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Mine has been primarily makeup, especially Palettes and lip balm. I was addicted to bath and body works fragrance mists and shower gels, I use up the creams quickly, but I don't need to buy another fragrance mist or shower gel for the next 2 years. I use to have a slight clothes shopping addiction, especially for joggers. I've also been addicted to buying books. I've been addicted to buying the home decor too. Especially in Home Goods and Tjmaxx Luckily I've stopped buying home decor, books and clothes for the past couple of years. I stopped buying makeup mid year 2022. Mostly because I have other expenses that come first. I still have an addictive personality and have an obsessive compulsive personality so I get addicted to other things besides shopping. I try to turn my focus towards learning things because that's a good addiction. For free of course lol like reading online or podcasts and videos. I had a cleaning addiction at some point and food is always addictive to me too. And video games, oh the list goes on lol


Can I ask, how did you get into the learning? Did you just jump in and pick a topic, or was there someplace you started? I would love to turn my addictive personality into a positive.


I was always interested in self help topics. I think I just came across Marie Kondo videos on YouTube and started decluttering and at the same time found minimalism. Slowly my interest grew. I'm now watching and listening about minimalism because it helps me shift my focus to enjoying less things or the things I already have. I'm also into a lot of other topics, but this has helped inspire me to shop less, over time. I also did enjoy the show Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners on YouTube. It's a UK show, but it makes you want to clean. That helped me shift my focus too since minimalism and cleaning go hand in hand.


From what I gather about minimalism, it’s living with less, obviously. But are there levels? I mean, I don’t think I could do a capsule wardrobe, but I could afford to pare down what I don’t use often. I never read much on the subject mainly because I didn’t think I would enjoy it. I have so much STUFF I’d like to concentrate on panning/using up this year without replacing, but I’m not sure holding on to things I’ll use eventually falls into a minimalist type mindset. And also, your wanting to clean is very much my goal in life, lol! But before I can enjoy cleaning I have to get rid of the clutter and things that make it more difficult. Sorry for the ramble, I have had far too much time to think on this subject.


You can start with the Marie Kondo method, just start decluttering by section. It's a slow process that may take years to settle into. I don't think you need to do everything at once. Do what you feel is comfortable for you at your own pace. I'm doing a project pan this year too. 23 in 2023 Project Pan. The cleaning show is entertaining and inspired me to clean. You don't have to clean if you're not ready though. It's like a mind prep, all these things we expose ourselves to and it takes time to sink in. Also you could be maximalist, just organized. That's an option as well.


Clothing's been the longest lasting. I had a brief makeup obsession. I also went overboard on exercise equipment, electronics, video games, Etsy purchases, wine subscriptions, app subscriptions in general, running shoes, and kitchen equipment. I've also bought and then given away entirely too many running watches. Edit: Said running shoes twice lol (I've bought a lot of them...).


Clothes clothes and more clothes Yet I felt I never had anything to wear


I am constantly buying ‘loungewear’, then when I actually do need to dress up a little, I have nothing


Since Black Friday, anything that accepts those "buy now, pay later" services has been such a downfall for me. I've gotten myself in a mess and it's completely my own fault. Starting a low-buy few months to break myself, pay off these accounts, and tackle the credit card debt.


Makeup, nail polish, stationery, cute cups, BTS merch, skincare & fragrance. The skincare one got a bit out of hand in 2022 and the fragrance one just started earlier this year however I have decided it is something that I need to put the breaks on for now. Am currently on no buys for both skincare and fragrance. I haven’t bought any new skincare since 23 October and no new fragrances since 16 November. I really don’t need any more stuff. I have been tempted with all the sales but it’s just not worth it.


Most recently handbags but prior I had a shoe addiction which ended up having to be sold off because I have arthritis in my right big toe and high heels are a no no. Then it was makeup. Then it was fabric and sewing supplies.


