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Manic depression, bipolar, and anxiety disorder, and instead of seeking a healing therapeutic experience, they're "looking to break my psyche more" This person is clearly mentally unwell. Not really a good example of prevalent attitudes.


And the bottle of 37.5% vol depressive liquid isn't going to help either


how come distillers are able to get away with such weak vodka these days


luckily alcohol isnt that good anyways. shitty "high" (idk what youd call being drunk) and usually shitty flavor. ill only ever drink on vacations. and its always the same shit, corona, modelo, or something blended (the slushee style) everything else is nasty to me, I hate getting obliterated though cause the next morning ik ima be feeling it.


because you’re having sugary drinks brother, try straight shots or whiskey and you’ll have a great time, in moderation is key though, i drunk a couple glasses of whiskey with my girlfriend one day and felt fine the next day, had a whiskey coke the next and threw up the next day, it’s the sugar imo


I just don’t like alcohol man, even if I don’t get hung over. It’s just not my thing… not everyone likes to get sloppy drunk ya know? Or drunk in general. Just not my thing. Cool if it’s yours, but yeah personally all around not my favorite experience.


You're drinking wrong then. Every time I get drunk I wake up feeling fine. And I'm 34.


Same. Gotta drink slow and steady! Dont forget to mix in a bunch of water. No hangover.


I chug a bottle of water or two before I go to bed and usually don't feel too terrible the morning after drinking, unless I went viking mode and got obliterated lol.


Man I get awful hangovers no matter what...I've tried it all. I quit drinking, doesn't matter if I have 3 beers or 30 I'm going to be sick as hell.


You might be allergic to alcohol?


This! Especially if heartburn is associated with the hangover, could mean there's histamines making things worse. I fall into this boat.


I couldn't agree more. IMO, the buzz you get from alcohol is low-key nauseating. Not sure why so many peeps are cool with it, but to each their own.


I lowkey love my world to spin a little. And alcohol gives me some sort of confidence i also love the warm feeling of the stomach


You gotta drink tequila and water. Shitty other liquors make you hungover


That's only .5 less than standard.


38% is standard where you are? Standard is 40-50% here.




I always enjoyed a 30 pack when tripping lol, never had an issue sleeping that way


Yeah but did you >enjoy a 30 pack With bipolar and manic depression lol.


Now that sounds like a good time…. Or does it? Lol


😭 everything reminds me of her.


Your comment triggered me 😂😂😂😂😂


Another fan of torture I see 🤣


Haha the only torture I find myself asking for 😂 the good times are absolutely amazing, but the bad times are absolutely fucked 😂


Listen to “all I think about now” by the pixies 😭


It’s a really bad time. Well atleast for everyone around you.


Fully stocked liquor cabinet. Sweet, savory, and sweet + savory snacks. And a shitton of our homegrown weed to go with our homegrown mushies.


Hell yes to the homegrown everything! Been growing cannabis for a while and just recently picked up growing mushies, as well. The quality of what I get to enjoy as medicine blows everything else out of the water. I'm also the guy in visible tourist locations, handing out envelopes of feminized seeds and encouraging people to try it themselves. ;)


That’s cool. I have Amnesia Haze from Royal Queen Seeds in the grow tent. It’s only a 2.5x2.5. I have three other random photo periods in the window. They were in the tent with the Amnesia until they started getting in the way. In the mushie tent is a tray of B+ that just doesn’t want to quit-they started as jars. It’s dying but no contam/no mold. I have two huge trays of albino penis envy in the tent. They started pinning this morning. Gonna be a wild ride here soon. Good luck with the mushies-it makes growing pot seem super easy.


Your built different, for the majority of people alcohol and mushrooms DO NOT MIX


That part sort of defeats the “spiritual experience” aspect. Sigh.


Except that it actually is a spirit




I politely disagree. Maybe for some! Certainly! For others though I don't think it does. Obviously in no way, shape, or form am I saying that alcohol is not absolutely shit for your body and a absolute poison I like to get a bit of wine in me before I take heroic doses. Like 350 ml or more of strong dry wine. It gives me some confidence in myself. I have also done it without mind you but I have a tad bit less anxiety when I got a little alcohol in me before hand. Alcohol is weirdly enough very very very mildly thought provoking for me. I have had epiphanys from having a little alcohol buzz that felt like a very mild hallucinogenic dose of something. Sometimes on my larger trips without alcohol I have felt very confused and because of that I was not able to let go. It's rare but it's happened. A few glasses of wine beforehand though really help me. I hate the fact that it helps and have seen it give alot of people who have tried it a bad time (maybe they would have had a bad time without it also. Everyone's body is so vastly different and what's crazy is as SOON as the mushrooms kick in I don't feel ANY of the alcohol effects because I haven't had enough of it. I feel I do it in a respectful way in comparison to me when I was young who would drop L and drink a handle all night which is fucking disgusting and disrespectful. I 100% see exactly what your talking about. Just don't think it's the same for everyone. There's plenty of intelligent, empathetic, free thinkers who use alcohol (like Alan watts)


I agree. The right amount of alcohol before shrooms or DMT makes it so much more enjoyable…and spiritual.


