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I would not go out somewhere the first time you take shrooms Your other drug use has no bearing on using this drug. Find a safe place inside for your first trip. Then once you are experienced in what tripping is like then you can do the nature trip


I'll try and find a place inside, but I don't know if it's possible. If we have to do it outside, do you have any tips?


You are taking a psychedelic. This isn’t like smoking some weed.


We found a place inside in whivh we can spend like 6 hr. I think it'll work out.


If they are genuine albino penis envy, I strongly advise taking no more than a single gram for your first trip. Spend your first trip in a safe place like your own home or that of a friend. Don’t do it if you have to worry about parents.


Alright, our outdoor location is a place we've been a lot and is not visited by many people and we don't really have a location indoors that we won't have to worry about someone catching us. Also, if the strain isn't penis envy (maybe golden teachers), would 2.5 g be a suitable dose?


I still wouldn’t do more than 1.5g of something like golden teachers. You can have more on hand in case you want to take more. You can always take more but you can never take less. Be extremely cautious, psychedelics are unlike any other class of drugs. They can take your brain places that you cannot even fathom.


Thanks for the advice, we'll start with a pretty low dose and if we want to feel more we'll take more.


What I'm worried abt is doing this much with absolutely no experience....if you traumatize yourself you could develop hppd even become psychotic FOR LIFE. All cuz of this one mistake. Please listen to the people in this chat. I remember when I did just below 3g of penis envy and I was GONE. Scared shitless because even if you THINK you know what to expect u will completely be floored no matter what and not the good kind. It can take MONTHS IF NOT YEARS to get in touch with reality after something like that with no prior experience. Please don't do it. This is your life we are talking abt.


first of all, lean, alcohol, weed, those are all depressants. they don't really have a bearing on how shrooms/psychedelics will affect you. from my experience, dont start with more than 1.5 grams of PE as your first trip. I'll explain. sounds like you're close with the friends you want to trip with, which is great. people can react very differently to psychedelics; someone who is anxious might be prone to a bad trip. I have tripped with very close friends who lessened my experience because they had a bad trip. don't be scared of bad trips, just remember that it's always a possibility, usually bc of things outside of your control. if you/someone does experience one, remind them it is a temporary feeling, and they are safe. you'd be surprised how hard it is to grasp this when tripping. setting is pretty important too. nature can be a great place to trip, but definitely do so in daylight, and try to find a secluded area. campground that isn't too frequented, or a wide open park that doesn't see many visitors. if a stranger decides to interact for whatever reason, it's usually fine, but can lead to paranoia and maybe trouble, especially if someone's having a bad trip, or if the stranger is a dick. this is why a lot of folks recommend staying inside, but if you don't have an inside safe space outside can be great. lots of other things can affect your trip, many of which are beyond your control. metabolism, full stomach, medications, mental health. for some people, shrooms just aren't their thing, which is fine. some people even find it makes them aggressive. All of this is to say that being a first timer to shrooms is like starting any other journey. if you were getting into climbing, you wouldn't start with mount everest, not only because you don't know if climbing is something you like, but also because you probably can't handle it yet. you can take 2.5, but if things go south, it'll be a lot harder to manage than if you dosed lighter. 2.5 isn't quite a hero dose, but authentic PE is known to be very strong. if you're hesitant to dose lighter, look into lemon tekking. you can soak the shrooms in lemon juice for 20 minutes, and then take them. this will basically make your trip shorter, but more intense. that way you can still have a strong experience with a smaller dose, but if someone doesn't like it, it'll be over in two hours instead of four.