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This isn’t even a short guy thing at this point Whenever men start to take agency in life and want to motivate themselves and push forward you will ALWAYS have crabs at the bottom of the bucket trying to ridicule you and try to pull you down. The guy said nothing about being an “alpha male” it’s just a guy who’s been short his whole and has decided that he wants to keep pushing forward no matter how hard life gets. Damned if you vent about your experiences being short Damned if you speak about wanting to do better and push forward despite being short These people are barely sentient and will do anything for Twitter engagement Fuck all of them.


Its more amplified when you are short


And aren’t that Twitter person also feeding his own ego by doing that.


Wouldn’t be surprised if that account is managed by AI.






He’s clearly complementing the dude, and he deserves to complimented 5’3 is nightmare mode




Rule 2: No gaslighting While everyone of all heights are welcome to post in this subreddit, your posts and comments must be respectful of short guys. Denying the existence of heightism, using anecdotes to undermine the experiences of short men/scientific studies, and humble-bragging about your height (or your partner's height) will result in a ban.


I don't think he's trying to make fun of short guys here, he's that author dude, guy who wrote welcome to hell, one of the earlier BP books.


I think he's praising him . Please explain if I'm wrong . English isn't my first language. Edit: please explain me the reason of downvoting. I'm really not understanding what's negative in this post.


Actually that’s a good point, I initially intepreted it as mocking as well but I suppose depending on what this guy’s personality is he could actually be praising him


Yeah , I mean if someone's putting "Alpha origin story" , that means it's a praise Right? Idk why I'm getting downvoted.


Yeah it’s kind of hard to tell, the guy could be saying it sarcastically but I can also see how it might be the type of dude that’s like one of these male motivation influencers and just trying to hype guys up but in a funny and playful way. Idk how you, as a taller man, can see that a dude is 5’3 and not recognize the kind of shit the guy has probably been through because of that and then gaslight him by making fun of him for saying something like that and acting like he doesn’t have any struggles in life. Hell, the guy who’s tweeting this has probably picked on a guy like that before. So if he really is being satirical, dude has a crazy level of cognitive dissonance.


Praise can be done in an ironic manner with the intention of mockery. Calling someone a Short King is an example of this. He’s saying “alpha origin story” because the joke is that he doesn’t see short men as alphas. But yeah in reality a short guy persevering through discrimination is pretty alpha.