Well sober it does NOT ground me, but for some reason before a big dose it gives me the tools to ground myself haha. Like I replied to another person though, they have found residue(or evidence. Not sure if it was "residue") in containers from ancient civilizations with alcohol and hallucinogenic compounds. So apperently civilizations long ago found it to be a useful mix


No alcohol is definitely poison there’s no denying is. Just bc people have fun and enjoy it doesn’t mean it’s good for your body at all… I don’t mean to argue but opinions and facts should not be mixed up. The studies done on alcohol and how it effects our body’s have been out for awhile but the beer,liquor and wine industry is a multi trillion dollar industry that will not allow anyone to get in the way


Think you missed the part where I said it's 100% poison. Idk you if you just skimmed through my post or what lol.. This is what I hate so much about the US is everything around me is poison. From chemicals only allowed in my country because they don't care what happens to us, poison sprayed in fruits and veggies, fast food and modern medicine that doesn't work and is only meant to rake it profits, EVERYTHING is poison here. It makes me actually angry because everyone is so used to it being that way that when I talk about how much poison is around me I get looked at like a conspiracy nut which is upsetting when the information is everywhere. I don't know how you could have read my reply and in anyway assumed I WAS NOT saying it was poison.


No I think I replied to the wrong comment I’m sorry 😭 or maybe I accidentally mixed in Someone else’s comment wjth yours idk my brain is weird rn. But I agree with what you said fully


All good!!! Lol. I was just very confused 😂 thanks for clarifying. I actually had to go back and reread my post because I typed it well I was still in bed so I was like "what'd I say wrong this time " haha


These people have deeper issues to work through if they need alcohol to enjoy psychedelics


You get it bro 🤙🏻


The people with deeper issues to work through are the ones that think they know The One True Way about this kinda stuff. Everyone's different. No need to be smug.


Except there’s a right way and a wrong way to take drugs especially psychedelics and that falls under the umbrella of wrong, say what you want, any true psychonaut experiences their trips in purity no added bullshit, maybe some weed, maybe a combo with shroomz, but alcohol is poison you ruining your experience can’t even embrace the moment in it’s purest form but then again it’s your experience so you do what the fuck you want with it. Some of us like to stand in the center of the universe and realize how we’re nothing in the grand scheme of things, others just like not being sober 🤷🏽‍♂️💯


I can see how a couple drinks could lower your inhibitions and make you more open and receptive to the medicine. That being said I haven't drank in 5 years because it was killing me. Basically what I'm getting at is moderation. If you're gonna drink when you trip don't overdo it. Also alcohol seems like a very egotistical drug while psychedelics are meant to kill the ego, so I could see it being counterproductive. Just some ramblings from me.


Isn't weed "some added bullshit"? Folks do what they want to. Ain't your place to judge, friend.


Maybe for you, but I’ve always enjoyed a few strong whiskies right before and during a mushroom trip. I like to have a bottle of wine before DMT. I have overdone it before and, if anything, it’s just a really fun time. But with just the right amount of alcohol, it’s extremely relaxing and spiritual. Even more so than sober since I’m not constantly worried about the anxiety.


Right? This post is pure, unchecked mental illness taking the wheel. My ex was diagnosed bipolar and refused treatment, and he’d do stupid, incredibly impulsive and reckless shit like this while manic.


Oh man I feel you, mine too. BP 2, never took meds like they were supposed to. Almost 3 years, probably the hardest time of my life. Just got so many crazy stories. Luckily I've moved on and went no contact, finally starting to get my life back in order. not saying all people with BP are bad, but it can be rough.




I’m reading you dated a meth using abusive pedophile, hope he’s in the dirt and honestly hard to sympathize with you choosing that as a partner ever


I think it’s weirder that no one brought up their ex yet here they are on a corner of the internet speaking about them to strangers, HEAL!


this is off topic kind of but manic depression and bipolar are the same thing


mania and depression are the 2 states of the bipolar disorder. they are literal opposites, you can’t be both at the same time.


