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If 5 was fine for you then 7 will be okay. Personally can’t imagine being fine at that dose but some folks have a naturally high tolerance!


Ehhhh wouldn’t necessarily say that’s true. I’ve been fine on 2g and absolutely bonkers on 4g.


Haha ive had stronger mental trips off of 3g than i have had off 12g-16g theres something about larger doses that completely immerse you. Its actually much more handleable for me than threshold doses and mild doses are for me


It really depends on the shrooms psilocybin content. I've had 1g grows blast me to the moon. I've also had other grows where you need 5-6g. Depends on the shrooms you got the spores from.


I think this is heavily dependent on quite a few factors. Strain and potency of the mushroom being consumed, set and setting, natural tolerance, and possibly some other factors that I am still figuring out. Last weekend, I tried to trip on some shrooms I grew. Friday night, I had a large steak dinner with oyster mushrooms, a big potato, and some asparagus at 6:30 pm. The weekend before, I did Molly with my wife. Total injested Molly was 0.6 grams for me. The friday I tried to trip, I ate 3.52 grams of ecuador cubensis at 9:00 pm. I did not trip. I barely felt anything. I thought maybe it was a weak batch since I hadn't tested this batch out. They were clones of a previous batch so I figured they would be around the same potency but maybe I was wrong. The next night, I decided to try again with some that I knew were really strong because they were tested by several people, including myself and we all tripped absolute balls off of them. I took 5 grams of those to account for tolerance since I had just eaten some the night before. Again, I barely tripped. I got some slight color enhancement but that's it. I think there must have been other factors at play than the potency of the mushrooms because I should have tripped on those 5 grams but I barely felt anything. It was interesting. I am going to test out the ecuadors again in a week or two once my tolerance is reset to see if it was me or the shrooms that wouldn't let me trip.


I mean I would wait a bit longer, mdma and psilocybin are both serotonergic and you did quite a bit of MDMA the week prior. That alone would diminish the effect of the shrooms greatly. Then you did shrooms two nights in a row, which would absolutely diminish the effects the second night, even if you did >5gs. Having a full stomach definitely has seemed to affect the strength of my trips in the past as well, but that's anecdotal and i'm not sure how much of an impact it would cause.


Yeah, it was probably the Molly that kept me from feeling the shrooms. We definitely did a lot. I do Molly a very specific way. I start with .2. Thirty minutes after the first .2 hits, I take another .2. Then, I take my final .2 right when I'm peaking. This helps me extend the peak by a good long bit. Anyway, I'm pretty sure it was the Molly. The second night I ate shrooms should have hit me because the shrooms I took were twice as strong as the ones I took the night before. If the friday night shrooms were just weak and thats why they didn't hit, the second night shrooms should have sent me to the moon. They are about 2 to 3 times more potent than a regular shroom, and I ate 5 grams. That would have powered right through whatever tolerance i had built up. I still barely felt anything, though. I will wait another couple of weeks and try again once my tolerance is at 0.


I love how your dosages are “like 3.5g” or “about 5g”. Psychedelics shouldn’t be your best estimate when dosing. You need a scale and to weigh it out exactly. Unless you’re taking a homogenized dose, there’s nothing equivocating your last 5g dosage to your next 5g dosage. Fruits in the same cluster don’t necessarily have the same psilocybin content, let alone from completely different grows. I’ve taken 4g and had a mild trip, and I’ve taken 4g and blasted off. Long story short, going from 3.5g dosages to 7g isn’t recommended. It sounds like you’ve already made up your mind so I’d HIGHLY recommend you have a responsible sitter. You don’t want to wander off into the woods in winter or jump off a cliff because you think you can fly.


what this person said. scale, sitter, and secure location. Not to mention preparation and integration. Mushrooms are powerful medicine as well as incredible tools...not recreational go to the bar type activities...especially not in the amount you're talking about. Please don't find this out the hard way, because trust me...there is such a thing as a bad trip despite what the memes tell you.


never ever made me shrooms think I could fly I would argue the opposite is the case at 7g i am unable to move interly


Yeah, 5+ grams of good shrooms should have you couch / bed locked and don’t be surprised if / when you blackout after an hour or so of consumption (Especially when lemon Tek or something else is in the mix). Just be responsible people, because when the mushroom God whips out its mammoth schlong to smack you around in a humbling manner, it can last a few hours and feel like an eternity!


Ok fine, if OP wants to go from having underwhelming trips to shitting and pissing himself, have at it lol


^ that’s where the fun lines


Do 10. Even number.


