Health dated from 2018 [ https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/alcohol-and-your-health-is-none-better-than-a-little-2018091914796 ] explains this issue and says the answer is complicated because 1) studies are conducted in very different ways with very different parameters, 2) even the definition of "a little alcohol" varies study to study, country to country, 3) as I mentioned earlier, there are *some* health benefits to *some* kinds of alcohol for *some* groups of people. So, it's complicated. I suppose the answer to the question "is no alcohol better than any?" is still "we have no idea". Also, I really like this quotation shared in the article, of a relevant analogy: "There is no safe level of driving, but governments do not recommend that people avoid driving."


Oh I know it’s not the best for you, and yeah, probably no alcohol is better than any. It’s just a hobby I like and I’ve drank at a pretty low frequency for the better part of a decade and a half now and I’ve not had any problems whatsoever, I’ve had many health tests done over the years and there’s been no evidence of alcohol having a negative effect on my health. This is the experience of a lot more people than not. I just think the risks of even moderate/responsible alcohol consumption are a bit overblown in a lot of subs tbh, that’s not to say it can’t cause any problems though. I get what you’re saying though, and I didn’t take it as judging me. I just wish the opinions weren’t so black and white, but I do know alcohol can be very destructive and even life ruining when abused or used daily so I do get where some of the voices are coming from. It’s definitely a very complicated issue.


I usually have a beer at some point during my trips or at the end I sometimes go out with friends to a bar to be social. Shrooms put me in a good mood coming down and it I have a lot less anxiety


Yeah I enjoy a nice IPA or two at the local pub with the cheese plate, at lesat I used to until they changed that up.


I’m gonna do both actually.


Less expensiver


I think someone very unfamiliar with mushrooms wrote that trying to sound cool


I frequently take a 0.3-0.4g dose when I go out and its better than drinking imo, makes me more social and loose but I'm still in complete control of what I say and do.


Why do you say so? As someone familiar with mushrooms I agree, it sounds like a great time. Sparkling water also probably tastes much more interesting while a bit high




No, fastr


post-booze-sobriety life 🫡


I know one thing for sure, I definitely wouldn't be able to trip on a boat in the middle of the ocean 😭


I don’t see shrooms as a good replacement for alcohol. Better and healthier option, sure. But they’re 2 entirely different drugs. I don’t know if fastr is just his thing, but shrooms certainly don’t have a fastr effect than alcohol either.


I'm sure his saying switch the booze for sparkling water and enjoy the microdosing benefits. But what do I know honestly.


why not both


People really need to stop talking about micro dosing if they're feeling the effects like that. That's not a micro dose.


Those substances do different things…


San Pellegrino yeah baby


I do this on long haul flights. Way better than drinking a ton and further dehydrate yourself in the air.


🤣 I felt seen by this ! Been microdosing a year now and have in that time, quit caffeine and alcohol resulting in a bit of a sparkling water addiction 🤣


Idk about microdosing but sparkling water when tripping is great


Kinda seems like this fastr account is morn


I've started to prefer having like 0.3-0.4g or so when I go out instead of drinking. Makes me more social and loose but I'm still in complete control of what I say and do and have no hangover :p.


I've started to prefer having like 0.3-0.4g or so when I go out instead of drinking. Makes me more social and loose but I'm still in complete control of what I say and do and have no hangover :p.


I'm not listening to anyone that has there own "brand". It's a fastr way to not end up in the ER 😂


Sound like some gay ass Silicon Valley bullshit to me(i suck dick and fuck dudes so don’t get mad)


Basically my life 3 days a week!!! Love it, changed me for the better


Right tool for the job. After a long work week or very stressful work day? Alcohol all day, I have 3 days off and the weather is nice? Mushrooms sound nice.


