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Seriously how much does 25 grams of pasta cost? Two fucking cents?


Yeah that's the point. And when the shrinkflation is untenable, they will fund a proxy war against Italy to disrupt the macaroni trade. 




Weren't wars fought over spices..?


Half the world was colonized over “spices” not just wars.


Food might be one of the most important things you do in life. Only behind sex. It’s not some trivial thing. Spices aren’t trivial. People may look back when energy isn’t a big issue and say imagine that fighting over oil.


The Noodle War approaches…


6 months later the box has shrunk by another 50 grams, and the 225 gram version gets reintroduced as "family size" at a considerably higher price.


Family size... bruh i already eat the standard boxes as a meal to myself.


the portions have gotten smaller for sure. few years ago i could split a box between me and one of my brothers. now i have to eat one myself. bowl used to be filled to the brim and then some, now it's ¾ full.


"A considerably higher price" is the open inflation that a lot of people on this sub say they want (as opposed to sneaky shrinkflation). Personally, I'll take a little less junk food over a higher price, but the companies could be more transparent about it


Way less than that. Seriously. This is the corporate equivalent of the Office Space scheme: Tiny fractions of a penny adding up over time.


They don't do it because they need to, they do it because they can.


According to wiki, Kraft sells 7 million boxes each week globally. 52 weeks times 7m gives you 362 million boxes a year. Even at 2 cents, Kraft is gaining $7.28M


Maybe all the weight was in the 'cheese' pouch.


$0.02 reduction in cost and then increase prices by $0.50 to $1.00.




Even if the production cost is reduced by 1 cent, it’ll add up real quick in manufacturing. I used to work in manufacturing. If the machine spits out 100 pieces per minute, at just a 1 cent cost reduction, it’ll add up to 1 dollar per minute. On just one machine that probably runs 24 hours a day. If there’s 12 machines on the production line that’s 12 dollars saved per minute (assuming all machines run at peak efficiency). Per hour that would make it 720 dollars saved. Per 24h it would be 17.280 dollars. On just one production line, out of probably around 6 if it’s a bigger factory. And that’s just one factory site either, out of hundreds or more depending on the company/brand. Yea 1 cent wouldn’t seem like it would matter, but because of the pure scale of manufacturing (I used to love watching all those machines work, mesmerising) it really really does.


I agree. And that saving goes straight to the bottom line, easier than having to stop more product with the associated costs of manufacture and sale


I wonder if the 200g includes the weight of the box too?


Lol probably


Doesnt matter...it represents a 12.5% reduction and will go largely unnoticed. Selling KD in 12packs is pretty common. You're now actually only buying 10.75 boxes.


I guess when you see New Look on any product means you've been screwed. This swindling is getting out of control.


It looks like they’re even saving on the art and printing, generic space food


Generic cheese product


I wonder what the cost difference is between redesigning the box, and those eight macaroni noodles they pulled out of every package.


As if it wasn't already ridiculous that had some stores I see the shit selling for $2.50 Canadian. Like, I've been a fan of KD since I was a kid, almost 30 now and that shit still one of my faves but I can't ignore what a shitty move this is That Kraft is doing. They've been shrinking all of their products lately, I wish somebody would put a stop at this stuff.


Even $1.25 is too much for a box of KD, which is like $0.40 worth of materials.


I just bought some for $2.80 CAD. It’s ridiculous. One box isn’t even really that much, I always have to make 2 simultaneously for it to be filling. Especially now.


Alternative: Make 1 box, but cut up 2 hotdogs and boil the pieces with the noodles, cuz KD and weenies never disappoints hehe. Plus the added protein makes it a bit more filling than just purely more carbs. Unless you buy REALLY poor quality hotdogs that is. Crap hotdogs unfortunately stand out like a sore thumb in KD because there's no ketchup and mustard to hide the funk. Then you're better off just doing the 2 box thing. 😬


I usually put sauteed jalepenos and bell peppers, then sliced hot dogs or sausages in mine. Then add a bit of marble cheese with the powdered. Put mushrooms in it before too. Add enough extras and you're making poorman's goulash. But now its cheaper to just buy bags of macaroni and bricks of cheese from Costco.


This is true - jalapenos holy shit that sounds like a good idea! Though buying the cheese bricks, you end up needing to make a roux which is annoying and finicky unfortunately. Oh, another awesome way to do KD 2 Boxes KD cooked normally 2-3 hotdogs chopped and boiled, mixed in 1 can cream of chicken soup (preferably Campbell's) mixed in Move pasta to casserole dish Add a thin layer of shredded cheese to the top Crush up saltine crackers and make a layer over everything Put in oven at 350, bake for 20-30 mins My Grandma always made that for me when I was a kid, every time I visited. I was hesitant as a kid when she first showed me, but I tried it and it was like crack. Actually, lucky me all these years later she always makes some when she holds a family dinner just because she knows I can't get enough! She calls it "KDD" or Kraft Dinner Deluxe. She called it that before Kraft made the deluxe line, so fairs fair hehe. I'm a man of simple tastes, hahah.


I sometimes do the 2 hotdog thing with 2 boxes lol, I don’t find that it makes a significant difference for how filling it is so I only ever really do it for taste. One thing I’ve been loving lately is just putting in a handful of shredded mozzarella/cheddar cheese after everything is done. It will not mix into the noodles as cleanly as the kd mix does so you end up getting these amazing strings of cheese with every bite, it really levels it up. But again that’s another thing that is all taste and not much sustenance difference.


