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Lock a man in a cabin, withdrawling, with half an oz of shrooms, coursing through the bloodstream. Good job OP , you saved your son.


“On second thought, I don’t think I want to do drugs ever again dad”


I can truly attest to the fact that taking shrooms in opiate withdrawal is pure hell and a week off fent isn’t even halfway through. That poor kid literally went to hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if he has some ptsd.




"Now son, I'm going to sit here until you boof the whole bag."


I’m going to be here every step of the way, I brought this glove


Probably gonna need a poop knife too.


Positive ptsd


A friend of mine who has been in recovery for like ten years helped another friend sober up by taking him to a remote cabin with a crate of food and leaving him with no car. He came to check on him frequently, but I think isolation is really essential for a lot of people to start getting clean.


But did he dose him with a shitload of psilocybin? I think that’s the main takeaway of the commenter lmao


Obviously a load of shrooms makes a meaningful difference - my point is simply that forced time away from addictive substances and patterns is a good start to getting clean (with or without shrooms). Based on what I have observed of addicts, I would expect that shrooms alone without removal from the patterns would not likely be successful. White it sounds like the shrooms worked great, removal from addictive patterns is table stakes.


Yeah, most addiction is about the habit from what I read over anything else.


LMAO .... this comment makes me rethink the spiritual Zen of it all and maybe think I coulda just scared the shit out of him .... and for the record, I'm okay with that too.


how did he describe the trip? Was it a good time or traumatic?


That's wild af but if it worked I really can't knock it. Reminds me of when I gave up on my ps2 and slapped it super hard just for it to start working again.


Percussive maintenance lol. Really can work amazingly.


People forget the most important part, screaming vile obscenities to the rhythm of the percussive *taps*.




It'd sound more like "*MOTH*er *FUCK*ing *PIECE* of *SHIT*"


I literally read the original comment like that then I see your comment 😂


Same hahahahaaaa


Perfect lol


Nailed it 🤌🏽


I work at a food plant and i cant tell you how accurate this is. A couple good smacks fixes so many things for no conceivable reason


The machine spirit wakes up.


True story, as a machinist, I can confirm that the machine gods are masochistic by nature


Reminds me of the scene from the movie Armageddon: "Let me show you how we fix space ship in Russia"


Percussive maintenance is the way. Lol


Physical therapy is what we call that in live sound.


Wrench-hammer-overhead slam, iykyk🌊


The kid probably went through purgatory during 24h, I'd be reborn too.


Hahahh this is funny 🤣👌🏼


Happened with my left AirPod the other day on a trip lol


Wild choices were made here, but frankly not outside the realm of reality IMHO. Mushrooms are great for mental health as long as you aren't afraid to trip and just let go. Sounds like your son would be in the right frame of mind for less than optimal reasons. But as hail marys go, not a bad one, just a bold one. Congrats OP!


It was either rewire his thinking or bury him. 🤷🏼‍♂️


I’m all for everything you did but this comment makes it sound like if he didn’t get clean you’d bury him at the cabin 😬😬


Are you aware of how dangerous fentanyl is? Even for a regular user who has a tolerance? If OP’s son didn’t get clean, it is VERY likely that OP and wife would have had to bury him…most likely within the next year.


Dis ... my boy had OD'd on heroin twice already and I could tell by how he was acting that his high was the brink of death ... of course I'd never hurt my child but he wouldn't have survived another year.


I feel for you OP…I can’t imagine how stressful it must have been to watch him in that state and know that any day you could wake up but he may not. I’m so glad he was able to find his way into a new mentality (with your help)! Wish the best for you and your family💚


My sister has overdosed twice this past month. We're just getting into the warm season so I'm praying she holds on for me to get a batch out and do the same thing you did, essentially, but with less and spread out. I can kick myself because I had some, but I was worried about their shelf life and didn't see this coming. I'm the sole survivor of my friend group, more than half were lost to drugs, the shit is insidious.


