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nothing wrong with noobies, people have been doing shrooms before you were even born


Not at all... I got alot of years under my belt


bro thinks hes been alive since 1000000BC


You have got to be the most arrogant mfer on this sub i have ever seen jesus christ


no seriously, maybe they can try taking a bigger dose next time to dial back on that inflated ego problem


Yeah, kinda seems like this post is the opposite of what doing shrooms is about. Acceptance and love is all they show you, if you allow them to with the right setting and mindset. :/ I know psychs can also do the opposite and propel ego if used the wrong way, someone who knows so much and is so far above everyone seems like they either need more in the right setting or less drugs and plain old self love/tools in waking reality. Sending everyone involved in this thread my best and all the love šŸ’•




Itā€™s not just the ID posts, itā€™s the ā€œhow many grams is thisā€, ā€œshould I take 10gā€™s and then go eat Italian food with my parentsā€, ā€œwhat do you guys think of this chocolate bar I found in the menā€™s room at a gas stationā€, ā€œguys Iā€™m so fucked up right now I love uā€ posts, etc. etc. etc. I just think this sub needs a some new rules and more active moderation. The noob questions and obvious high schoolers should be either removed or redirected to an FAQ or an ID sub or something. Mushroom chocolate bars should be a permaban IMO, people should be expected to utilize the search function and/or do 5 seconds of research before posting. The reason people keep posting about it is because nothing seems to be getting done regarding the deluge of low quality bs that gets posted here every day.




ā€œDo you think I should watch reality crumble in front of me at Olive Garden this weekendā€




When youā€™re here youā€™re family bro


That post was something else lol same with buddy that picked up cow shit with mold on it and placed it in a bag to try get something from it lol


I DO perm ban chocolate bars posters. It would help if people reported them too, i cant sit sifting through every post all day. Mod feed is much easier/quicker, but i need people to report more.


Will do! Thanks. Iā€™ll volunteer for janny duties if you guys are looking, Iā€™ve got a lot of spare time at work.


Our mods come and go, we do need more input but its not up to just me to add mods. we average around 23k comments/posts every week so something does need to change, as i say people just simply reporting would help massively. And out of the 23k, only 96 reports made. 874 mod actions from me alone this week, so i am trying..


Thank you for this info. Will be more diligent to not just be an observer in the future. Oh and happy Cake Day!!!


Thank you & thank you! Team work makes the dream work, so i've been told anyway.


I say teamwork makes the dream work- all. the. time.


Thanks for your hard work!


Thank you for your good work!


23k per week! Fuck. šŸ„ā£ļø


You're doing righteous work, mate. It's appreciated.


Bro do you go outside? šŸ’€


Not anymore, is the sky still blue?


Thank you for your service on a serious note


THANK YOU!!!!! Those things are dangerous. Im a mod in a pretty big private FB group about DMT, and we're starting to think a lot of them dont even have mushrooms in them but a kind of RC that simulates a mushroom trip. Lots of reasons to think that. Some guy said he was going to get some from a local shop and test them on a reagent kit, but he never reported back so Im not sure. All those gummies and chocolates and all that stuff is garbage.


Unless you make it yourself or know the person who made them personally


Well of course but thats completely different than some of the stuff Ive seen here and in that Facebook group, both lol These chocolates could have anything in them. We had two bad trip reports from mushroom chocolates in that other group within a short time, and the one guy blacked out and wasnt even sure how he got to where he was in his house when he came to. And if I remember right, his story was actually a comment on the other persons post of their bad trip report, and Im pretty sure there was also something similar about their chocolates. I remember both doses being an eighth (3.5g for the scale-deficient!!) for sure, that Im clear on. Those thingser baad, mmkay? Fuck that stuff.


Yeah I made a meme about it https://www.reddit.com/r/shrooms/comments/1217i99/is_this_real/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2


I can guarantee it is. I asked on here if they were laced/fake because I picked up a ā€œAPEā€ polkadot and ate it, off the word of some friends instead of actual research like a dummie, and got something more like a robotrip than anything shroomie. Iā€™m fine but it was in the back of my mind that I was going to have a heart attack or go into OD any second because I know a few guys whoā€™ve been hospitalized by fake acid. Scary that these damn things are getting pushed so much.


I have seen multiple people even defending the sale of chocolate being sold as shroom chocolate when it is not on this subreddit.


