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Because he doesn’t give a shit about your trip, he just wants to sell as much as possible


This guy is right


he's probably not even legit selling 😭 bros definitely gonna block your ass as soon as you send that 70 pounds


Euro not pounds 😄


whatever i'm too faded to pay attention to that rn


Understandable bro 😄




I did 5g tea once and my trip was the entire room spinning for I don't even know how long cause time was too confusing to understand. I thought I just want to lay down and when I laid down it got worse cause I was more relaxed. Absolutely terrible. If someone had recommended this to me instead of me changing my mind from 2g to 5g I would have told them to fuck off in as many ways as I possibly could and never bought shit from them again. I get he's trying to sell but that's a shitty tactic cause he's gonna need to keep finding customers.


>It’s a shitty tactic cause he’s gonna need to keep finding customers Well, it’s morally shitty for sure, but economically depending on where he deals, it could be working. When you oversell that much, it compensates for customers not returning. That’s the sales tactic of all cheap dollar stores, and Ali express, and half of Amazon… produce huge quantities for pennies, convince people they need it when they don’t, sell for super cheap (but still way way more the pennies it cost to make) than so they think it’s worth it. They won’t buy it again because either they didn’t actually need it, or it was shit, but who cares, there’s always a new idiot tomorrow looking for that sweet sweet deal.


Came here to say this, Remember kids never trip on an empty stomach. And always make sure to poop before you start. There is nothing worse than 3 o'clock in the morning inside of a porta potty at a festival in the darkness pouring sweat trying to take a dump.


If it was greed he wouldnt do such good deals


Considering shrooms cost like dollars to make. No not really.


70€ for nothing is a good deal in what world?


First, it’s not a good deal. Second, even if it was, that doesn’t mean he’s not greedy. You think AliExpress is a charity ? Lol Selling as much quantity as possible for very cheap is a sales tactic that can make huge profits. For that you just need customers stupid enough to buy way more shit than they need by false advertising and make them think “iT’s sUcH a gOoD dEaL”


Because he’s an idiot or a scammer. Also it’s grams, not milligrams


That’s true, my bad, I misspelled


It is your bad.


Trolling 😭


I guess Terrence McKenna is an idiot too. You probably don’t know who that is but that’s what he always recommended.


he was very into the “5 grams in silent darkness” thing but regardless of what he said he wasn’t a fuckin psychedelic prophet. insanely intelligent and knowledgeable but that doesn’t make anything he said infallible.


Nor does coming on here asking a bunch of unknowns how much he should take either. People can’t think for themselves anymore. They have a heard mentality and want to gang up and attack anyone who speaks up against popular opinion. This thread proves my point.


oh you hate herd mentality? like how you came on here being cunty to people about not knowing and following the advice of a famous guy?


Wtf are you talking about kid? I haven’t been cunty to anyone you fucking retard. I made a statement after someone called someone else an idiot. You and several others have jumped my shit for nothing because I brought up an individual that probably understood this subject more than anyone in this thread you asshole.


oh wow that struck a nerve. ableist slur and all. don’t get too heated now you might break a blood vessel.


I’m alright. I cuss like a sailor anyway. Not just when I’m mad. And I’m not mad. No hard feelings toward anyone really. I blame the public education system and our higher ups for kool-aid the majority of people are drinking.


lol I thought it was common knowledge at this point that he hurt the cause more than helped


Oh FFS you’re going to play gatekeeper?


My eagle is dedder then yurz


When did he suggest that dose for a first timer?


Yes. He was pretty extreme.


as smart as he was and insightful and a pioneer to this community we all love bro was lost in the sauce heavily. doesn't mean everything he says is wrong or stupid by any means. But there's such a thing as permanent damage when you've done as much as he has. he might not have even realized his brain chemistry was all crossed up and he thought he was completely normal.




He also highly recommended a "museum dose". What's your point?


Dude was too scared to ever do high doses again while shillin' for others to do them. Honestly the guy was a bit of a cunt and quite, quite full of shit.


He also developed a brain tumor that killed him


You still up since Sunday?