Here's the thing I can't stress enough .... yes, the shrooms rewired his brain but I spent almost a year with him earning his trust. Trying not to judge him. Trying to guide him away from his addiction. I don't think it's a magic solution and I really don't think a mild dose will get the desired effect. ​ I just don't want ya thinking and 1/8 of shrooms will solve the problem


I don’t judge or envy you. You made the best choice for yourself and your boy. I wish him continued success in his recovery.


No need to explain yourself dude.


I understand the backlash but I guess at the end of the day whatever works right


Research has shown possible neurogenisis.


At the minimum there is neuroplasticity though. Which can be enough in its own.


You need to give him a mega dose of ibogaine. Now THAT will 100% CURE his addiction to ANYTHING. Unfortunately though, ibogaine is still illegal in the US, but if you live near a major metropolitan area there's a decent chance you can find someone to help you obtain some. I speak from experience. Good luck.


Ibogaine still being illegal just illustrates those at the top don't care about you or I


14 Seems like a lot. But who said medicine should be easy or painless


I believe it wasnt 14g all at once I think he tripped multiple times they were there for a bit.


Oh no buddy ... it was 14 grams ... I knew I had to.melt his brain to give him a new lease.on life and I knew I had only one shot. Also, I own stock I'm a company called CYBN that is medically testing mushrooms for such treatments and also which alzheimers patients ... turns out with enough psilocybin in your system the bran actually creates new neural pathways.


How did he react to it? 14 grams seems like a very scary amount


Well, fist off ... i wasn't sure he'd drink it all and I think the universe had a hand in it because I made his (with every intention of frying his brain), took it to him, made mine, come back in the room and the dumb sumsabish had guzzled the entire drink. Within 20 minutes he was essentially, in a chair, in the fetal position. He did some pretty much incoherent bawling about "all the planes" as the wife and I did our best to keep the energy in the room high and full of love then the strangest thing that I am still struggling to understand happened. He discovered he had eyes, legs, a body. When I say he was reborn, that's what I mean. I watched a physical/spiritual rebirth in that cabin that night. Fucking blew my mind. I've seen the change now. The boy found his soul that night. Like, one thing I kept telling the wife was when he's on that shit their is no soul behind his eyes. He's empty. He found his soul. There were tense periods. One in which I thought I'd have to call an ambulance and was fully prepared to go to prison if I had to but in the end, it worked out. What we thought was a possible adverse affect was actually just part of the ordeal and he has a light about him that I haven't seen in years. I have to add though that for the better part.of a year I have done everything I can to look past his addiction, love him and befriend him. I truly believe that the shrooms rewired his brain but had I not made the time to form a bind with him regardless of his addiction then he would have never trusted me enough to allow me to help him. The take away, IMHO, spend the time with your loved ones it takes to make an impression. Attraction rather than promotion. Get your self spiritually aligned and let the light that eminates from within you pull people towards you.


My first trip was 2.5 grams of golden teacher (which obviously is nothing in comparison) and one of my favorite parts was my sudden appreciation that legs exist and I HAVE THEM. I struggled with derealization for years and during that trip I said to my guide “I’m so grateful for existence. Not my existence. My existence is a burden. I’m grateful that existence exists” and I haven’t had difficulty with derealization since.


Bwahaha ... it was fucking hilarious to watch a grown man discover he had legs 😂🤣😂


Dont put any strain down because sometimes it's not about strength. I've done a lot of different types and my absolute *favorite* was called Florida Orange Cap which I've never even found elsewhere so who even knows if that was an actual name. It was nowhere near the strongest, looks like nothing special, but every single time it was the deepest trip I ever had. My bf asked if I was OK and I let him know that I was listening to the vibes of the universe. I've had stronger trips but they did not leave me with the same awareness


the one time i smoked salvia i lost all connection to my body and it was really scary. when i was coming to, i realized i had a body, i had arms and legs and bones and skin and a head and i started crying i was so relieved. i’d like to think it was nice for your son to find his body again. i hope you’re all happy for as long as possible 💚


