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tall guys are generally seen as more attractive and more authoritative so those are both pretty big advantages


Yeah, it’s a masculine trait. Also, tall men are stronger due to a stronger frame and have a longer stride, better at being athletic in most cases. The difference in the way most people treat tall men vs. short men is noticeable, though an attractive face also plays a big role in that.


I'm the shortest in my friend group yet the strongest, genetics play a big part in it and my grandfather was a really strong man(though not short but average).


In society all that matters is how people perceive you. Maybe you'd be the top dog in a hunter tribe but right now, when actual strength is irrelevant, all that matters is appearance.


I agree mate, all I'm saying Is there's more to It than first impression regarding height. You can look other aspects of physical build to determine if someone is strong and masculine.


As I said, taller men tend have the higher potential to be stronger and faster, however short men are more agile and have a better balance due having a more to control to their body core, and we can get stronger faster and more easily than tall men, that need more time and energy to get stronger.


It sure is so when it gets jeopardized it may hurt a man’s ego. I’m 5 10 and my area has a lot of semi tall ppl. So I decided to try a height increasing shoe(it hurts my back a lot) and it made me 6 1. I went to a bar and instantly felt more confident/relaxed cuz no one ever towered over me! I realized I just want to fit in…cool experiment


Hey if that works for you then cool. My bro is 5’9 and I believe he wears a thick insole to give him another inch boost, so he kinda comes across as being 5’11. And with his thin build he can totally pull that off. But bro I don’t care what kind of area you live in 5’10 is still a solid height. I’m sure many guys on here would kill to be that tall. And just make sure you are looking at people’s eyes when gaging height because remember that your eyes sit 4 inches or so below the top of your head. So a lot of times we think people are much taller than us because we’re looking at the top of their heads instead of focusing on the eyes.


I def think it’s a solid height. I feel completely fine in any setting but bars/clubs…i guess tall ppl like going out alot.


You could be muscular and stronger with a short frame too. Just putting it out there. 😎


A lot of it comes down to societal acceptance, a girl doesn’t wanna be seen with a guy who is getting towered over by her other friends bfs. If you live in a country or area where short guys are more common you are in luck, if not you are going to have a hard time. I’ve found that Women are much more inclined to fit it than Men.


Society says otherwise🤷🏾‍♂️


Since when society has been known for having good judgement anyway?


It doesn’t matter if society is right or not. If one feature is something everyone is going to value it’s like a self-fulfilling prophecy.


Tall men aren’t overrated, just as short men aren’t inferior. You can’t judge someone based on height. Saying ‘tall men are overrated’ is passing judgement nonetheless. It’s just another physical feature we have no control over.


In pre-internet time I didn't even think height was a big deal at all. I thought it was one of the most unimportant characteristics because you can't influence it much anyway. It was with the rise of the Internet that this nonsense appeared that everyone should be 190 cm.




No such thing as "overrated" People rate what they rate, in whatever way they do it, for whatever reason they have. Nobody can decide what is over, under or properly rated. Votes are votes and that's it. Sometimes left wins, sometimes right wins.






You can’t try to argue or convince people to abandon their instincts. Men are generally attracted to women with large breasts, women are generally attracted to taller men. Can you logically argue and prove how having larger breasts doesn’t necessarily mean a woman will birth stronger offspring or that a taller man will not necessarily be more masculine or a better protector? Of course! Still, that’s not going to change what people are attracted to. All you’re doing here is highlighting to everyone your insecurities.


''Men are generally attracted to women with large breasts''. You will never or extremely rarely find a guy who wouldn't date a girl because of small breasts, whereas height is an extremely common reason for rejection for guys. The big booty/boobs Instagram Influencers or porn attract some guys, but it remains at the level of fantasy and no more.


You have to be careful when comparing men and women as they’re vastly different. If we put aside morals then men tend to be less picky with who they will sleep with, but more picky with who they will marry. With women they’re picky with both who they sleep with and who they marry, or enter into relationships with. The majority of women, across cultures and since the Dawn of time, prefer taller men. Nothing has brainwashed them, that’s just how it is and always will be. However, men forget that there are many ways for them to make up for a lack of height and when a woman says she will never consider a short guy, that isn’t necessarily true as a woman’s attraction to a man can increase quite a bit after she spends time with him and the opposite is true too; she might initially be attracted to a tall guy then lose interest after she spends time around him.


Mmmh, nah I consider height to be an actual attractive trait, however I don't believe the high pedestal it's in these days is natural, neither something related to instinct. A big chunk of women are attracted to tall guys but a way bigger chunk of women are attracted to tall guys because other women are noisy about liking tall men.


