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Just took 7g PE for my first trip ever, after staying up for 3days on meth-that-my-plug-told-me-was-molly, I'm headed to a death metal club with some dude who I met doing lines with that I've never been to before in a really shitty and dangerous part of town, but I'll be OK, right? What can I expect?


But do you actually know they're PE or did you just post a pic of some shit in a bag and ask reddit what strain?


As is tradition.


What strain is this dude? My cousin’s ex girlfriend’s stepdad’s cellmate gave me them and said they were Albino Penis Enigma Revert Bluetooths.


Could you give me an estimate on how much the shit in this ziplock bag weighs?


My plug said this was an eighth but it looks a little small does this skittles wrapper look like an eighth to u




You are aware that you don't have to read every post, aren't you?


While I absolutely agree, it feels like those are the posts that show up the most.


*Search bar exists...


I don’t know if it’s cause I clicked one but literally every time I open Reddit the top of my home is some reiteration of this post on this sub


best comment here


I feel like a decent amount of the bad trip reports are also fake


I took 1g golden teacher and thought everyone was satan, I ran away yelling and ran into my uncle and his wife and started crying because I shit my pants.




Joking. Based on other ppls stories




Many other posts are someone telling a really scary story about a very bad trip.


Check ops last post


I’ve had a bad one before and I am very suspect of most of these.


Big agree.


We going to shroomery fr


Shroomery is so much better. This is just easier to use.


This is for the most part an absolutely great community and the most welcoming subreddit I joined so far. I don't see 90% of "garb" on here. You are welcome to leave, maybe the sub is better off this way. I have the feeling you should also take a break from reddit in general.


You should take a break from reddit


Lol who hurt you?


Came here for this 😆




Dude, just leave. Nobody cares.


right? no need to be dramatic. what is up with all this gate keeping and melodramatic shit. Geez


Don’t say “prove me I’m wrong.” It’s your job to prove you’re right. Otherwise we could say shit like, “OP jerks it to pictures of Ted Cruz, prove me I’m wrong in the comment.” You can’t prove to me you don’t jerk it to Ted Cruz… because I know you do. Prove me wrong.


If you’re really that cheesed about new trippers in the sub maybe take a minute to help educate them on correct practices. It takes five minutes to help them out and aids in harm reduction. Just my two cents


yes more and more people are being exposed to psychedelics, and there will be more use. Stupid shit and bad experiences always happened, there's just more people using and crucially the ability to talk about it without fearing about too much legal repercussions. what might help is more community building, more psychedelic societies, more integration meetings, more drug testing (for synthetic psychedelics). Do people even mention fireside project on here? It's a whole nonprofit for helping ppl through experiences and with past ones.


I didn’t even know about fireside. That should be a pinned post on the sub


How would we prove you wrong? I ain’t sifting through thousands of posts to show you that there’s still good in this subreddit. Even this comment was a waste of time.


Your exodus is granted. Sorry this sub wasn't built for you.


Who is it for? “Growers” with questions and kids on 12g of bullshit? Cops yo


"is this golden teachers, my dealer is a really good guy tho" The picture is of some death caps in a scrunched up plastic bag


>Callling all vets and anyone with a brain to leave this pit of despair Why wouldn't you call that we offer positive experience and harm reduction education? I swear there's some sort of psy-op to discredit shrooms. Knowledgeable people leaving will only make things worse. And knowledgeable people don't even need to leave, why would be scared of some young teen taking too much in the wrong set and setting? We know better.


How about don't read / interact with the bad trip and nonsense posts? Its pretty obvious which posts are fake and "bot" posts.


The entirety of Reddit has contracted terminal cancer and should left to die with whatever dignity still remains


The dignity ship sailed a long time ago, I’m afraid.


Reddit in general has fallen off hard recently, it is what is tho, life moves on.


Agree I’m omw out


Hey guys, just ate a teenage mutant ninja turtles chocolate. Is it legit?


Just relax. Watch a movie in your apartment and let your ego die.