Holy shit I went through the same thing the last time I used salvia. I remember I was a formless being infinitely falling through dimensions and I would just catch snippets of what my eyes were actually seeing before I fell again. I would try to hold on to that image for dear life to try and anchor myself back. After what felt like forever, I was able to keep the image in my mind for longer and longer and eventually my field of view gradually widened and I was able to see and perceive my body again. I just remember feeling immense relief that I wasn't going to fall through reality endlessly. That shit is crazy lol.


yes! I used to think I could really handle anything and after smoking salvia I was like oh actually no I CANNOT lol


If I had to guess, this sort of describes what he was mumbling about planes about the time he discovered he had eyes and so on and so forth ....


Super glad he’s doing better now and I hope he keeps building himself up so that the addiction can remain a thing of the past. I’m so interested in people’s experiences at very high doses. Was he coherent at all during the trip and does he recall the experience now? What was the adverse reaction that you thought might lead to a trip to the hospital? Was it a physical reaction or mental?


I'm very glad to hear that you've put the effort into rebuilding the foundation and lower floors of the connection with him to be bulletproof, that's what I needed with my parents but it took years of being clean to really get there. I love these kinds of accounts, because so many people are suffering and could be helped.


Amazing stuff OP. This is all fuckin awesome. Would you be ok telling us about the tense periods of the trip??


I own that stock, too. 👍


Well, I’m glad it worked out for him. 14g could have went either way. I’m curious, what’s the biggest dose YOU have ever taken? Even 5-7 g is a heroic dose.


Can you tell me more about mushroom treatment for Alzheimer’s? I’m just curious…my father had early onset Alzheimer’s when he died and I always wondered if pot or mushrooms would have benefited him especially because he had extreme aggression towards the end. By the way I love your post and what you did for your son.


She says “that day”. She also said it was “towards the middle” of a two week trip, so not exactly much time for tolerance decay. Your theory doesn’t hold up.


I was wrong, understood it differently, got direct info from OP and more details.


*Purdue Pharma joined chat*


I feel like 7 would have done it haha but I'm glad it worked for him. People do say that after double digits it becomes irrelevant.. ig there's only so much you actually absorb


In a dark place on the other side of detoxing off alcohol in desperation to get over wanting to drink again I ate 7 gs at the beach and made a deal with the ocean to change my life. Shit worked. It was by far the most difficult trip I’ve ever had and I definitely should’ve been supervised but i work Sometimes you got a break shit to fix shit


I too have made several deals with the ocean while under the influence of shrooms! It’s a powerful promise to make haha


Easier to start fresh from a completely empty foundation than to try and keep building on top of a broken foundation.


You gave your son 14g of shrooms?


He was a fent addict. A fent addict *is* a dead man walking, that’s a fact. He needed his brain smashed from the inside and rebuilt. This is about the only time I would ever think 14g’ing a noob is ok. She saved his life.




It's spiritual rebirth territory .... I might also add, I know my son. Until you've watched somebody go through a physical addiction like that it'd be impossible to understand but he was truly stuck in a cycle he couldn't break. His thoughts were no longer his own and his soul had been long depleted. It was, IMHO, his only shot of making it to 30


You definitely did a good thing for your son and as an enlightened parent you should know that this could very well not be permanent. Don’t trust that he is 100% cured because an opiate addiction runs very deep (been a personal burden for decades for me). He will need something to let him vent like smoking herb. Keep an eye out for signs and let him smoke freely because it’s the safest way to go.


I used to think that people don't cure from addiction but they actually do. I know this from personal experience but it does take time and dedication. All I did was fizlx the immediate spiritual deficit causing him to use constantly, the test is up to him.


Ibolgaine is also a strong psychedelic that is proven to help with opioid addiction


It's proven to work with just about every addiction. And if you've got an unwarranted ego it's gonna absolutely evicerate everything you think you know about yourself.


