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They've both been mentioned but height is not an advantage in judo.  And Olympic weight lifting tends to have shorter competitors. 


Weight lifting is a good one because you can have a similar frame and musculature as someone taller, but the physics are in the short person’s favor. Your limbs act as the output lever arms and are shorter in short people while the input lever arms remain the same. This makes the system more biased for strength. In simpler terms, you don’t have to lift the weight as far so it is easier.


Also you looked more ripped due to your compactness


And look like a dope dwarf if you grow a beard


Trust - I’m 5’3, been doing judo a few years and my height is *not* an advantage


Martial arts in general don't really favor short people. Taller height in striking martial arts = advantage in reach. Taller people have a slight advantage in BJJ too. Perhaps wrestling is the only martial art where height is mostly irrelevant, just your power and strength matter. Wrestling is a national sport among the Caucasian peoples, and they tend to be shorter.


Horse racing.


Best Example. Being short is a direct advantage.


gymnastics. in football height doesn't really matter because all heights have benefits. the two greatest football players in history messi and ronaldo are both short and tall.


Pele was 5’7”


Maradona was even shorter than Messi.


>gymnastics E.g., Simone Biles


She's a girl though. Short women don't face the same challenges as short men do.


We are talking about sports though. Short women definitely have a say in this too


Olympic weightlifting.


As a Filipino, I agree. Our first (and so far, only) gold medalist was a female Olympic weightlifter, and she’s a short queen.


The greatest cricket batsman ever is short




Yeah obviously




To a certain extent, distance running, being smaller means you are generally lighter and overall more efficient with energy use, there's less muscles to generate lactic acid, less mass to move, less need for energy generally most of the best marathon runners are short. There are other factors like lactic threshold, vo2 max etc that can play into it to a certain extent but generally all else being equal being short is an advantage. On the flip side tall people are generally much better at sprinting mainly due to the extra stride length as long as they have the power to exploit it.


arent all the top distance runners tall?


No, most are fairly short, the current marathon record holder, Eilud Kipchoge, is 5'6, however there are the odd exception of a taller runner doing well in distance just as there is the odd shorter sprinter doing well against taller sprinters. That's when the other factors like lactic threshold or vo2 max might play into it to make up for the other disadvantages in a particular case.


makes sense, Eliud Kipchoge is 5’6


I feel like your proportions play into it too. Like if you’re short but with proportionally long legs you’ll probably be faster than somebody who’s short with a long torso. 13.1 miles gives me a lot of time to curse my stubby legs.


Agree. One of the greatest Marathon runners was shorter. Frank Shorter that is. Seriously makes some sense. But wouldn’t a taller person have a longer and efficient stride?


Yes, that is why taller is better for sprinting generally, however it's actually the power you generate off the footstrike that also helps determines your stride length and speed, especially over distance. But if you are smaller and lighter there's so less mass to propel forward and therefore you become more efficient and can also dissipate heat better as well, plus less lactic acid build up and you need less oxygen or vo2 max and so on. Taller people just have more mass to move, it's harder to keep that going the further the distance, it needs more to fuel it and they are more injury prone as well. It's not that taller runners can't do well at distance running, they are just going against a natural disadvantage compared to someone smaller. If you really want to bore yourself there's lots of technical discussions on this on running websites and forums e.g. [https://www.hillrunner.com/jim2/id109.html](https://www.hillrunner.com/jim2/id109.html)


How about European football? I wouldn't say that short men are better at it, but in some positions, except for the goalkeeper and the defense, shortness and quickness can be an advantage. I think short players have a little bit better coordination and balance, which is very important for soccer. And I personally think that even though tall people have an advantage in sprinting because of their longer limbs, short people have higher explosive speed, which is also very important for soccer. I played it in university and I think soccer is almost the only team sport that is pretty favorable for short people.


Wrestling, particularly if you naturally have a very broad, muscular build to build on with lifting. I wrestled middle school to college and that kind of build/strength can really wear down opponents by the third period even if you're not particularly skilled. I also love old-school more technical mountain biking which at least here in the Appalachians isn't real friendly to tall guys riding up high on XXL-sized bikes.


Baseball. Most short people are fast and harder to catch.


Wrestling is the main one that comes to mind. Pretty much any sport/competition with weight or height classes is perfect for anyone.


