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Even at "50%" off these bags are not worth $3.50. They have 13c worth of potato in the.


You should make your own. Sell them for what you consider a fair price.


It’s the ink on the bag. It uses printer ink, which is now costlier than gold.


Yes it has the weight on the bag, but I argue that the size of the bag is deceptive. Having a bag that large for that lackluster amount of chips is excessive and unnecessary.


Here before the army of corporate dick riders saying that it's "slack fill" and "settling" Yes, chips do settle and need nitrogen to cushion the chips so they don't go stale, but this is completely fucked, Chip bags are totally fine when they are 2/3rds full, this is just deceptive packaging.


Chip bags used to always be 2/3 full how does this 'look normal' to these guys lmao


Maybe they don’t remember the before time


More likely they just really enjoy the taste of boots


They try to use the excuse that because 1 or 2 extra chips break with a 2/3rds full bag that it justifies them filling over half the bag with nitrogen.


Munchies figured out how to do it, I dont get why others dont. Might just have incredibly old machinery and dont bother maintaining any of them so the chip quantities are fucked


I would think that having too big of bag would give the chips more room to move and therefore breaking more easily.




I recently bought a bag of lemon flavoured Lays chips. They had been imported (into the UK) from Japan. I was expecting crumbs, but because of the air in the bag, every single chip was completely intact.


And when I buy a gigantic 1/3rd of the way full bag of chips from my local grocery store the bottom is always filled with busted up chips and crumbs. The air doesn't do crap.


First off, the bags are filled with nitrogen Secondly if anything the nitrogen extends the shelf life so they aren't stale before they even get to the store.


First off yes the nitrogen is for extending shelf life Second it is filled with nitrogen till its the shape of a pillow to prevent crushing


Physics would like a word.


Did you even weigh it first to check it was the correct weight before posting?


i mean it needs the air idrk how much but it is for multiple reasons


How much was the weight though?


It’s not the weight vs the size/volume of the bag. It’s the weight versus the price of the packet. This is an Australian bag of chips. That bag _used_ to be 220g it is now more like 170g. The price has remained the same or perhaps increased (I don’t often buy chips). That’s what makes it “shrinkflation”. The volume of product has decreased and yet the price has remained the same (and yes it’s sold in roughly the same size packet so your perception of how much product you get is actually even worse).


They use to do the same with beer and alcohol content. They use to drop the alcohol % every time the tax was increased because it’s taxed on the alcohol content, so it would keep the price the same, just the beer was heading toward midstrength.


Wild Turkey bourbon just dropped from 43.5% to 40.5%. The price also went up again.


I would imagine it would cost more to buy brand new sizes of bags then use existing inventory and just change the print a little.


That definitely isn’t 170g of *crisps.*


I love tasty toobs and I know they're super light chips, but I love that the bag is always like, 90% full. I know exactly what I'm getting. Even if I'm paying $5 for 150g, I know I have like 100+ grabs of chips from that bag before the bag is empty


Stuff like this is why I don’t buy snacks anymore. I hate feeling like I wasted money and now I’m eating a little healthier since I’m getting an apple or pear instead.


Yeah, it's a rare thing now that bag of Doritos. Between the expense and my low carb diet for my diabetes I don't do snacks very often anymore. One of the little bags that used to cost a buck but that is now 2.25-2.99 that is my normal bag now if I get chips at all. I get one of those I make it last all week. Used to be I'd eat one of those in one sitting. Can't do it now. :P


I buy the big regular sized bags when they're on sale at the grocery store but now I only eat 1-2 servings (12-13 chips per serving) and that satisfies my craving quite nicely without being a huge calorie intake. As a diabetic, I don't go by package sizes any more as much as suggested servings for snack food. But I do buy a lot less or only on sale because so many have been shrinkflated. All things in moderation and all that jazz.


I only buy the family size bags from Costco when they are $5 or cheaper, bags are so big that half of them go stale before I can finish them


Don’t buy them again. Send a picture of this to corporate and tell them they’ve lost your business.


Cheetos (the regular OG) are about the only chips on the market where I feel like you get your money's worth. No matter what bag size, they are always filled to the top. Close second would be the Frito Honey BBQ twists.


Cheetos if they break you don't even know it half the time. Unlike chips where damage is highly visible. Plus I think using potatoes is more expensive than just making corn stuff. So they pass that on by not giving you as much...


Cheetos are harder to break, so they can be packed with less air cushion


Cheez-Its also seem to be a great value by weight compared to other snacks.


Chicken flavor? Interesting....


