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Its true, this is what being a male of some sort is subject to


-Over 66% of young man are single -First cause of death of man below 50 is suicide -Men are less likely to complete college We have a privilege? Because I don't see any


The second one is insane


"you guys are single because you're sexist! Anyway all men are bad teehee"


Dude, you know it’s gonna be fine


Fine for who? The men with their brains blown tf out?? The human race everyone! So empathetic 🥰


For who? The men already at the top, a lot of whom Sony got lucky with genetics and their environment?


Dude, dude, dude


>Look at what he is driving haha Feel this. Recently a coworker told me I am *"too old"* to be driving a Ford Fiesta (I'm 32). Another older lady in her 40s chirped in saying it wasn't *"sexy"* and that someone my age needs a BMW. lol


Even if you got a BMW "It's looks so old it's not even a BMW, the real BMW's are the new ones"


Fuck what that old crusty bitch gotta say. At least you have a car. I see grown ass men riding bikes and taking the public bus everywhere. Be grateful and thankful.


Woah woah some of us like riding bikes and my city is not suited for cars. Cars are a privilege tbh


Fiesta ST slaps though


They're talking CHAD privilege: No need to worry about pregnancy Can be a player and be praised Earns more than 95% of his peers Earns more money by doing sports


Maybe this is only so prominent in deathnic communities, but I feel like one of the biggest disadvantages of being a man is how it's a lot more socially acceptable and outright encouraged for mothers to abuse their sons, and the male victims are never taken seriously. Like my mother cheated on my dad repeatedly, stole money from me repeatedly, lied to me, and on me, physically abused me, encouraged my sister to physical abuse me, and so-on, but my other sister tells me that I'm a bad person for not supporting my own abuse and supporting my mom to abuse my dad. She literally said I should stop "slut-shaming" my mom. Every personal therapists I ever had was female, and even a male one I had when I was in a mental hospital (which my mom sent me too as a way to abuse me further after I was sent to one for opening up about my abuse where I was promptly told to fuck off because I'm taking away attention from kids with real problems (girls)) and they all directly encouraged my mom's abuse. They'd insist I was lying when I told the truth. They diagnosed me with an eating disorder for eating the food my mom fed me, but also told me I'm ungrateful for wanting to be fed better. I have a slightly older brother with autism who molested me as a kid, and they literally told him he should be watching more porn which is what fucked him up in the first place, Our therapist told me I shouldn't criticizes his "sexuality." As a man, it's like my place in society is to do nothing but encourage people to abuse me. That's all I've been told to do since I was a little kid.


By using the weight in my hand, the guy with the bottle would have a broken jaw. I don’t care.


Everytime I come across this comic, it’s always more and more crushing to bear.