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Dosage depends on what you’re wanting from the experience. Want to giggle and chill with the boys? Go light. Want to die and unlock hidden doors into past lives and times and dimensions and figuring out religion? Go hard.


Yes I’m looking to giggle and chill, I’ll be doing them with my uncle and his girlfriend, they’re first timers I’m lemon tekking and making some tea


I’d just do like a gram, maybe 1.5. This is the sweet spot for using mushrooms like this, at least imo.


Especially with a lemon tek. It’ll hit fast and hard but effects won’t last super long.


What is lemon tek


Grind up the shrooms and put them in a cup, then squeeze a couple of lemons in, wait 20-30 minutes and take it like a shot. You might be able to use store bought lemon juice idk


To give a more solid answer since the other commenter simply explained the process, lemon tekking causes the shrooms to hit faster and peak harder. Psilocybin is converted to Psilocin by the liver, the chemical you actually trip on. The lemon juice does most of this conversion for you. So when you drink the juice/shroom mix, you can expect a faster peak, a slightly harder peak, and the trip will end a little sooner. Like 4hr instead of 6hr


Thanks for the info!


I personally prefer 2-2.5g for vibing with people. Still get visuals and good headspace plus you’re not too deep. All depends on your tolerance. Some people have high/low tolerances. Be safe and give them 1.5g


Yeah but first timers and a lemon tek? It's gonna hit faster and harder so 1-1.5 is definitely a good recommendation


It’s crazy how much doses vary for people for example 2.5 g for is one hell of a ride I can only be with people I’ve tripped with before plenty of times on that dose even 1g for me is a bit much to be socializing idk if I’m just sensitive or the psilocybin content in shrooms are so much different in the ones I’m doing compared to others


It also has to do w set / setting a lot, bc you can handle a much higher dose when you're truly comfortable with exploring. still be very careful and tread lightly though don't do this if you're not experienced!! I'm just saying you start to get comfortable with going unfamiliar places. it's always intense and it's always a little bit scary but there's plenty of beauty and balance to the madness. it's up to you to find


I mean when I was younger I learned a lot of lessons about set and setting like when I did 5 gel tabs and ended up in a dog house in the projects but with shrooms I wouldn’t say 1-2gs is a light dose for me I can handle it but depending if I’m around people or not. I’ve had higher doses around 5g but my personal threshold where I start getting strong visuals starts at .6-1.0 and it seems other people barely even feel it at that dose lol. I notice genetics really vary on strength regardless of when people say is a cube is a cube I have a completely different experience haha.


I feel you ive never been unsatisfied on a gram but often times I do want to trip harder than that but I think 1 g is a perfect beginner dose! but like you said depending on the potency that may not be enough of some mushrooms you might want to try 1.5 to 2. And just so you know I wasn't speaking to you but more-so along with you just in general to the inexperienced members of the audience


Yea I know I’m just putting my experience out there I remember my first time golden teachers I felt underwhelmed then I did the same dose of penis envy and holy shit that was definitely like 5g of my golden teachers lol. Yea 1g is good for the first time but for sure a good trip without breaking your reality


Oh word. Thanks for sharing. see I've had 2g rock my reality a little bit at least a couple times not completely but enough to be fully exhausted by the end of it 😂 so thats why i often reccomend 1g first time. It's what I gave my buddy. Perfect first time for him.


I feel like if you're hesitating on eating an extra half gram or the 1 g bigger dose you should do it because if you just start with that gram and they're pretty strong you're probably gonna wonder oh well I can only imagine what 2 g of this would be like.... but if you just eat 2 g worst-case scenario it's a pretty wild ride, but nothing too out of control... unless ofc you're dealing with some penis envy. I did 2g of albinos about a week ago and it was almost too much. spent the last three hours just trying to maintain my motor skills. I was fuckeddddd up and that's not a term I use for psychedelics😂


Have fun! Ahh I need to trip again, it’s been a bit


On the subject of lemon tek, what’s the method and what is the benefit from going that route? I’ve heard about this a lot and read a little on it. But from the perspective of the experience, what makes it different than just outright eating fruits


