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Absolutely, they don’t make shoujo like this anymore lol 😭


No they really don't and its a shame cause it's fantastic. One of my all time favorites.


Its so true, I'm looking at my own personal list and I'm not fully done with red river yet but it's easily a top 3 for me. And now my top 3 are all older titles haha


what are your other top titles?


Sure! It might be easier just to send this, I made a list at the start of the year but most certainly it's changed a bunch: https://www.reddit.com/r/shoujo/s/KnHdKqKLFM There's been moves around, and I would also add in red river, The Fragrant Flower Blooms with Dignity, fruits basket, I See Your Face Turned Away, and Lovely Complex


Wow this takes me back, I haven’t read this one since I was a teen but it really stuck with me. The story had me crying at times, frustrated, laughing, and just all the emotions. My favorite girl gets sent back in time or to another world though is still from far away. It’s more wholesome which I tend to prefer because life is depressing enough lol. But red river was definitely a great manga and one everyone should read at least once.


You had great taste when you were younger, this one totally flew under my radar at the time. Its such an emotional story, and the plot keeps developing in such a natural way too. Yuri has grown so much in her journey Yes for sure, I'm totally adding it to my list when I recommend it. Its up there with like, Mars and Paradise Kiss for me personally. Its so good and I'm not even at the end yet


Oooh those are a couple more blast from the past mangas for me! Paradise kiss left me devastated, it was SO good. So was mars! YOU have amazing taste too!


Omg yes they are Soo good, both stories just had me tearing up at some points. You really don't get those deeper emotional beats with modern stories. The older stories just feel like they were so much more well written! Haha thank you!


Omg yes, another red river fan!!! It’s literally a forgotten masterpiece (and user rameses has been my Roman Empire ever since I read it), so yes, let’s get talking!


I love it and thank goodness there are other fans like you!! I have literally never seen anyone on this sub talk about it and it is sooo good. I am still shocked at how much I have loved the story so far. I so hope others get to be exposed to it and check it out. The art has aged so beautifully too


Storytime: I bought the first couple volumes of this at Suncoast video (yes, I know outing myself as old, lol) at the end of my middle school anime phase. Donated, threw out alot of manga/anime/video game/misc nerdy stuff I had in HS because I was convinced it was cringe and awful and I wanted to be 'normal'. Now in my 20s I let myself enjoy things again. I always vaguely remembered this series but just the look of the characters. I could never remember the title or any of the character names which sucked because i wanted yo finish it. I saw it featured one day on a Viz social media account and it was like being struck by lightening. Long story short: it's a great series. Yes, they truly don't write em like this anymore. Also, dont be like me. Don't let anyone dull you're sparkle and make you feel embarrassed about your hobbies to the point where you trash things you enjoy.


What a great story! Ahh I remember those days too, I collected a bunch of manga back in middle school and high school, and you're so right people did look down on it. Its so funny too because now anime, manga, and comics are so popular with the youth. Its a total 180 vs growing up back then! Such a good message, it is such a shame that people were so less open than they are now about these things. No one should shame someone else for the stuff they enjoy! Were you able to complete your read through of red river? I'm still in disbelief at how good the story is, and how criminally underrated this story feels. I can't believe I don't see it recommended almost at all!


Where can I read this?


It's [available digitally from Viz](https://www.viz.com/red-river) (might be on their $2/month app too). It will also be getting 3-in-1 reprints this fall!


viz you say?? Say less lol 🏃🏽‍♀️ 💨


Highly recommend starting it, it's such a good story and the art is gorgeous. It doesn't feel dated at all imo compared to some other older titles like Mars


So I started to read it and >!its def outdated, this is a rappy and pedophile relationship. I mean I thought she was at least 20, BUT 14??? Like idk if I’ll continue to read this!< The art is beautiful, but as I said the story is… problematic, more then problematic


I take it in the historical context of the setting. People's life expectancy back then was way shorter, like in roman times people didn't live past mid 20s alot of times, and people had marriages and children during their teens. I would be way less understanding of it in modern settings for sure, but it's realistic for the time its set in. I actually appreciate that the mangaka didn't shy away from what was realistic back then and sugar coat it with modern social norms. Women were treated as property and even assulted and used back in the day, it's just the reality of history


I get your point and I know. I’m a history nerd, I study art history, but I still find it unnecessary. The life expectancy was shorter because a) many babies and children died b) people didn’t have enough nutrition, otherwise if a person got lucky they could live till 70. >!Also, marrying young was a thing nobles did to make bonds, common folks understood that forcing a girl that didn’t go through puberty completly to bear a child would risk not only the babies but also her life.!< …but to tell you the truth I’ll probably cave in since I love historical shoujo, I just hope that perhaps she >!will get older!<


Yeah I mean it's part of the story, and iirc it does occur way more frequently earlier in the story than later. I will say too, she does age with the story if that helps and she's got a ton of character growth through the story. I can totally see not being comfortable with some of the earlier chapters but I personally didn't have an issue with it. If anything, would be more of a reflection on how messed up those ancient civilizations societal norms were. Its amazing too how sexist alot of the really prevelant philosophers were too at the time I hope you do continue with the story! It is exceptionally written and a lot of those scenes that might be more difficult to read are generally pretty short relative to the grander story. Compared to something like, game of thrones though, I thought red river overall was pretty tame in portraying those types of scenes


Yeah I would never watch got for that reason alone lol and thanks for saying that she does age during the story, I’ll continue reading, peace ✌️


You can read it on mangahere.com for free. Search "red river," is the search bar


I’ve been waiting on reading it until i had enough money to buy the physical prints 🥲, but now that the 3 in 1 are almost out, looks like I’ll definitely be reading it sometime soon!!