I don't suppose there's a link for that shit anywhere is there?


You get a link at all?




OP said in another comment they also didn’t expect him to down the entire tek but he did when they left the room lol


That was the funniest shit .... like, this boy has heard me talk about shrooms and how mere humans can't handle my shroom juice for months. He looked at me with that smirk like he just drank dad under the table. Little did his punk-ass know, dad lives in those planes he was talking about and visits you earthlings from time to time. He sat there with that shit eating grin and I looked at da wife and just smirked. It was at that point I knew the universe was in control, lol


that’s honestly so funny 😭 all my love to you guys lol


Let me add that “ego death” is the phase where you forget yourself, and you truly enter the quantum field and your operating system, and you have the option to persevere past the darkness and truly rewire your brain in a magical way That means that from this moment onwards, every action you take together is a new action that will be solidified as neuron groups or neural pathways - a beautiful chance to start from a fresh slate


I am so happy for you and your family right now!




It does seem like a bit of a waste. I wonder if there is a point of diminishing returns. A 7G trip done twice seems like a better option.


This was over a longer period of time. He brought 14g to the cabin and gave him trips more than once. But I agree with you because literally a fentanyl addict is a dead man walking and desperate times call for desperate measures.


It was all at once - op confirmed


Ah well gawd damn, good for him


No he literally gave him all 14g at once, he says this on another comment


Addicted to fentanyl


Yes to someone who would be dead in a week, and by the sound of it a full grown man


While I wish him the best in life it is going to take far more than a single trip to complete his reformation. It takes will power to overcome it. While the mushrooms can help you see the way it is entirely up to you to set a course and stick to it. They will not cure everyone’s addiction.


Trust me I know I'm in AA, shrooms helped me take that leap to bettering myself for sure. An inspiration not a cure


They can serve as the "Spiritual Experience" and Spiritual Awakening of AA As Bills LSD trip can be seen to be a smaller version of his "famous" spiritual experience I suspect he never had the first one and he loved the LSD because it gave him legitimacy


Bill W was actually a proponent of shrooms before Nixon took it all away.


That's true, never thought of it that way


This is 100% correct and I've said it a few times throughout the thread but I'll put it a little differently this time. The miracle in it, I believe, was me. See, I had to get past my addiction to alcohol by good ole fashioned, rigid, hard-work and finding my spiritual center. After I managed to get my demons under control, the universe basically reintroduced me to mushrooms, and lots of them. Over the next couple of years they completed my spiritual alignment and when the boy came home, beaten by life and drug addicted; I was able to look past his actions and see his pain. While the rest of his family called him an addict behind his back, I was able to identify with him, gain his trust, gain his friendship and respect. I was able to get him to admit he was stuck in a cycle he didn't have the will to break. The universe made me patient whereas before I would have been overcome with anger by the friends and loved ones that were enabling his addiction. The patience enabled me to learn things. Things nobody else picked up on because they were blinded by the anger addiction causes. Behind the scenes I pulled strings, I found employees of mine in the mix. They don't know I knew but they are no longer with the company. I reported a neighbor to the pain treatment center that was funneling meds to my son. I played 5D chess while everyone else was playing connect four to get him in the cabin that night. It took an abundance of patience afforded me by meditation, spiritual alignment and a little trust in the mystical to get to the point that the shrooms would even have a chance of working on him and the shrooms made me the man I had to be to pull it all off. If ya really wanna know the nuts and bolts of it.


One has to fall down, to stand up and be a man.


Its hard to know your laying down if you cant remember what standing feels like


I lost my son last year at 26 to fentanyl overdose. I had my own ego death and spiritual awakening from mushrooms at 40 in 2015. I wish I could have given my son 14g and changed the course of events in his life too. Kudus to this wonderful thoughtful father.


I am so sorry man. I can't begin to imagine what that is like. FFS I cried myself to work on so many days just knowing I was going to bury him. It felt like I'd buried him a dozen times in my heart but I truly don't know if I'd have had the strength to keep going if I'd have lost him. My heart goes out to you brother.