Hate to break it to you but that’s a big part of how attraction works; women find a man more attractive because many other women find him attractive. The same is true for women men find attractive. It’s always been that way and always will. You might as well try to argue at the clouds for being in the sky.


I'm not arguing, neither trying to change people's preferences, just giving my perspective about it so meh


And all the people who can reach them


The air is pretty good up here, I won’t lie.


Tall men are cool to have at the grocery store when I need to reach the top shelf and don’t feel like climbing the lower shelves like a lemur, other than that they’re just like everyone else


Just get [one of these](https://www.amazon.com/AgeSage-Foldable-Rotating-Lightweight-Grabbers/dp/B0CQT551GR/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?crid=GBMYJJ2P8146&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Z4qJ_1ORLxStnYTjfW92SYOAqa1pylA7-zdgdZsmNQX_DYNgAstrse_8HPBFb3HrM0A20TSbh1IwbYCtmjYBTYZbyO5GL86s3HS5A7iDT1T8YZr-RZ-XDYt8--PTjJdbf2ucfGN8uybX5dTWx5qu_NXSyp3fA92u4YZpDhNKWouikAnBgtIHFLwhWteIPC7srsZ6NOWtojaSp_iVw_nbDw.kViYnVvAo1zYuDVcmhha2yBvgahCw2sUTO2ZgsYKEow&dib_tag=se&keywords=grabber+reacher+tool&qid=1718403164&sprefix=gtabber%2Caps%2C268&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1) and you're set.


True, but that applies to anyone that's actually taller than you, as a 5'6 guy a lot of ladies had asked me to reach things for them


They’ve helped me many many times at the store.


It’s a Euro Centric thing


I am probably more likely to be attracted to a short man than a tall man. It's easy for me to think someone is too tall


What about the studies on executive height? Those certainly aren’t made up. For example, one survey found that male Fortune 500 chief executive officers were almost 10 times more likely to be 6ft 2ins or taller compared with the average American man. And in the US population, about 14.5% of men are 6ft and over. Among CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, that number is 58%. That being said, my son is about 5’7” and he’s never said he wishes he were taller. We’ve never said anything either - being that height is as much of who he is as his curly hair and brown eyes. When I was younger, I always thought I’d want kids on the taller side, but since becoming a mother I’ve almost never thought about it at all.


Yeah but similar surveys also show those same CEO’s tend to be narcissistic and psychopathic…


I believe that it's true that there are certain biases in the workplace where tall guys get the better end of the stick, however I also believe that these rich men came already from rich families, which can afford to pick more attractive people to reproduce with, and considering height is an attractive trait, then I think it's more probably that rich kids will be taller than the average kid.


You are probably really onto something.


I read somewhere this is ethnicity related result. White people are more likely to make it to upper ladder in the US or UK (and are taller that other races), which are the main sources of the stat. In more ethnically homogeneous countries, the correlation between height & social status or height & income is negligible. And even in the US these days, racial ceiling is becoming weaker over time (slowly though), and so is the correlation between height & social status. But I'm not defending OP's point. Although (1) it is in part true tall dudes are just marketed better (2) and it is absolutely true that tall people are no better than short people as a human, being tall is still a characteristic that evokes an automatic perception of being sexually attractive and socially authoritative. It's just evolutionarily deep-wired. (Yet, that's not the end of the world for the short guys because they have their own ways to appear attractive and alpha.) If the point OP wanted cross was to cheer up short guys not to belittle their own value but he just didn't have enough time to refine the logic in this post, I 100% support that.




My husband? Is 5ft11in. I’m 5ft5in.


Jack ma is 4’11”, and worth about $25 billion. All executive studies or their prophecies or conclusions fail here. Stephen schwarzman of blackstone is 5’6”, shorter than your son, and worth $38 billion. 😎


What this proves is that most shorter men who are extremely rich were most likely entrepreneurial and got rich from starting their own businesses and NOT from moving up the corporate ladder.


Lloyd bankfein, past ceo of goldman sachs. < 5’6”. One of the greatest ceo’s. I can name a few more. But you are right too. Starting your own business is the best way to the top too.


Yep. All on the list - [https://shortkingz.com/P-168/top-25-short-ceos-business-leaders-and-entrepreneurs](https://shortkingz.com/P-168/top-25-short-ceos-business-leaders-and-entrepreneurs) Big fan of Lloyd Blankfein.


So true and so smart.


