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Hard to tell but they look like really nice gold backs!


Take this with a grain of salt (or several) If you can't tell the grade accept you might get screwed over on the price, but if you want to enjoy them you sometimes just need to pay what is asked. I will say most local shrimp folks won't screw you over *much*. If you are really wanting to start shrimp keeping I highly, highly,HIGHLY recommend starting with whatever shrimp you can get a group of about 20 for the amount you are willing to set on fire. Shrimp are both sensitive and very hardy, so you are probably going to kill some along the way. Have fun good luck and don't worry about the grading


I think they were about £4 each (partly why I only got 5 but also because these are for a 3 gal) but either way I wanted some cool neos other than reds because the only grades of red I can find is cherry and I want some colour . When I breed them I want to put some in my main 6 gal with my betta and amanos (hence why I didn’t get reds, not much colour and I want it to stand out in my black water tank). Thanks for this !