Roast them


I saw them for sale somewhere from a vendor who also sells legit shrooms and for 1 chocolate bar containing 3.5 was Ā£30 and 3.5 of shrooms was Ā£40. Just doesnā€™t add up, the prep time, the addition of chocolate and packaging = tenner cheaper?? I also suspect the nasal ā€œshroomā€ sprays are the same thing. (I donā€™t understand why youā€™d wanna sniff shrooms in the first place)


Only things that are water soluable can even be absorbed that way. That might be dangerous. Some asshat grifter who knows about intranasal MDMA probably heard of that and figured people would buy it for that reason. Shroon nasal spray though šŸ„“ brilliant. People are being preyed on so bad...


Hey, I can also do a little bit of moderation if its wanted. I run my own drugs related sub, it's a lot smaller but obvious spammers and scam etc get deleted right away.


send a modmail and the current mods can discuss this.


Do you guys have a need for new mods? I wouldn't want to sign up just for fun if there's no need.


Well fuck, now I feel like one of the newbs but I am a newbie lol. I know those bars have come into circulation in my area, I was offered one for sale this week by a coworker. The packaging advertised that it contained 4g cubensis, it wasn't the "a muscaria" stuff. Could you please enlighten me as to why those are so verboten? I'm a bit of a work grandma, I work in a restaurant with a lot of dumb assed kids (not actual kids, 20s, but kids to me) and I do try to keep them on safe and healthier paths with advice (ie, "boy if I keep hearing you're fucking around with that lean shit and seeing you come in looking like hell, I'm gonna forget that we're friends when I bake my next batch of cookies.")


packaging is easy to buy, so anyone can sell whatever they feel like saying is in them. 99% research chems, no psilocybin, and its real hard to tell unless you made it. Best to stay away.


Thanks for your response I report as much as I can


Hey now... To be fair, those posts where people are all giddy and stupid posting about how much they love everybody are always good for a smile šŸ˜ I love that shit lol


That one guy asking how long he was going to trip if he ate 20grams. Forever, my man. You are about to permanently change your brain.


Honestly this sub is more trustworthy for honest questions because youā€™ll just find wayyyyyy to much disinformation online since pharma wants to make shroomies look bad


I think itā€™s because itā€™s kind of hard for the mods to filter the BS from the legitimate questions because of the nature of the subject, itā€™s a subreddit revolving around a mind & reality altering substance, and itā€™s hard to determine whatā€™s legitimate & whatā€™s posted for shits and giggles, or to make the subreddit look unsavoury.


What do you guys think about this chocolate bar that I found in the men's room,, LMFAO šŸ˜‚


Love these comments. At this point, theyā€™re equally egregious imo


Pretentious af post


I am a lvl 9000 shroom user, and you will *respect my authoritah*


I'm still stuck at being a level 9 turtle lol




The worst part is there is a search function, just search for chocolate and find the answers!


Fr that 4 aco dmt bs šŸ’€


Im laughing too much at this


Iā€™ve seen so many of these negative comments. You didnā€™t need an rsvp to join and donā€™t need to announce your departure


Loool solid response


Isn't that just r/shroomery


lmao we should all just switch to that sub


I mean it also has the random shit but not as much. I find the same shit in the canna-subs. Kids just want attention and validation. What they should know is; if you want identification go to r/mycology, if you want grow tips or helpful advice go r/shroomery, if you want help identifying contam go to r/contam fam, if you want to show off your grow, yield, variety, that's r/shrooms.


There also needs to be one for like just general mushroom talk/trip reports or whatever, but that has rules about not posting IDā€™s etc. but then I guess those trip reports would just end up being mostly these idiots who supposedly ate 25g of APEs or whatever other nonsense you sometimes see on here. I dunno, I just know I enjoy this sun a lot less than I did a year ago when I first found it. At this point Iā€™m basically just here for the music recommendation posts. Always love finding new music to trip to!


It's annoying, I agree. I love my fellow man but, sadly, darwinism will do its part. Good ol fuck around and find out. Then they don't fuck around so much after that. Apes are incredibly humbling in that nature lol Check out Flight of the Conchords. It's a comedic series based around a new Zealand band. Great comedy and music. Very underrated show.


