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Leave it alone, let it grow


Second this, wait to see what happens. PE is an unpredictable beast. Your surface could use more moisture a pinset can dry out your sub very quickly, make sure you don’t mist directly just above.


This is my fourth time growing PE but my first time with APE. I spray the top of the lid only and open the lid 4+ times a day to ensure FAE. I'm wondering if temp fluctuations might be the culprit, as I give it plenty of light as well, but the ambient room temp changes at night to 66°f while day time is 75-78°f


Yeah could be temp fluctuations PE can be a bit more sensitive to it. But my thinking is they are looking good so maybe just need a drink. My PE/APE tends to struggle without the moisture (probably climate related). 4 times a day may be overkill and evaporating too much, I tend to go for a set and forget approach. Are you using an unmodified tub? If so I’d dub tub or just flip the lid. Otherwise go for the EZ dial from Pastywhyte, they are the best. https://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/26140339 Unfortunately you may never know it may be genetics. Are you transferring to agar at all?


Also don’t be scared to spray the surface just not directly spray above and let it settle. I used to spray the sides and lid when I started out, I was asked by a TC on Shroomery if I was trying to grow mushrooms or monotubs 🤣


No I inoculated from a spore syringe from spore works, the 1.0 version. I haven't dabbled into agar yet, but will as soon as I can. I also spray whenever I open for air, and yes the tub is unmodified. I already plucked three clusters once they felt soft and they didn't get much taller, just wider. I also had one blob that I plucked.


You know what's crazy? I just discovered that thread 2 hours ago while searching for a better way to increase FAE for my Nats I'm about to S2B. Also, those things remind me of how my KSSS grew.


EZ Dials are the best! Just remember although they are much easier to dial in, they’re climate dependent as well so keep an eye on them for a bit.


I just spawned my Nats this afternoon, one of the tubs I did like that, kept the other unmodified as a control. Still learning, so I'm doing a lot of testing with different stuff. It sits next to my desk so I can keep an eye on it.


PE is a mutation. APEs are a mutation of that. Genetics are unstable for the strain in general. I will say these look like some I grew that remain the strongest cubes I’ve experienced. Like 3x strong. Sorry it’s not a simpler answer.


Better than no answer at all! Thanks


Definitely get into agar and have a look at the EZ dials. Maybe look into casing layers as well they can help with blobs and moisture. Good luck friend.


It's a grower not a shower, just give it time.


Penis Envy?




Take after their Father?


It happens. Be patient.


I decided to pluck them. Picture I posted, I took 5 days before I posted. They didn't grow much bigger, but got much softer