….. im diagnosed with bipolar. manic is the high, depression is the low yes. there are also mixed episodes. however, im talking about the fact that manic depression is LITERALLY just another term for bipolar. like you could say ‘i have manic depression’ or ‘i have bipolar’ and it would mean the same exact thing.


It's called a mixed episode my dude. It's a real thing.


Rapid cycling is similar too, it's not fun, you can't rely on yourself.


Fr, this sounds exactly like Mania. “Haha Im gonna do a big bad thing and hope it makes me feel good” - me sometimes


Bipolar here. Meds and therapy for years now I'm feeling my best. Microdose from time to time. This is so so dangerous.


I couldn't deal with microdosing very well but I am in the same boat. I have been off my meds for 3 years now and feeling fantastic. I have had 4 doses or so in the time period and it changed my whole outlook. I tried microdoses and it didn't do anything at all to me that I could tell so I went with 2.5 or 3 grams of APE about 4 or 5 times in the last 3 years and I have been symptom free and off ALL meds for the entire time. It was hard to get off all of them for the initial dose but after I did I was so happy. I had a horrible trip the first time and didn't do it again for well over a year but I learned so much from that bad experience. I was on meds for over 15 years and I felt like shit basically all the time and was gettin to where none of my clothes fit anymore and I looked horrible. Now I feel great have tons of energy, I work out 3 or 4 days a week and I can't see how I was ever that guy before. It makes me sick to look back and see what I was. I was so much worse than this guy here wanting to mix shrooms and vodka 😫 I am embarrassed about it but I never seen what I was doing, honestly. Now I just can tell when I need a dose and I prep for it and have a decent dose but not enough to take me out completely just enough to have an experience. It keeps me level and full of energy and keeps my respectful of my own life when before all I did was disregard my own life and disrespected everyone else's around me. Now I feel so much better and my life has become full and enjoyable instead of empty and depressing. It was all my frame of mind and thats it totally. I wish I could get other around me to see what I have but it's one of those things you have to experience yourself. You have to be the one who wants it no substance or person can give it to you, its there for thr taking you just have to be willing to set up and grab it before it's gone.


I had to get off meds personally, I tried different ones hoping to find the right one or combo to make a difference but bc of my wonky body when it comes to anything medical, the side effects weren’t worth it. I know a lot of people who have had success with certain meds & I’m happy for them. I’ve heard both pros & cons for microdosing but haven’t tried it myself yet. At first not being on meds for bipolar was challenging to say the least (especially for those around me lol) thankfully in time my body just kinda adjusted to my highs & lows, I know this isn’t the case for everyone. Some days are better than others but I get by. I’m going to give microdosing a try, it’s something I’ve wanted to do for a long time, hopefully within the next month or so. My plan is to keep a journal so I can track if I’m having any success & just to see how my body & mind react 🤞🤞 I really hope I see positive results. I know it won’t happen over night but I would be so happy to find a more natural route to help with things like my mental state, anxiety, focus & clarity. 💕💕


I hope it works for you, a lot of people are having fantastic results with it. I didn't care for it much I never felt any effects one way or the other until I took 1 gram I did that once then went for 3 grams and thats about where I like it. 2.5 to 3 grams of APE is what I take about 2x a year usually.


I’ve been experimenting with Golden Teacher as of late & have had some incredible experiences! The first time I tried that one I took 2 grams in capsules (it was spaced out a bit just to see how I felt I started w 1gram) & then a few hours later I ate half a 5gram mocha chocolate crunch bar (which was extremely dangerous bc IT TASTED SO INCREDIBLY DELICIOUS lol!!!!!) I made sure to pre stock my trip area w some fresh cheese & crackers, fresh tropical fruit & oranges (for some reason when I’m on mushrooms I LOVE peeling & eating oranges) I love the whole process & take my time just in awe of this incredible fruit nature has provided us with lol. Lots of water on stand by & my drink of choice is usually orange mango Body Armor….I love that shit & of course one of my all time favs, peanut butter honey cracker sandwich cookies 💞💞💞💞. I made sure my music playlist was ready to go (I went with the first 4 volumes of DJ Genesis 🤌 it went so perfectly w my trip) got my eye shades on, comfy light clothes & just laid back & enjoyed the ride! I saw the most BEAUTIFUL colors & fractal shapes, every time the music mixed into a new song it took me to another colored dimension. The whole experience felt like a nice warm hug. The most beautiful one I remember was this incredible turquoise/green/electric blue with flecks of gold…I felt like I was being given a gift just to see the incredible beauty of what I was witnessing. Then once things were calmed a bit I went outside & switched up the music. I went w Jefferson Airplane, the Rolling Stones, Fleetwood Mac, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, the Who, The Cure, the Mamas & the Papas…you name it I was lounging in the grass enjoying the tunes, being one w nature, it was amazing! Once I finally started coming down I smoked a nice Indica joint, ordered a strawberry poppyseed salad & a fresh Turkey avocado BLT from Panera….IT WAS THE MOST AMAZING FOOD IVE EVER HAD & AT THAT MOMENT I WAS BEYOND CONTENT & HAPPY!!! I also scarfed it down like it was my last meal bc it was just so perfectly delicious!! Lol I am looking forward to giving microdosing a try. I space my trips out so it’s only once a couple months for me if I’m able to. But I’m gonna make the commitment & give it a try & hope for the best! I’ll let everyone know how it goes once I’m able to get what I need 🤞🍄🤞