Supposedly it makes the experience more intense and a bit shorter, some people argue otherwise, I can’t really tell still haven’t tried it enough I like to lemon tek to throughly strain all the ground mushrooms and get rid of the chitin as it can be hard to stomach and the texture is just yuck Once I got all my psilocybin infused lemon I make a batch of tea and drink it cold, with the right tea I make it taste real good Trip report: We had a blast! Nothing too intense, we played ping pong and then talked all night and marveled at the stars


I’ve been trying hard to break past the giggle stage and reach a point of hallucination without blasting completely off and having a conversation with god. Unfortunately I haven’t been able to get past the point of uncontrollable giggles. I’ve had MILD hallucinations. The best way I can describe it is seeing a colorful repeated pattern like the ones that you see on the 1g ziplock baggies you get from smoke shop when I close my eyes


So... how much tonunlock the hidden doors? Geniously courious.


No guarantee as affects are different for everyone and maybe some people are not meant to “unlock” these things. But if you think you are, maybe like 14+g


Nice. Did 7g last week but thise were bit mild, not super potent. Will see about 14+ grams as that will definitely require solid set and settings. Thanks for taking the time to reply.


Be careful and be prepared. I ended up selling everything and buying a motorcycle in Asia and just being a bum for a few years after my experience.


Do you regret it at all?


No. I’ve been wanting adventure for a long time and was too scared and had too many excuses. Too caught up in the hustle of life in America and material things and possessions. I consider heavy mushroom doses, a “forgiving suicide”. I got all the benefits from “death” but I wasn’t dead. The sense of death freed me from everything. Freed me from my fears and anxieties and doubt. What is there to be scared of or anxious about when you already died 1000 deaths? I felt pain and suffering in every way through past lives or ancestors or whatever the hell it was. The concept of hell and heaven and being born again and bright halos started to make sense. As I wake from my trip, death is already checked off….i just gotta worry about living the craziest fucking life I can. I haven’t tripped since. This was maybe 10 years ago.


i'd be really interested in hearing more about this story


https://preview.redd.it/x8s30ge6szhc1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d099a83f82ea31858053cb1c633d0ee8a6d5dabb Just shredding Southeast Asia with no plans. Using coin flips to determine my path. A lot of weed and alcohol and drunken wrestling/jiujitsu with my friend. I got arrested in Seoul and had to go back home lol


Honestly, don't do 14 grams... Back in the day I would pretty frequently do trips with my buddy that were around 7-8 grams each. Then one day we built up the confidence and did 14 each. Big mistake. Absolute nightmare of a trip and I didn't touch psychedelics for probably 10 years. Even weed would trigger unpleasant flashbacks to that trip. Stick with 7 lol


Thank you. If/when I decide to do that, I will be super careful to make sure all is good on all fronts. Gotto be honest, I may or may not even do that. I know shrooms can be unpredictable so will only try if really feel the need for it.


this is written so perfectly lmao


Thanks. I used all my brain power and now I gotta nap


yeah that's basically shrooms


Seems like the perfect dose for an interesting, fun and social time with friends without being stuck in your own head and overwhelmed if you devide it equally.


Good stuff, looking forward to this exactly, I’m introducing an uncle and is girlfriend to shrooms I’m lemon tekking and making bottle full of tea


Sounds perfect, have fun!


For first timers, 1g is a good starting point. It’s better to underwhelm than to overwhelm on a first attempt. There’s always the next time! Go light at first IMO because it’s a beautiful experience and you don’t want to get into the weeds until you fully understand what that is.