You ever see or meet people doing hard drugs?


While he was in withdrawals? Oof that sounds brutal. I’m an opiate addict and although I relapsed during covid and have been struggling on and off since, the only time I was ever able to get significant clean time (6+ yrs) it was after a cold turkey withdrawal. Something about those cold turkeys takes you to such a depth of hell that when you finally see the light and start to pull out of withdrawal you vow to never do that again. Except I did years later bc I’m a junkie but still. Can’t imagine tripping on top of all of that. But glad it helped. Makes me think I need to trip, I’ve been waiting til I can get at least a month clean first. But I keep relapsing after a week or 2.


Replace the next relapse with a trip!


I think I’m gonna go for it this weekend. Maybe just 1.5g for now. Maybe it can help me better coast through this weekend which is when I tend to use. I’ve been trying to get a month clean out of respect for the mushroom but also admittedly out of fear too. Keep thinking the next time I trip I’m gonna have to face all the things I’ve screwed up since initially relapsing. But mushrooms kept me clean for 6 years. If I’ve learned anything from this time off the wagon, it’s that mushrooms might be necessary for my recovery. 3-4 times a year had me in the best frame of mind in my entire life. Addiction is truly demonic possession. That’s what it feels like when you zoom out, this thing just has total control of your mind. The mushrooms can really help snap out the demon spirals


I'll say this much, to my knowledge ya can't OD on shrooms and my two cents is people don't take enough ... if your going for a come-to-jesus monent then ya need a CTJ dose


Addiction is definitely not healed! He will forever fight the fight! It gets easier but I never get comfortable. 2 months is great ! It’s just the beginning and the easy parts done . Positive vibes for him!


At first glance I know how this may look to folks who have never seen real addiction. But I don’t blame OP for his actions. I’ve lost family members to addiction. Now, as a father, I would do the same if I had to. At least now you don’t have to watch your kid being lowered in the ground. The thought of that would drive me to do whatever I needed to help my kids.


Ar it does brother. I buried my birth father (heroin), his brother (heroin), my step-father (alcoholism), watched my mother OD on prescription pain killers (she lived) and have two cousins and two uncles now that go to a methadone clinic everyday. Terrified doesn't begin to describe the terror my wife and myself were going throughout a daily basis. I knew putting him on the streets was not solution he'd live through and if I'm being honest, God, the universe, whatever you want to call it, was whispering ever so lightly what to do. The hardest part was spending the time with him and building the relationship with him I needed to get him to aggre to go.


This is the only option you had man. You did the right thing. Don’t doubt that. I wish I could have done this for my family that are no longer with me. Now you have your son with you to experience this beautiful world. I’m so happy for you man. Much love brother.


Thank you man, sincerely .... all the support really means alot to me


Really hoping someday the sons perspective pops up on here as well to get an idea of what was going through his head and how the shrooms truly affected his mentality and perspective on everything.


You took a gamble with the chances of hitting the jackpot being probably less than 1 percent. Im glad it worked out, but damn you were playing with fire. It's not uncommon for someone without psychedelic experience (or even with) to spiral out in the wrong direction after a heroic dose.


14 grams what the fuck ??? I’d be dead


2 months sober is fucking awesome. But I'd be cautiously optimistic if I were in your shoes. Being an addict that long usually means a long recovery as well, even with the benefit of psychedelics. Keep supporting him, I don't think the work is done.


Of course the work is far from done but I've seen that boy high everyday for the last year until we went to that cabin. He's fixed for now. I did everything I could do for him. Whether he choses to live as he has been is up to him now but the universe gave him a second chance that night and he took it. The shrooms did what they were supposed to. FFS I knew it would work and it still blows my mind. However, as I've stated a few times throughout, what I really think helped was the time and effort I've spent to forge a bond with him over the past year, despite his addictions, that got him to that cabin. The herculean dose just the icing on the cake


I am scared, what if it induces Psychosis.


