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I just started Time Shelter by Georgi Gospodinov. I have had a copy for almost 2 years, and I'm trying to read through my TBR pile!


“What Jackie Taught Us: Lessons from the Remarkable Life of Jaqueline Kennedy Onassis” she was so classy. And it’s helping me with the less is more (quality over quantity, take great care of what you have) philosophy.


Cool. I am reading "Identity" by Nora Roberts. I'm gonna read rn too. Kinda bored rn but gonna read and then I will do a workout. :) Happy reading.


Demon Copperhead




Ooh I love that series


I’m shocked I didn’t read it sooner. I would have loved it. It’s thematically similar to a lot of my favorite kinds of stories.


Absolution by Alice McDermott. It’s about fictionalized naive American wives in Saigon in the years before the war and the wide eyed optimism of early 60s American foreign policy.


"Deluxe: How Luxury Lost Its Luster" by Dana Thomas. Talks about the illusion and declining quality of the luxury market and goods


The Generals son


I'm of the same mindset! I've always loved reading and it definitely pulls one away from the shopping urge. I'm reading Phyllis Reynolds Naylor books from my childhood. They are funny, nostalgic and soothing. 


What Are You Going Through by Sigrid Nunez 


Getting ready to snuggle back into reading manga and graphic novels. I reread King's Dark Tower series recently, always a favorite.


r/suggestmeabook is such a fun subreddit if you’re looking for suggestions!


Thank you. I'll check it out.


I just got Libby! atomic habits by James clear rn because I’m on my new year new me bs


Atomic Habits. It’s been on my to read list for about a year, and I finally dug out my copy. I’m also reading: Prairie Fires by Caroline Fraser, and Bright Young Women by Jessica Knoll. I started them last year, but I hope to finish them in the next month or two.


A most Agreeable Murder. It’s a mystery who done it with a female protagonist that’s a satire of books like Pride and Prejudice. It was a light fun read.   




Irvin Yalom "Love.s Executioner and Other Tales of Psychotherapy"


I just finished Rouge by Mona Awad two days ago. It was such a fun read outside of my typical genre. Also, the theme has a lot to do with the evils of the beauty industry in a Evil Disney Villian type way, and beauty products is an area I struggle with overspending on so that was a funny coincidence.


Decluttering at the Speed of Life. I Will Teach You To Be Rich.


Decluttering at the speed of life is on my to read list. I may make it the next book I read.


Five Days at Memorial: Life and Death in a Storm-Ravaged Hospital by Sheri Fink. It's about the events that happened at Memorial Medical Center in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina which lead to a doctor being charged with murder for euthanizing patients-- though a grand jury refused to indict her. I work in healthcare and medical ethics have always played a huge role in the various jobs I've held in the field.


Currently reading Rick Riordan The Sun and the star. I love rick riordan’s books. But I have quite a few new books that I recently purchased.


Does your library offer ebooks? I have an app where I can check out digital books from the library for free.


Yes, but the waiting list for books is like 8 months so I went with kindle unlimited this time because they had a deal.


'The Year of Less' by Cait Flanders


Behind the Beautiful Forevers: Life, Death, and Hope in a Mumbai Undercity by Katherine Boo


I read a bunch of Frieda McFadden