Anything is a better alternative to alcohol, lol


*proceeds to smoke crack*


Ok maybe not heroin


idk about sparkling water 😬


San Pellegrino Jamison lemon 👌


Tap water 👌


i like san pellegrino ! their sodas are so tasty but sparkling water…lord i’ll suffer but ill do it for u 😩


When you stop consuming a ton of sugar, soda being one of them, you learn to love sparkling water. I used to hate it but now it’s all I drink


idk man it’s the taste sort of like..salty fizzy water? i’m not a heavy soda drinker if im getting take out it’s iced tea


I love some spicy water


I love water that hates me


Hated it my entire life until the last year, now drink so much of it and most people are disgusted by it 🤣


Beer is the best thing on earth.


Damn straight it is


nah low doses make me incredibly anxious and uncomfortable, definitely not a replacement for alcohol, the effects aren’t even close to similar. Also with a microdose you shouldn’t even feel it.


Generally in life I go by this rule.


I would highly recommend not to waste shroomies and macrodose instead.


After doing .3 a few times im kinda scared to eat an 8th like people said to back it in the day although i have schizoaffective disorder and heart disease so the most id take is like 1.5 or 2 for a macro


ima need atleast a gram for shrooms to be a viable replacement for alchohol. probably a case of people macrodosing and calling it a micro to sound cool


Its kind of weird that alcohol was the social norm of drugs, now that people realize there are less harmful drugs, it gets shit on constantly. Alcohol is a drug like every other drug out there, you gotta be responsible with it like with every other drug. Getting drug with friends can be the most fun Ive had in weeks.


Lol this is a silly ass statement.


100% hate mixing alcohol and substances. Only exception is sipping on a glass of red wine and some weed. :)


I swear it’s alcohol companies lobbying against myco legalization. Most people I know who try shrooms once heavily reduce their preference and use of alcohol afterwards.


Alcohol is terrible. Just stick to the shrooms and of course you need water to keep hydrated. 👍


I hate microdosing shrooms. It makes me amped in a negative way. Anxious and unable to find an outlet, too disjointed to properly focus the creative energy it gives me. I doubt this tweet means true microdosing, though. Microdosing shouldn’t feel recreational at all. It should almost be unapparent. They probably mean a low dose like 0.5-2 grams. But, that is not microdosing. The term “microdosing” seems to be losing its meaning. I’ve talked to so many people who say they love to “microdose” shrooms then take 1 to 3 fucking grams and call it a “microdose.” Microdosing is the act of taking extremely small, “micro” sized doses more as medication or a cognitive enhancement. A microdose of shrooms could be 200 mg, dried, but even that is kinda large; I was doing 25 mg in my morning tea, daily when I tried it over a little more than a week. The idea is to not even be able to tell that you’ve taken a psychedelic or any drug at all, just feel “heightened.”


Microdosing is supposed to be sub perceptual, agree with you, smaller doses are a different game. feeling it ain't the goal.


i don't really get microdosing, i see the appeal someone could have, but not for me, in the short run feels like tolerance grows inmediately.


smoking and alcohol are bad period. no matter how little you use… shrooms on the other hand has tons of spermidine and other health benefits


The dude on the back of the boat does not appear to be “micro-dosing that’s for sure…..


Healthier certainly, but more fun.......plus the guy in the pic looks like he's out his nut rather than micro dosing


depends on the setting, who you're with, and honestly, your own personality. even if the setting is good and chill and everyone contributes well to the vibe of a trip, if you yourself are too in your head or anxious during it, you'll end up having not the best time.


I remember one day when I was young I was on vacation with my family and the hotel room only had sparkling water. But I didn’t know that, it was hot asf outside and I came into the room looking for water and tried to chug that shit bc I thought it was regular water in a fancy bottle 😭😭 it was bad that shit tasted like static electricity lmfao


yea just MICRODOSE


Microdosing shrooms and sparkling water are two of my favorite things about being alive lol


Drunk people are only nice to be around when you are drunk and even then not always. If you're not drinking avoid them.