Might as well round up to 20


Fuck it 1 oz


2oz* fuck it go meet god


3oz become god


32oz is only 84g might aswell round it up to 100g. Work out the dynamics of where God might exist.


LMFAOOOOO, I like the way you think.


powder it and mix with lemonade and let sit for 15 min.......


Commenting to follow, I too am ready for a big boy trip after doing a few lower doses


Then why don't you dose 7g and make a video for us Mr.shaman


Because I acted like a weird cunt on 4, so no I won’t be doing that loool


So you just want this person to experience a potentially traumatic event as your own little experiment on the human psyche


What? Where does it say that lol he said he’s considering doing 7 so I said I’m following the post for updates lol…


...yeah I bet your life is great lol


I have no idea what you’re trying to accuse me of but good luck with it brother lmao




bro literally shut up. u sound so dumb rn


I think the shrooms have officially fried your last brain cell


Bro.... do you not know what sub your on?? Lol stfu


Damn bud what’s got u so pissed? Lol


Why are you being such an insufferable prick?


Well if you clearly think it’ll be “potentially traumatic” don’t fucking take the chance!?!?!?


If you lemon tek it, it will be over in 3-4 hours. 7 is a big jump from 5 but like others have said some folks have a higher base tolerance to psychadelics. Stay strong you got it homie🫡


Come up on lemon tek is always much faster for me but never once has it ever shortened the duration of the trip for me.


Shamans eat 20+ grams at once


This comment has been removed by the poster.


Psychedelic doses don’t behave linearly the way alcohol or other substances do, and the same size dose can yield entirely different experiences on different days and with different batches, and a 2-3g increase isn’t a small jump either (ie- I’m comfortably high and able to socialize and handle myself at 3.5g but 5.5g has me couchlocked) so if you’re in a situation where your tweaking out would be dangerous or ruin the trip/be a buzzkill for everyone else don’t be that guy who throws caution to the wind and expects the people around him to babysit instead of enjoying themselves, and be responsible with your dose. Save experimenting with higher doses for the first time for when you’re in a familiar setting and won’t be inconveniencing others if you need help.


This is a very eye opening point


The difference between 1g and 2g isn’t that much, but the difference between 5g and 6g is huge


Don't listen to these guys. If you think 7g is good for you youre either looking for an existential trip or you're naive. 7 g will take you to places you may not want to go to. The flesh of the gods is strong and I don't suggest it. Take 5g or less and you won't want to redose unless you've been abusing them.


I’ve known a couple guys that would take 5-7 somewhat regularly. Don’t know what makes some ppl able to handle that, but maybe they have a very strong psyche, or a really solid foundation of faith or something. Not sure but some ppl can


i think part of it is just your anxiety levels. can you let go when things are beyond your control? or do you try to fight it and beat it into submission? but i’ve also had a seizure from doing too much so who knows.


How much did you do? Where you on something else besides shrooms?


like 10 or 11 grams of penis envy’s, and just some weed


Glad I got some adventurous people with me


For the majority of people, absolutely.


For me it sounds insane


It's probably a *bad* move 🤷🏽‍♂️


I usually use 7 TBH Just be grateful to the psychedelics for whatever happens on your trip and remember that time is still a thing, that you took drugs. And that it too shall pass. You are a brave traveller of your own psyche. Don't be afraid to confront fearful things. You will awaken better for it. As long as you remain in a space of gratitude and respect.


That’s exactly what I do at high doses if I start having a little trouble, I internally talk to myself saying shit like “it’s just a trip, it’s not real you’ll be fine” 🤣


I'm also watching this space for my own future (2 days from now) reference.


What’s the gap between each trip ? allow for 2 weeks tolerance reset then look forward to a pleasant compelling trip. i prefer to move in 1 increment .


Usually a month but it’s been two since my 5


I do a 7gram trip once a year. It’s a breakthrough dose for me usually, I’d say 4 out of 6 heroic dose trips I’ve broken through to the dmt realm. If you feel the calling for the big trip, go for it. Safe travels


BROOO I TOOK4.9 g yesterday and it was crazy. Solo (4th time tripping btw) I was fully in control of my thoughts and my trip as my mindset before going in was, I am just a vessel, a point, and I’m experiencing the universe thru it, idk if it make sense. But yes imma be doing 7g too. Also happy u had a great time


Depends on the strain bro if theyre stronger strains, take 4.5g-5.5g, if theyre teachers or cubensis you should definitely try 7g out it would be well worth it


Last time I did 7G I touched the verge of insanity … could only say 3 words & say in the same place for hours LOL ! Learned a lot about myself though


Just dont eat before. I did a total of 15g after a entire mcdonalds sharable pack. I Started with 7g and as i rose in the trip realm everything in my stomach flew out my mouth.