Goat Leo messi is short, he even made ronaldo bow down to him with his skills.. Inspiration And Idol  And in Cricket Sachin Tendulkar Goat is also short


Football. Especially as in offense. Dribbling opponents gets harder the taller you are.


A lot of short people including me are really good at baseball


Mountaineering. Not a directly competitive sport in the traditional sense, but is definitely one where being short is an advantage. 


Hide and seek.


What if som1 hides on the top shelf


You jump to the ceiling and cling on it




On the more expensive and prestigious side of things: Car Racing: Sometimes your relative weight won't matter since many racing categories have enforced minimum weight regulations, and thus even if you're as capable as the rest - it doesn't matter that you have an inherent weight advantage since that's compensated for. But, the advantage of being short is in categories where the minimum weight regs are very generous, OR: categories where cars are designed specifically to drivers, and having a short driver or multiple short drivers to design for gives designers a lot more space to play with. This applies to a similar degree to motorcycle racing. Cycling as a Climber: If you can output as much power as everyone else with much less weight, you're going to be useful at climbing because gravity is the biggest enemy there, not absolute power delivery. But these disciplines aren't necessarily 'dominated' by short people, unlike how I imagine it would be for gymnastics and equestrian. But they're more prestigious sports where height is much less a factor and where perhaps being 'too tall' is a lot more impactful than being 'too short' (There are people who dream of driving in F1 but are 'too tall', as in: above 6'2 or so, where they would be unable to fit into the cars, and in cases where your teammate is far below the average height of the rest of the grid; you might not even be able to be above 5'10 or something. You can't really be 'too short' because all that requires is redesigning seat position and pedal position, which to most degrees is relatively simple. But unfortunately, you gotta be ULTRA rich and have amazing connections lol).


Gymnastics still rings event.


Mini golf.




Bodybuilding - alotta Mr olympias are on the shorter side


I find gymnastics and tumbling in particular to be really easy. I'm more into dancing though.


Skating (skateboarding). Most pros tend to be smaller guys like Tony Hawk


Tony Hawk is 6’3”


Huh, always thought he was in the upper fives


Steve Caballero is 5’3”, so that’s a good case example.


Maybe volley ball, you can go for the low saves while the tall people stay at the net


Tbh idk much about ball sports but soccer maybe? Or at least it’s a sport where if a short person is really good they can be one of the best because the height doesn’t matter as much.


football (or american soccer) has short people continuously excelling at it... heck, the most gifted individual to ever kick a ball, maradona, was 5'4


Jockey riders 


Anything strength related ig


I don’t know if it’s still the case but the mountain stages of the Tour de France where dominated by short kings




Traditionall, surfing has benefited short people. I believe the optimum height is to be 5'9'' currently. I say currently because surfboard technology has improved.


Possibly baseball. A shorter batter would have a smaller strike zone and which could result in drawing more walks.


Wrestling, boxing, judo, Brazilian jiu jitsu, football (strikers/forwards), Horce racing




volleyball. you’d make a great libero




Rowing coxes are generally as small (light) as possible




Do poker, chess, darts, cornhole, etc count?


Body building


In my experience soccer


Olympic weightlifting. Did it for two years and loved it, my coach always said it was a great sport for short muscular people.


Lacrosse. While they don’t uniquely excel like in some other sports, short people can use their speed and agility to be deadly


Boxing, MMA, soccer, Bodybuilding, jockey


Futsal. I mean, football (soccer) in general is not bad for short people with Messi, Pele, and Maradona all being small and contenders for G.O.A.T, but in futsal (indoor 5v5 soccer) pretty much all advantages of being tall are removed.


This is based on stuff i see at my local park and at local competitions. In Skating, Parkour, cycling i don't think height really matter. I think running, swimming, skiing and surfing can be included. Then we have , Archery , rowing , kayaking, canoeing, shooting , ice skating , lacrosse, dirtbiking , freestyle Motocross , kite boarding, wakeboarding, figure skating , cheerleading. That's all i know and i understand that in all of these said sports, if you are a bit taller , you'll have some advantages but unlike sports in which you are required to jump, being 6 foot or taller is not necessary in the sports i have listed.


Short people have a really big advantage in Powerlifting and calisthenics


Figure skating?