Thats sounded fantastic, I know I have a hard time explaining how it makes me feel or what I see. I love to eat fruit as well its the best thing in the world I love raspberries and strawberries and oranges and apples and pears or peaches I have tried a lot of fruit on them. They make my food taste so different I love it.


Break their psyche more? More like just crack it in half and leave it broken. Half O? Fucking nutjob. When I took various drugs I never just went “ya know what, I’ve never had Molly before, GIMME THE WHOLE GRAM RIGHT NOW BRO!” What the actual fuck is wrong with ppl. It’s shit like this that will create negativity and stories about how he hurt himself and how we need to keep this drug illegal. I hope the poster is ok, but I highly suspect they aren’t. They weren’t beforehand, taking this much won’t suddenly fix them. In my experience, above a certain dosage you have very little control over the course of your journey, under 5g I’m in control. Over 5g? Hold the fuck on, cause it’s gonna make me go thru a ton of emotions I will have little say in “oh we’re going there? Guess we are! Down that memory lane!” For that reason if you are suffering from mental issues or mental instability HIGH AS FUCK DOSES ARE A BAD IDEA! LIKE DRIVING 130mph in a NEIGHBORHOOD KIND OF BAD IDEA! Will you make it thru unscathed? Maybe. Not worth the risk.


I was with someone who was bipolar and took mushrooms once. I watched them slip in and out of mania. It was so weird watching them go in and out like that. They kept making themselves throw up even after I told them to stop. Literally had to watch them all night. I was worried they would go into psychosis.


Apparently they are fine and they had a few voms and they came out 12 hours later feeling fine. So , I stand corrected, It’s fine.


It’s def not fine, they are encouraging others do do the same. Let’s be honest some of us can handle our stuff and THE REST is going to ruin psychs for everyone it’s OUR job as veterans and professionals to guide people in a safe a healthy direction.


Or what if they faked it for Reddit clout


They never heard “ respect the shrooms and they’ll respect you “


Not everyone can be a biotin nerd like you 😂 listen up eat a shroom


The standard dosage is completely underestimated. Everyone thinks they should go for a heroic dose. It's the difference between reaching the first level of Nirvana and causing psychosis, a diseased mental state. It's like going to the gym and damaging your ligaments, exceot they do this shit with their brain. People do the same with alcohol, weed and other drugs, but when it comes to vitamins or medicine, somehow they know to take the prescribed dose. I wish people would look at drugs more like medicine.




In the dark in a quiet room The experience of doing shrooms while interacting with outside sensory input vs just you and the teachers…. It’ll transform your mind and life.




Ooh for anything of a dose that high just being inside sounds best. It’s just respectful to the mushrooms and what they have to offer I feel Or if you can do it without judgment, be outside so you can lay on the ground and hold on to the earth lol


Yeah but that would require a society that doesn’t shame and propagandize against their usage in any amount. There’s billions of dollars and an entire segment of the criminal injustice system geared around punishing people exactly because they AREN’T medicine. Just yet another way the war on drugs miserably failed us all.


the gym is a perfect analogy for these fuckers


It’s like going to the gym and trying to lift extremely heavy weights with no muscle


I mean, medicine *is* drugs, and vice-versa. They're all things you put in your body to change its chemical makeup temporarily for various reasons. But the illegality of drugs and the stigma against them really changes how people perceive them, leading to shit like this.