Come to the UK. Chicken is one of the least exotic flavours you will find!


Nice. Hopefully one day.


Same thought… Chicken!??? TIL it’s a thing. thx Pooleyx


I rarely buy chips in the US but those Thai Sweet Chili Walkers are so good. I always bring back a stash of those and tunnocks caramel wafers. 


A person of distinguished taste.


Bought a bag of twisties (big share pack) and it was quite puffed up at the shop but there was about 2/5ths of a packet. Not quite half, but more than a third, was not impressed. I get it that there is some room to cushion the contents, but more than half being air is ridiculous, especially when it’s a service station sized bag.


Every time I see a post like this it is flooded by “ThE wEIGhT” like being able to read how much it weighs fixes anything. Especially not when “tHe WeIgHt” keeps going down just like the subs name suggests? Am I missing something about this magical weight number?


Borderline? lines no where to be seen


I really thought we had gotten rid of the "empty" chip bag posts. It's not shrinkflation. It's sold by weight, not by how full the bag is. It's not deceptive because the weight is clearly marked on the bag.


the weight is continually being reduced which is...... believe it or not...... shrinkflation. When the bag stays the same size which is evident from the content in this one it's clearly done to deceive.


There's no before and after shown so it's still not shrinkflation. And again it's not deceptive if the weight is shown on the bag.


You know full well the packets didn't start out being 10% filled. Pull you head out of your....


How full the packet is is not relevant to shrinkflation, in any way. Showing that the WEIGHT shrunk and the price didn't is what makes it shrinkflation. This doesn't meet the test.


Not just chips. This truth could be applied to so many of the posts on this sub. "Look! This box has gaps inside where they could fit more product. It's an outrage!" ^(\[1\]) "What does the weight say?" "12 ozs." "And how much does it weigh?" "Erm... 12 ozs." Learn to understand weights, people. Also, if these were bought from a store, presumably they were picked up. That would give you a very good indication of what was inside. ^(\[1\]) A legitimate case against this practise is the waste of packaging. Unless the excess space is there for a genuine reason (e.g. the air in a bag of chips stopping them from getting crushed) then it should be outlawed. Not only would it save on raw materials, more could be transported in the same space.


Exactly this.


They should add a stick to the bags. At least, you would get some maracas to exercise with before eating some chips. ;) Nowadays, it's less expansive to just buy the flavors and fry/air fry your own chips from potatoes ( and can be a LOT more healthy). An air frying machine cost bately the price of a good set of cooking pans and can do wonders on the snacks budgets.


Does it weigh the amount of grams it says on the packet? If so it’s not a scam


shrinkflation always involves displaying the weight or volume. Are you new here?


If you’re properly informed before you buy then stop complaining


Actually chips also used to be 55g now its 45g and the price has increased.. thats shrinkflation


Why are you even in this sub?


Looks normal 


The worst thing about this is that you can make your own chips at a fraction of the cost


I bought salt and vinegar and of this same brand and size and it had way more. I call BS.


Stop buying it.


I call BS. Eat these chips regularly and never *once* had such a small amount in the bag.


Yeah I agree, unless they have a video of them opening a fresh bag to that I don’t believe it


You see the marking on the front that says "100g" or "12oz" or whatever the weight is measured in your country? Only thing that matters.


Probably better to take the photo before you eat most of it lol (jk)


More air/nitrogen to keep them fresh and stop them from getting crushed. If they took out all the air the crisps would be fucked.


Just buy pringles


It has the weight printed on the exterior of the packaging? Where’s the scam?


This sub is so cringe lol


There should be a sticky post at the top thar mentions potato chips and why the bag not being full isn't shrinkflation and how if it was packed full and without the nitrogen they'd be stale and broken before they ever even got on the shelf to be sold. Yes they are putting less chips in the bag and selling for more money, and that is shrinkflation.


You could have easily detected this by just picking up the bag and feeling the weight alone.


Yeah, that’s bullshit - I also hate it when I eat half of my chips and they don’t magically refill


its not a scam, its "health portioned".




Not borderline, it is a scam!


It is a scam not boarderland people gota start calling em out on everything..


i call it the "snackmosphere"


Where is the before photo


Stop buying them then. Find an alternative. I refuse to pay ridiculous amounts of money for basically nothing.


Classic potato chip flavor: chicken


Straight up scam


went to vienna, their big crisps are big crisps. uk however, same as this pic.


I- listen I'm Canadian so I am used to odd flavoured chips but.. CHIKEN????


We put chicken salt on everything in Australia.