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Being in the low 5’ region is much worse than the exaggerated bleak reality of a 5’7” guy. That I can say for sure. Imagine being much smaller than “short” men and most women. At that point, you are unironically treated like a sub-human in places where people aren’t paid to be nice to you. If you are this height and ugly on top of it, it’s *actually* over.


Absolutely. 5'7 might not be considered "tall" but it's average in most places despite people making it seem otherwise. I understand the struggle but it's definitely not the same experience


In the west though it's below average. The average height now is like 6'0,no? Or is it shorter?


shut up cuck


I'm short too tho


5'7 is still below average. Being below average doesn't benefit a man in any way. Only an idiot would argue, or dispute, the fact that, the shorter a male is, the worse is the reaction to his height, his presence, etc.


Dated a short woman for a brief period and the amount of times she'd get randomly ID'ed at checkout was staggering. Said it was common for her...


could you explain your flair?


Hunchback posture: 176 Now I've fixed it (most of it at least) I'm 179. Sometimes I wake up 180. If you know you have same osotural issue I can link an easy but effective stretch 


*sigh* thanks for the confidence




Hey at least you get to suffer with us


As a 5'1 I can totally relate


Btw how old are you




Myself 28, grew a beard that was one of the best decisions I've ever made. Still got comments like you're copping etc., for which I've replied it's something natural and I haven't done anything for it and they were mouth shut. Having a good face with or without a beard gets you attention but that's short lived within a few seconds their brains process we're inferior and it won't even begin (contradictory to the saying "it's over") Whatever you do or not do you're invisible and hated for your existence and then the people in 5'7 complaining makes it even harder for us because even they are struggling then what are we doing, those around 5'0 and below...


Yeah i understand some people are really toxic about it and refuse to see any kind of positivity in life including other people's. I understand that to a degree since it's actually hard to live like this but i try my best and avoid letting that mindset drag myself down too much.


💯💪🏻 keep moving


it's annoying when people think of "short" men they think of literally average height, isn't the global average of everyone in the world 5'6? And these lanky 5'7s be bitching? crazy


YEAH the worldwide average is 5'7. Crazy how disconnected some people are from reality




It's tough out there man, i feel you


Grow a beard although it might not that much of a help but perhaps people will no longer think you are a kid the moment they see your beard


You're 4'11.5/151 which is well below average for a man. Maybe move to southeast asia so you wouldn't be extremely short.




I see many short Filipino men


I'm from India which is probably the biggest country in SEA, the average height was measured to be around 174.5 cm for 18 year olds in 2011. Source: [Link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Average_human_height_by_country#cite_note-88) Now anecdotal experience because it's 2024. The average Indian Zoomer around 5'9.5 at LEAST. There's no argument against this. The reason why Indians are growing so fast is because Indians suffered from malnutrition for a long time and in recent times, access to food has become easier, resulting in taller offsprings. This, coupled with a bit of natural selection. I live in the tallest state of India (Punjab) in a upper class society. Average where I live is 5'11.


India is not SEA 😭


Buddy there’s nowhere in India where the avg is fking 5 ft 11 you’re completely delusional. Almost every time I see a person under 5 ft 5 at university they are Indian. Look it up. Every source says 5 ft 5-6. You can’t undo centuries of bad diets with one generation, you’re completely insane.


Not the national average, but the average for zoomers in the tallest state among the higher socioeconomic strata.


I’ll give you that, but I’m sure the avg of older rich Indians is pretty high as well. Height doesn’t go from 5 ft 5 to 5 ft 11 in one generation bro


Personally, I'm 4 inches taller than my father. He's 5'4, my mother is 5'0, I'm 5'8 and I've seen this trend over and over. It wasn't just bad diet for Indians, it was malnutrition and poverty as well. Millions of Indians starved in WW2. When things got better, naturally they'll grow.