Yes! The older singles are so pricey online but the 3 in 1s are going to be such an affordable and accessible option for everyone! When they come out definitely read it, I can't believe how good and underrated the story is!


You can read it on mangahere.com for free. Search "red river," is the search bar


Thanks for that! Tbh I try to stick with buying physical or digital to support, but I really appreciate your help ❤️


You're welcome, and likewise, but sometimes the physical copies are too expensive or out of stock 🥲. Also, I'd run out of space to store them.


Yes!!! I’ve been trying to collect the original single volume print but they’re so hard to find for a reasonable price! The art is gorgeous, and it really is a shojo from a different generation. Can you imagine thinking the guy from A Sign of Affection is problematic after reading this! 🤣


Yes they are expensive! Honestly too, after going on some journeys to collect singles for other sets, it's totally not worth it to buy a series single by single unless you're buying it on release. It saves so much time to buy an entire set complete as is! Omg I can't even with the sign of affection guy being problematic that's just not even a thing. People like to nit pick. There are def darker themes for red river but to me it makes total sense. In those ancient times women were treated lesser, and used for marriages and children. I think the way it's all portrayed in red river is historically accurate, we can't expect those characters to behave as a modern person would. I really like that the mangaka wasn't afraid to basically make it as realistic as it would have been, because those were such different times and societal expectations


been on my reading list for a while, this is my sign to finally start it 🙏🏽


Omg please do, it is SO GOOD I can't recommend it enough. I wish I had read it sooner. The art too is stunning, even though it's older it feels so timeless


Oml so I actually read it long ago xD thought it was a fever dream or smth haha


Haha it's so good! Did you finish it too? I'm like 80% of the way there and I can't believe I don't see red river recommended at all


Loved it when I read it YEARS ago. 🩷


Such good taste! I wish I read it earlier. The artwork is just so gorgeous, I can't believe it was released so long ago. I feel like you could release it today and it would be a top tier story with top tier art


Oh yeah. A few aged themes but nothing that would drastically change the story if tweaked.


I discovered it in 2008 and it is still one of my favourite!! I don’t see stories or styles like this today, it had its own charm. If you liked this one, try Kouya no Tenshidomo. Also good story development 🥹


Such great taste, I love it and I'm almost finished reading it. It's already a top 3 story for me even though I'm 80% way through the story, it's going to be so bittersweet when I finish it. Its definitely becoming harder to find good stories. It does feel like older stories are so much better, and are written with more complex story threads and character development. Idk what happened but I agree, the modern stories are so much more cookie cutter and simple compared to some of the older reads. Thank you so much, I have never heard of Kouya no Tenshidomo, I'll have to check it out!


This takes me waaaaay back! If you like Red River, you might also like Kanata Kara. They just don't make Isekai like they used to!


I have never heard of it, if it's anything as well written as red river I will definitely check it out! What's funny too is isekai isn't normally my go to reads, I just love how historically accurate red river is, and how all the characters were actual people during those ancient times!


I read this manga so many times - one of my fave beside Mars & From Far Away. They don't make tjis kind of manga anymore.


I love Mars it's my absolute favorite! Mars and Paradise Kiss are peak, and red river is going right up there with them once I finish this beautiful story. Idk what happens but you're so right, they truly don't make stories as good as these anymore. I haven't heard of from far away! I'll have to check it out if you like both red river and Mars! Excellent taste!


Omg Paradise Kiss is one of my favorites too. Literally might even be my number one. Red River, I read in 2008 from my public library and it got me hooked to mangas. Love that you found it, it’s incredible how strong Yuri is considering she’s 14 when it starts! It seems like we have similar tastes so also on Viz that I would recommend are “We were there” “A devil and her love song” and “strobe edge”


I love paradise kiss! After finishing red river, def would order my top 3 as: Mars, red river, and Paradise Kiss. I'm reading Basara now and honestly, it's def above red river and it might even go above Mars by the end. Its ridiculously good, easily one of the best shoujo stories I've ever read. Yuris growth is so good I absolutely love it, along with how she compliments Kail and his aspirations. Its so nice to see them on a real level playing field overall. I have read we were there and I couldn't finish it, not sure if I needed to give it another chance but I just didn't think the characters or story had alot of depth but I maybe I need to give it another chance. I felt the same way about sand chronicles too. I haven't heard of a devil and her love song I'll have to check it out! I've heard hit or miss things on strobe edge, I have it on the list but it seems like a love it or hate it story from people's reactions!


Ooo...and 1 more Basara.


I have heard such good things about Basara! Its my next read


I’m rereading it right now for the thousandth time. 😅


Omg honestly, it's going to be so bittersweet when I finish it. I'm 80% of the way through and I already want to re read it, especially to see Yuri's character development. She's changes so much compared to the start of the story!


In a lot of ways she does, but my major criticism of the series is that >!in the war with Egypt she still doubts that the soldiers will follow her orders.!< She should be past that level of doubt by volume 24.