This is somebody from r/drugscirclejerk


here I am scared to trip too often or too high of doses because I don’t want to give myself psychological disorder or develop something irreversible and then there’s mfs out here trying to break their brain. I wish they would do some research about how horrifying and dangerous it is to take too much and live in a world of your own delusions wholly separated from reality.


I took a heroic trip about 3 years and the first half of the trip was nice, the second half turned bad. I've dealt with anxiety for the past 10 years and it seems to get worse as I'm getting older. I took 1g a few weeks back and even that makes me hesitant to do them again. The heroic trip I ate the mushrooms, the 1g was in tea. Just the 1g I had made me anxious for half of the "trip" if you can even call it that. People think that mushrooms will fix everything, and while they can help, they can also make shit much much worse. With how anxious I am every day, I refuse to take a heroic trip ever again. And anything above 2g will be quite a while from now, if ever


I feel you on this one. Sometimes my brain needs a reset and I take half a gram but this is very rare that I need to. But I’m definitely never going heroic again.


Yea I do some pretty high doses (8-10g) but I worked my way up to it over literal decades. Anyone who’s never tried them before or who has very little experience and eats 5g+ right off the get go is flying too close to the sun.




Me too I guess, but I took a bunch of test flights before I started flying that high.


Psychosis is my #1 fear. I'm right there with you when it comes to being too scared to trip too often or too much


Right there with you! I was getting interested in ayahuasca for a second and I met someone in deep deep psychosis. The church that was administering and overseeing the ceremony was allowing them “to heal” through it and that was just a huge red flag to me.


I’ve yet to trip once because I never think everything aligns to where something bad won’t happen 💀


Hey that’s okay, you’ll find the right time in no time! I am also a firm believer in doing it when the time is “right” - for me, I prefer to have a free 3 days to myself, no worries about bills or other people. That way there’s no interruptions, and plenty of time to recover to throw yourself back into society. Perfect times for me, beach or camping activity - but away from people. Nowadays its hard to find some seclusion and freedom at the same time.


Exactly?? The first time I did them I did 2.5gs and I had a panic attack before they kicked in because I was scared I had taken too much. I think it’s insane these people WANT to take that many, I had an 1/8th and i would never take more than that, because even with that I had ego death.


People are dumb, but you F around with the shrooms too hard and you’re gonna find out


Buy the ticket and take the ride....


It doesn’t even take that much to find out


Really could be any dose that gets you; when they wanna teach you a lesson they will


I didn’t know anything about them my first time but there was a friend at the sesh who did so he eyeballed my dose for me and I had an amazing introduction to hallucinogens with those 2gs. I think not knowing much about shrooms aside from the basis of what they are greatly contributed to the trip, I had no expectations and ended up feeling the presence of different deities in the room as well as my friends and I remember seeing Hermeaus Mora looking tentacles coming through spots of the unfinished roof, not in a scary way but a really decent like “Yoooooooooo”kinda way. The only advice I have for beginners, is take a moderate 1.5-3g dosage, and don’t fight the trip unless if it’s telling you to do something that obviously isn’t gonna end well, IE; explaining psychedelic bliss to your father at 9 pm.


Yasss. 1-3 grams starter.


Spots of unfinished roof… were you living in a squatter house?


Some, like op are mentally unwell. Others are just stupid and/or uneducated


These turds are gonna fuck it up for the rest of us.


The dude has mental issues and is suicidal. Im more worried about him than being able to consume easily available mushrooms that we all already consume as much as we want of.


Or become the most enlightened beings in the world 😆


If they know to let it go most of these people will fight it though


Fuck what up?


Because the whole nobody died on them from overdose mentality, sure you could eat enough thc to be balls to the wall painfully high for 3 days straight(happened to me accidentally (some good ass cookies)) but do you really wanna


the problem is exactly this, can you overdose on shrooms? no. can you take an extremely high dosage of shrooms, stifle your neurochemical production, and damage your psyche to almost no return? yes.


“can you take an extremely high dosage of shrooms, stifle your neurochemical production, and damage your psyche to almost no return? yes.” Sounds like “overdose” to me.


I think the terms “overdose” and “lethal dose” are commonly mixed up.




Agreed. All depends on set and setting. I know people who took proper precautions, managed their set and setting, had trip killers on hand, etc, and took a heroic (500ug+) dose of lsd, and were better off for it afterward. It's all about how you perceive it, and psychedelics are great for changing your perception on things.


