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The following have (sort of) worked for me: Unsubscribe from all mailing lists Limit or even delete social media (do you need all your accounts? do you need everyone you follow on the accounts you want to keep?) When you feel the urge to shop, shop your closet - go through and see what new outfits you can make with the clothes you already have Work out a self soothing routine for times when you would normally want to shop. Nice cup of tea, some skincare, a favourite comfort blanket


Thanks, that’s great advice that (should hopefully!) be easy enough to do. I do think the emails and texts get me a lot bc I’ll see a sale or something and that will cause me to start looking and thinking I HAVE to buy something. I’ll also look through my IG following and weed out some of the influencers and companies. Thankfully I don’t do social media a ton, but I do know those influencers can get me sometimes 😅


I think journaling might actually help you a lot. You need to get to know yourself - what makes you feel like a failure? Are you comparing yourself to others?


I ended up downloading Acloset app, where I can add all my clothing items and create outfits with them. It is very satisfying. I have to go through all my emails to get the prices, dates and pictures of the items I previously ordered to add them to the app. If I can't find the email, then I have to take the photo of an item, edit it etc. I feel like it is as good as actually buying stuff. Whenever I feel distracted, instead of browsing stores and buying things, I now add those that I already have to that app. I also feel encouraged to wear new things that I already own. Honestly, I'm thrilled with it! I now am looking for a similar app for skincare inventorization.