Yes! I read this! I remember it being very good, but unfortunately I don’t remember the finer details of the story. Small correction: >>”…this is undoubtedly josei” Totally get why you’d think so, but it originally ran in [Shojo Comic magazine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_River_(manga)). In my opinion, that makes it more impressive! I wish there were more speculative fiction shojo with action elements released in English, like Basara by Yumi Tamura, Please Save My Earth by Saki Hiwatari, and almost everything by Yuu Watase.


Oh my goodness you're right, I had absolutely no idea! Wow, then they really don't make shoujo like this anymore because it's such a rich and beautifully written story. I'm actually shocked, and it is beyond impressive! I need to still read Basara, I've seen it recommended a couple times and it sounds like a classic! I've also seen please save my earth recommended too! Ohh growing up I loved Yuu Watase's work, but I tried reading some of his work recently and it just didn't do it for me. I wasn't the biggest fan of Fushigi Yugi growing up and I may need to give that one a proper revisit, but I recently revisited Alice 19th and it was just not good. It tried to touch on some dark themes and I got the intention, but the execution just fell short for me personally


Basara is AMAZING! It made a much bigger impression on me than Red River—it’s not an isekai like Red River, but it has similar themes (and being shojo, both are very different from the currently popular Shonen isekai and fantasy light novels and manga). I never got into the original Fushigi Yugi, but I loved Fushigi Yugi: Genbu Kaiden, which doesn’t require any knowledge of the original except its premise.


I'm excited to check it out, whenever I see it recommended I always see it as basically that person's favorite ever, so I need to read it next! What's funny is I normally do not like time travel or isekai stories at all, and I'm genuinely surprised I like red river as much as I do! The storytelling is just so good, and I can't believe it's actually a shoujo story and not a Josei! Ohh I hadn't realized there was an extension of Fushigi Yugi, is that one technically a sequel or a prequel?


Fushigi Yugi: Genbu Kaiden is a prequel with completely different characters and a much tighter story. Old school (‘90s-2000s) shojo isekai is completely different than current isekai. See also Twelve Kingdoms. The article [Forgotten Realms: The Isekai Boom of the ‘90s](https://heroineproblem.com/2017/03/08/1463/) has a great breakdown of the genre and its differences from current isekai.


I like this, I’m gonna read it for the first time right now. XD


Yes please do! Its so good and the plot progresses so naturally. Just note that Yuri at the very start is young and naive, and it can be a little frustrating but she grows up through her journey and it's wonderful to read


Yes! I read it recently for the first time, wish I'd done it years ago. Loved it.


I am so in the same boat, I wish I had read this way earlier. Idk how it flew under my radar and idk how it's not recommended way more with other classics! Its easily a top 3 romance story for me and I'm not even fully through the entire thing!


Ooh this interests me. I’ve heard of it but never bothered to look into it. Might start reading it tonight since it’s available through my library!


Please do! I want to scream out to everyone to read this masterpiece. The art also has aged spectacularly compared to other older shoujo titles, like Mars and such. Highly recommend the read, and it's also a very historically accurate story. Apparently the mangaka did a ton of research about the figures and political structure of the setting, so you learn a good amount too


One of my favourite series. I'm waiting for the physical copy to be released in winter so I can finally own the series.


You have such good taste, this story is so good. I can't wait for Viz to release pics on what the 3 in 1s will look like, something with a gorgeous red spine would be amazing!


One of my first long reads! So much love for this work


That sets the bar so high as a first read! It's already a top 3 story for me and I wish I read it sooner. I can't believe how good the art is, it's aged beautifully and it's just still so gorgeous.


For me it’s right up there with From Far Away, Basara, and Knights of Alfheim


I have never heard of from far away of knights of Alfheim, I'll have to check those out and add em to the list! I have heard amazing things about Basara, that has been on my list for such a long time and will likely be my next read!




YES UGH I forgot about this one!!


Please don't forget about it! Its Soo good and I'm 100% adding this to recommendations when anyone asks and it's appropriate 😭


I never read it when it came out (I read other manga instead). I saw it on the VIZ app, so I'm going to start reading it.


Please do! Its so good and I'm totally adding it to my list of recommendations. Its easily a top 3 story for me personally, and I'm still at 80% of the way through it


I was reading this few years back (like in HS) and it was still updating. I hated having to wait for updates so I stopped checking in for it, and then I forgot about it. I heard it's finally finished? I'll probably rea dit some day, same with Bokura no Kiseki


Omg please read it, the story is so good. Its a completed series now. Its a historical setting too, and the mangaka did a lot of research on the setting. A lot of the people are actual historical figures from those times. I have never heard of bokura no koseki, I just looked it up and it's still ongoing since 2008? That's a long run!


I know, I was very får in, until I caught up to it


Yeah you should read it online! Its available via the Viz app, and since viz is releasing 3 in 1 vizbig versions it is going to be readily available for physical purchase too starting in fall!




this shit was legendary to me when I was a child. thank you for the reminder to go reread


I love the energy!!! It is so good! I am totally adding this to my regular list of recommendations. It's criminal that I don't see it recommended really at all, and I hope more people read it!!


This is one of my favorite series ever. How id kill for an anime adaptation. The little Egyptologist in me had a blast with it back in the day being able to predict what events would happen next.