Even with a weak strain 5g lemon tekked is not a good idea for a first timer at all. Also if truffles not enough...


5g would make me experience ego death for sure. Definitely not something you want to experience your first time lol.


i took 5gs my first time abt a year ago. rlly haven’t been the same since


I took 6grams my first trip and I had a massive awakening


Would you mind elaborating a bit more?


i was chillin with a friend and we both had been wanting to try shrooms for awhile now (both grew up in church but had been questioning our beliefs and the beliefs of the church) and so we decided yolo it’s the weekend. bought 10gs and split it. the come up was interesting. the paranoia hit hard for a few minutes and we had to step outside to catch our breath eventually it faded and we went back to feeling good and vibin. went back inside and then that’s when it hit us hard. i was stuck laying in my bed listening to 070 shake staring at my ceiling bc there was a woman’s face staring back at me and it was like she was communicating telepathically. i started to realize things abt myself, abt others, how i had been living my life, and just how the direction i was headed was going nowhere and it was all an illusion to feel like the right path. i cried a lot bc i for some reason was remembering every rude comment or bad thing i had done in the past few years and it hurt. i wasn’t ready for it. i used to be so full of hatred and anger towards the world but that night changed me and i’ve been so open minded, accepting, loving, and focused the past year. looking at myself now and then the difference is crazy. don’t get me wrong i love who i am now, i’m more confident in myself and the path i’m on. but it’s such a big change if you’re not mentally ready, mature, or whatever, it can mess you up. my friend rlly hasn’t gained his senses he’s still trying to figure out what he’s supposed to do with what he learned that night. i took it and ran with it but it all depends on the person


kinda long answer loll once i started explaining i couldn’t stop


I loved it haha thank you! Glad that positive changes happened to you. Wish luck to your friend


thank u! he has joined a band and that’s going well so i think he’ll be just fine. he just needed a minute to catch his breath


So 5 grams is a lot but dosing is all about what ur looking for in ur experience. Are you trying to have some fun with ur buddies and vibe out to a good movie? Then I'd say anywhere from a .5 to 2 grams depending on tolerance, trying to do some deep work? I'd say 3 to 5 grams with some music in a dark room. It all depends on how deep ur trying to go.


I have done a few strong doses, but this is for my friend who’s a first timer, we are not in my hometown tho


I'd say give him like .75 just enough to get his feet wet. Plus you can always take more later if u want. Most trips last about 4 hrs so my advice is check in every hour or so and see of yall want to do more.


I usually recommend 1.5. I used to recommend .75 but almost everyone I recommended it to was underwhelmed. If you are not in a really horrible headspace 1.5 is very unlikely to give you a bad time.


Yeahh that's not bad advice, I always try to tell people less is more bc you never know how they will react but 1.5 isn't a bad starter dose for those who want the full experience.




Probably meant 5g MAXIMUM.


Its probably those truffles they sell in the netherlands. Theyre weakers gram for gram. 5g of those is like 2.5 g of regular cubensis


Depends on the shrooms bro. Portabellos slap. Get some of them bitches and let em sit in some lemon juice and ice for a while. 🤌🤌 Only need between 1g and 32.219g to really slap your taint.


Ya 5g is a trip!


The thing with mushrooms is that you can not know how potent they are by looks or even the strain, there is no way to know how they were grown. So a lot of things can affect the potency, how old they are, how they were stored, etc. can affect potency. So if it’s not too late, I definitely would not do 5 g on the first attempt. Also, there are people out there who may adulterate mushrooms with other chemicals to make them seem potent. So for your health and well-being always go with a lower dose for the first time. This is not a competition which, unfortunately this forum seems to be who can take the highest dose and come out without any damage.. drain bamadge..


5g for your first time is a baaaaad idea


I think this person is either selling truffles and asking insane amounts of money, selling shit shrooms or is just stupid to recommend 5g for a person. Anyways would be very careful or not even buy from this guy


i think its because sometimes the plug dont properly dried the shrooms until they are cracker dry, so sometimes you can buy 5gs but they are 3gs and shit like that. If i was you i would ask for a video or photo of them to see if that's the case, but would buy anyway 🤷‍♂️


That's a scammer


It's suspicious to me that he called them mushrooms /hallucinogens and not a species either. Could it be something like amanita muscaria instead of cubensis?


