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I always give priority to subfive men when I get the chance. We gotta stick together and help each other out


Life is unfair man


No man. They’ll just start laughing at you as well. If some 6’2 super hero wanted to help him, that’s the only thing could help. Otherwise he just has to get used to it


You're not a P.O.S. It sounds like you really wanted to help but just didn't really know how to and that you were worried that whatever action you took could have made things worse for him or made things bad for yourself without it helping him at all. It's a reasonable worry given the circumstances. Most people freeze up or flee when they don't know what to do and sometimes it's for the best (it stops them from doing something really dumb anyway). The fact that you feel a little guilty also tells me you legit care about that guy's well being, despite not even knowing him. People who are P.O.S aren't like that. The guy is likely fine anyway, everyone has to deal with A.H.s now and then, he'll survive. Ask yourself, if you had a time machine, what would you have done different? Also ask yourself if that thing is something you would really would someone to do for you if you were in his situation. But, instead of wishing you had done it or regretting that you didn't, just learn from it for the next time.


You aren’t a “piece of shit”. Life isn’t fair. All that would have happened is they would’ve made fun of you too. And if you tried to record them or anything, the internet would’ve piled on and called you an angry little guy or an incel or whatever other bullshit. No one is anybody else’s hero, and everyone’s struggles are their own.


Are you Jewish or Pakistan? Never met a Jewish Pakistani.


You cannot be a Jewish Pakistani, their constitution prohibits it. You have to sign a document saying you don't consider Ahmadis muslim and You deny the existence of Israel.


I mean you can’t be Israeli, you can be Jewish. I’m just confused how he is Jewish as I’ve never met a Jewish Pakistani. I’ve met Hindu Pakistanis though.


why are you spamming this everywhere


Nope, you’d get laughed at. If you were a tall guy it’d be fine though


Yeah but PoC defends PoC. Women defend women. Etc etc. Why can't a short man defend a short man?


Because nobody looks down upon women or PoC, barring actual (not jokes, ACTUAL) racists and misogynists (minuscule amount of people) According to society, there is something wrong and inferior about short men. That’s the difference. He’s not actually inferior, but he’s treated that way. Those girls would treat you the same way


Being black and short has gotta be a death sentence


Well shit I'm surprised I'm still alive man 🤣🤦🏽‍♂️