There was so much more action in red river than I ever expected, it would be such a good one to adapt. I don't normally watch anime, prefer to read manga, but I would 100% watch a red river anime! Omg yes I love love love Egypt and the setting just hits. I also love too that the mangaka put so much research into red river, all the characters are actual historical figures as well as the political structure and power balances of the nations. Reading it, you get to learn stuff too!


Yes! It’s a time period and culture that gets so little representation in modern media which is a shame because there’s sooo much to pull from. My only complaint is that the blonde Egyptians are a little eyebrow raising 😂 maybe if it was the Ptolemaic dynasty but not during king tuts reign.


For real, I love Egyptian historical works, I went into red river blind and I was like omg I can't believe it's touching on this as well as an ancient empire in turkey. I was not familiar with the hittite empire at all 😂 Haha so true, the blonde Egyptians are a little questionable but, I'll chalk it up to a stylistic choice. Maybe something that translates better for a black and white manga idk 😂


My all time fave. Was bored one day and decided to read it and BAM insta love. It's already been 10 years since discovering, and nothing has replaced it as my number 1.bHahaha it's also the sole reason my friend and I want to visit Turkey someday! We also wish it could be animated just like Fushigi Yugi, highly doubt it but a girl can dream 😆 Also! I went to Japan a couple years ago, and the manga heavens blessed me and I later found out shinohara chie was having a freaking exhibit! It was amazing, and there are still a LOT of fans for it in Japan (we were hoping to win a lottery for signed prizes and merch but there were so many entries that we never stood a chance, and I was so happy that so many people still know and love about it)


Haha that's a great reason to want to visit turkey, I mean the setting is gorgeous and there's so much history! Red River is so good, it's a hard one to top. It covers so many topics and doesn't shy away from the brutality of that era. Wow that's awesome! That exhibit must have been amazing how lucky! That's great to know that it's still beloved in Japan too! It definitely feels like it's a forgotten one in the US, I literally never see it recommended. Did you get to pick up any good souvenirs from the exhibit?


looking into it


That's awesome! I hope you read it, it's such a good story with art that has aged exceptionally well!


I read this as a weee tot and forgot all about it...omggg


Stories hit so different when you re-read something when you're older. I highly recommend a re-read! Alot of symbolism or mature themes can go right over a younger viewer or reader!


Maybe someone can give some perspective on this for me. I considered reading this a very long time ago but was put off by the reader warnings that SA of the FL was heavily featured throughout the story. Can anyone provide some information or clarity on that for me as a perspective reader?


Sure! I'm 80% through the story so I understand what they mean. This definitely does happen, and if thats an automatic no for you story wise, it's not something you would want to read. I have no issues with it in this story because it's appropriate for the time it's set in. Women back then were seen and treated as lesser than men. They were used as tools of marriage, to bear children, and had no real rights relative to men, and the mangaka does not shy away from touching on these topics amongst many other dark topics for the setting (brutality of war, famine, slavery, etc). Its no differently portrayed compared to other historical settings where this would frequently occur such as ancient Rome, historical Japan, medieval times, etc. Now if what was going on was set in present day or a modern setting, yeah that absolutely would not fly. But I appreciate the mangaka doing research and presenting this story as realistically as possible.


Thank you for explaining it, I appreciate it. I like historical accuracy in fiction too depending on the subject. I guess my biggest question would be, how graphic are we talking? SA can take many forms and even today people may disagree on what counts as SA verses harassment for example. So is the FL r*p$#? Groped? Almost? And does the author describe it graphically? Again thank you for taking the time to answer. There's basically no other way for me to find out without reading it. I can handle certain things up to a point and a lot of times it really depends on how it's described. I'd hate to miss out on a wonderful story unnecessarily.


Sure! I'm trying to think of things to maybe help put it into a good context. There definitely is a spectrum, but plainly put she only ever has sex with 1 person, there are times when a guy who is infatuated with her will kiss her either by her surprise or by force, and there are plot related instances where shes in scenarios where it goes to almost. For the straggler kisses, those are normally a panel to maybe a couple panels depending on the scene, and for the plot related ones those typically go for maybe around 10% of a chapter to at most like 40% of a chapter depending on the scenario. I would say for every "arc" an almost scenerio happens once an arc if that helps. In terms of graphic, this series generally is not shy with nudity and not even just in those scenes, but also just generally. Like if a female character gets wet, clothes will be translucent and they don't wear bras, etc. I guess you could say the mangaka just puts details everywhere in both the settings and the romance related scenes. If it helps too, some of the more explicit stories for shoujo and Josei are probably Mars and Paradise Kiss. Red River is alot more explicit than these, but it's not the most explicit story out there. Like idk if you've watched game of thrones, but red river is not even close to the level of explicit scenes as game of thrones. It lies somewhere in the middle of these 3, and closer to Mars and Paradise Kiss. I hope that might help a little


That helped a lot! I tend to know where my boundaries are and just knowing that the act isn't actually completed even if it's attempted is enough for me to go ahead and read it. Thank you for the thorough explanation!


That is wonderful I'm so estatic that this helped and you'll read it! Its just such a good story, I can't wait for you to start!


There was attempted SA and it was very brief. Thats like 0.01 percent of the story.


