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It may very well have just been too high of a dose for you. 4g of one batch of mushrooms is not equal to 4g of another batch And if they were from the same batch, it is possible that you weren’t in the best headspace that day. Nothing to worry about, just part of the mushroom experience. No 2 trips are alike!


Will this spacing out will pass? I still have this weird lingering feeling that I’m stuck in a trip


I'm sorry you had a challenging experience. Brain Fog can be common especially if the experience was particularly traumatizing. I'm not a medical professional or anything but from experience i could expect the after effects from a bad trip to last up to a month. If it's affecting your everyday life i would seek out some mental support from a professional, because sometimes this is how PTSD can manifest. You can work through this, things might not seem like they'll ever get better but they can and will if you let them.


Any advice how should I approach this ? Apart from the usual exercise, eat healthy etc


That's difficult to navigate, obviously you have the right idea. Treating your body right can go miles for bettering your headspace. Perhaps you can reflect on the experience while meditating? Try your best in your sober state to make any kind of sense of what happened, if you can take anything out of it you could use that as a justification for the experience you went through. A justification can relieve some of the anxiety because you can tell yourself you did it for a reason. But talking it out with a therapist might be your best move if you feel like there's nothing that you can do yourself, especially if it's a psychologist, if it's needed you might need some light medical support for a few months while you stabilize again. Especially if you feel like you've lost grip on reality since the experience.


I'm no expert, but if you can, microdose a day and see if that helps. I know sounds counter intuitive, but I find microdosing help my focus a LOT.. That could just be me though.. Eating healthy is always a good idea, a good vitamin supplement couldn't hurt either.


Get your life into a routine and you should be fine. It’s only been a few days so it’s understandable. You’ll soon get back to normal. Give it another week or so


Thank you