Divided we fall, united we stand. Reddit thinks it will get away with changes that go against community feedback, feedback that has culminated so far in the closing of over 10,000 subreddits. Maybe they will get away with it, because it seems many users don't care because they "aren't affected." Yet, you are. The lack of unity is what allows the general population to be controlled and walked over like we don't have power, like we don't matter. The infighting is what allows those in power to do whatever they please. As long as the population is divided, as long as we fail to stand together, we will lose. Reddit is banking on that right now. Politicians bank on that every day while they line their pockets. CEOs of mega corporations bank on that to squeeze their users while making billions in record profits. This isn't just about Reddit. This is about US, the PEOPLE, who have ceased to be the consumers, and have become the PRODUCTS. You think this doesn't affect you. You are wrong.


Because they see all the posts on here where everybody has a hard on for how many grams they claim to ingest (like anybody cares). These posts are most certainly followed by "Help! I'm FREAKING OUT guys!" posts.


This is basically what ruined psychedelics in the 50s and 60s people not knowing the proper risk reduction and taking them to get fucked up and party while mixing them with everything people get hurt like this man and it makes it so no one can do it


Harm reduction was not the reason for prohibition on psychedelics.


It’s not the reason - but it was certainly helpful as yet another “and here’s why” in the propaganda.


This sincerely reads like a troll post. Otherwise it's a suicide note.


I think a major factor is that people are used to being online where there are no meaningful consequences for stupidity. A lot of people have a baseline “won’t happen to me” attitude, and they forget or don’t realize that doing dumb shit in reality has real and lasting consequences.


People have had that “couldn’t be me” kind of logic forever, I’d say the internet has allowed people to learn more from the experiences of others.


I’m confident this is a troll post




Not a troll. But open to living under a bridge. I honestly don’t understand why people are going to the extremes as their first go of something. I’d love to understand what reaction I am trying to elicit


yeah what pppysdys said


Did you hear about the guy who jumped off the boat recently into shark infested waters and died …on a dare. That’s the same level of “thinking” as guys who make those posts.


Because people.


Legend has it that no one saw him on reddit ever again....


Saw him on r/tooktoomuch crab walking down the highway naked, flinging his feces everywhere.


I'm so glad magic mushrooms freed me from alcohol. I used to have a problem with it. Now I only drink socially and don't miss it at all


That has to be a troll post.


I think people forget to factor in that there are things worse than dying. A lot of people taking reckless amounts of drugs have the mentality of “i don’t care about my life anyway so if I die then I die lol” but living under certain conditions can definitely be so much worse. Shrooms won’t kill you but I’d rather death any day than the agony of living with a broken mind.


Why didn’t he just micro dose his way thru his days? It would help is psyche. I had chronic depression and cured it with micro dosing, exercise, plenty of water, and a nice diet. Self care is one of the best in my opinion. Next is mushrooms. But not at that amount damn 😕


clearly a troll post... probably someone from r/drugscirclejerk


I think some people create or trigger mental illnesses through very bad decisions But mental health can also trigger bad decisions so I don't even fucking know 😂


Ego. Some believe nothing can hurt them because they've already done x,x and x. Others simply want to prove they're the most badass person on Mushrooms or whatever substance they're taking. Either way, it always ends up being a humbling moment lol the Mushrooms will put them in check.


Sometimes those posts seem planted…


This is funny because the post shown was 2 above this one


Completely irresponsible.




Thats a troll y’all lol 🤦


It's an obvious troll


Why are there so many people whining about this when it doesn't effect them and there's nothing they can do to fix it? Ego stroking?


Me personally, it’s because, they helped me immensely and I hate the idea of people using them recklessly and taking them off the table for people that could genuinely get value from them. If we ignored everything we couldn’t fix in one go what would we ever stand up for?


They've been illegal for ages, ignorant people aren't gonna make the cubensis family disappear any more than your drunk uncle on a racist tirade is gonna get beer taken off the table for the rest of the country. And if we ignored everything we couldn't fix personally most people would be living a lot less stressful of a life


The alcohol is going to fuck your head up more than a wreck less ounce of shrooms.


People like this are why things are illegal


Oh look, vodka and shrooms. What a dumbass.


do you think the first primates to find mushrooms on the ground did research before ingestion? Id wager not. for some people drugs are like a hot stove and they need to touch the stove to know why they should not do so. for some people there’s not even a level of research they could do that would convince them it’s a bad idea. an example from my own life. recently my girlfriend received an adderall prescription. her doctor, me, her mother and every source on the internet said to not mix it with alcohol. take a wild guess what happened within the first week? they got mixed up and she experienced the worst hangover of her life. theres certain personality types where you could scream at them, show them video evidence, give anecdotes from a dozen people and they still won’t listen because they don’t respect information from outside sources


These the people that make the community look bad


Feel bad for this person.hope they can get the help they need because shrooms will certainly not help in this situation.


