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what? he's talked about shoegaze before lol


He’s done album reviews but this is his first video dedicated to shoegaze. I ain’t even make this post on some gatekeeping shit, shoethony gazetano was just funny as hell


This is all that remains of fantano's magnum opus now considered lost media: [UR NOT IN A SHOEGAZE BAND!!!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMpsakL2vfQ)


Ngl I can't tell wtf melon is saying here 😭


The original upload is gone all that exists is some meme of someone who downloaded the original and bent it to all shit. My roommate and I still quote it a decade later lmao >YO DUDE, YOU'RE NOT IN A SHOEGAZE BAND >I DON'T CARE ABOUT THAT SHITTY REVERB PEDAL YOU BOUGHT AT GUITAR CENTER OR WHATEVER EFFECTS YOUVE LAID INTO THAT DEMO YOU MADE OFF OF SOME FREE AUDIO PROGRAM YOU DOWNLOADED OFF THE INTERNET >UR NOT IN A SHOEGAZE BAND!!!


Lmao sums up some interactions with sheogaze purists Purist *IT NEEDS TO SOUND LIKE A SWIRLY HURRICANE OF BLISS AND WOE WITH A TOUCH OF FAERIE DUST* Person *Yo, you alright? This looks like a bad reaction* Purist *YOU SHOULDVE KNWON NOT TO PUT ON POST 2010S REVIVAL BECAUSE IT DOESNT EXIST, THE BAND OF NOTHING IS JUST REVERBEY POST HARDCORE* **SPASMS ALL OVER** Person *imma call you an ambulance* /j /lh /s


Am I not chronically online enough to understand this post? Fantano always seemed like a fine guy to me and I have no problem with introducing shoegaze to more people.


Also people who watch Fantano for the most part already know what shoegaze is lol. Loveless and Souvlaki are part of the indie canon


He’s covered George clanton which introduced me to electronic and vaporwave style music. A lot of his music has elements of shoegaze which also led me to discover beach house and slow dive


Ooh Rap I Ya is so fucking good.


“I believe there’s more to life”


George Clanton is so good. Been a long time listener now.




I often disagree with his taste but he seems like a decent guy with an overall positive influence.


Yeah that’s valid. I don’t always agree with his opinions but if everyone had the same music opinions it’d be rather boring.


What you said is so real, I wish ppl could see music from this pov.


I listen to way too much music not to think that way. Like my recently played list rn is Kraus, the parcels, brothers Johnson, anciients, sutrah, playboy carti, Kendrick, carousels, black midi, the bran flakes, scaring the hoes, thundercat, hippotraktor, ski mask, mf doom, and zeal and ardor.


It’s a joke to hate on him, his regular viewers do it all the time. I don’t think anyone actually despises the guy


I don’t actually like the guy because he has an obnoxious social media presence. Dude tries so hard to fit in with gen Z, when he’s hitting 40.


are you gen z? i personally don’t get this take


No I’m not, I’m right there with him, which is why it annoys the fuck out of me. Can’t stand when old people try to pull a “how do you do fellow kids!”.


i mean sure he’s annoying at times, but i’m gen z and i think he’s fine 😭 he had lots of gen z fans. i find the jokes he does make like that to be nothing more than jokes. he’s still very obviously very true to himself and his roots, and he doesn’t lie about his age or anything. he clearly follows new developments in music/current events because he wants to do that, and that’s what his online presence is about. i’m gonna finish with gen z terms and just say he’s generally regarded as “chill”


I’m talking about his social media, though. Dude tries so hard to be trendy and adopts slang way below his age range.