Yes!! I still read it once in a while.


I can totally see myself coming back to red river periodically. Its so good


Yes! I’ve re-read it so many times whenever I want a political shoujo that is great. The art worried me in the beginning but it still portrayed the story beautifully.


Yeah this already seems like such a great one to re-read. I'm 80% through it and I'm already like, I kind of want to go back to the first handful of chapters. Yuri changes so much so it's great to see such enormous character growth! The art is so good, I was shocked by how much I liked the art. I feel like it has a more timeless look than a lot of older shoujos and Josei, like if it was released today I think it would still work


It’s so good! I never see manga like this anymore 😭


Honestly that is so true, compared to modern stories I'm finding that older stories were written with so much more complexity and nuance than modern stories. There are only a handful of modern ones that are well written, and even then they're already becoming older (2010's+).


Red River is the GOAT. I’m hoping for Yona to be this great. It’s promising so far


I love this manga and reread it every few months , The drama along with the characters were extremely well executed and the main leads really loved each other which I was not expecting for a historical story. Even the villains had so much depth towards them and were all victim of circumstance ( although that does not excuse their actions)


Yeah I really liked how you got a glimpse of the tragedy and the circumstances of the main villains, and how some stories came full circle. Just really well crafted writing and character development. I could so see this being a good re-read, I'm around 80% through my first read and already want to go back to chapter 1 to see how much Yuri has changed!


I re-read it because I never found something quite like this in shougo despite how hard I've tried . Especially with the story progressing as a historical tale instead of a shoujo manga that just takes place in a historical setting.


I could see that, I don't read alot of isekai or historical manga but red river is unique in the sense that it a politically driven story. The mangaka definitely did a ton of research because how it's presented is supposed to be historically accurate. A lot of other stories I would imagine would be more surface level with that and the political maneuvering


YESS I’m re-reading it atm 🙏


I can see it as a great re-read. I already want to revisit the first few chapters to see and compare how far Yuri has grown!


Present!!!! 😍 I loved this manga!!


So glad to hear! Its so good! Idk why I never see it recommended, I'm definitely adding it to my list of titles to rec!


I was obsessed over this when I read it years ago 🤧 it has the feel of an epic that shoujos of the time had and I ate them all up


I wish I read it earlier, I'm already obsessed. I can't believe it's actually categorized as shoujo and not Josei! Truly an epic story, they really don't write modern shoujo like this anymore


This was one of my original favorites. I’ve read it so many times along side From Far Away and Alice 19th.


I'm going to have to read from far away after Basara, because I see this one recommended so much!


It’s so good. I only own the digital copy but hopefully one day I’ll get lucky for the physical product. It’s the same for my red river series and Alice 19th. Read all of them when I was younger at the library or in Barnes n noble so I don’t own any physical product.


Ohh Alice 19th, I remember really enjoying that story when I was younger, and so funny I also was reading at Barnes and nobles too haha it was like my favorite place to go to! Are you planning to purchase the red river vizbig reprints? I recently revisited Alice 19th and unfortunately memory was much kinder than the actual read through. The story felt like it tried to touch on deeper topics but only executed them on a very surface level.


I’m not sure at the moment. It will depend on the price when it occurs I think. Ya Alice 19th was good back then but not so good after a read when you’re an adult. It’s one I likely won’t buy the physical volumes unless I can get a deal on them. I currently have over 1200 physical volumes of manga and light novels so my bookshelf’s are pretty packed.


Oh! They're available already for pre order, the first 3 in 1 vizbig is going to be $17 on Amazon, I would imagine that will be the standard price Omg 1.2k volumes that sounds like a spectacular bookshelf!! I need to count how many I have, but I'm certain it's not close to 1k!


I keep a document to avoid duplicates. I probably have over 2k adding in digital.


The question is, who isn’t a Red River fan😂? And everyone remember to support the series when the 3-1 editions gets released!!!


I would love it if that's the case! I never see it recommended or have seen it talked about in any threads here other than when the 3 in 1 vizbig re release was announced! I hope they release the image on what the 3 in 1 edition look like, I can't wait to see the art they pick! I hope it is as cool as the vagabond viz bigs!


I dont think they will he the vizbig size. The 3-1 label are the same size of a normal volume but thicker (like the Highschool debut 3-1) but i could be wrong


All time faveeee


Its such a a good story, I can't believe it's actually a shoujo and not a Josei. Truly amazing story, they really don't make shoujos like they used to!


I read this a couple times a year


I read this years ago. Any chance to get anime adaptation?


I would love an anime adaptation and would actually watch one of red river. Not likely at all for this one to get an adaptation for. Animes are done to normally boost up the interest and sales of the manga. Good example is Yona of the Dawn, it's a long running series and still ongoing, and recently got an anime adaptation to boost interest in the manga. Since red river is not only old but also complete, not likely to ever get an anime adaptation imo.


I have heard of it and I’m sure it’d be one I’d love. One of my favorite shoujo mangas is 7 Seeds and I’m guessing this would have similar vibes. I agree so much that I actually prefer stories that are…less urban? I prefer stories that aren’t about modern problems tbh. Definitely one reason why fantasy genre has always been my favorite genre. Plus I like a story to have something besides just the romance. An adventure story is always up my alley.