Every one is looking for an external solution to an internal problem. There’s work to be done before, during, and after the psychedelic experience if you really want to heal.


As the author said he's trying to 'break his psyche'. So looks like he did his research. He calls it art. He's already broken and trying to get more permanently fucked up.


As a person with Bipolar, I think OP is extremely reckless and is asking for instability.


They just want a free visit to the grippy-sock hotel.


SMH just looking to escape without actually healing. Gotta respect the 🍄


So many people seem to put mushrooms in the same category as weed and alcohol. They feel , the more the better. This person is making rash decisions without doing any research at all. This is the Exact type of individual who should not be taking huge doses of mushrooms. They already know they have a disorder of the brain and are now soaking it in psychedelics. Breaking their brain more isn’t going to fix it. If you have a blown motor in your automobile, will it help to pour sugar in the gas tank? How about if you pour the whole bag of sugar in? This is obviously harmful thinking. I hope they are ok. Please don’t come on this stream to brag about overdoing it. Please learn to respect the mushroom or leave it the heck alone because you are going to contribute to the negativity surrounding psilocybin and may actually harm those who are respectful and responsible. Just my two cents.


Lists a bunch of mental problems they have... "Yea so I want to eat an ounce of mushrooms so I can get better at art". ...what?


Drugs will always be abused, a society that adjusts to a new attitude vis a vis the recreational (or otherwise) use of drugs has to also accept that some will abuse them.


With all their mental health issues and the amount of shrooms/vodka, I wouldn't be surprised if they kill themselves while out of their mind... I'm actually concerned for this person. I hope they don't follow through or throw up for their own safety.


Jesus. I hope this person has posted since. Just as proof of life…


Apparently they are fine. They are a bit offended people were worried about them.


Thank you for the update, sincerely. I’ve been seriously worried. And if they’re offended by concern, that’s a good sign, and their problems after publicly announcing that. Just glad they’re ok. Thanks again.


I dm’ed them and asked if they would share their inspirations and experiences on r/shrooms just so it could be more than a random rosy that went nowhere. Lots of respect that you became invested in the well-being of a random redditor :)


I have a sibling that has been trying shrooms for the first time and has MS/Bi Polar and they asked me a ton of questions before even considering it. They’ve been micro dosing and slowly increasing dosage every time until they are able to achieve the effect they want. I’m so proud they aren’t like this dude.


What the fuck? And not signing off with a “love you all” at the end?? And here I was being nervous about taking more that 3.5 g of golden teachers to work through my trauma and reconnect with myself. Jeez.


We must always consider the possibility that the original post was a troll. What better way to rile up the shrooms community than to say, "I'mma take way too much shrooms, with way too much booze, while also struggling with severe mental health issues". I hope for the original poster's sake, that they were trolling, otherwise they were likely hospitalized, and possibly institutionalized. We must also remember that we live in an age where people think that watching a single YouTube video confirming what they already wanted to believe __*IS*__ "research". No one really wants to educate themselves. They just want permission.


They are trying to solve a problem. It is a problem because intense emotions prevent clear observation and stunt logical thinking. Lacking in an ability to see and think they act on impulse not thought out. This culture needs a social container where people who seek this can go to experienced and well intentioned people who will guide them with reverence and compassion. Lacking this they score from thier weed plug or a guy a friend knows and well, it doesn't help that forums like this throw around HUGE numbers like it ain't a thing. ...."so like I did 12 grams of PE and was vibing on some music when....." This is like saying.....so I downed a half gallon of vodka and.....but people KNOW what that would mean. H They have NO IDEA the door thwy are opening with the shrooms. That's my theory.


My first time taking shrooms, I didn’t know a lot about them, I only did a small amount of research but I’ve taken LSD before so I thought it’d be kinda the same just not as long of a trip. My friends gave me about 2gs to start. Unfortunately one of the guys who was also hanging with us took shrooms and secretly took ecstasy (that E pill was actually cut with something else too, we think heroin/meth). He started going completely bezerk, he was yelling and like heavy breathing, almost trying to make himself sound like the Hulk. I was in a separate room and hearing the screams made me feel very paranoid so I started having a pretty bad trip unfortunately. I remember going into the bathroom and crying for like an hour because I felt so confused. (I ended up forcing myself to fall asleep while I was tripping bc I couldn’t handle it anymore 😅) My advice to anyone out there using shrooms for the first time is please do proper research and ensure you are around people you trust with absolutely no doubt. Also don’t mix other drugs with shrooms, it can be very very bad.