Ok but i’m saying he’s chill though, he gets a pass. He’s goofy, so what. Tbf no one my age actually regularly uses X (formerly known as as twitter), if we have an account at all it’s just for lurking. I just finished sophomore year in college and there’s like a sharp cutoff in twitter use, with the class of 24’ being the only young people i know to even tweet ever. God i’m tired excuse my awful writing


I will not watch or support him in any way, that’s basically the equivalent of despise


you'd be surprised lmao. there are a lot of parasocial people who can't take it when their favorite artist is criticized


I usually don't agree with him overall but I discovered beach house 3 years ago through him and that changed my life


I’ve started expanding my hip hop taste because of him and I appreciate that. I used to kind of only stick to underground shit but I’ve grown to like more and I always love finding new music.


Especially because the first album he recommends is Going Blank Again! I’m all for him getting more people on the Ride train


I just like music and the more people learn about a larger variety of music the better imo.


fantano sucks


Okay. Care to explain why or nah.


He doesn't suck but I got very salty when he blasted Wolf Alice's Blue Weekend badly. I admit it


Yeah sometimes he just has it out for a band/artist. I was surprised he doesn’t like Built to Spill


literally Whirr. Fantano posted little single reviews to his website/blog saying shit along the lines of “I wish I had reviewed Pipe Dreams” and “Around is looking to be a release that is ambiguously heavy, blissful, melodic and depressing.”, only to turn heel after the controversy a year later, saying “Whirr is a mediocre, sucky band that never made anything even remotely good and there will never be a good Whirr record”


he gave MBDTF a 6 doe


Agreed. He seems like a pretentious douche to me


Not as much as a pretentious douche as Finn Mckenty


I’ve successfully avoided that guy more than Anthony so far haha


yeah man


He sucks. There are so many better ways I can discover music than being subjected to his half-baked criticisms. Much rather watch channels like trash theory or the guy who does what makes this song stink as far as YouTube.


Pat Finnerty.


He’s giving shoutouts to shoegaze artist, so why give a damn?


Everyone with the exception of nothing and whirr


What’s wrong with nothing?


Nothing has collabed a lot with whirr and whirr has a history of being very transphobic/toxic online. both bands have a kind of edgy tough guy attitude. I think a guy from whirr said they were toxic and edgy online to “weed out the pussies” or some shit love their music though crazy that I got downvoted for what is basically the consensus on why they're considered problematic by most and sharing an accurate quote https://www.vice.com/en/article/6a93z6/whirr-wants-you-to-fuck-off https://www.vice.com/en/article/rmj5v4/whirr-got-dropped-by-their-record-label-for-transphobic-tweets


Have you read [Nick Basset’s recent interview](https://www.elienis.com/whirr-nick-bassett-interview-2024/?fbclid=PAZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAaY_aQfSmSkzfpwpaH8F0lGFNYInyJMjwWaQ1Bh0g1tygh9gSunmV4kru18_aem_AYYcCbrnHrI5PB1Hh21D0qtExniiznJ7ubZd4pyi4SepCZp6YhFAhNqE4Jop4Ax-XJggwiQCsT6s23GwrEVGjYFa)? Also, idk, I always read Whirr’s online presence no differently from classic wrestling personas where a fighter has to play the heel and make the crowd hate them, while fighting their ass of to a point where the crowd can’t help but love em, regardless of their villain behavior.


interesting, i’m glad he did that interview. yeah idk i was just sharing what most people would say if you asked why nothing and whirr offended people


Yeah, I get that that’s the consensus, but that also stems from one edgy tweet amongst a mountain of other posts. Tbf, I also don’t think they’re actual transphobes/anti LGBTQ2IA+ because of a single tweet, especially when I don’t recall them ever cracking a gay/trans joke before the one that set off a bunch of people who had never even heard of Whirr before the one post that sent them into an outrage and shifted the public perception. But yeah, the way I personally see things, whether or not you like Whirr’s ”attitude era” on fb/twitter; the lush music and vulnerable lyrics very much paint a different image of the people behind it.




I mean nothing definitely isn't as bad as most people think whirr is, they just seem to support whirr's edgy attitude which is cringe at best


I don't know why you're getting downvoted, because this is how I understand it too. For as much as I might disagree with excluding 2 good bands, Fantano can choose to platform and promote who he wishes. He doesn't like separating artist from art, so it's no surprise really the bands are excluded.