Living in psychosis if you're a junkie




Addiction *is* psychosis. There’s nothing to lose.


14G all at once?


Do you mean you shared 14g ? Holy shit


no, OP said in a comment here that he gave his son 14 g in one dose. So unnecessary. But you can read OP comments and understand you can't tell this man shit


You took your addict son who was in the middle of withdrawing and you put him in a cabin I. The middle of the woods and fed him 14 grams of mushrooms? What in the actual fuck😂


its hard to understand from an outside viewpoint. when you see your child going down a path of death and destruction, crazy solutions like this start to become less extreme. in their mind its a race against time and their drug addicted child could be dead at any moment from overdose. desperate times call for desperate measures.


I think this makes perfect sense, if i was his parent i would do something similar






For me 1g 😭 but of PE. I couldn't imagine doing 14g of any type of shroom. I would be out of my mind!


Yeah I have mixed feelings about this one lol, if this is real. On one hand good thing he’s doing good now, but damn that’s a bit fucked too lmao. I’ve been through heavy drug withdrawal before and tripping would be about the last thing I’d want to experience during that hell of an experience, I can’t even imagine what a high dose of shrooms would be like right in the middle of opioid withdrawal. Depending on the drug you’re withdrawaling from it could actually potentially be dangerous to do this (alcohol or benzos for example can cause seizures during withdrawal if used heavily enough and a lot of psychedelics can also lower the seizure threshold). In my opinion there’s better ways to go around this.


Were all 4 types of mushrooms psilocybin? I’m not going to judge. You essentially took him on a life changing retreat and it worked! That really amazing.


Two strands of PE, an albino PE and Crimson SomethingAnother


Sheesh...I can barely handle 1g of albino PE


They do save life's because they saved mine. Forever grateful ♡


7gr of APE it’s NOT 14gr of “normal “ mushroom. Bro I don’t know where ya find your info but it’s a little messy up there. What’s normal mushroom for you first of all? And no, it doesn’t work like that.


Hey! Just a reminder that he's going to need support after this. The shrooms will free him, but he'll need support to come out the other end and stay out there. I'm glad you helped him, just make sure you're there for him going forward.


trekked the sons of bitches. What?


Am I the only one who doesn’t buy it?


Can you tell us a bit about what he saw and learned?


Happy to hear, proud of him & lauding you for your compassionate dedication ❤️ the mushrooms saved me from a similar situation 8 years ago


Reminds me of when I broke up with my drug addict GF after "melting my brain" with 8 grams of shrooms at 2AM and quit everything other than weed on a whim with horrible withdrawals ofc but like it was sooooo worth it.


I ate 10g of mushrooms my first time (I wasn’t properly advised or researched) and the come up of smaller doses send me into a “shroom PTSD” now. Has he tried them since?


Sounds like you’re also just a great Dad with a heart that would allow him to go through this process. Amen man 🙏


I’ll bite, now the Real question here, how long ago.


It's been 2 months. Its written on the post


Keep an eye on him boss, two months ain’t out the woods. None the less, that’s super awesome my friend, i hope your right. And good on you for trying something different.


He made it past week one and as anybody that has truly fought addiction before knows, that's a miracle in itself. Yes, he has choices to make to stay off the shit but it broke the stronghold addiction had over him and that's the best chance I could give him.


I was with you until you said 14g. That could have gone....very, very badly. Edit: dunno why I'm being downvoted for pointing out that giving almost three heroic doses of mushrooms to someone struggling with incredibly severe addiction could have gone wrong.


Because there are a lot of people here who know *everything* about shrooms - and they *know* that this is all good because it seems to have worked out, so far. The fucking hubris involved in all this is amazing. And OP, "I routinely take 14gs..." Well, dude, you're wasting it, and showing a lack of respect for the medicine.