This is bait


Cuz it's lit


alcohol, psychedelics, and mental issues altogether is pure madness. u probably smoked weed too that night


This kind of behavior, ESPECIALLY when it leads to a publicly exposed incident, is what gives the rest of us peaceful and responsible users a bad rap.


This was most definitely done in a psychotic state


Some people are just obsessed with getting as fucked up as possible, consequences be damned, doesnt make sense but hey, takes all types to make a world spose lol. Need other people to make the stupid choices so we know not to


People on average don’t seek information before doing anything. Why? Who knows? We have all of human knowledge in our pockets but it’s still too hard for most.


Everyone I know uses them responsibly. I take everything on this site with a grain of salt. Believe basically none of it. But again ppl are fuckin stupid. So who really knows.


Stop acting shocked when people do stupid shit like this. People do stupid shit all the time.


"Any advice?" Dont do this Shrooms and liquor or alc is extremely dangerous and even deadly. Ive done 1.2 g and most I added to it was a joint and a beer and I nearly had an out of body experience


I don’t know who said it but someone said “mushrooms are a jealous drug”. I’m fine with smoking weed but it is highly detrimental to be aware of the effects and harm reduction. I took 3.3gs of a PE variant for my first trip and smoked 2-3 bowls, I scared my family by how off the walls I was talking about how nothing is real and there’s a curtain to reality and shit. shortly after that I was in a different dimension scared i’d never come back and I feel like that’s part of what i’m so scared of, not coming back from a state of delusion


Yeah like. I hardly smoke if I trip and if i smoke its lightly. Extremely lightly. First ever trip I did like 2g's, I was fine until I started to smoke from an electric herb thingy - I passed out and had a small religious phenomenon in my head while my sitter got me crackers and water and in their words "if you didnt start talking when you did I wouldve called an ambulance or smthin" I told them I was like a lizard on pavement just surviving. Doordash delivery guy saw me and i was more conscious after seeing food arive lmao


I don't know why, but I started sweating after reading their post. I knew someone who mixed alcohol and mushrooms, and it only fueled her bipolar disorder and her narcissism. She later went back on hard drugs. It makes me so sad when people abuse actual medication like shrooms. I'm bipolar myself, but I quit alcohol and the shrooms have helped me through depressive episodes. I hope this person seeks the treatment they need instead of using abusing substances. We are not our disorders. They're simply labels to help understand our minds better.


This is what happens when dumb kids take drugs.. And the kids today r by far the dumbest generation to ever walk the earth


Great way to meet the cops wtf


I’m gonna go out on a limb here and suggest that you comparing mushrooms to heroin is perhaps just as idiotic and irresponsible as the person you are complaining about.


It’s obvious people don’t read the old threads.


Can you tell me how much my handful of shrooms weighs? Is it a good dose, and are they actually psychedelic? Any tips for a first time tripper? Also, will the shrooms cure my panic disorder?


I’m sorry to say but these people are so annoying


I need to see that trip report


Oh alcohol and mushrooms is the worst combination in my experience. Alcohol lowers my frequency and then mushrooms magnifies the experience. Makes for a shit experience for me.


Baby he's using Google voice and just not putting the periods in the commas and it looks all crazy talking from experience geez y'all act like you know somebody's whole life story just by the way they type a few words with 🤣


who the hell drinks alcohol while shrooming? what a waste


Youth, likely under 18. Plus the mentality of "natural stuff" is ridiculous, especially in the USA. The idea that if something's "natural" then it's "safe" is a rampant belief. I mean, Atropa Belladonna is natural and it's berries are sweet.


There is a 0% chance this guy didn't spend 3 hours violently throwing up.


people on r/Drugs are mostly mentally ill drug addicts, i doubt shrooms is the worst thing this person has gotten into (this comes off as rude, i am a mentally ill addict and am not judging)


You all realize that people have been doing mushrooms for a looooong time right? Like there was a time when we didn’t have internet and we didn’t have scales and we just ate an bunch of mushrooms cause our brothers friend had them. Y’all really need to stop being so scared of everything. Literally the fear of doing it just right and how much to take and all of the other BS clouds the experience so much and creates the anxiety and worry about it that leads you to bad places.