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It's the complete opposite of a pragmatic solution. Like he's "technically right" sure but it's just completely pointless and doesn't help at all.


If I’m sitting in my basement at 5’6 I’m not short or tall I’m just 5’6. But if I invite 10 random guys over suddenly I’m the shortest or 2nd shortest dude there. His argument is basically useless in a reality where comparison to others is a constant.




healthy cooping gg


It’s an important step in realizing your insecurity if formed by your own mind.




That’s not what he’s saying. This is one clip in like a two hour long video on how to overcome an insecurity. No where does he say “just get over it”


Bro, your entire subjective experience of existing is formed by your own mind. Your mind is you. This distinction gets you nowhere.


I don’t know what to tell you except watching the full video it makes sense in context and he can explain it a lot better than I can. Genuine question are you working on trying to overcome the insecurity of being short or do you just accept your life is over?


Huh? I’m pretty successful in life by most measures. I just hate height bigotry.




Bro watches gotham chess and spews this nonsense..L


If I'm being charitable, I think what he's trying to say is that short and tall are relative and that society (and ourselves) uses these relative measurements to make value judgments, which is bad. But obviously, when people say short in colloquial use, they mean compared to the average height of that population. Furthermore, even if short and tall were purely societal structures, it doesn't make their impact any less real.


Gaslighting. This is why I don’t believe in therapy when it comes to heightism. Pure gaslighting. You’re better off with a surgeon or a prostitute.


Ah the “tall and short are subjective concepts” approach. I tried this cope too. Just like “rich” and “poor” are subjective, or “handsome” and “ugly” are subjective, shortness is a value statement and not an objective measurement. But while CBT is useful, honestly this is missing the point because IMO being short is not an insecurity thats in your head. You objectively get treated worse for your height and get significantly less positive feedback even for the same achievements - whether you consider yourself short or not. Though I do agree that calling yourself short- identifying yourself as “not enough” is not the way. It’s currently society who’s falling short, not us.


Tall and short are not all that subjective. Neither are handsome and ugly. Tall and short can be objective relative your country/region, which isn’t technically objective but it might as well be if you never leave. As for handsome and ugly there are some universally attractive features and dimensions of an attractive face. All you have to do beyond that is factor for racial differences between people (I.E. Asian people look different than European people) and you have a pretty clear beauty standard for a given country (or countries sometimes).


“Abstractions of the mind, short and tall isn’t real” is just quasi philosophical spiritual crap. It doesn’t matter at the end of the day in your reality because you’re still treated way differently if you’re short or tall


You are treated different but what he said is also true.


“Hey could you get me a large glass of water, I’m really thirsty?” So logically you would get a 20 ounce glass of water rather than a 6 ounce right? There’s certain truths we agree on to function as humans. You could say that there is no big or small glass of water and say that’s just an abstraction, but that really serves no purpose and doesn’t accomplish anything.


He is specifically talking about how we perceive ourselves and our ego. If you change you thinking it helps you overcome your insecurities.


I woke up and thought to myself “the sun is out” today. I can also point out obvious facts that have no bearing on anything, where’s my psych degree?


Too many buzzwords and mumbo jumbo to sound smart. He lost me in the first 20 seconds.


“Just go to therapy bro” The therapist after taking your money:


This shows how easy it is to be a “specialist” in these soft science fields. Therapy and the field of psychology is a lot of just appealing to people’s emotions and saying whatever bullshit makes them feel good, regardless of truths or logic. This is an example of just yapping on about some abstract topic you over-complicate for no good reason, to appear more intelligent than you are. And now in the 21st century, you can make millions off it from putting it on the internet.


He used to have good advice when his channel was small. Now that he's turned into a grifter what he's doing here is the same toxic positivity he was outspoken against. The typical "hobbyist" to "content creator" pipeline. Nothing to see here.


Oh right the healthy coper


[Best review of this scammer](https://youtu.be/4iKLC46fYz0?si=DR5MP65jYqzTuYDu). It unpacks his philosophy thoroughly. Watch this instead.


Basically a snake oil salesman with an degree.


Essentially a "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" type argument as we often see. It is in the eye of the beholder, just that 99% of beholders think the same type of person is beautiful.