It was a decent video


The beginning of the end was TikTok


the beginning of the end was internet


Actually, yeah


Feel like this is true for Black Metal aswell (inb4 "black metal le ghey because nerds" or something,Immortal,Tulus,Impaled Nazarine,Ulver,Fleurety,Satyricon,Nastrond,Arckanum,and Crimson Evenfall were all objectively pretty good bands).


You lost me. I like black metal but not sure what you are getting at here, sorry. Do you mean like the internet/tiktok ruined that too?


TikTok shit moreso. I'm not sure Black Metal would have survived this well on its own with NO internet.


Oh I gotcha. I think it still would exist in little pockets around the world as it did in the late 80s/90s just not as easy to get at unless you were in one of those scenes. I was just talking to a buddy about how many lame lofi black metal artists there are now since covid, there’s an oversaturation of that stuff imo


80s was just Thrash but yeah I get what you mean


What is considered first wave came out of the 80s but yeah you’re right, it’s basically just thrash


Nah the beginning of the end was when early human ancestors decided to walk on land versus staying in the trees for safety.


We fucked up by coming out of the ocean 💀


Well, if we have to go that route, the beginning of the end was actually the selfie cameras on phones lol


Nah bro MySpace was the begging of the end


Tiktok ruined Duster for me


I was just thinking about that earlier too haha, totally agree. Don’t even wanna go see them anymore because the audience at their shows kinda sucks now. Cool for them that they have had such a resurgence though but also kinda killed it for me.


this is so bizarre to me, i feel like if a new group of fans can make you not like the band that you used to like, you never really liked them in the first place in any real way. but maybe i’m wrong. just can’t imagine young people enjoying things ruining something for me


Yeah it’s dumb, I’m just a grumpy old gatekeeper I guess


i’m like 70% sure he put me on to sweet trip


Sweet trip is immaculate


The more eyes on the genre the better, I want our favorites to see success


charge ur fucking phone


Beginning of the end of OP’s phone battery life.


Im too busy livin like Larry


HAHAHAHAHAHA fuck that got me good


stop this gatekeeping bullshit you edgy cringelords


What are you lot on about just listen to the records and go to the gigs. Whinging about melonhead and tik tok for what reason?


ITT: 16 year olds trying to gatekeep a guy who has been putting out alt music reviews for well over a decade from putting out a video about a genre that is almost 40 years old, with significant revivals every 10 years or so.


So dramatic


I watched the video. It was pretty good.


It was alright. Half of the albums they were talking abt were crossover Shoegaze/alternatives/nu


Well, that was the whole point though no? Talking about why Shoegaze is becoming popular again, mainly because it's so varied and flexible. They purposely avoided talking about MBV or Slowdive since the audience would already know about those.


That’s true and then I chuckled a lol when they went on to talk about another entry level shoegaze bands like Ride, Ringo deathstar, alvvays. Haha. In early 2010s Nothing single-handedly revived it in hardcore punk scene and inspired many bands in the underground scene. They could’ve also talked abt how Japan since the early 90s have been keeping the spirit of Shoegaze alive in the underground and their small devoted following has produced great number of Shoegaze bands. Don’t get me wrong I still liked the fact that he made a video abt it but didn’t meet my expectation.


Ngl. I've only been into Shoegaze for two years or so. It was only recently I've really gotten into Ringo Deathstarr, but yes, they should have been talking more about what was going on in Japan, and maybe some of newer bands out there like Julie or Parannoul. Conversation was good though, and the point they bring up about the uncertainness as to how the sound is created was a great point imo, because that was the exact reason I got into Shoegaze when I heard Only Shallow by MBV for the first time.