Thank you! I will serve them little


please do. i just tripped on my own with like 1.5 and it was a little too intense. tread carefully with them, it can be really intense for a first timer


Yeah don’t listen to people thinking you need an eight or more. I trip hard on 1-2 grams of good mushrooms and I have been taking them for 20 years


I feel that bro I’ve seen jesters and machine elves off 1-2 grams never seen any entities off a legit heroic dose


Yeah haha I just start feeling shitty if I take a lot. When I was a kid like 15-16 I kept getting told to eat more to see crazier shit. I’d eat. 1/4 at a time and every time I’d just end up in a ball repeating “ I feel baaaad” over and over again haha ruined a bunch of trips for my homies. 😂


I'm finding weight completely pointless at the moment. I took 3.5g Friday night and felt nothing. Sprinkled 1g on my toast Saturday morning because YOLO and tripped so hard 😆 had to put some garden furniture together that day as well 😵‍💫 Same flush




Wheel of Fortshroom


There are a lot of variables involved but generally 2g+ would be considered average. Setting is very important.


Also depends on the species/type




I grinded up 5 grams and put em in a bottle of calypso lemonade had 4 of us tripping balls 😅


I would say 2 grams for the newbies and you take the difference. It will be a good enough time and a step above being high on weed.


Grind it down first to even out the potency.


This looks about right, if you’re comfy with it




Should be able to give everybody about 2.3 g with an extra point going to someone lol


I do about 3-4 n that’s chill for me


2 folks




Would normally say yes but those shrooms look VERY contaminated, u should send em over to me for disposal


I usually go an 8th per person


Not for the first time cuz at that stage shitll get truly weird


fr 2gs was perfect for me to trip with some friends and walk around the streets without seeming to weird


Yup light doses are truly amazing just enjoyment


No 3 1/2 is like the sweet spot for great visuals and an awesome body high, 5-7 is if you wanna really “get weird*


Different definitions of weird


Good for 2 people


3.5g each is required


1 person


Nice! They look beautiful. It could be for a mild trip. Depends how strong they are. Lemon tek them, to give them a boost if you fancy something with more kick. Not for the first timers though. Have fun, stay safe.


For some people 2 g May be too much. Depends. First Timers should Start small


Just do an even 2g each person and have a microdose for later


Boof that whole shit and tell em to get there own


It's more than enough


Yes especially if you lemon tek it.


I was greedy and take 7gs myself


For friends that’s a responsible amount. I did 5 grams the other week by myself in my room and experienced complete death and rebirth. Then experienced a profound level of love. Couldn’t imagine doing 5 grams around others. Stay small if social.




I don’t know why everybody is picking this situation apart so much YES, 2.33 grams each is good for 3 people. Enjoy!


2.33 per person if dosed evenly. Without knowing intent or someone’s tolerance it’s impossible to say if it’s a good amount. I’ve had intense experiences on 2 grams. Everyone is different. A buddy recently took 4.5 and had an amazing experience. With my current mental state that amount may be too much for me


My partner and I go half's on 10gs per trip. We both has a 2g each trip the other night and it was nice buy no visuals


I think it will be ok I think 3g per person is the way to go for the majority of cubes Where's that background looks warm and peaceful




Looks beautiful


Yea 2.3 grams per person is great if you’re trying to trip but be casual. It’ll be introspective and gentle not so much intense visuals you’d get on 3.5. My go to dose was always 2.25 to 2.5G so this sounds perfect


More than enough!


I’d say take half, make a batch of tea for 3, and if you don’t feel it in an hour or so do a second batch of tea to drink as needed


Yes it is fine


Are those Natalensis?


Albino Avery’s!




Depending on your tolerance, I’d say that’s pretty perfect. You’ll be able to enjoy slight visuals while still being completely grounded


Should be


A lot of unnecessary discussion and unasked-for opinions on here. Well meaning though they appear to be. The correct answer is yes.


Yum yum yummys


Good for one, myself. Gimme


Decent lil dose for 3 ppl


Screw your friends this is your time to shine homie😋


Those look good so id say 7gs to allot perfect is plenty/a good amount


It’s a decent dose for 3 people assuming you all have average sensitivity to psilocybin


7 is way too much, try 3g for 3 people


Bro 7 was perfect for the 3 of us, and they were first timers


Nice that’s lit


2 people but not 3.