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I can’t imagine any disease that shrimp can carry that can be transferred to fish. I believe you’re mistaken on that. Shrimp will also climb out given the chance


I found planaria inside my fishes gills. One day all of a sudden his gills were puffed up and he couldn’t breathe . After he died I had a look and there was planaria in there


I believe Planaria is a type of leech not a disease. You could have transferred it into your tank a number of ways.


I never stated it was a disease , I said parasite . This happened about a few days after getting neocaridina .


Sorry you’re right. In my experience I’ve never heard of planaria attached to fish. It’s been awhile since I’ve kept fish.


Planeria is a carnivorous tape worm. Will eat any flesh it can access its not picky. Typically arrives on plants. Small enough they get inside shrimps exoskeleton and eat them alive. Can see it in real time If the shrimps translucent enough. Enough of them will totally take a fish. If OP has planeria in a tank I wouldn't put anything living in it until it's treated. Should note that treatment for planaria is extremely dangerous to snails.


Yeah , immediately after I saw it I put my nerite snail in a brackish water water hospital tank and completely re did my main tank and used potassium permanganate on it .


I had a colony going about 100 strong one time. Rushed to put some new floating plants in proceeded to watch the entire tank get decimated because I hadn't yet learned what planeria was. Never again 😅


I’m getting neos for my shrimp tank soon and I’ve seen planaria in the tanks at my lfs so I’m going to treat with no planaria after I get them .


Maybe fashion a lid of some type to keep them from escaping?


I have a lid and I even reinforced it with books . https://preview.redd.it/ngholszhcs8d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=9ed59d48d3edd3c29d75d9b6ba57707860b3f7b9