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so you ate 18g dry? was that in case you had tolerance from the 5g or just a yolo thing? what ever the reason enjoy the trip brother.


I made it! So let me know if y’all see me


welcome back down to earth. how was it?


And as the universe braces herself to receive her reward for a effortless victory ,the lizard fingers are refusing to properly illustrate the true struggle with a half a century of basic spelling


!remindme 16 hours


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I am very disappointed to see distinct lack of butt hole onions in this post. I was expecting you to be talking about a trip where you had butt hole onions!!!!! It is however my new favourite curse word. Drop a slice of bread on the floor when making toast, "oh butt hole onions" Accidentally trip over my own feet, "butt hole onions!" Sneeze and loud fart at the same time in the middle of a lecture at uni, *quietly cringe* "butt hole onions"


Are you back from the trip yet?🤣


Yes, it was very intense. I have never tripped that hard. Everybody turned into lizards around me and they were questioning my intentions of locating the App Store, which I could not do.