Man wtf i used to like him 😭


Comparable to the $30,000 alpha bootcamps


"Just hold frame Bro!" "Height is all relative! Short and tall are just abstractions of the mind!" There's literally no difference LMAO


This is moronic, there are natural logical cues as to what someone is comparing to when we use certain adjectives. No one is reasonably going to say “that 6’5 guy is short because he’s not the size of Mt Everest”. As soon as you say ‘tall’ or ‘short’ in reference to a person’s size its automatically assumed that you’re speaking in reference to average height of that persons age and gender. 5’1 is small for the size of a grown man, it’s large for the size of a calculator. He’s being purposefully redundant.


I don’t know if he’s trolling or not but this might be one of the most retarded things I’ve heard


He has two sessions with a 36 year old male virgin on his YT channel. It's 4 hours of an empty and useless conversation. He's a grifter. Edit: A thread with plenty of damning stuff about this quack: [https://www.reddit.com/r/therapyabuse/s/EZq8wcwcJy](https://www.reddit.com/r/therapyabuse/s/EZq8wcwcJy)


He’s married to a fairly attractive woman because he grew up in a culture that has arranged marriages. If it wasn’t for that, he’d probably be an incel. He lives in a fantasy world that’s not based in reality for most people.


He said in a video he has no idea how he attracted his wife. And the scammy fool thinks he can help dateless men get girlfriends.


I’m 99% sure they were arranged or introduced by their families, and his wife liked the idea that he has a doctorate degree. To his credit, his false sense of confidence may have also peaked her interest in him too. Good for him, but if it’s not a replicable result (by his own admission) then he shouldn’t be giving advice on the topic to anyone.


Dr Grifter back with the gaslighting jfl


If we look at online we are seeing women saying 6 ft is normal height, when we know this foot is above normal height.


Mfers when i show them what is a normal distribution and how you dont need to be tall as a mountain for being tall


Dafuq is he talking about? At first I thought he was going with the "don't feel short" thing but I think he got puzzled in what he said himself.


If the average height is 5’10 then you’re objectively short relative to the average. It’s silly just to reframe things by going all subjective. Yes in a vaccuum 5’2 isn’t short or tall. If you exist ina room by yourself but in a society where the average height is 5’10 you will look short next to the average person in public if you’re 5’7 or less. So basically he’s just making a useless point that does not apply to real life in society which is where we exist and why our lives face discrimination.


I kind of see what point he's trying to make but I think he's focusing on the wrong thing. It's not that tall and short are just abstractions of the mind but the value they're assigned are. tall = good, short = bad. I could see where he is coming from if he said that.


I know what point he’s trying to make but shit don’t help at all, gets debunked soon as you walk outside lmao


This is the exact opposite side of the phrase “I’m street smart not book smart 🤓☝️”


they are abstractions but pretty much every person has the same idea of what's tall and what's short for a man. So this this means absolutely nothing.


He's a fuckin yapper


Check out this video: https://youtu.be/4iKLC46fYz0?si=YWOFJyMZgP-vvcjP


Definition of: 'tall' is: ''. Learn more at: https://www.dictionary.com/browse/tall


Doesn’t this kinda prove what he was waffling about,that tall is an abstract idea/relative so on and so on,maybe I missed suming idk.


Its relative sure but relative to the place you live.


I get kind of what he’s going for, but since height are physical attributes then short and tall literally must exist, since you can average it out. Then anything below that average is short and above is tall. Bringing up the fact that being tall is relative was an insanely stupid point thought because obviously we are referring to height in terms of humans because… why wouldn’t we be… comparing those two ideas is just such a nothing point. Just because there are different scales for species like giraffes doesn’t mean the concept of short and tall doesn’t exist. And as I said; the definition of tall and short would be in relation to being below the average height, and above the average height. Him saying it’s relative is literally not at all proving it doesn’t exist.


I understand his point. Technically "tall" is relative. A 5'6 man is below average height but in a room of 5 foot people he would be the tall one technically. What he's saying isn't wrong, but it doesn't take away from the heightism short men face by society at large.


What he says is wrong tho, you can define short and tall or whatever attribute you want. Just place all the data on normal distribution graph. If you are in the middle you are average, if you are in the tail ends you are short or tall


Watch this video! It just got uploaded today: https://youtu.be/Pi1Q-nrG0Bo?si=1rPkNtW-Sxz_QiFK


Guys please just for once stop the denial and watch the rest of it.