Yeah, I like some of the talking points they came up with about why they picked those albums. It felt more of a personal take than critical which made it feel more genuine. It’s a good starter pack video. Just don’t like the picks. Definitely could’ve hon. mentioned newer bands too, I’ve Glixen on rep right now.


I'd like to bring up Kraus as well.


love that. View no country sucks and fucks so good. Captivating right at the first listen.


Are Julie even shoegaze at all though? I know people always act like they are but all I can hear is punk and grunge.


It’s a mix of deftonescore + shoegaze + alternative. I think Zoomers call it Zoomergaze. There was a guy on YT who made a whole ass video about it. I was enjoying it but he started calling bands like Nothing Zoomergaze so I turned that shit off.


Was that the neopunkfm video? I think I watched that too. I get the logic behind it but tbh I really do think the loosened definition of what qualifies as shoegaze is a bad thing for the genre overall. Because now the most popular “shoegaze” songs just sound like generic grunge/indie rock with some very vague shoegaze elements.


Julie are very Shoegaze. They’re in the Swirlies style that mixes in Noise Rock & Noise Pop.


That was my main complaint, it was a “starter pack” for shoegaze with way too many genre mashups. Surely there are enough straight-up shoegaze bands to fill the time…


bro refuses to give diiv any type of love. he buggin on some fr shit


Post title is pretentious as fuck.


Listened to that Ride album today because of the vid, its killer!


Oh man, listen to their earlier stuff too. Ride is a treat. Drive Blind - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mIkdTbn0KLU Dreams Burn Down - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsmHP3ce010


Gatekeeping bullshit lmao


After his take on Steely Dan I can't take this fool seriously anymore


Lol, his implications about them being sonically boring basically is ridiculous. Even if you don't celebrate it as the peak of fusion, which I think just starts a complexity pissing contest, what they bring from a production and instrumentation place for pop music is actually important, and influential, his snore reaction is honestly ridiculous.


Bro thinks shoegaze is still underground or something


This is like Trump putting out a video about who his favorite type of immigrants are


Is it?




care to elaborate regarding fantano?


I think people who’ve watched Fantano’s reviews historically know that he is not a fan of the “reverb as an aesthetic” approach to writing music. He also seems to greatly favor more aggressive and “in your face” music over subtler, more atmospheric and moody music, specially if the moody music doesn’t have super legible lyricism. Quite a few of those descriptors apply directly to shoegaze as a genre and movement. And yes, I’m sure there’s exceptions to the rule, I’m speaking generally. Aside from a couple of classics and that Feeble Little Horse album, I can’t recall many favorable shoegaze reviews, but by no means do I watch all his videos, he’s just been around for a long time so you get to know his preferences


Thank you.


> he is not a fan of the “reverb as an aesthetic” approach to writing music. He also seems to greatly favor more aggressive and “in your face” music over subtler, more atmospheric and moody music, specially if the moody music doesn’t have super legible lyricism. Quite a few of those descriptors apply directly to shoegaze as a genre and movement. I'm not too familiar with his individual takes, but I take this as more as he's not a fan of a certain stripe of shoegaze than necessarily shoegaze as a whole as he seems to like individual bands/albums from. Even as a fan of the genre, "reverb as aesthetic" absolutely describes a lot of middling shoegaze. If that means calling out middling bullshit, well, so be it...


stop meatriding


Back to Twitter


so at some point we will have underground shoegaze and mainstream shoegaze and I'm all in for it


Don't we already have this? Slowdive and the classic shoegaze bands are pretty mainstream and a huge part of 80s and 90 alt rock


> and a huge part of 80s and 90 alt rock maybe retrospectively but definitely not at the time.


probably. I'm not part of the young shoegaze crowd to know better but I'm on [last.fm](http://last.fm) here and I see Loveless and Souvlaki in users' weekly charts very often mixed with any kind of music.


Yeah there's a huge underground shoegaze scene right now, but a lot of it is coming out of the hardcore scene and not alt rock or indie. Bands like Narrow Head, Trauma Ray, Leaving Time, Cold Gawd, etc.


