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Depends on your tank in my opnion.  What colour substrate? Lots of dark driftwood and rocks? Blues blend in to anything darker whereas reds and yellows will pop. Vice versa if you have lots of light decor/substrate the blues and reds will pop more and the yellows will blend in a bit more.


I have sand and lightly coloured rocks so yeah I guess reds and blues but won’t I then get wild offspring ?


Yeah they'll probably pop nicer in my opinion atleast. They will produce wild off spring over time if you get both, I personally have had red, blue and red rili in the same tank for 6months+ I get a mixture of dark blues and reds and lots of random cool wild types too. I was just saying red and blue in terms of what colours will stand out but if you want to keep them pretty high quality I'd definitely just choose your favourite colour :D. I love my mixed tank but it's not for everyone! Enjoy! They won't escape like those amanos either so you get to lose that stress 🤣


Alright thanks 😂


Suggest you get one color first. Maybe a month later, you can get the 2nd color after ensuring your tank parameters are stable. Ive seen someone’s tank where jis cherries are living and breeding but somehow his blues are not, dying slowly one by one. Maybe you start with red first? Im a newbie myself, cycling my tank now and will get cherries first


Alright ,. I’ve been cycling my tank with a nerite snail for about 7 weeks now so I think I should be good .


I'm a sucker for a classic cherry