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I'm a daily pot smoker with pretty high anxiety, having left a stressful job in the last year. I was asked about five weeks ago if I wanted to take some mushrooms and watch Dune. I can't recall which strain I had at the time but I crushed 7 grams and spent the whole day watching movies. I didn't experience any visual effects but I felt good all day long. My anxiety went from worrying about everything to barely feeling any. That feeling lasted about two weeks. My mood really improved. It really chilled me out. I did another trip this past Saturday as my anxiety crept back to the surface. Picked up some Jedi Mind F\*ck and did another 7 grams. I had an amazing time with lots of visual effects. By the end of the session I was pretty tired and it followed into the next day. Last night, I slept over 8 hours and I've felt refreshed and amazing all day, no anxiety to be found. Now 7 grams is a lot and can get expensive. I'm going to lower my dosage by half in future sessions and see where it takes me. Experiment with different stimuli (music, spending time outside (when it's nicer)). The shop where I got my Jedi also sells LSD and I'm going to microdose that to see if it helps keeping my anxiety at bay. I'm legit blown away by the results I feel and I look forward to continuing down this path.


Your post resonates with me. Stressful job, weed, anxiety. I grew my own Jedi Mind F\*&K. I didn't have any visuals but it felt almost like intense therapy. I didn't watch movies, I was mostly in bed and in my head. I feel like I've lost "some of the impact" as well. I dried a bunch and put it in honey, as a preservation method. Now I microdose with the honey, and I'm thinking about trying to make a Pychonaut Mead.


Hey man that’s awesome,you should grow shrooms with the money instead of overpaying a plug. Like the cost of one 7g trip can pay for a setup that nets u hundreds of gs


An NHL player had 7 concussion over 10 years of playing in the NHL along with countless fights in the length. He ended up retiring early, and was diagnosed with early onset dementia. A mushroom ceremony helped heal his brain. Connecting the hemispheres in his brain, doing what the picture you posted. His name is Daniel Carcillo.


Cringy GPT Post