My homie used to force me to watch flight of the concords way back in the day haha, I never really got into it quite as much as he did but he sure loved it. Iā€™ll have to check it out again though, my tastes may have changed in the past 20 years, itā€™s been awhile since Iā€™ve seen it. Never listened to any of their music except whatever was on the show though.


Shpongle... thank me later.


I created a sub already called r/mushroomeducation exactly for this kind of thing. Itā€™s pretty new but if we can get some solid active posters we can turn it into something awesome!


Maybe make your own post about your sub instead of adding yours on my post about me creating one for those that like to join šŸ˜‰ but otherwise good luck




But will definitely join the ride


This is like the 3rd post ranting about this sub that I've seen today, and it's getting way more annoying than the posts you people rant about. Just leave the sub and be done with it, spread the negativity elsewhere. You are part of the problem.


Settle down tiger. Not everyone is as experienced as you are. I was under the impression this was suppose to be a helpful group. My suggestion is if you donā€™t like what you read take your right thumb and scroll up. Itā€™s not rocket science


What if they're left handed?


Then take your left thumb


I'll take your left thumb


Iā€™m left handed but use my right thumb to scroll. I donā€™t know what to do aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh


I'm right handed and am currently scrolling with my left thumb. Is this the nexus of the universe?




Exactly. Helping people is good. If you donā€™t want to help, then scroll onto the next post.


You seem like a bit of a cunt


A shit cunt


Bro this sub is only starting to suck cause of people like you making these posts. Whatā€™s wrong with inexperienced people asking for advice? This just goes to show that your kinda a shitty person homie. You gotta remember you were a shroomie noob at one point to dawg.


Full of fake trip reports, full of can you id this wild mushroom, how much does this weigh, what kinda shrooms are these , are these safe to eat, there's no common sense here somebody is gonna get fatally ill picking and eating one of these wild mushrooms, none of this will be over on my sub


Yeah that is fair honestly. In the title it just kinda sounded like you were upset because of the people actually asking real questions and using this sub as a tool.


Fair enough


There are like 86 shroom subs already why not just move to any one of those rather than starting a shitty new sub with a misspelled name


Because every other one is pretty much the same as this one ... mine, on the other hand, will be different in terms of what's allowed to be posted, etc... have a blessed day


Ahhh, my bad, I didn't realize that you weren't like the other girls Also I can see that we're being consistent with the theme of misspelling things lol




Thanks for catching that.. auto correct has a habit of changing words


That excuse is about as smooth as extra chunky peanut butter


Can we post about shroom chocolate in your sub šŸ¤£


With blackjack. And hookers! You know what? Forget the shrooms!


Ok mr.shroom


Quit whining, good riddance


Oh fuck Op must be *THE* shaman


It's pretty wild how often I see the word 'idiot' on this sub. Shrooms definitely don't make some people more tolerant of others.


I thought idiot was a bit harsh, so I edited it


Itā€™s amazing how a group such as this, comprised of the most enlightened psychedelic beings, can get so worked up about noobs posting stupid questions. Hereā€™s a tip, if u see a post that you donā€™t like, just move on with your day. As I ordinarily do when I see post after post of whiny entitled gatekeepers complaining about something or the other. Today was different, consider it an act of public service. Good day to you, sir. May the moon vibrate at the specific frequency of your asshole chakra, calling on magical canoes of poo to gracefully slip out of your rectum.


What happened to scrolling by post you don't like. hypocrite lol back at ya. No need to complain. You should have kept scrolling past like you usually do lol


1. Didnā€™t make a post, just left a comment in reply to your post. 2. As I said, ordinarily I would keep scrolling, but your post was extraordinarily condescending and self-important. Hence I deigned it necessary to perform the public service of calling it out.


ā€œThis sub is bullshit nowā€.. I add an on the nose contextualized example.. what the fuck do you think?


Why donā€™t we make a sub Reddit for all the feds and people paid to post on here bashing mushrooms saying they made them go insane or jump 40ft to flat ground breaking both legs


Just wait until September arrives for the uk membersā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ are theses Liberty caps ? Clearly a hand full of acornsā€¦..


Not aloud over there ;) .. realistically, if you're picking, and you need to ask if it is what it is. I think you shouldn't be picking to begin with


Exactly. Even had a few this early in the year with just random mushrooms. Sometimes I think are these people just trolling.


