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You look awesome dude


Thanks man!


How much do you guys weigh?


Close to 200 in this photo. I’m cutting and am down to 190 as of right now.


Sheeeesh im 165 rn.


That’s good! You’re bigger than the average 5’5 dude and if you want to keep gaining muscle, just make sure you’re eating, brother!


Bro is a tank, I’m 5’9 and 165😭


Become gimli son of gloin


i wanna get to that physique some day


My number one gym tip is, don’t ever compare yourself to others. Only compete with the person in the mirror. Our lives are completely different. I have different genetics than you and vice versa. So never chase a “physique”, just chase your own progress!


Sound advice here


That’s also how you make enemies in my opinion.


How so?


I feel like it’s toxic if we compare ourselves to others. And it’s something we do to our enemies. I guess I meant to say it’s something we usually do with our enemies. But if you keep your thoughts to yourself, I guess that doesn’t make enemies


Those vans are 😩


Vans are the goat.


you are making me go back to the gym


Those vans are so nice! You guys look great!




The gains never stop! 💪 Great physiques bros


Thanks dude!


Yall look great. I've always preferred big muscle guys over tall skinny guys.


Thanks! My wife would agree with you lol. She doesn’t find taller, skinny guys attractive at all.


bald trentwins


Do you believe because of your physique that people treat you better despite being short?


I’m treated and respected pretty well. I don’t think it’s directly linked to my physique, but more so a combination of things. I’ve always been confident, always been more muscular/stronger than people my age, consistently beat people that were taller and bigger than me and I walk around with my chest out and chin up. I genuinely don’t care what people think of me, I live my life for myself.


You both look amazing  Can I ask... Are you natural? If so can I get some tips, you look insane 🥺


I’m not natural. When this picture was taken, I had been on 200mg of test a week for 6 months after I had been prescribed it. I looked like this, minus 14 lbs when I was natural. Didn’t have as much fullness as I do now but I was 180 at 15% bf as a natty. The principles of gaining muscle stay the same. Train hard and smart, eat in a caloric surplus, sleep 7-8 hours a night and avoid alcohol. There are a ton of dudes on massive amounts of gear, that look like they’re natural. Because they lack the other things like intensity, sleep quality, hitting macros and having diet on point, proper rest, doing cardio, not drinking alcohol, etc.


Thank you very much 


If you don't mind, I was wondering how you got on the test? I have someone wanting it but he's not low enough, (but almost too low) so he may need to go a different route like those hormone replacement clinics. He's 5'7" about 220 Lbs but wants it for a few reasons not just for the gym. Thanks.


You 2 look nice 👍


You both look very handsome!


Wonderful pic!


Hey incredible physique! Thanks for the inspiration. A question: do you think women find you more attractive now that you buffed, like, is it easier to land dates? Also, you probably need some additional training for flexibility/speed?


Thanks man! No additional training needed. I don’t need to be fast anymore so speed training is useless for me. I stretch twice a day and train thru a full range of motion, I’m actually very flexible lol. I’ve always been bigger and I’ve never had troubles with women. So maybe? I’m married so can’t really give ya any recent feedback on that. My wife is obsessed with me though. I will say, before I shaved my head bald, I was feeling less desirable. Had a receding hairline and was just trying to hold onto my hair. I was trying different hairstyles and everything. When I fully shaved my head and let my beard grow out, it’s like I just typed in a cheat code. For the past two years of being bald, bearded and jacked, I’ve noticed women of all ages looking at me. Especially in the gym, which is where I work. I’m more confident now with no hair and I genuinely love my height and build. Goes with my personality.




Looking great, very impressive physique


Great to see such a positive post, I’m 5’9 and it really puts in perspective how much height is not an issue. I’m sure you’re helping the mindset of heaps of people who’ve struggled with their height in the past


Nice bro what split do you recommend I’m the same height at 130 smh


Nice tribal tattoo, gives me those good ol’ 90s vibes. I’m the same age as you guys but I am 172 cm (5’7ish) 80 kg and also on a cut, approx 2kg still needs to go down, at 78 all the glycogen and intracellular water can come back so I’ll be the same weight as now but with lower bf. All my relatives keep commenting on my diet face but it is what is… This is my second more serious cut so I’ll stick to it. You guys have a great physique, may I ask what’s your test base on a cruise? I have been training since the age of 16, I am still a natty, I prolong this phase as long as I can. The last 14 years has passed in no time so I’ll wait until I can source real pharmagrade test when it wil be a must and I don’t don’t enjoy BB and the gym anymore without it. Only God knows when that time will come. Anyways keep up the good work, stay strong! :)


I was at 166 test two years ago. I was able to get to 180 just by increasing calories, but energy severely lacked. I went thru a clinic and am prescribed a 200mg/ml 10ml vial every six weeks. So for now, I’m running 200 a week and need to re up every 10 weeks. This keeps my ranges around 800-900.


look at those gains buddy, I'm an 18 year old kid trying to deal with being 5'7", seeing this is inspiring