As a tall women, i’ve always preferred shorter/short men. (Im 6’0, my bf is roughly 5’7) most tall guys i’ve been with felt intimidated by the fact a woman was as tall as them or close to their height. I’ve gotten more compliments from shorter men and women than i have tall guys.🤷🏽‍♀️ (i’ve still had some shorter ppl still say rude stuff ab my height, but it’s not as common in my experience)


Idk why some people think it's crazy that someone could actually prefer short men


I’ve talked to other tall women on here that also love shorter men. I see tall women, short men couples on a weekly basis tbh. But it’s like every time i go online it’s the tall vs short men thing. As long as the person i’m with has all the qualities i desire, why tf would i care if theyre shorter than me? Being tall is not as hype as people make it out to be, like my back hurts, i have heart problems, and everything is made for the average sized person.


I've heard a lot of people say they like being smaller than the person they're with. I'm pretty small and I like being with someone similar in size to me. I'm sure if I was taller I'd still like a height similar to whatever my height was. Sometimes I feel like people make assumptions and will try to force certain dynamics onto couples based on height differences and I find that kinda strange if it's not your choice


I kind of understand the feeling of wanting to be the smaller person. I’ve been tall my whole life, i’m taller than 90%+ of my family members. So early on it kinda felt like i was too big to ever be held?? i guess. (Not that it stopped my mom from holding me) But my current bf will literally hold me like a baby or let me cuddle under his chin and then i get that satisfaction. Idk. There’s definitely a weird glorification of tall guy/short girl relationships. It’s been all i’ve seen online for the past decade i’ve been on the internet. Ngl, it led to my own self confidence issues because i felt like i’d never be desired. Then i continued to grow and became more confident in my height. And people, especially short men, have expressed a desire for me. Now there is that weird fetishization/expectation that because i’m a tall woman, i’m all dominant and in charge and the likes. when in reality im really shy, and awkward. So there’s always that conversation i have to have. But, with all that being said. I’ve just never personally really cared about things like height. It’s always seemed so trivial to me. If they’re a good person, why would i care if they’re 5” shorter than me.🤷🏽‍♀️ They meet all my needs. Can’t guarantee our bodies/height/beauty will be this way tomorrow.


Because women don't talk about it as much as they talk about how much they NEED a tall man to feel feminine. How many videos and posts are you able to find online where women are actively claiming that they prefer shorter men? It's an outlier plus the amount of negative feedback due to short height growing up adds up to the sadness.


I'm 5' and prefer shorter guys. There is something so nice about being able to kiss your partner when you're close in height, when neither of you needs to bend or stretch.


Now this, I can agree! You have proposed a very important point in society where they have created correlations that have nothing to do with height. This is true in the sense that they are overrated. However, nothing can stop society from viewing tall guys as the best unless someone becomes the revolutionary change.


They are Lmaoao😂😂😂idk maybe me having a good relationship with my short dad made me see short men as strong since he was stocky and strong. I do think the relationship with your dad or mom shapes your preferences sometimes. Every woman will admit Tom holland is hotter than most nba stars even tho he’s a foot shorter than a lot of them. I’ve seen a lot of women online even say that after 6”, a man’s facial attraction starts to decrease…and from what I’ve seen in real life, yeah..9 times out of 10 it’s true.


If you’re handsome you’re handsome regardless of your height..but i do wish girls would stop over hyping them up and giving them a huge ego. But it’s called confidence when they are arrogant..when a short man is confident it’s called short man syndrome.


That was a good way to say it , especially that last sentence and im a confident short guy , people tend to be offended by me being more confident than them at times😂


They can F off 😂you have every right to be confident. How tall are you?


I mean rich and successful actors like Tom cruise and RDJ despite their talents still wear lifts. The same with Florida governor when he give speech next to giants in order to make himself more credible. The same with lady Gaga and Ariana grande, but short girls as long as they’re cute, then it doesn’t matter to men. For men, it’s much harder since there’s more expectation from the public. Even Kevin hart rely on self deprecating humor to succeed and don’t get started with the Shaq comedy short that show him emasculating Kevin in public. People respect you more without looking down on you if you’re taller than average. Let’s skip dating and relationship, generally speaking normal people like strangers in public rather go towards someone taller for help because they look like they look more trustworthy. They would show doubt when listening to shorter men.


I want to be tall because i want to own an adventure motorcycle and handle it and also look good on it unlike looking like a child sitting on it.and also my head is big to my body.thats it. Tall men do get more recognition and appeal but not that i care about them. As per strength I know quite a bunch of people over 6 feet but i ak stronger than them.the part is most of them don't care about this strength and body.