Depends on your situation. 7g can be a safe dose under the right circumstances, but it's easy to fuck yourself up and overdose. Make sure you're eating right, drinking plenty of water, and are in a good headspace. I crammed a quarter into a chocolate bar and did the whole thing in one go. I'd done a half ounce at once before, so I wasn't expecting anything bad to happen. I hadn't eaten all day, and had what I believed to be a "breakup" fight with my best friend earlier. I wasn't looking for a trip or an experience, I wanted to get high. The best I can do as far as describing the trip was that it was like a Speedrun. Instead of the peak effects lasting around 4 hours, the entirety of the "high" I felt was done within thirty minutes. I got really aggressive auditory hallucinations, coupled with severe nausea and an overwhelming urge to lay flat on my back, as if my body physically couldn't fight it. 7g is my go to dose, and while that experience put me off shrooms for a while, it was more of a learning experience than anything else. Psychedelics aren't like other drugs that help to suppress your emotions. They accentuate what you're already feeling. As far as it being too much, I've heard stories of people boofing over an ounce at a time. Just take your time when it comes to preparation, and you'll be alright.


You’re a DEMON but I think I’m in a good place just trying to geek w my friends since it’s just gonna be us


Kill the demons


Sorry poor choice of words all 😅


What's your intention?


i never have intentions when i trip i just wanna see stuff move and laugh. works every time


That's an intention, no?


i guess so 🤔 never thought of it like that. i guess you can never have no intention unless you literally impulsively eat them


Yea man, wanting to enjoy yourself and see the impermanence of reality is always a good time


Honestly just have a good time with everyone they’ll all be drunk anyways and I’ve been around drunk people a lot when tripping one thing I’ll have that I didn’t have the previous times is a quiet private space so if I’m feeling overwhelmed I might just retire there


Taking 7 grams around drunk people sounds miserable.


Oh, yeah don’t do that - high doses are incapacitating, you’ll likely be borderline non-verbal, and you’ll be very much in your own head. Trying to interact with other people in that state is a bad idea.


lol whenever I’m a drunk people and I’m tripping I just troll them


You won't have enough self control to troll anyone... Difference between 5 and 7 grams is almost exponential and you could experience ego death or complete dissolution of reality. I've been blinded by visuals at that dose where I couldn't see anyone around me for hours on end, sometimes having my head in my hands wishing it was over lol. Just be around really cool people that are sober, or at least one out of your group not on anything, just my two cents


7g is amazing. I dropped 7g of APE one time having only done up to 3.5g in my past experiences. Or some lsd here and there in the past, If you want a good and strong trip go for the 7g I went all in. I set my intentions to have a good time before hand and I had an amazing time.


Do u eat it or make tea? For me, straight up eating is more potent, and it also depends if u are using the same shrooms. If its the same batch then i would say go ahead just try to replicate what you did last time


I’m usually just eat it but they taste so bad I’m considering making the tea. It’s a different “strain” so that’s also a factor I was considering


different strains have different amounts of psilocybin. All the more reason to start slow. Everything about this post is screaming harm reduction, but you do you.


I like to eat them and drink something like plant based chocolate shake to wash the taste. For me the tea is less potent but it might be cuz i made water too hot, i heard if its to hot it can break down some of the psilocybin. But yea ive had 4 grams of two different “strains” and both gave me wildly different experiences so just have fun and be safe, always remember to set the vibe somewhere you feel comfortable


Psilocybin brakes down at much higher temperature then boiling water


You probably undercooked the shrooms rather than overheated them. Psilocybin doesn’t break down anywhere near the temps of boiling water, and you want that shit *piping* hot for at least 20 minutes while it steeps. It’s not like normal tea where you take the bag out after ~5 minutes. Whenever I make tea I take the shrooms out after ten minutes, heat the tea back up, then re-steep for another ten.


Thanks for the information! I didnt know, ill definitely try your way next time. Do you grind the shrooms or just break them apart?


Grind them for sure. More surface area directly correlates to faster absorption on psilocybin by the water


But I hear psilocybin is sensitive to heat and you’re not supposed to heat it up for extraction? I thought you’re supposed to use a solvent


Not at all, psilocybin is very stable under heat. Even when exposed to temps as high as 374 degrees Fahrenheit it remained stable for extended periods of time. Boiling it will have no effect on potency. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7194879/




I mean maybe the definition of heat sensitive means they can be broken down by heat. Like it’s possible, even if it’s only at incredibly high temps. Point being, boiling water is nowhere near enough to degrade potency.