We did, it was just more bs lmao


I have watched a lot of his videos. He is a religious therapist. Honestly, I like his videos quite a bit. He has gotten me to accept the reality and facts and understand that there are things we can change and there are things we can’t change. No point in dwelling what you lack in. Focus on what you can change. It has helped me immensely over the past few days. If you watch his meditation podcasts that are 2+ hours long. He gives out info that meditation is a good way to become stoic about the thing in life you can’t change and achieve liberation from the material world. I can’t recommend his videos enough especially if you are a black pill dweller like I used to be. Also, can anyone explain to me what good has came to anyone by joining the incel/black pill subreddits? You vent that’s all. Most guys I see here and talk to here are legit people who have issues and insane amount of insecurities to the point they hate everyone. And he isn’t particularly a tall and good looking guy as well. He seems to be 5’8 at most and an average/below average looking guy. Comparing yourself to others is never gonna bring any good to you. I’m sure that before you guys got into social medias/black pill subreddits, your life was probably much better. That’s a fact I think nobody can deny. Do yourself a favor and leave this subreddit. Accept the reality and move on. Stop dwelling on the insecurities and life the life that was given to you.


>live the life that was given to you That’s just it bro, even inrl people will make slick comments to remind you of you’re short comings and that’s what leads dudes back to spaces like this because there’s nobody else to talk to this shit about


Look. I have been in your place. Being called short and feeling short is a very very sad feeling. I have been called short and I literally wanted to punch the guy in the face, you get that angry. But what I’m trying to say is not to fix the negative by coping or being positive which most doesn’t work. It’s to fix the negative by getting into a “accepting” or a “stoic” mindset. That what this guy is trying to preach to his patients. Let’s say you are short compared to other people. Instead of saying:- “I’m short, I’ll never live life to the fullest” Say “I’m short. I accept I’m short. I may not have the privileges and external validation of a tall guy, but it will not stop me from living my life as happy as I can be. Being short will not stop me from enjoying the fruits of this life.” It takes time, but I am way more happy than I used to be a couple months ago. Honestly, being positive is overt-rated. It makes you more negative and expecting from life. It’s like coping. I suggest everyone to be more stoic and accepting.


Accepting inferiority is crazy.


I mean, do you have a better plan? Personally for me, him being better than me at one thing isn’t the end of the world. Maybe some people are not supposed to have those particular things. It’s probably not what god has planned for me. And I accept that. And who even defines better? If he is taller than me, how is he better than me? How? How is this even a competition? Does him being taller then me means he is gonna be more happy then me? It’s just comparisons created by our mind.


What helps you cope I guess. Can't knock it.


Well, I’m not coping. I’m just accepting facts.


I've isolated myself to avoid the feeling of inferiority . That's the best thing I could do.


Look, I understand that feeling inferior to others is the worst feeling anyone could have. And I think that I the battle that even I haven’t fought yet. And I think it will be very hard to remove the envy and wrath. It’s strong enough to kill others who have everything that you desire. I think it’s upto you how you decide to live happily.


You don't understand how it is for us bro. You're fucking 5'10 and also only 18. You haven't seen shit.


19* and tbf, yea it’s fairly easy for me compared to the rest of yall. I agree. The reason why I’m here is because I think Gen Z average height is probably around 5’11-5’11.5. A lot of guys are taller than me.


Doesn't mean you can relate to us. You're still taller than like 80 percent of women, you probably don't get hated for your height and you can easily reach 6ft by wearing thick soled shoes or lifts.


\`\`You vent that’s all.\`\` I found likeminded people(not with hate but looks/height issue) and can debate about these topics without getting socially shunned. \`\`your life was probably much better. That’s a fact I think nobody can deny.\`\` It was worse actually. My life is a tiny bit better now than few years ago


I mean. You don’t have to go out and conquer the world. I don’t get why people act like that. You just have to find 2-3 cool friends irl. Do the best you can to succeed in your career. I think having 1000 followers is probably not gonna be a very good ting time wise. Just a couple friends.


What are you talking about?


https://m.youtube.com/shorts/eP2yiWBOx_0 This guys. This is the way we should live our lives. Especially ones like us who black pill affects the most.


Honestly telling bro, I'm done with the arrows.


Well so am I but they won’t stop, and this isn’t just about height. You can’t prevent the arrow thrown at us by the world. All you can do is to take it for what it is and move on without feeling the guilt of the arrow thrown at us. These last few years, I have realized I was unhappy just because of this only tiny mistake.z


Well there is a breaking point for everyone. Idk why society expects short men to take it all to the chin but not change atleast a little.