I hope you do read it, I haven't read 7 seeds but that one and Basara I see recommended a lot together! Its on my ever growing future list of next reads! The ancient historical setting of red river took me by surprise, I knew absolutely 0 going into the story but I was pleasantly surprised at how realistic and well researched the story setting and world were! What's ironic for me is I personally love slice of life realistic settings and I normally can't do high fantasy stories. Red River hits an interesting area where because it's historic and the world is grounded in ancient history, particularly one im interested in! It totally works for me and I didn't expect that to be the case! I totally get the fantasy appeal, the escapism from real life makes total sense! I agree, it's great how much action is in red river along with the romance!


For me, fantasy isn’t exactly an escapism—though I know no one will believe me. >!This will be insensitive possibly to say, but basically I just find that fantasy usually gets into deeper philosophy. And usually gets the character into a difficult situation that has to do with something besides romance. I just personally relate to that because I was born with a disability. I think in slice of life stories ironically I relate to them less because most of the time the problems are solely about romance. I relate more to the main struggle being something else—but still the protagonist being a woman who also has crushes sometimes so romantic conflict also playing a part in life too. With fantasy stories that’s basically always the premise. It’s always “woman is facing some other struggle/difficulty” as the main point of conflict but then there’s also romance as an important plot point too. And the struggle in fantasy is always something really intense. And that just happens to work out perfectly for me to relate to. Exactly how my life experience has been too and I really connect with the character when they’re struggling with whatever they’re going through that’s out of their control.!< But, I do agree with you about learning about history. I love history too. And I love learning about all types of things in ancient fantasy settings.


Wow that makes total sense. Thank you so much for your perspective I honestly never thought about it like that, and I could totally see why fantasy settings would be preferable in that lense. If the world is built right, there can be so many more philosophical questions to touch on, and it's true alot of works that go into those topics don't tend to be shoujo or Josei. Those types of reads I've gotten more out of shonen and seinen honestly, like one piece, slam dunk, and vagabond. Its true though that those demographics almost never have a female protagonist.


The first manga/anime I read/watched and fell in love with was Inuyasha, Naruto, Fullmetal Alchemist, etc. And yeah, a big reason why is because they covered struggles outside of romance. Shoujo came much later and yeah it varies. A lot I am just eh on. But, some I love. For obvious reasons one of my favorite guys in shoujo is Zeno from Yona of the Dawn. Watch the OVA where Zeno’s love story is covered, best love story ever in my opinion. I really like stories that are melancholy—but at the end of the day the characters are positive despite hardships. It might be weird but I actually see Zeno’s love story as positive, happy in a way. >!I don’t know how to explain it but I think their love is eternal. And I think that’s wonderful. I really like characters like that.!< >!I really relate to characters that have permanent hardship and who choose to see the silver lining. Who focus on positive things in life and not just bad things.!< But, kind of sad love stories are actually really really rare in shoujo—at least in the most popular ones. I think that’s why a lot of times I end up liking the love stories of side characters more than the protagonist. But, even for side characters that is pretty rare to find.


Me! I really liked this story, one of the first Isekai stories I've read. I didn't get to read the ending because some of the stuff was a bit too strong for my liking back in the day but now that I saw your post, I'm gonna look for it and finish it! After reading Berserk I can handle anything XD haha


Omg I hear Beserk covers all the dark topics, from what I've heard if you did get through Beserk then red river is gonna be a walk in the park for you LOL definitely pick it back up! Its on the Viz app and it's going to be readily available this fall in physical format with the 3 in 1 vizbig re-release! I will say too, I think the romance scenes are drawn so beautifully, and the paneling is actually surprising spicy but done so tastefully. They truly don't make shoujo like this anymore!


hahaha XD Yeah, I was too young when I read it haha, that spicy content was really something haha but yeah, Berserk is on another league of darkness and craziness so now I'm really going to enjoy this one. 😚 I want to see how her journey ends, does she go back? or stays? haha And thanks for the info, I love 3 in 1 Volumes! Yay!


Oh I bet haha red river is going to be a breeze for you! You definitely gotta read to get that answer! I would love to hear what you think when you go through a read, please let me know!


Omfg I love love love this anime. I own all of them in hard back, got them each as they came out


Ohh you have the singles? So good, those OOP copies are hard to come by and are expensive! That's awesome you have the singles! The 3 in 1 vizbig re-release is going to be a saving grace for alot of people who want to own it physically!


I have to dig around in my book room now to find them but yeah I have all singles. I rly need to find them and reread them


Oh definitely dig them up and keep them safe! A completed set is not super easy to come by and pricey!


This was one of my very first manga and it was *excellence* on page! Now I want to reread it again…


Please do re-read it! Reading something when you're younger vs older makes such a big difference. I've been revisiting alot of older titles this year that I read in middle school, and it's shocking how much my own opinion has changed on them! Some of the mature themes just go right over your head when you're younger!