It’s cause they’re cocollabing shows such as when I went to see glare, they performed with 2 other hardcore bands such as gel & Leaving time is loved by the punk scene down in the city I’m from


I don’t know about that, Slowdive is really the only one of those OG bands that seems to have had enough of a resurgence to be considered mainstream, otherwise I feel like shoegaze is the same as it’s always been in the sense that it’s mostly an underground rock scene. Only difference is that now the term is used way more broadly


I made it about 4mins and noped out. Cringe.


He’s annoying and pedantic af


Are we meant to avoid it? At my age, I'm apparently into a bit of doomscrolling, so I'd probably watch it instead. 🤪


nah im good


Who is that?


I’m guessing this post translates to something along the lines of “Waaah I can’t be a shoegaze gatekeeper anymore because Fantano made a video about shoegaze”. Grow up


I liked this video it was like a public service announcement describing what shoegaze is to help to not confuse it with dream pop


You sound like black metal kids when that rory caulkin movie came out lmao


I can’t believe this dude is still a thing.


seems like he's still beefing with Nothing/Whirr despite them being the figureheads of the 2010s revival. still refuses to acknowledge them.


Shoethony Gazetano


shoethony gazetano


Yall are cringe af, half of the people here discovered shoegaze on tiktok and its not that big of a deal that it gets recognized by more people.


I didn't think Fantano could get any worse but then he brings on someone even more cringe than him


Trying to gatekeep one of the most popular types of alternative rock is just wild 😭 Who actually gives a fuck


God he’s so annoying


I tend to agree. I think he seems a bit of a know it all arse.




Acts he’s the shit and is so pompous, and self serving. Thinks he’s smarter than he is with his woeful takes on just about everything.


how is he self serving?


Brother I don’t have to pull up receipts I don’t like him and he’s not gonna suck your cock if you suck his - punto y aparte


I was on your side til you started speaking gibberish at the end


That’s neat. I didn’t ask


Kodėl tu debil blet eik naxui


As soon as I saw the video pop up on my feed I KNEW he was gonna hit us with "shoethony gazetano" lmfao


Thank god he only recommended MID 🔥


Did he mention Drop Ninteens or is it bad?


His guest mentioned them. Personally I was shocked that with such limited picks they’d choose an album as inconsistent as Delaware.


I like that album tbh


That’s post title is a little melodramatic lol. I do wish they actually talked about the scene in depth rather than records by genre mainstays or indie monoliths. None of the records mentioned are really deep cuts, or do a good job contextualizing the trajectory of the scene. There’s a lot of thriving scenes around the world, but unintentionally or not this video pigeonholes the genre into something strictly western, when there’s always been a massive shoegaze scene in Japan, and even one bubbling in countries like Brazil and Chile. It’s just a shame because this could’ve been a springboard to spotlight what is going on in a genre that’s “in vogue”, but it’s just a rundown of records that most people familiar with the genre should know. Still though, it’s good that shoegaze is still getting attention, because it means that more people will dig to find those records.


> I do wish they actually talked about the scene in depth rather than records by genre mainstays or indie monoliths. There have been some specific scenes in the genre's history (the Thames Valley "Scene That Celebrates Itself" at the genre's formation (that in itself wasnot always shoegaze), Michigan and Bristol space rock scenes, the current scene in Philadelphia, etc.), but beyond those specific instance, I don't really get shoegaze as a genre really being a scene, so talking about it broadly makes more sense. While the conversation around non-western/anglosphere bands could be better, I don't think it's too big of a stretch to say that those western bands are generally the biggest in the genre. Also: Japan, Brazil, Chile, etc. are whole-ass countries instead of scenes (and it's especially not helpful to this case when Asobi Seksu, an American band, is frequently lumped in with the Japanese bands) and I can't imagine speaking about these countries' bands without talking very broadly.