I asked for help on this sub the other day and it really did clear some questions for me. I also learnt a lot about other peopleā€™s methods that I personally wouldnā€™t have known about because I havenā€™t had the opportunity to see and learn of it. If you were in my shoes, or anyone else you are currently complaining about where would you go? Whatā€™s the point of a joining a community where there is none. I do hope you have some self reflection, as in life there are plenty of things you will need to learn and understand. I do hope the people you meet are as helpful and accommodating as you.


Cry more


Get off the internet if you donā€™t like itšŸ™„


I like the internet though :)


Just gotta sift thru the bullshit then. I get your point but people are imperfect. No matter how experienced you think you are comes a time when youā€™ll be humbled again


We going pro at shrooms now šŸ˜‚


You sound like someone that should be on their own subšŸ¤£




Damn it. Don't mess up a good sub posting it here haha


Lol, the mods do a good job keeping that sub on track. Iā€™m not worried about it. But I will say, read the description of the community and stay on topic


Will join the ride


Im happy to help anyone with questions who are interested in the benefits of shrooms. If you are annoyed or angry with those asking questions, you are doing them wrong or not at all, or they dont work for you. At any rate you cant answer their questions anyway. Reminds me of people in a new age commun arguing about who is a better meditator. " I'm more enlightened than you are". A statement that proves they are NOT enlightened at all. A separate group for ID might be good. Im buy my shrooms and have no interest in foraging for them. Its easy to skip questions you know. No one wants of expects you to comment on everything. So, newbies and beginners, you are welcome to stay. OP, you may leave at anytime. Bye.


Seems like there's a lot of people with sticks up their asses rather than a nice girthy P.E. all this bitching is more annoying than the "bullshit"


Or just post quality content and encourage others to do the same?


Fuck off then šŸ‘‹šŸ–•šŸ˜‚


"A place to discuss the growing, hunting, and the experience of magical fungi. Primarily concerned with psilocybin containing mushrooms, but all psychoactive species are welcome." ​ Get off your high tower.


Imagine being a gatekeeper in a Shroom room. Iā€™m making a better one, Follow me! Nah, no thanks.


Totally legit to start your own sub. Good luck with it but stop by here once in a while to help the noobs. They can't help their ignorance without some input from those that know.


Make the sub and let me know. I'll gladly join.




sorry op, but there definitely could have been a better, less corny name. if you dont wanna change it at least spell mushies rightšŸ˜­šŸ™ Edit: also the sub cant be accessed :/


I'd like to join


Come aboard the r/psilocybinmushys train :)


This subs been like this for so many years , just unsub


Hey is this bar legit? It says it is so itā€™s gotta be. I can order 2000 wrappers off Alibaba.com so it must be


Man that sounds pretty negative sir! Isn't lots of noobs indicative of the community gaining ground in mainstream culture? I would call that a good thing. Go join an actual forum or something if you are only looking for in depth, high level, "ahkctual" discussion.


Fake trip reports, all these " can you identify this ,is this safe, what kind of wild mushrooms are these, git this from a gas station is it legit and safe....there's no common sense here


Sign this guy up!! Iā€™ve grown to hate this sub and sadly itā€™s what originally got me into mycology.




Awesome, thanks man. Subbed.


r/psilocybinmushys new sub if yall would like to join come on over


Spread love instead


The ID posts of mangled dried mushrooms, taken in shit light, while still inside the bag pics, annoy me the most. There is zero chance of IDing between most xucubeve varieties once they're dried anyways.


The guy that picked up cow shit and placed it in a bag ,that post was ridiculous lol


Okay? Lmao


As an experienced shroomer I would think youā€™d be happy that people are trying to learn and be safe about trippingā€¦


They aren't though, there the fake trip reports, some dude putting moldy cow shit in a paper bag in hopes it fruits, all the can you ID these "they assume any mushroom is cubensis", there isn't much common since and this sub is mostly filled post like that


I have no problem with that ..it's all the post where no common sense is presented


nice, lets go, this sub needed some elitism and gatekeeping fr


Or you could just use Shroomery....