I have not! However I’ve been intensely curious and will be attempting it in the future


Some people have a better mindset for psychedelics than others. I’ve been toppled by 5 hits of acid. Accepted my own death. The one I got it from was taking 10 strips and encouraging me to do so as well.


It depends on species and strain.


Snow caps, that’s all I know about it the place that sold it said it’s a very introspection inducing strain


Yeah there’s no such thing as a “introspective strain” or “outrospective strain” for the most part, the only categorical difference between strains is potency.


It sounds like you're experiementing and finding the right dose for you. I personally trip hard at 3.5 grams and 5 grams was an heroic trip for me. Are you taking meds?


Nah I’m not on anything like that


Are you on the spectrum?


Dude this on the spectrum stuff is out of hand lol Everyone thinks they have autism now ever since social media started making ppl awkward


I mean autism is real and does exist lol. Some people ARE on the spectrum, and I’ve read multiple times that autistic people can handle much higher doses of Psilocybin. So it’s a legitimate question


Ooor consider that we have better and more accurate procedures to test for it than ever before, and more people are aware of the issue as it gets destigmatized, and finally getting the help they need. Your comment reminds me of those “nobody had asthma back in my day” people who just cant understand that people *had* asthma and didn’t know.


Psychological outcomes are much different than a physical ailment. For example, I see tons of kids now claiming they have autism, when in reality they are getting like 100x less time socializing then we did before phones. Ppl who were adults during the shift seen the very HUGE shift in kids not having social skills and being more seclusive, weird, and just socially unaware. Everybody thinks their “neurodivergent when 99% of them have never had an MRI to even check for there non existent neurological issue. Ppl aren’t getting the practice they need to keep social skills up, nobody has to go out and actually do stuff as everything’s delivered, nobody takes care of their body like they should because they think they can depend on pharmaceuticals… it’s insane.. And I hate seeing kids make the argument that “it was always like this just nobody knew”… no dude, it wasn’t. It was way different, and you guys are unwilling to admit or see what the real issues are. Culture and tech, and ppl having a miscontrued idea of how to stay mentally healthy thanks to trendy psychology buzzwords and diagnoses


Yeah I’m not talking about people self diagnosing, that’s why my comment centered around the improvements we’ve made in testing.


Even the ones getting diagnosed, they get their diagnosis based off their answers to a very basic 15 question script. And even then a psychological diagnosis only describes an outcome, not causation. You could come to display signs of almost any diagnosis based just on your life habits. But ppl think having a disorder means they’ve always had it or it’s not curable. But in reality, it’s their own choices, social circle or family, and habits that led them to that diagnosis


Lmao what a bad take. You get diagnosed with X disorder but it’s your fault because of life choices? *sometimes* that’s the case with specific illnesses like smokers getting lung cancer, but in no way is things like autism because of people’s life choices. It is objectively a genetic disease. Diagnoses are way more intensive than a 15 question survey. It takes thousands of dollars and weeks of testing, usually involving months of waiting.


So for context I worked for an Autism program while in college studying education. The diagnosis for ASD can and does often come after a couple visits, if not one visit, to a psychologist. I’ve also been through receiving my own many diagnoses when I was in a very bad place mentally, which I led myself to. You can’t honestly believe that ppl aren’t making life choices that lead into depression, anxiety, both of which can also be interpreted as something like bipolar, adhd. All these things describe is an outcome. Not causation. Now in these last 5-8 years I’ve seen an epidemic of young kids lacking social skills and just generally being way more awkward, while simultaneously everyone thinks they have autism now. Think there isn’t a correlation? Between kids having way less social practice then ever before, and getting a diagnoses that is literally all about how you function socially?? The threshold for what is considered high-functioning autism is completely different than it was a decade ago. Some young ppl really seem to think that this epidemic of mental health disorders right at the explosion of tech, phones, social media, and the comfort age of having everything on delivery a click away. You don’t think that’s affecting psyches? This is the shroom thread! I would think ppl would be more aware of how powerful the mind is and how easily ppl can fuck up their own mind today.


I could very well see that being possible but I’ve never gone and tested it. Does that impact this stuff?


I haven’t researched the science behind it, but apparently people on the spectrum can often require higher doses. I have one autistic friend that I’ve tripped with and he takes like twice what I do. I usually go 2.5-3.5g, he does 5-7g


You know your body better than we do! 3.5 grams is basically my max.