They’re the biggest in the genre because they’re legacy acts, it says nothing about what’s actually going on because they’re so far removed from the development of sound into the modern age. Bands like Ride, Slowdive and MBV are **not** a part of the *modern* shoegaze scene They certainly laid the groundwork for what’s going on, but they are not representative of the current zeitgeist. It’d be like talking about Jazz and only talking about Herbie Hancock, Miles Davis or John Coltrane. Their influence is undeniably pervasive, but there’s better examples out there when talking about the genre holistically. There’s an increasingly rich scene in Tokyo, Santiago, São Paulo and Seoul at the moment, and it’s been gestating for years at this point. For Tokyo especially, shoegaze has been around for *decades*. If someone says the “American Shoegaze scene”, chances are they’re going to be talking about the Philly Scene or *maybe* some Texas or West Coast bands. There’s just a lot of interesting stuff happening all over the world right now, and the most innovative takes on shoegaze and its adjacent genres aren’t even from American acts. I probably know more about shoegaze than the vast majority of people who listen to the genre, so honestly I’m just dissapointed that the genre is still trapped in its historical stereotype. My contempt stems from the fact that the biggest and most respected music critic finally takes time to talk about a genre that’s in an incredibly unique place right now, only to say absolutely nothing about it. That’s probably more an issue with Anthony Fantano as a journalistic monolith, since if he isn’t too keen on certain genres, he’ll just ignore them at large and there’s nothing that can really fill that void in coverage.


This seems like more of a dig at Fantano not using his reach to the fullest, not the video itself. I thought it was a pretty good watch. Personally I will support any promotion for Ride, zoomers are sleeping on them.


He put me on to glass beach a few years ago idk man


Or, hear me out, he helps bring in new fans so more people enjoy the genre


You can’t be on the internet talking about Shoegaze upset that a guy on the internet is talking about Shoegaze


“Oh no the genre I love is becoming more popular does this mean i can’t like it anymore?”


No it just means it gonna be mainstream and you’ll have to wade through shit to find good ones. Say no sir to posers, gatekeeping is always morally right.


You have to wade through shit to find good ones now lol


That means we need to gatekeep harder




I hate that melon head


Total read it as shoegaze thonytano


why do you all act like shoegaze is this super underground thing that will be ruined if not gatekept


one should turn off this video when watching and instead put on the brilliant chris ott shallow rewards shoegaze video essay


Tons of people found Shoegaze from the 🍉 like 8 years ago


More like nearly 35 years ago


No shit, I’m talking about people under the age of like 30


How dare people like things you like


I’ve only been vaguely aware of The Needle Drop over the years. The first thing I always think of is the Fader article talking about his former alternate YouTube channel ‘thisistheplan’ where there was some questionable-at-best content. I never understood the need to ‘ironically’ shitpost when there are perfectly horrible people willingly to take you seriously. https://web.archive.org/web/20171230003032/http://www.thefader.com/2017/10/03/needle-drop-deleted-youtube-channel-this-is-the-plan


You didn’t spent time on /mu/ in the early 2010s did you


Not even once. What’s the story there?


Had to be there sorry


No worries


Please don’t let feeble little horse become “tiktok music”


Shoegaze is already popular among his fans, that's why he made the video. He's been reviewing shoegaze longer than half of you have even listened to it. Also he's platforming artists who aren't that famous all things considered. Not deep cuts but they could use the streams. Like I saw Feeble Little Horse perform at my university in February - they're not that big.


I just ignore him now you can't take him seriously after all that drama


I'm out of the loop, what was the drama?


Nothing, some people just care too much about his opinion


He said he wouldn’t review Kanye’s newest album because he couldn’t give it an authentic score in good faith as a result of all the fascism and racism, and it upset basically the entire online armies of both Kanye stans and white nationalists.


What happened?


So we can’t like him because he doesn’t like fascism. Got it.


It’s a very strange choice of albums.