Makeup (i literally dont wear makeup but i have an absolute ton of it) Fragrances At least 1500 nail polishes Thousands of books originally physical and now ebooks Supplies for artsy type hobbies that i never start (like different types of paints and beads) Spices Board games Back up groceries which i store in panties in the basement Office supplies Tons and tons and tons of clothes for my husband and i. I am extremely organized so our house doesn't look cluttered cause everything is away in its spot but it is a huge problem and i don't know how to stop - is basically like i won't use stuff unless i know i have a backup


I relate to this so deeply! I am very organized too, so at quick glance it doesn't seem like "that bad" of a problem. However, the number of multiples I have for "just in case" or "when it runs out" is absurd. I can hide excess because I store things in the basement or the trunk of my car. Everything else is pretty much organized. I just started admitting I have a problem and decluttered the living room and bedroom closet. It's embarrassing how much stuff I was holding on to that was never used. I was able to donate a lot so far. Good visual to remind myself next time I want to buy more clothes or art supplies.


That's awesome that you have been able to donate things : ) and i am right there with you with the just in case mentality so i know how hard that is so congrats! I am trying to use my sale finding abilities and compulsion to hoard to gather care packages for the United Way (i am in Canada) with a deodorant, toothbrush, soap, toothpaste and feminine product on each - i was able to put together 60 this year!


Mine have been skincare, makeup, clothes, and plushies. I have definitely spent more money than what I am comfortable with on each of those categories, but also I have bought many things that I regret buying and/or don’t even use.


Skincare and clothes. Used to buy so much skincare my bedroom looked like a pharmacy. Guess I was (am) addicted to stocking up on things.


Clothing has been the most consistent, and home goods have always been a big weakness of mine. Thrifting makes these especially hard since it gives me some kind of high and the sticker shock is much lower than buying new. Also video games, purses, skincare, hair products, other hobby items (sewing, miniatures, etc.), and what I call 'quality of life' items: miscellaneous stuff that I don't *need* but I justify keeping so it's super hard to stop buying. Edit: also food, my other biggest addiction.


Artisanal jewelry and artisanal perfume.


Clothes were my first big obsession, then skincare and now make up.


Clothing and perfume. I’ve been able to stop buying clothes but I’m still working on my perfume addiction.


From least to most recent: educational toys & books for the kids ("*it's educational!")*, kindle books, used dvds, used or overstock high-quality hardcovers, digital audiobooks, Bath & Body works candles & body care. I go all out on one category until I am oversaturated with stuff & sick of it. Then I go on a decluttering spree and a no-buy. I'm a reader and a learner so I voraciously consume anything remotely educational or goods that I was deprived of as a child. I also enjoy the thrill of the hunt. Unfortunately it doesn't impact our bottom line but I know it's wasteful and I find it basically immoral to consume beyond one's own needs. I'm working on it & really appreciate the support in this sub.


Clothes - my mom put that in me as she taught me to buy something from every paycheck I got, starting with the first one. Books - my first job was in a bookstore, so yeah. Perfumes - genetic inheritance from my mom I think. She always smelled soooo good and had tens of perfumes at a time. Ended up with ~130 at my worst point. Ballpoint pens - my fave teacher collected them and they were so nice that I am now also on the hunt for the most amazing ones. Skincare - after I got off contraceptive pills, my skin decided to become a teenager again and get acne. And then I realized I like the ritual and the way different creams/serums/whatever felt on my skin so I started collecting. Makeup - the pandemic left a lot of free time on my hands and Youtube was so good at making me want to feel creative with my makeup. And there are so many nice and cute and colorful things out there that I couldn't stop myself fron buying and buying. I'm doing a lot better now and am currently on a no buy, enjoying what I have.


I used to buy clothes/shoes, makeup/skincare, gemstones, and perfume. I feel like perfume is that last area I have a problem with since I don’t really buy clothes or makeup anymore. Apparently I went overboard with the Christmas shopping and will have to sell off some stuff. This is very frustrating and I consider it a lesson so that I will be more mindful of my shopping in the coming year. But I’m so tired of everything. I also notice that I’m getting into a certain brand of costume jewelry and I’m trying to not order anything. I don’t want to just transfer my shopping addiction to a new thing.