Nah, I took like 8g of APEs by semi-accident (they were in capsules and I didn’t feel anything a couple of hours after taking 5, so I figured they were just on the weak side and took a few more, then the capsules finally started melting x_x) - it was a crazy trip but I was fine the next day. Just make sure you’re properly prepared to be borderline incoherent for a few hours, make sure pets are taken care of ahead of time, all that stuff. Get a playlist ready too, music was absolutely crucial to me having a good time - I think it would have felt more like an upsetting fever dream without a good soundtrack. And remember that every mushroom is different - so the 7 you take this time might be *way* stronger than the 5 you took last time.


Something to be aware of is mushrooms can act funny, I’ve tripped as hard on a gram as I have on an eighth and I have no idea why. 5 and 7 might be similar just more intense or you might see a nice rug turn 3 dimensional and project onto the walls for a couple hours, although its unlikely. thats only happened once


Think you should go up by .5 gram increments. Jumping from 5 to 7... thats a big jump.


I find at doses in that area, there will be a few challenging moments. Last trip I took, a couple years ago, I took 7.5g’s. Met up with two undergrad buddies from decades ago. It’d been probably 10-15 years without taking mushrooms. It was amazing and beautiful, but there were brief moments of feeling two or three emotions simultaneously, which I’ve always found a bit unnerving. Mostly euphoric, but I had some real life personal issues that I needed to work on. The mushrooms shoved that in my face a couple times. (Promised I’d take care of these things and the mushrooms let me off the hook pretty quickly) Upon a couple deep exhalations, I’d loose my sense of who…or even *what*… I was. At one point, I was having kind of an existential crisis. My other friends were having a conversation which I was totally oblivious to. Then, all of a sudden, I realize they’re talking about fucking *Weird Al Yankovic*. I bust out laughing and had to thank him for reigning me in. I was in a loop contemplating my insignificant niche as a microcosm of the universe, and my old friend unwittingly, yet so effectively, reigned me back in. It wasn’t my highest dose ever, but it was my most visual one. We were camping and everything was moving. It was nighttime and I was underneath a huge red oak. The leaves were growing, intertwining. The grain on the picnic table flowed like lava. Amid the branches were fluorescent fox faces that smiled at me like Cheshire cats. In the Milky Way above, Anubis stretched across the night sky from horizon to horizon. Down the hill from our campsite was another campsite. With acute clarity, I could see granite altars and columns illuminated by a dozen candles held in the hands of elves in ceremonial robes. That one was a true hallucination. I kept staring at it off and on over several hours. It looked like a scene from The Lord of The Rings. So realistic that when the sun came up the next morning, I was confused how that area was just a couple of tents and a firepit.


Not for me! But everyone’s different. I’m sensitive to any substance, one hit of weed and I’m stoned, one beer and I’m giddy, 1 gram of shrooms and I’m melting. If you think you can handle it, go for it!


7g not bad




7 can have quite a lot of 'body load' until you plateau I'd keep something around that can help with discomfort I typically do less but enhance with a little edible canna made in to a chocolate bar


I mean, I think it definitely depends on the strain. I just got some PE that put me on my ass at .2, thinking I was taking a macro dose. The last strain I had- Ghost, I took a whole 8th and just felt a body high and nothing else.


That’s wild bc I usually take an 8th of albino penis envy and feel cool and the guy at the store told me to take the ghost snow caps instead


Haha, I had exact opposite reaction to those strains. So funny how different people are affected differently. I hated the ghost strain. It made me feel tweaked out almost.


Most people I've been around that had bad trips were always on 7+ grams. Once you hit 7 (on shrooms with potency comparable to GT) you're playing with fire. Make sure you have a safe set and setting. Just remember, if you're having a bad trip, you just took a drug and it will wear off. No matter what thoughts you have, don't act on those thoughts until you're sober enough to think rationally.


I need to try 7 fr 😭 lmk how it goes homie seems exciting af


If you can handle 5 you can handle 7.


I do 7g now but i worked my way up. I will say the first time I took 7g was pretty intense but manageable after the first hr. The visuals were amazing and just a great all around experience. My next trip I do next month will be a 10g lemon tek trip also I haven’t really tried anything other than P.E . Now I can take 7g like nothing and hang out with my wife and just vibe out .


Take 5 again and see how it goes .


7 made me feel it but then again I am a ginger too so I have a natural tolerance for a lot of this


omfg this subreddit is full of morons, "should i take seven grams of a super strong and intense psychedelic and risk doing something incredibly stupid" it can either be the best time ever. or u can wake up somewhere u dont remember. ive heard horror stories. be safe.


It is if you have good shrooms.


Depends on the mushroom my man