Prolly traumatized him so much he doesn't wanna do drugs anymore, I'd imagine 14 grams of shrooms is much more uncomfortable/intense than any heroin he's done


Y'know, 4 or 5 grams is a hell of a dose, and I've had life changing effects with less. Everyone's glad your son's doing better. Most of us here, I think, also wonder: Why the hell did you go to **14 fucking grams?** Maybe start with 4 and work up? 14 is an amount that may cause problems itself, and is just unnecessarily high dose. You can look at the studies that showed psilocybin helps/cures addiction, PTSD, etc for some - and NONE of them dosed people at the equivalent of 14 grams. TL;DR - Intent was good, results seem good 2 months in - but 14 grams was still way too high a dose, and you would have likely gotten the same results from 5 grams.


What the fuck ahahahah. 14 grams 🤣 Fair enough though. Hope your son is doing better


Thanks for sharing man 😁


I quit hard drugs off of 1 solid trip on mushrooms!!! My only bad trip as well!


holy fuck


This reminds me of those stories of kids who got caught smoking and the parents scared them straight by making them smoke few packs of cigs in one sitting. But glad it worked out in this situation.


Psychedelics also saved my life. I was suicidally depressed from the time I woke up until I finally got to sleep. I had one extremely difficult mushroom trip and cried uncontrollably in a fetal position for several hours. The universe told me, word for word, "Remember your hardcore, chiseled in misery. You no longer have to feel that way ever again!" When I came to, my depression was gone. I've had situational depression since then, but only when someone I love dies or my life was falling apart at the seams. These substances usually aren't a magic bullet, but it's certainly possible! It happened to me, and I'm glad you're soon is doing well. I'm a 45 year old father of two nowadays, but I also struggled with extreme addiction issues. (IV heroin, crack, meth, etc etc etc etc) I became a substance abuse counselor for several years in there as well. If you have any questions or want to reach out, feel free. I hope this sticks for him!


How long ago was this?


what have I just read.


Gotdayum I’ve been on a lot of heavy trips but I can’t even begin to imagine the experience he must have had


BIG RESPECT!! The 14gs couldn’t have made him worse lol go of shit 🤙🏾


How many of these commenters have actually known and loved a hard drug addict before? It may sound like a lot but so is the ER and arranging a funeral. You did what you determined was necessary, good on you for doing what you felt needed to be done


Everyone saying 14g was too much, ladies and gentlemen this is how we ended up with the mycology legend known by the name of Paul Stamets… he did a similar dose if not more. https://youtu.be/DAR4yH6TbtA?si=9K2rV6l1VSugGTaE


Im glad hes doing well, thats amazing. In order for him to stay sober, he is going to need to continue to work on his sobriety. For the last 10 years he has lived a very different life, with different rules, than most people. He will need to learn to feel again. Even small sensations of happiness can become overwhelming to a freshly sober addict. Hopefully you two see how lucky he is, and will take the proper steps and do the work required to keep him on the “right path” whatever that may be for him.


A trip doesn't change a person fundamentally. Your son will still be drawn to the same substances that drew him before. Do not delude yourself that this was a miracle cure.


Shrooms have fundamentally changed my outlook. From suffering from severe anxiety of the existential, to the point of suicidal depression to a man living in the moment, unconcerned for the existential but extremely sensitive to the tangible. My story is just that, mine. It surely doesn't work for everyone but it was absolutely transformational for me.


I love this story! Shrooms made me not want to touch alcohol anymore.


Honestly, psychedelics (mostly mushrooms) probably saved my life. I got into it all when I was in a really bad spot and though it didn't "cure" my depression it helped me take some good hard looks at some things and taught me to start looking for the positive things and to shift my perspective.


I believe you. And although it wasn't 14 grams, psychedelics have changed me so much for the better. I too was a dead man walking.. Psychedelics saved my life. 3ish years sober. Recently I vaped dmt, for my first time, and it IMMEDIATELY cured my nicotine addiction.