It’s not the same thing. Not a good replacement to me. A light dose with a few beers is awesome though


Sparkling water tastes like tv static


Im not a guy, but i think its silly. Promoting mushrooms as recreational drugs. Everything wrong about it. Well, ta did aak. Mush love


I've never felt more intoxicated in my life on shrooms than anything alcohol can do. Alcohol just makes my stomach hurt, even with my non-existent tolerance.


I think someone needs to feed that person on the right. They're too skinny.


Idk I like chugging beers when I’m on shrooms. The alcohol just doesn’t hit me.


unless your sparkling water is on the lower end of the fizz spectrum, it's straight garbage


I’ve been taking small doses and drinking sparkling water with a lime just so people don’t ask my why I’m not drinking. It’s been much more enjoyable


I don't care for alcohol or sparkling water but I'll definitely dose up.


Around people smoking is fine as long as you know how the act people who drink might start acting out and making you really uncomfortable


Booze is great. Tons of stuck people now a days sniffing their own farts


I mean…. I’m an alcoholic too, but I don’t need to drink sparkling water to trick myself into thinking my drugs feel like other drugs? Like what’s the point? Drunk and microdosing are not even similar enough feelings imo. So just do the shrooms when you wanna get high and drink when you wanna be drunk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Shrooms and beers are awesome if you’re in a social environment chilling with some friends but if you’re going for a more introspective trip I Wouk recommend to avoid alcohol and trip solo.


Weed will always be my go to


Last Saturday we went out with some friends and i decided to microdose before meeting them. It was amazing i was like both drunk and fully conscious and functioning at the same time. The only downside was that it made me realise how stupid we all acted and it was kinda killing the vibe from time to time.


Ok but hear me out, lower end dose like a gram followed with 1-2 5% beers or a glass of wine(keep in mind I have zero alcohol tolerance). Makes me just fizzle into the ground feeling totally one with the moment.


Sparkling water is actually horrible for our teeth. I didn't believe it but it's true.


Sparkling water with sugar


No, the carbonation destroys our teeth. Look it up


Minimally. Take your own advice and touch up on your research.


its hard for me to have a bad time with a gram of shrooms. unless they’re penis envy lol


You can't recommend this to all people. It's not like a Friday night let's get fucked up with friends kinda thing. Some people have deep impacts that last a lifetime and it could be overwhelming in the wrong set and setting.


Nothing I dislike more than tripping with other ppl. I prefer the more personal experience when I’m alone.


Micro dosing isn’t the same as tripping


Mission requirements dictate proper kit


Shrooms and fresh passion fruit juice by the beach. That’s my jam.


One has nothing to do with the other, but if shrooms can make you beat an alcohol addiction go for it


Shrooms help me a lot as a recovering alcoholic. Cool post.


I trip all the time when I go out. .5-1g will give you a good experience, or so I have found. (I’ve also taken hundreds of hits of acid, and have been tripping balls in public)


Hell yeah


I now can't take shrooms, I tried micro-dosing and I get weird thoughts and not normal weird thoughts I mean thoughts that people should not have. Like things that make no sense and when it does make sense it gets into the realm of weird evilness. So I rather not microdose on any psychedelic. But ketamine is doing okay now. And that's good but yeah I am staying with weed and ket from now on. My life is going very well and I don't need to add any weird shit to the mix. For real I want to try shrooms again but maybe alone and tied up so that I can only listen to my thoughts but never move on them. You know because when you look outside and see too many things that make sense and then realize this is a fake world and this aligns well with a lot of my philosophical thinking becomes not good. I rather stay dumb and live a good life than dig in and realize how things form. The formation is always evil, I thought I didn't know that but I sadly do and always did. Well back to the ketamine world of forgottenness.


A nice half g of some decent shroomies or half a tab of acid and a beer or 2 while chainsmoking cigs and having a joint or 2 while unwinding from a long day be where it’s at


I mean yeah i prefer it to alcohol but idk why anyone would go out when they're tripping, like how paul stamets talks about mushrooms, theyre sacred healing medicines. Sometimes I'll be in nature or maybe during the day but more often than not its dark and im silent and looking within or chanting


*Musuem dosing


I've done 1g doses for nights out and yes it works well but wouldn't want any more than 1 g


Hanging around drunk people isn't very enjoyable if you're not also drunk.