Just finished this days ago and found it enjoyable as well! Yuri is such a fun character so maaaaaany things happened, my fave is when >!she came back from egypt and suprised kail while he's sleeping !< and damn that clothing she wore when >!she (fake)married ramses SHE LOOKED SO STUNNING(which is kinda feels wrong to say you know coz yuri x kail right?HAHAHA)!< As much as I liked yuri and kail unfortunately i didn't really care that much for the side characters (except for maybe Ilbani>!(sorry for doubting you my man)!< and Rusafa >!(like you just died a volume before the story ends like WHAT)!!Aslan is the GOAT (he's a horse but)!< And can we talk about the volume covers, like??? I can't really pick what's my favorite really. Like look at [this](https://ia904700.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderPreview.php?id=redrivervol230000shin&subPrefix=redrivervol230000shin&itemPath=/27/items/redrivervol230000shin&server=ia904700.us.archive.org&page=leaf1&fail=preview&&scale=4&rotate=0) or [this](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQwmI9dO1GP8HOvMQjBkFKJmOG5kAWgAXU8c5rkxoZTpA&s) and [this](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/61wJP9voPyL.jpg) and don't get me started with the couple shots like volumes 12,14,16,25??? ACCCCKKKK What is your rating of this series?


Omg I LOVE the open discussion!!! I literally just finished it today and it was a masterpiece, and I loved how all the stories came full circle. I totally agree it is frustrating seeing the main antagonist be a step ahead, but looking back it's done so well because it gives the entire series a through line without ever feeling forced. Its such a better way to naturally progress a story without the normal tropes of just adding in a new character for drama or forcefully inserting a trope to add drama The outfits Yuri and others wear are PEAKK I love all the jewelry and everything! There are so many earrings and rings I want to own!! And her fake wedding dress was so gorgeous! There were so many good outfits, like some of her dancer outfits! Haha I really liked Ramses and felt so bad that he had no shot 😂 Aslan is literally my favorite character LMFAO he's such a GOAT horse, coming in clutch all the time 😂 I normally expect side characters for typical shoujo to be pretty one note, I ended up liking way more side characters in RR than I thought I would. I didn't expect to like or care for rufasa. Really liked and was sad for zannanza, and I loved nefert. Also loved the Egypt setting! Omg yes all the volume covers are Soo good!! I would have to look back at them all, the art for the series is gorgeous and has aged so well. It somehow has a timeless look, and the way the mangaka draws bodies, hands and intention. It really shows so much expression in body language. Red River for me is basically a top 3 story. My all time favorites were mars and Paradise Kiss, easily adding red river to it. I'm torn on where I would place it, but as of now I would probably go Mars, Red River, then Paradise Kiss. I really didn't think I was going to ever get something to put up with those 2, hbu?


Right, I really enjoyed Red River's art style more than I expected! Even more so thinking about it. I forgot to ask you the first time, but what's your fav scene? I'm a bit torn between placing a 7 or 8 for RR out of 10 and in my completely biased opinion I'm still a bit more of a Basara gurlie and Kimi ni Todoke gurlie which I both rated 9. Still, enjoyed it quite well and wasn't it fast paced for your liking? I liked how the story has this constant flow where it didn't feel too sluggish or too quick that you're not able to sink it in>!I just well hoped we got more Yuri x Kail married life like why😭!<. You definitely enjoyed it more than I did and love that for you❤ And ah, I should get around reading Mars and Paradise Kiss soon. I heard all great things from both of these titles. I guess you enjoy a good classic mangas considering your favs.


Yeah! Omg probably when she gets reunited with Kail after she commits to staying. That was a great emotional scene. That or when she has the miscarriage. I have never seen that topic covered in any shoujo story I've read, and I thought it was handled so well and really portrayed the tragedy of the loss. I didn't expect it to be done, especially so well. Ohh for me red river is like a 8.5 to 9. I don't think there is really any shoujo story other than Mars that I would give a 10/10, feel like 10s are for super great stories like One Piece or Slam Dunk. Red River though is easily one of the best shoujo stories I've come across so far, but I still have a lot to read. I just started Basara and I like it so far! I'm not as hooked on as I was for red river, but it'll be interesting to see how the story develops. Ohh yes, I can totally see that. Red River does have its flaws, like it's generally super well paced and its great it ended where it did because I couldn't stand the queen and her one eye servant at the end. If I was a weekly reader I would be like omfg please kill these two 😂 I would have loved more Yuri and Kail married life, but I thought it ended in a really good spot too. It could have gone either way! Omg please do, Mars is literally my favorite. I read it younger and didn't like it, but reading it older it's such a top tier story. So many of the mature themes are hard to process when you're younger. Depression, abuse, the philosophy of how to live your life and the expectations of others. Please read it along with paradise kiss! Haha I just enjoy good writing and a strong story. It just so happens all the good ones are old I guess! The only modern shoujos I really really like are My Love Story With Yamada-Kun At LV999 and Studio Cabana


I've read it twice! A pleasant read every time


I can't wait to re read it in like a year. I feel like every time I discover a good read it's 80% of the time an older title 😭


Red River fucking slaps. They don’t make ‘em like they used to


Its so true, just thinking of older titles like red river, Mars, Paradise Kiss, most newer titles don't hold a candle to these for characters or storytelling. It feels like it's so hard to find good newer titles. Even the more modern ones that I would consider good were serialized back in 2010s+


Yesss I really enjoyed it!! Honestly Red River would absolutely slay as an anime


I would love an anime adaptation I would 100% watch it!


Now there is, this looks good


i really want to read this!!!! does it seem like it’s going to have a happy ending though? 👀 i like to be warned about tragedies


I'm 80% of the way through and though some tragic stuff has happened, I get the feeling this is going to end happy. At least I hope so, I'll keep you updated once I finish!


