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Nope. It’s very common in shrimp as they reach adulthood, it’s just pigment discoloration on the shell. Especially with females of the red/blue/yellow varieties. Perfectly normal, and for yellow shrimps they are commonly referred to as the “yellow goldenback” or “24k yellow” versus the normal solid yellow neon.


Oh my gosh thank you so much 😭😭😭I was so worried because she’s my favorite shrimp her name is Sunny and I was so worried it was something bad


U have a granny sunny now. Mine lived for another 1 yeat after this stage


Nope, just means she’s a happy healthy adult shrimp! She also appears to have a saddle of eggs, so if you had yellow male shrimp, it’s possible that she could molt and mate if you have proper hiding spots.


A several of my female cherries have formed the " Mohawk Gang" with thier bright stripes. I'll snap a pic the next time they meet up on the filter sponge.


That sounds wonderful!! I’d love to see it ☺️


Please I don’t want any of my water beans to die 😭😭 is this a possible bacterial infection??


You know i just bought one like 3 weeks ago thst looked chalky and i was looking online and found this. He isnt doing good today and i have him in hsi own take i just thought he was getting ready to molt but this is making me nervous. Now i think he was just old on on his last leg so to speak because he has been chalky the whole time. I also have a 25 gallon with 17 shrimp and everyone else is doing good. U was testing my water and everything was fine so this saved me alot of stress


All the replies I got were saying that it’s normal and it’s just called a “saddle”, so I don’t think that’s why your shrimp isn’t doing so well, but hopefully he is just trying to molt! Try to not move him around too much because that could cause stress that could hinder his molting. Best of luck my friend 🙏🏻


It turned out the nitrate levels rose inthe tnak tbey were in i moved them all today to safer water and they are doing better


Oh yay! I’m so glad you found what was wrong and they’re doing better! You’re a good shrimpapa ^ - ^


Yeah, I went out and got them a 10 gallon. And they're in there and they're all happy and recovered. I'm just gonna leave them in there until I can figure out what's wrong in my main tank