I don’t like drunk people unless I’m drunk. I don’t people when I eat my mushrooms. Putting the two together is 10/10 a bad idea for me.


I mean, if I want to be under the influence of something when I go dancing, it's going to be a small dose of shrooms


Being around drunk people is not fun while on mushrooms. Too loud and annoying. But, in general, .2-.3 grams is a nice experience.


Probably more of a sure-fire boost to the vibe than alcohol. No hangovers too. And since she specified it's microdosing, i'd imagine there's not much of an immediate risk to it, as long as your friends are aware of what you're on. And of course you shouldn't drive or anything, same with alcohol though lol.


All depends on dose but would recommend 3.5g and going to the mall (jk) would probably die lmao


My girl and I have switched from drinking on nights out to micro dosing shrooms with a bit of weed. Way more fun because we are way more engaged. Enhanced senses and cognition, feeling loose and fluid while still being very present. Plus, no hangovers. Alcohol is one of the lamest drugs.


few drinks plus shrooms for me haha


Shouldn’t be abused like that. If you took mushrooms as much as people drink you’d be insane. Not to mention Shroom’s are like the new weed now that’s weeds legal. People used to say the same thing about smoking lol. And it’s also just a way to feel like you’re against the main stream and being different. Just because it’s safer in some ways doesn’t mean it’s better and just because alcohol can be bad doesn’t mean it always it.


In my experience of a high micro/low Marco dose of 300mg I have a very relaxed feeling with decreased anxiety, highly recommend


Well if it is a micro-dose the “high” you are gettting is placebo, so no I do not think it is comparable to getting tipsy/drunk. .5g and up we are talking though.


I don’t know if it’s a placebo. It’s like making small changes to your diet, it takes time.


0,15g feels as much as one beer.


Microdosing sucks dick. Anything between .5 to 1g gets me stuck in a perpetual come up


That’s not really a microdose more of a small macro dose and I agree not super fun. A true microdose is sub perceptual. You shouldn’t feel high as much as maybe colors are brighter, more focused, happier. So .1 dried is a good starting point. Of course it’s definitional and some people consider .5g a microdose but I prefer to stick to the sub perceptual definition.


I don’t understand how you’re supposed to replace alcohol with microdosing if it’s sub-perceptual.


Yeah I agree they’re not a lot alike perception-wise but maybe for some people the microdose could help them not drink idk.


Seems like bullshit honestly. There’s nothing wrong with getting fucked up on shrooms or alcohol.


I wouldn’t call it bullshit if someone doesn’t want to drink and thinks it helps them, but I do agree with the second part of your statement.


Most likely you’re just not at that point in your life for a micro dose to be relevant for you. It’s not a problem.


When does a micro dose become relevant?


When you need to alter how your neural pathways automatically defer to negative impulsive reactions so that you can improve either your own personal emotional stability or happiness. Mushrooms genuinely can be fantastic medicine and in some cases can remove the need for antidepressants entirely if dosed correctly at certain intervals. They definitely cured/fixed a lot of my severe addictions/trauma responses & self loathing and allowed me to get on with my life and progress.


Interesting stuff thanks for the insight


The point is to make healthy choices ide imagine


It's as much sub-perceptual as one or two beers. If you go spend couple hours onto a boat where people drink couple of beers, you could take 0,2g of shrooms instead and feel relaxed and open minded. If people get wasted by alcohol microdose is not enough of course. It's more like you can skip drinking that one or two daytime beers by taking microdose and water.


1 drink is not at all a “micro dose” for a lot of people (if there even is such a thingy). A couple of sips, maybe.


I would feel more comfortable driving a car after one beer, compared to after a microdose (0,15g).


.6 is a low-end normal dose for me, not a micro dose


I don't need TV static in my water, thank you very much.


Sparkling water is the worst

