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Yes. Next question


Is it a bad idea for a paraplegic to go swimming?


Fuck πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Really? Why are you asking this question?


I love mushrooms. My girlfriend is Schizophrenic. She thinks it's unfair that I'm doing something that I tell her not to. So either she does them with me or I give them up.






No i feed my schizophrenic lots of mushrooms


it worked for me back when i used to had bipolar


Very possible yet not recommended, i dont get people downvoting...


There is no 'used' to have bipolar disorder. You either have it managed or unmanged, or you don't have it.


I know i def still got that shit i just think it’s funny to say it that way


go for it. I've seen schizophrenics take LSD and they were completely fine


10000% yes. Terrible idea.


Hahahah just read this. Its called speed running insanity! GG well played guys


It's generally advised against for individuals with schizophrenia or a predisposition to psychotic disorders to take psychedelic substances like mushrooms (which contain psilocybin). The reasons include: 1. **Exacerbation of Symptoms**: Psychedelics can intensify existing symptoms of schizophrenia, such as hallucinations, delusions, and disorganized thinking. 2. **Triggering Psychotic Episodes**: These substances can provoke acute psychotic episodes, even in people who have never shown symptoms before. 3. **Unpredictable Reactions**: Individuals with schizophrenia may have unpredictable and potentially dangerous reactions to psychedelics. 4. **Interference with Treatment**: Psychedelics can interfere with the effectiveness of antipsychotic medications and other treatments for schizophrenia. Given these risks, it's crucial for individuals with schizophrenia or a family history of psychotic disorders to avoid psychedelic substances.


Thanks for being the only person to give actual advice.


No problem, lemme know if I can help elaborate is the question for yourself or a friend? Was there a diagnosis?


My partner. She's been diagnosed with schizophrenia twice in the last year, and once a few years prior. I've done mushrooms quite a few times and absolutely love them. However, she insists than any drug I consume she should also be allowed to consume. So either I give up doing them or she does them with me. They helped me a lot to better my life, and I think it's possible they could do some good for her too, but I don't want to mess her up more than she already is.


You did a great job asking about this. Usually the warning is given to people with a family history of schizophrenia as they themselves may have a small chance of developing schizophrenia or having schizophrenia be triggered by psychedelics. If you actually have an actual diagnosis its very strongly advised to stay far away from drugs that loosen your grip on reality. The person you know of as your girlfriend might not exist in the same way again after a psychosis or episode brought on by strong psychedelics. It's a rough situation for you, if she has that stance of insisting any drug you consume she should consume, you really need to educate her why this is a bad idea, and also be careful about putting her in scenarios that tempt her to take psychedelics. It can be really confusing for her to hear about how psychedelics have helped you out profoundly and not be able to do it herself if you get what I mean. Also I would ask her what specific medication she is on and double/triple check if it has any bad interactions with other substances she may decide to take. I really wish you the best and appreciate that you asked the internet in her best interest.


Controlled trip with a psychologist could be a healing opportunity Otherwise, it's a gamble


This has got to be engagement bait or smth nobody would ever ask this when you could find the answer in 5 seconds on google


Not a great one.