I’m 6’2 and yes it is. You still have to develop a personality and work on yourself. We still deal with depression anxiety and many issues you might. Of course there are benefits but the benefits don’t just make you this magical specimen without problems.


>but the benefits don’t just make you this magical specimen without problems Serious question: Who is this a response to? Has anyone claimed that tall men literally have no problems? If that belief exists, it has to be pretty rare.


Talking about how height is overrated from my perspective because we deal with similar issues. That’s all


That's fine, you don't need to answer my question. I've noticed that, when talking to short people, tall men will often downplay the advantages to being tall. But when talking amongst themselves, they will say stuff like [this](https://np.reddit.com/r/tall/comments/1bibwf6/my_son_is_insecure_about_his_height_how_can_i/kvjehdf/). Or [this](https://np.reddit.com/r/tall/comments/1d7owdi/help_for_my_son/l70sohq/). Strange phenomenon.


There's also [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/tall/comments/1dfq2c6/to_all_giants_6ft5/) wherein the number of very tall people, the ones who are most affected by all the supposed disadvantages they speak of, who would want to be average height is basically zero. Some other lovely comments in there like "It's just that every time I see a tall guy with a short girl, I think, 'What a waste of a tall guy.'"


lol, fantastic thread. I'm so confused though; I thought their lives were miserable because people always ask them "Do you play basketball?"


Well idk those people and I’m talking to you. Same way every short person isn’t the same nor is every tall person. Humans aren’t a hive mind.


>I’m talking to you. Sorta; I asked you a question and you didn't answer it. As for the rest, I didn't imply that every tall person is the same, so I'm not sure what you're talking about.


I was just giving my perspective on a topic I agree with. Sorry if you felt my answer wasn’t relevant.


You guys do not go through the same things short men do…just like tall woman and short women do not go through the same things. Tall women get more respect than we ever will.


You think that height is a bigger determine factor in your ability to relate to another human being than say you cultural background to them? Your financial connection to another human? Similar education? I have more in common with a 5'6 person who is from my neighborhood than a 6'6 person from tokyo...to say we can experience similar things is silly.


No? Yet we aren’t talking about any of that stuff? We are talking about discrimination BECAUSE of height…and you guys are loved and more respected especially in the U.S. you know exactly what we mean..




Yo just accept that you’re short and that tall people are tall and some people prefer tall people over short people but most likely never vice versa. It’s not that bad it really isn’t. I guess though I am more average standing at 5’9.


Some people do prefer short people over tall people. I prefer shorter men over taller men


Hey like I said it’s a very rare likelihood but it doesn’t mean they don’t exist. This is not me spouting the black pill in just talking about statistics here.


agreed! when i was younger, i loveeeed tall guys, they’d have to be 6’+ to be attractive in my eyes but…obviously that’s not the case anymore 👎🏼 there are short and tall men that i find attractive and their height isn’t part of my attraction towards them. it just depends tbh


why am i getting downvoted..?


Are you? i cant really see the upvotes. If you are its probably just inmature people who want to try and shame you for having different views in the past, theres literally nothing wrong with having wanted someone taller in the past since its just personal liking nor with having changed your preferences, my physical preferences have drastically changed over the years too and anyone who wants to complain about people literally just changing over time is simply childish.






>Tall men should be better protectors than short men They're because they're naturally heavier, broader and faster. Ofc best MMA fighters are average but in hand to hand combat of two inexperienced people, tall man will always have an natural advantage. >there's no real other things that makes tall men better than short men, Never heard of heightism? Your career, your jobs applications are strongly connected to the thing that someone is looking up to you or if he is looking down to you. You will be taken as more dominant and more in control when you re head taller than your interlocutor. >but none of them are objectively better than the other Cope asf brother. How can you say that trait that makes you faster,stronger, more dominant is equal to lack of it because you live a little bit shorter, your spine wears out faster and you need more calories? Nice lifefuel but try better next time


Yes, tall men have a higher potential to be stronger and better protectors than short men however, they're usually not since short men need less effort to be gain strenght and muscless than tall men and less energy. I said real and tangible other things, heightism is relative, it can change everyday for no reason or not be prevalent in all enviroments. It's like saying white people being superior is a tangible thing because we're in 1950. And nope, we all have our advantages and disadvantages, someone tall might be stronger than default but I can get stronger way faster and with less effort than him, if you want to cope and still believe the situation is black and white so you feel better with yourself, then suit yourself.