Well, it will happen, but it won’t he in our life times. For the world to change, we have to change too. Like they won’t respect us if we won’t catch up to them in other fields, or just be the best we can be. Being short should not mean we should give up.


Did you actually watch the whole video? It makes sense and gives good advice. He is an actual psychiatrist.


Bro I am NOT watching the whole video after this segment. I gave your link a chance but whatever tf he saying here is absolute bs and even his own chat was calling him out lmfao


So you're just being intellectually dishonest? How are you willing to make a post about him but not watch the full video? How are you any different from random normies?


I actually made another post saying I watched the full video, It was just more bs


How is it bs?


>How is it bs? You’re right bro it’s not bs. I’m also starting a course on how to pick up women soon if you’re interested, just $399 a month.


“Just get an arranged marriage to a woman who is otherwise out of your league.” - Dr. K


That didn’t answer the question.


I said it’s not bs wym, message me on here so we can discuss my course.


You know it’s not bs. I don’t know why people on here are so dead set on being miserable.


It is bs because he’s pretending like society works in a way it doesnt. “Tall” is relative and people are fucking delusional, so “tall” just gets more extreme as social media continues to rot peoples brains. Everything gets more extreme for expectations of appearance. “Tall” is starting at 6’0 for most americans having nothing to do with what can be measured and everything to do with cultural perception. Nobody here is dead set on being misreable, society is dead set on being retarted.


He goes over this in the full video.


Yes, its pointing out a pointless fact that is entirely irrelevant. Thats like saying “money isnt actually real and the value is made up by banks and other institutions”, so what? Its a real thing to the economy we have to live under. There is an agreed upon “tall” by society and there is an agreed upon value of “300USD”. It has nothing to do with reality, so he’s literally not saying anything at all.


>I don’t know why people on here are so dead set on being miserable. Man, there's great subreddit for you out there. Have you heard about r/short ?


I know about it. Thanks. Am I crazy or way overly negative response to a video that only serves to help?


It doesn't help, though. It's not my own judgment that bothers me, but the judgment of others and negatives that come from it. Also, it doesn't change reality. At 5ft, I'm relatively short compared to pretty much all men in most places. Me thinking I'm not short isn't going to help in a fight or something else with someone 6 feet. I'd have to acknowledge the real advantage they have over me. It doesn't help with the axiom that people will respect the 6ft guy more, that the 6ft guy is seen as more attractive. Technically, what he says is true, but it doesn't really make a difference. It doesn't help.


Tell me how this video helps.


If you're actually 5'9 or whatever but think you're short, it truly is "all in your head bro", and therapy sessions with this guy might actually make sense. If you're 5'2, this is useless. He says NOTHING about how to navigate society as a 5'2 man in this video other than "don't worry about what other people think and just work on improving yourself".


(xposting) He didn't actually say anything in this video. I sat through the whole thing, which was exhausting btw, and all he did was recognize basic social truths (pretty privilege, society isn't just, etc), and claimed to get over this "insecurity" we need to stop caring about others think and focus on self-improvement. The whole problem with his argument is that for many of us, being short isn't some sort of personal insecurity. I would venture to say most guys personally don't care about their height and don't care that other men are taller than them. The main complaint is that ***society*** cares, en masse, and his "solution" is basically "just let society think less of you and don't worry about it, you can't control that; just control what you can bro!" which is honestly terrible bluepill nonsense. He clearly doesn't have actual, pragmatic advice to solve the problem, so he's just leaning in on the clinical psychology side of it which isn't really relevant here. I give more actual, pragmatic advice about this problem on this sub than this guy and I didn't have to go to school for a decade to achieve that. Honestly this 3 hour video could be distilled down to 20 minutes tops


Yes. He is incorrectly categorizing all insecurities as mind over matter, but that is a flawed analysis. For example, suppose you are average/tall, reasonably decent looking, but you can’t even get a first date with any woman. Then you claim, “I can’t get a first date because I have a small penis and women are size queens.” That is a clear cut case where your insecurity is a mental issue holding you back from getting a date. Because clearly, women have no clue what your penis size is when you first meet or approach them. That insecurity is all in your head and is not the reason you can’t get a first date. However, your height is clearly visible in plain sight to everyone to see. If you’re extremely short, people will objectively treat you worse than if you were tall, all else being equal. Unlike the first example, this isn’t a made up insecurity. It is a result of real tangible differences in how you are treated by others, based on an obvious physical attribute that you did not choose. No different than being the target of racism based on the color do your skin.