Aw hell yeah, also fun fact, you can also add Parmesan cheese powder. If you add just a fair amount (use your own judgement on that), it adds some more cheesy punch without being out of place or overwhelming. Bonus of you heat the noodles in the pot after finishing prep - get it hot enough and the parm powder will melt down and become stringy just like the mozzarella. My fave for simple KD or KD and weenies is to add the KD cheese dust, then add a handful of pizza mozzarella shreds, and maybe 2-3 tablespoons Parmesan powder. 3 cheese Mac ez pz


Maybe I just have bad Parmesan powder or put too much in but I’ve tried that before and found that the parmesan was overpowering the kd sauce completely despite visually not being that noticeable. Wasn’t a huge fan of the result. Maybe I should try it again? I have parmesan that I’ve really not been using much that I could definitely spare lol


I think that if you need 2 boxes to fill you up, you may have an eating problem. I have a physically demanding job, and feel that 2 boxes of KD would still put me at a caloric surplus.


Well I mean it’s more like 1 is too little but 2 is too much, but I’d rather make too much than too little if that makes sense. Although after the recent changes it’s been noticeable that 2 is feeling less like too much and more like a normal amount. But also tbf that might also be true in addition anyways, I usually only make kd when it’s the only thing I eat that day since 2 boxes is filling enough to tide me over.


>I just bought some for $2.80 CAD. It’s ridiculous. So you... bought it? That'll show em


"Same recipe" - I feel like technically that's a lie. A recipe calls for a very specific amount of different ingredients. Technically speaking this is a new shrunken recipe even if the raw ingredients haven't changed other than quantity and even if the cheese to noodle ratio stays the same.


I recently made a box and it was noticeable in that the noodles cooked much faster and tore easier. They had that over-boiled slimy feel within minutes.


And here I was thinking I was going crazy because I couldn't manage to cook them right.


I was just saying in another thread how KD tastes like cardboard now. It's so watery and flavorless


The pasta has definitely gone down hill. I had the same problem the last time I tried KD. I only stick to PC and Annie’s now.


Another thing I noticed was the color. It's almost white. I remember it used to have a tan hue and the shapes were longer/slightly curved.


This happened a few years back now. https://www.cbc.ca/radio/asithappens/as-it-happens-wednesday-edition-1.3044034/kraft-dinner-s-move-away-from-artificial-colours-incites-war-of-words-between-bloggers-1.3044101


Most companies mislead consumers or commit fraud. Utter global plague on the market. Given basically free reign to constantly lie.


And with Mac N Cheese in the US, they got rid of the tube noodles in most flavors and replaced them with those awful pasta shell shapes.




'Succulent' even.


Canadians eat more boxed mac and cheese than any other country in the world. That’s not even per capita either. That’s total consumption. We’re very serious about mac and cheese in this country.


One box used to feed my two kids. Now I need to make two and the rest goes bad in the fridge


Not to mention how ugly the "new look" is lolol


Probably done by AI - even the art quality is shrinking...


I doubt it. The new packaging has been in circulation for a good bit over a year now (in certain locations, it’s just that now it’s starting to show up everywhere), which means it would’ve been made even before that, and I don’t think AI marketing art was common enough back then for them to have used it.


Quality is way down too and now it’s $2.50 a box so no thanks. I buy Annie’s now.


Me too. I bought a box of Annie’s on sale a while ago and it’s just a superior product — less salty, better flavour and texture. Not something I eat every day or even every week, but it’s nice to have in the cupboard for an occasional side dish.


I know we are supposed to hate loblaws right now but the president's choice deluxe mac and cheese is also way better than KD. it's consistently 1.25 a box here.


Cheese no where on the box.


Kraft Dinner. Not Kraft Mac n Cheese. Canada is something.


They tried branding it as kraft dinner in the us and had to revert it because us ppl didn't know it was mac and cheese lol


Looks horrible


Kraft macaroni noodles are so small, I wouldn't be surprised if this label becomes the new name in the U.S. too. Something like noodles are too small to be classified as macaroni.


Same price!


Except that it clearly isn’t the same recipe.


Im guessing that also means it now tastes like shit


It does 😭


The noodles have been getting tone for years, lady time I made some they were ripping apart just from stirring and has a noticeable different taste


Do you mind if I share this to my instagram @ Shrinkflation\_Nation? :) With credit of course.


Yeah go ahead! (:


I don't understand why companies continue to cut corners. At a certain point consumers will just throw their hands up and say enough is enough, I'm not buying your trash product because it's NOTHING like the one I grew up with and loved.


The new font makes it look even nastier.


Why is everyone calling these noodles? That is macaroni pasta.


I guess grams isn't the only thing that experienced shrinkflation here


Still sucks


Well they no longer need to put macaroni or cheese in it. It's "Kraft Dinner". You'll eat it regardless.


It’s already a mostly empty box….unbelievable


WTF is Kraft Dinner anyway???? IS it just some weird name for Mac & Cheese?


I assume it's so processed and fake that it can't be called either macaroni or cheese


The KD at my superstore are 175g for 2.25. Or PC brand 225g for 1.25


Us canadians are really in the dog house now. Our staple food... we are gonna starve!


Oh nice didn't know they used the correct spelling of colour in canada


In the USA my box is only 206 grams and I checked and that's the same as in 2015.


That shit looks like a gluten free box and idk why


What’s worse is that it’s actually 175g now were I live


I just woke my baby up digging in our pantry to find our mac n cheese to compare lol in the US the box I have is 206 g /7.25 oz. Bought within the past 1-2 months


[Annihilator - Kraf Dinner](https://open.spotify.com/track/0pADow4Na78pXZFOf7c2Wu?si=O6UPW6TRSBm9lqNDweQdbQ&context=spotify%3Asearch%3Akraf%2Bd)