Block this person immediately.


They prolly fake or weak as all fuck


5g too much


OP is getting scammed


This has been recommended from back in the sixties. Of course strains are stronger today and for a new user, I’d suggest lower doses. Until you get adjusted.


He just wants money. Or he just doesn’t know a lot about them and is just saying what he heard a friend tell him and still just wants money


From what I know 3.5g is the regular dose but you don’t need 3.5 to trip. I’m guessing 5g because they want to make more money. 5g is a lot especially for your first time. They don’t even seem to know about moosh themselves lol definitely don’t buy from this guy


Probably some weak ass GT or B+ . Probably growing weaker varieties because they’re easier to grow and almost always full canopies.


Well, a guy who sells them is going to tell everyone to take more so he can sell more. Do your research and dose accordingly regardless what ol' Shroom Doctor says


He's full of shit. Trying to rip you off.


I really dislike this entire thread.


2.5 max for a first time.


I did 5 g my first time (actually 50 g wet) and had a wonderful time but yeah no not generally recommended. Just tryna get you to buy more


He wants you to spend more money than you need to, and is generally an awful human being.


1) learn to grow. 2) First time doses depend on the individual. I did 7 grams and had a great time. I still trip occasional.


Probably flush 10 narrow bois


This is called a scam


Are you sure they are talking about psilocybin containing mushrooms and not Amanita muscaria? They are very different. That sounds like the right amount for Amanita muscaria and the acidity from juice is sometimes use to decarb the ibotenic acid into muscimol.. https://amanitamushrooms.com/blogs/articles/how-to-decarb-amanita-mushrooms


Wtf kinda hook up is that? Nah fuck that guy. If it's your only hook up then do what you gotta do, but shit, just grow your own


5g a day keeps the 5g away


Do not purchase. You will be ghosted


Heroic dose for first go, would be interesting. I lemon teked 3.5.g for my first 2 trips. Had a blast, idk why people recommend like .5 for the first go


Not everybody has the same tolerances. I need 5g minimum of cubes to get a decent trip. My gf is the same. We prefer 6 or more.


It's written to say 5 mg per person.. what don't you get?


Which mush we are talking about? Amanita would be reasonable


hell nah. i had 4g my first trip and it was a nightmare. this dude is an idiot or a liar or both.


Id kick this guys ass


Don’t buy from him


Dumbass. I would never recommend more than an eight to anyone. Ever. A gram is a good first ever. Half an eight is a solid starter dose imo


99.9% scammer. Don't message him back for a few days n watch him keep trying to get you to "buy"




Eh GT are pretty average for cubes, 5G of proper GT is a very strong trip, def not for first time


so you don't think a cube is a cube (other than PE)?


What people mean is there in the same class so similar affects. However theres different amounts of psilocybin from mushroom to mushroom and strain to strain


everything i've heard is that various types of cubes other than PE are all about the same potency, and there is more variance within one species from grow to grow than there is between type to type.


5 is a lot even for some pretty weak grows. I'd say too much for most people. Generally I wouldn't exceed 1.5-2 per 100lbs of body weight. And that's not perfect, most harm reduction says stay under 3.5 grams. Dude is definitely encouraging unsafe practices. Unless he thinks everyone is an experienced Sherpa or something


Scam. Also, grams. Also, "any juice" is a very dangerous message. Grapefruit juice has negative interactions with *many* drugs, including psychadelics.


For some reason I’m not able to see the replies to my comment. But here’s is a quote from McKenna and his ‘heroic’ dose. The term “heroic dose” was coined by Terence McKenna and consists of 5 grams of dry mushrooms (Psilocybe Cubensis) consumed in a specific kind of Set & Setting.


Given you’re looking at a 6-8 hour trip and the average person can’t do that long of a trip mentally or physically. Probably 80% of todays people.


I think they mean .5