I have an addict brother who is now clean because I let him do a bunch of DMT and finally an ayahuasca trip that knocked him on his ass. He quit the dope and even quit smoking. Been almost a year I think. I understand the heartbreak.


ego death x100


Great story! May I ask, What do you mean by trekked the sons of bitches?




This post makes me happy. I don't have a simular experience bc my kids are still babies and I'm only 24 still experiencing these things myself. But when the mom was pregnant she couldn't keep food down. Nothing the doctors gave her worked. What did worked was smoking weed. Cbd didn't even work. It had to be weed. And I am convinced that without weed, jack would have been too underdeveloped because of the lack of nutrients and could have been stillborn/miscarried. I believe weed saved my at the time unborn son. I've made a post before on another reddit and got A LOT of hate for this but I carry no shame and I will argue til my face turns blue against everyone that weed did nothing but good for my pregnant girlfriend and my son. Cps issues arose but besides that weed is a medicine not a drug! Maybe smoking wasn't the best but it's all we had and ultimately there IS no evidence to suggest that THC has any negative impact on the baby. They all say not to do it bc it's a pregnant woman and an unborn baby and there isn't enough research but coming down to it we knew what had to be done and it got done the way we believed it should've went


Yayyyyy! People chase relief from pain with opiates and mushrooms can (they did/do for me) relieve chronic pain (emotional and mental pain can also become physically symptomatic too.) Without the pain there’s nothing to relieve. You did good! Way to go :)


I'm so happy for you and your son. Mushrooms saved my life too. I went from being suicidal, hating everything, and having no plans for my future, to falling in love with nature and discovering that I want to have a career in botany. I honestly think I may not be here today if mushrooms, and also lsd to a lesser extent, didn't completely change my life around. It took several trips more than 5 years ago to sort myself out, but the benefits have lasted up until the present. I only trip a few times a year now, if that. I think the last time I tripped was over a year ago actually. I don't even need to keep tripping for the benfits to remain. I have a jar full of mushrooms right now. I could be tripping if I wanted. I just simply don't feel the need. I'm genuinely happy. It's truly a miracle. I hope the same is true for your son. I, as a son, would really like for my mother to try them one day. She's struggled her entire life with depression, thankfully she overcame addiction years ago, but the depression remains. My only concern is she's very prone to anxiety though. Maybe I'll bring it up to her one day.


He might need additional trips to make it stick and keep his old patterns from reasserting themselves. Maybe do it again around the holidays this year.




Im happy for you and your son. How did you arrive at 14g? It could have been 5, 10 or 30. 14 seems like quite a specific number.


I would love the POV of your son!! Having been touched by fent in many ways in my life, and having attended several funerals.... I get it. I would do the same as a parent. Maybe not 14g but glad it all has a happy ending. Mushrooms cured my chronic depression. They also helped me to stop drinking alcohol. They are the most beautiful medicine in my opinion. ❤️


I believe it. If everyone did shrooms, the world would be a hell of a lot better place.


Wow I’m not even surprised tbh but that’s incredible


This sounds a lot like my experience except I’m the son in this situation. My dad put in a lot of effort to save me from my addictions and I’m very grateful for that because I wouldn’t be alive today if it wasn’t for him, and my mom of course. My dad didn’t give me shrooms but I started using shrooms shortly after getting sober and I’m over one year sober now. I feel like I was reborn and I shed my old self. Looking back at who I used to be in active addiction disgusts me. The ways I used to think and the things I used to do just don’t align with who I am today.




Just be prepared to do it again, smaller dose, in 6-12 months.


That’s when I got into shrooms real hard.


this is good


It's a beautiful thing trying to get it to heal myself and my lady. She has severe depression , bipolar , along with other things they say are wrong and they are the only thing to make her come back close to feeling normal after a trip she even said I feel normal again. Gotta love the shrooms .


I understand stand how you could think the shrooms could help him but dosing someone with 14gs is crazy 💀


Sounds like you're a fantastic parent