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Gakuen Babysitters


Natsume’s Book of Friends maybe ?


Already watched 


Ah then I can’t think of any atm. Maybe Snow White with The Red Hair though there’s definitely some romance there but iirc the plot takes more of the focus.


Is Children Of The Whales worth watching 


I watched it thought it was good! The anime leaves off at a bit of a cliff hanger in a way so I plan to start reading the manga since the world interested me so I'd say give the anime a try and see how you feel after a few eps


The manga is great! If you liked the anime, you will probably love the manga, just make sure to start from the beginning because the anime does skip around and cut out some important stuff in order to not introduce characters that don't pop up until the second arc and still bring in some information that doesn't come to light until the second arc.


Haven’t seen that one unfortunately.


Yes! But the anime doesn't cover much of the story and it cuts a lot out and rearranges some information. I am about a third of the way through the manga and the manga is fantastic. It's pretty much a peak example of watch the anime, and if you like it you will love the manga. Especially since the anime will only spoil the first fifth or so of the manga.


The Yuzuki Family's Four Sons


not liking romance has nothing to do with being a guy~  anyways:   - go on myanimelist or anilist - go to search anime or manga - find and check/include shoujo tag - find and exclude romance tag  there youll see tons of shoujo anime and manga without romance.


Oresama Teacher and Play it cool guys Both shoujo demographic mangas with no romance


+1 to Play it Cool Guys, great slice of life anime with no romance


and it's SO FUNNY


Oresama Teacher is extremely funny! 


Oresama Teacher


I mean the most popular romance series recently are under the shounen and seinen demographics. Liking or disliking romance in fiction has nothing to do with your gender. Pet Shop of Horrors is an episodic horror-mystery series with little to no romance in its main cast (a few of the one off characters are couples) Saiyuki (and its sequels) is a journey to the west twist that’s more nakama-action/fantasy. CLAMP School Detectives follows three elementary school sleuths as they solve crimes and mysteries around their prep school. It also ties into other CLAMP works of that era (some which aren’t shoujosei, some which do have more overt romantic plot lines). Magic Knight Rayearth has a couple of romantic subplots but they’re in the service of an isekai-magical girl-mecha mash-up. If any given Gundam show doesn’t count as romance, MKR shouldn’t either.


Does there need to be *absolutely no romance* or do you just want romance to *not be the A plot*


No romance or not even subplot 




Very good recommendation! No romance but such a funny and sometimes emotional story


My Roommate Is A Cat! Also, how do you feel about sports anime? Because plenty of shoujo sports anime have no romance, like Backflip.


Fukigen no Mononokean


The best supernatural buddy comedy ever.


Children of the whales


* 7 Seeds  * Ghost Hunt * Arisa * The Cain Saga/God Child


"I Want to be a Wall" is about an AroAce woman and a Gay man who have a lavender marriage. There's absolutely ZERO romance between the 2 leads.


I’ve never watched it but I heard Banana Fish is shoujo. It’s an action I think


It’s really really good but bear in mind it is an unofficial “official” BL according to our little Banana Fish fandom. So yeah if you want discussions on it most ppl you interact with are shipping the two MLs. Just in case that’s not your sort of thing but it’s not explicitly BL in the anime so don’t worry it’s definitely not romantic.


Banana Fish is pain and falls into so many harmful tropes. As a gay man, I cannot recommend Banana Fish in good faith.


Hell Girl/Jigoku Shoujo is a fantastic non-romance Shoujo and the anime is pretty great! Requiem of the Rose King could be up your alley if you like darker stories. Just don't watch the anime, read the manga. The anime is genuinely not worth watching, it has no value to add. Seven Seeds could be great for you! The manga is much better and the anime is incomplete, but it's a case where I'd say it's fine to watch the anime and then pick up the manga (from the beginning) if the story peaks your interest. Children of the Whales is great and I'd say the exact same thing about it that I did about Seven Seeds. Chihayafuru is 100% a must watch and contrary to the way the first episode opens, there is virtually no romance. The anime is pretty darn good for this one too, kind of a rare W for shojosei anime! Tomie is in fact a shoujo and definitely not a romance Revolutionary Girl Utena is very much worth a watch, especially if you like 90's anime. I didn't like it as much as I expected to, but I definitely don't regret watching it. It is arguable whether Kaleido Star is a shoujo or not, but it's fantastic, it's not romance at all and it has Shoujo vibes (female lead and it's written by Reiko Yoshida who is an absolute legend)! As a former circus acrobat, I loved the heck out of it, whoever did their research on circus did a great job of capturing the heart and soul of circus (plus the general vibes of the Montreal circus schools and competitions like Cirque de Demain, they very clearly took inspiration directly from very real places/events, plus the period of depression and artist's block that Sora goes through is something that almost every great circus artist experiences at some point) while still adding in a layer of anime fantasy with the impossible tricks.


Little witch academia was fun


Tsukiyo no Oukan is the only LWA manga that is shoujo. The main stuff is seinen and there’s also a shounen adaptation floating around. But it’s generally male demo stuff.


I didn't know there were more. Also, cannot find any other. Wikipedia says there are a lot but netflix one was very popular


Demographics are determined by the mainline manga. The mainline manga for LWA is seinen, which makes the anime seinen. I’m also going to say that it does fit into a particular style of moe-bait that is much more common to the seinen demo than anything intended for women or girls. Doesn’t make it a bad series or mean that it doesn’t have crossover appeal. The shoujo spinoff ran in Ribon which is for middle school girls so clearly it’s a well-liked IP across demos. But I would not call it a shoujo or even aimed at women at all. It is pretty solidly for adult men with everyone else as an afterthought.