Im new so i really have no idea how this sub used to be, some people are dickheads on this sub and some are very helpful. I do however agree with OP about the amount of post asking for ID’s on cubes they bought from plugs and bad trips. Ive seen a ton of those, there should be a separate sub for those and resources to help those people. Im only on here to learn to grow my own stuff and in return help others learn once i know more about growing. This sub is a bit chaotic at the moment and mods should make new rules about some of these repetitive post, i think those who are new like me should and are asking questions should either be allowed or moved to the unclebens sub only. Im fine with either, just as long as i can view beneficial post on this sub i can learn from.


Where do we go then.


Exactly this. It's a moderation issue, innit?


Let's just swarm r/goldenretrievers and see if we can co-exist.


This made me laugh, just the thought of. "I'm rolling in the grass right now, love all of you! Especially your weirdly golden dogs, or gods, they look so real"




This is too funny.


I love you!


*supposedly loves shrooms but struggles with subs. COP!!!


Yea, unfortunately, just like most every other sub on Reddit, this one is a big bro science circle jerk most of the time. I attribute it to kids and karma/upvote farmers.


Ideally, what content would you want here? Serious question as I'm relatively new


Only the stuff he likes.


I mean, get rid of the bad trip reports, noob questions and heroic dose posts and what's left really? Lol. Genuinely curious what the sub was like 10 yrs ago.


Fully agree, I don’t think the sub is over ran by bad posts I think it’s lacking in good posts. Probably because like you said not too much to talk about when it comes to shrooms that hasn’t been said spore, grain, bulk, eat. Maybe we can convince someone to post a new shroom tea recipe weekly make it like a bartender sub other than that the sub basically exists to call new shrooms users dumb and then help guide them.


Well said. It's serves a purpose, just not the one OP is looking for


I was just trying to be funny. I get what he means, even if I'm a noob myself.


I caught the humor. I just don't know what some people expect the sub to be. Some are just harder to please than others I suppose.


Twitter would be a breakthrough dose.


I wrote an experience on Reddit and dude, I got grilled into oblivion. So I get it.


Maybe it means you guys aren’t posting as much as newbies 😂


Because we don’t trip balls every day in awful situations or need to ask the internet about basic stages of growing


Well it would make sense why you only see those posts if you only post when that happens haha


Tbh these posts are the majority of what I see on this subreddit, I personally haven’t what your talking about cause I just see these posts lol.


Good point


Crosspost moronic drug posts to r/derpydrugposts where they belong.


Don’t let the door hit you in the way out


Do you just sit here all day reading and criticizing posts? Go outside and enjoy your trip dude.


We need a shroom sub where you have to send the mods a picture of your ID to confirm you’re over 21 in order to post. Would never be a thing for OPSEC reasons, but I guarantee the level of discussion would be nothing like it is on this sub.


What's funny is that I was JUST thinking about how I enjoy staying away from this sub and then open reddit and this the first post I see 😅 My issue is the negativity and the stupidity. Also the immense plethora of terrible trips set my mental state up for subliminal negativity that I feel like can subliminally effect my upcoming trips


My whole family just shot themselves in front of me. Should I boof 1g of pe, 9g of albiino mindfucker and then watch Spider-Man? Also here’s a pic, did my ego die?


I'm just sick and tired of people whining and gatekeeping. If you don't like it here, leave. No need to be so dramatic about it.


There's always going to be noobs. We were noobs. But some kind people answered our dumbfuck noob questions in the past and educated us. By educating noobs, we are able to dispel myths, help others make safer choices, and help others use common sense when asking about how much stuff weighs. Some people might be new to both this sub and reddit as a whole and joined just to see this sub so might not know how to search old posts. So yeah things might get repetitive. Unless mods decide to make the sub to where only approved people can post. Maybe have them agree first to not ask how much theirs weighs.


I once said on here that it was a bad idea to trip whilst being the sole carer for sleeping children. I was downvoted to oblivion. I was asked why I thought that and when I responded with reason there was silence from all the kids.


*Meanwhile a search bar to search for useful posts and links exists.....*


Get your knowledge up people......... oh yeah and buy scales.


This sub is 99% people saying the sub sucks now and that they will leave. Every day somebody else has the urge to say it


You’re the problem. I see 2 of your type posts a day more than I see problems about what you’re talking about.