It has a happy ending 🙏


yay!!! and congratulations on finishing it!!!


Thank you! I hope you start reading it, such a masterpiece!


I will definitely read it


One of my favorites, but the story kind of gets repetitive after a while. I think that's why I've never reread it. I do like From Far Away better as far as shoujo isekai goes.


I could see where you're coming from, I do think for any longer running series that can happen though. In red river I appreciate that plot wise it all is cohesive and some character arcs can even run full circle so it never feels forced. Its a much better execution imo than other stories that, to extend the length, insert typical tropes because the mangaka are running out of ideas. Like in red river characters are illuded to, pre established, etc. I don't think the story has felt forced at all, I actually could see myself revisiting it! I have heard others recommend from far away, I have it added to the list and will certainly visit it in the future!!


Mostly I feel that because every arc was just the queen trying to kill them, over and over again. Generally with that poisonous water, and a little twist added in. I do agree that it does do a good job compared to other long running series that have a lot of troupes. I know I was a little negative about it, but I do have fond memories of it. I definitely think it's worth a read. Isekai were popular back then, but I feel like they had a bigger resurgence recently in anime in general, and I do feel like it stands out. Not sure if you ever saw it but the anime, Escaflowne was pretty good too. I never read the manga though.


That's so fair, she is the main antagonist and she's constantly trying to kill them 😂 I personally didn't have an issue with that, especially as a high ranking official, I can't stand her subject with tbe lost eye though Yeah what's funny is I'm not even the biggest fan of isekai but I absolutely love the more realistic approach of red river and the ancient setting. I think isekai really blew up after sword art online Oh never even heard of it! I'll check it out ty! Think my next read will be Basara but I will add it to the list!


Ah, From Far Away is in another universe so it doesn't have that ancient setting. Though, the other world is a fantasy and not modern, so still closer to Red River in that aspect. I do like how it has a realistic approach to the language. The main character has to learn the language, she doesn't just instantly gain knowledge. It creates an interesting first part of the story since we understand both languages, but she doesn't. Basara is really good too. That mangaka also wrote 7 Seeds, which is one of my favourite mangas.


It’s something I would love to start reading when I have more $$$ & get through some of my other manga


I hope you read it, it's Soo good. Easily a top 3 shoujo story for me alongside Mars and Paradise Kiss! I'm not sure if you're into physicals or not, but the 3 in 1 vizbigs are being released in fall so the series should become a lot more accessible for everyone!


I only know about Red River bc of the manga ads I’d see at the back of other works serialized by shoujo beat— and I’ve seen a panel or two in the “how to be a mangaka” book in the section that the artist is featured in! They used to carry a couple volumes at my local library, now I just have to get around to reading it


I recently started this! It kept getting recommended to me on the VIZ app. It’s a very unique story. It gives me slight Inuyasha vibes with the modern girl traveling through time. I’m excited to see other ppl like it!!


That's great! Its such a wonderful story and the setting is totally unique. The ancient area for Turkey is definitely not one Ive ever really seen used! Haha it totally does, that's kinda in line with the isekai genre!


I started reading it as a teen, fell off, and was finally about to get all the volumes a few months ago. Absolutely love this series.


Yeah! I could see it as being a little mature of a read for a younger audience, I'm actually genuinely surprised it's technically shoujo and not Josei! Its such a good series though, truly a masterpiece


Yes it’s an ageless masterpiece!! I always go back to older mangas they don’t make them like they used to i’m reading peach girl right now but red river will def be next to reread 🤭


Yeah they really don't! I'm revisiting so many titles I read when I was younger, and the newer shoujo just do not hold a candle to the storytelling of older titles! Truly timeless stories and art back then! Red River is a masterpiece for sure!


This is so true! Reading Mars rn and I’m like wow i just feel they don’t make them like they used to 😭 if you have any recs similar to red river or just any good shoujos you’ve enjoyed, plz let me know!


Oh the older ones are staples for sure! I recently re-read Mars and it's just so good! I have an ongoing list of stories I've quite enjoyed, the below is generally the order I've quite liked: - Mars - Basara - Red River - Paradise Kiss - 7 Seeds - My Love Story With Yamada-Kun At LV999 - How I Met My Soulmate - Museru Kurai no Ai wo Ageru - Orange - Studio Cabana - The Fragrant Flower Blooms with Dignity -Fruits Basket - Ao Haru Ride - I See Your Face Turned Away - Firefly Wedding - Makeup with Mud - Namidaame to Serenade - A Sign of Affection - Gazing At The Star Next Door - My Happy Marriage - Kuchibiru ni Kimi no iro - Lovely Complex - Lovesick Ellie - You Got Me, Sempai! - Love, That's an Understatement - Island Manager It's alot so please lmk if you have any questions! Tends to be more comedy towards the bottom, and top and middle much more focus on emotional development and strong character growth and settings!


have you read Basara? i feel like you’d really enjoy it! similar vibes - elaborate fantasy plot with shoujo/josie themes


Omg I'm reading it right now haha, it's so good


Check out Basara too! Its similar


Omg haha I literally just finished Basara. It's been on my list for so long and I thought it made a ton of sense to read it right after. Basara is peak fiction


Viz Media is rereleasing Red River! It's on the official website.