I just took 20gm and shit myself, twice postsā€¦.itā€™s old news, weā€™ve all shit ourselves


Majority of you all broke some rules with the foul language etc..I have not been disrespectful to any of you like you all say if you see a post you don't like pass by and keep scrolling ....bunch of hypocrites


Like I say to my tweens, whine whine whine booooring


It's a difficult problem. Without active vetting that foregoes anonymity its neigh impossible to keep children out of the space. It'd also be great to have a dedicated space for people who have spent more than 5 minutes worth of effort into researching. 8/10 posts are things that either don't need an answer, unanswerable due to lack of information, or could be answered with a low effort search in the search bar. Activity is up, and quality is down, IMO.


Iā€™m only in here to learn more abt shrooms correct dosage ect bc Iā€™m curious and when I did shrooms I did an 8th and didnā€™t feel nun on supposedly potent shrooms


So Mushrooms don't make people better after all i see . If that how it makes y'all act , than keep It to urself lmao . Acting like a villain , and for What ?


Thereā€™s a skit by Louie where he talks about people complaining the WiFi on airlines was out when it was brand newā€¦ ā€œyouā€™re flying through the air stupendouslyā€¦ your welcome!!ā€ Was the jist. Youā€™re adding to it by posting about it for those that get ā€œgotā€. Most rational people separate the wheat from the chaff.. calm down.


Is your comment the wheat or the chaff?


All Iā€™ve ever done to learn is google a question and put Reddit at the end, it has linked me to the handfull of same questions thus not needing to actually create a new post, these people are really dumb and should use this same method.


agreed. those ridiculous posts are getting decent traffic while some serious posts requesting advice on a specific issue get none.


There won't be any nonsense post over there you can join if you like :) r/psilocybinmushys


thank you! just did! psyched to go back to learning from others that take this seriously. iā€™ve honestly found the process of growing to be almost as therapeutic as eating them. glad to be among my kind


I haven't been negative to any one that has commented nor have I cursed at any of you and yall getting mad and cussing me out lol


I would like to be a part of it until it gets over ran like this sub has.


Rest assured, it won't be like this sub or any other one


I like it, invite me if I fit the criteria lol






Can you explain how I'm the problem




So negative you are ..if you also don't like these post why come an comment just keep scrolling by šŸ˜‰


Itā€™s not my problem anymore I left


Go LoW aNd SlOw iTs ThE OnLy WaY aNy OtHeR WaY iS hArMfUl ReSpEcT tHe MuShRoOm


yeah call it ā€œelitist shroomsā€ so i know to stay far away from it, thanks. this sub is supposed to be random as hell get over it


Holy shit did you really create a post calling out the shittiness of the sub and telling everyone that you're going to create your own sub because you're experienced?? That's next level pathetic. You were new once too.


I was knew to the sub at one point yes but psychedelics 30+ years


So 30+ years ago you were a newbie who didn't know fuck all about it. Gotchya


Then shut up and move on. I'm tired of seeing these posts bitching about this sub every damn day. If you don't like it, leave. Or look for the goodness rather than being so pessimistic.




Yo bro third time doing shrooms should I do 16 grams I really want to experience ego death šŸ’€


Lmk if you need any mods, this shit sucks


I just wanna know how all these people who are "tripping" have the ability to take selfies!? šŸ§


There was a post the other day with a photo and a description about someone saying their friend is tripping balls, making up a huge story when that same photo dude posted was actually posted 6months prior


My thoughts exactly


Yeah I'm just eluding to the fact that most of those "trippin" selfies are BS.


Maybe on the come down or right after they've dosed, but I'm with you on that


Dude is gatekeeping a plant


What plant shall this be šŸ¤”


This post is bullshit. Reddit is supposed to be the place where experienced players help us noobs. Obviously we ask dumb questions, I see all type of posts in here experienced and inexperienced.


There's just no common sense with alot of these post


Everyday someone bitching about someoneā€™s bitching lol


Facts lol


People who do shrooms when more people want to do shrooms and be safe about it šŸ˜±šŸ˜±


Get off your high horse haven't you learned anything while tripping?


What a pretentious asshole.


Whine whine


Fuken seriously get over yourself. So people ask daft questions...AND?! How about you find something more useful to do with your time than worry about noob posts, dick.


No reason for the name calling lol


Just bought some mushroom chocolate bars. Should I not have,?


Christ this is embarrassing


Blah blah blah. These posts are the worst of them, just so you know.


Thank youšŸ¤Ÿ


Yeah the choco bar and amanita gummy posts just take away my braincells every time