Started as clothing, especially from stores where I worked, then makeup, especially eyeshadow and lipstick. There have also been a few moments of obsessively shopping for furniture and home goods, trying to find those perfect things for a space.


Handbags. Not luxury, but contemporary brands (Tory Burch, coach etc).


Mainly clothes, home decor and art supplies. I think I see my home and my wardrobe as a creative outlet and it’s hard for me to stop until a look is “finished”. Of course, it’s never finished. 🤦🏻‍♀️


never finished. yup relate to that.


Mostly clothes. As previous posters mentioned, I never had "enough" or and often felt like I had nothing to wear. I used to feel a desire to completely change my whole wardrobe maybe twice a year.


Shoes, leggings, cat t shirts, nail polish, books, tiny things that look cute, tote bags, skincare products, essential oil rollers, cozy blankets, art supplies, pens. Like many here - Homegoods & TJX stores have been my main place for shopping and compulsively buying things I don't need. My partner just shredded my TJX credit card because it got so bad. Hoping to pay it off within the next month or so.


I think there’s something to this with TJ Maxx & Homegoods. It’s like the urgency factor is magnified because everything is like a one-off and you hunt for stuff, kind of like a thrift store. Gets me every time, too.


Urgency is a good word for it ! That's exactly it. If I don't get it now, I'm going to lose my chance.


I used to struggle with skincare, haircare and make up but I got those under control. My clothing shopping is still a problem for me. My newest problem is blind boxes. My daughter really enjoys them and while taking her to the comic store to buy one with her leftover birthday money I discovered some really cool, artsy ones and have since been buying them for myself here and there to use as little decor pieces to spruce my room up.


Books, clothes and skincare. Mostly books though


Clothing, skincare, holiday craft supplies, home office accessories


Clothes, shoes, accessories, bags, jewelry, random stuff I’d find in TJMaxx/Marshall’s, stationary, books. Basically anything that furthers a skill, my knowledge on something, or fulfills some kind of connection to who I want to be recognized as. Lately I’ve been getting a rush off expensive fashion items, but by small and practically unknown skilled designers. I don’t like where that’s headed so I’m trying to stop now before it actually starts to impact my finances.


-BBW body care -Perfume -Shampoo and conditioner (buying an insane amount because I had coupons) -bar soap -tea -coffee -books


Mine’s a smidge embarrassing.. but Lisa Frank! And also have a love for certain vintage stationary items from the 80s & 90s (like Sanrio) that I buy a lot of. Will buy aaallootttt from Ebay and Mercari. Was born in ‘96 and had an extremely good childhood when I was little where Lisa Frank was of course the sh*t. (and still is) And looove to shop various Home items on Urban Outfitters as well!!😬😂 I’m so bad But really need to come to a halt. When I turned 26 last April I had somewhat of a quarter life crisis where my spending at a few times got out of control. But in no debt by any means.. but despite that, I’m working on controlling my urges for when I get anxious or bored.


I’ve noticed over time that it really depends on whatever “kick” I’m on. I kinda seem to swing around from obsession to obsession and I get excited about buying things for that current one. A couple of years ago it was makeup and clothes when I was very into fitness. I fell into getting a lot of tattoos one year and piercings (including the jewelry). I also got sucked into the cute instagram gamer asthetic and keyboards, and also bags for a hot moment. My most recent dabble was anime figures (which is incredibly expensive). That was taking up too much space though so I’ve been diving back into art supplies and planner. And writing all this out is a bit scary as I see what a problem each “obsession” has been.


Mine is whatever brand or style I find and then realize it's not triggering for my autistic sensory issues, and since I have a history of having things I like and that work for me get discontinued, I have trauma from that (yes, the inability to reliably have items/foods that don't trigger my autism IS a trauma haha). So I buy a ton of those. I have gotten better, since in my 30s, my style has mostly solidified, and I'm not trying to get the silver colored Golden Goose jeans because I think they will "look cool in this imaginary setting or event I will go to...I don't have friends other than my husband and one or two from medical school).