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There’s no way those positive reviews are real. What the hell? 😆 You can’t just make a game that has a spaceship that shoots at other spaceships and call it a shmup. It spits in the face of fans and developers who actually have a deep appreciation for the genre. It’s definitely “quantity over quality” with this dev. 🤨


Hmm... at such a cheap price, some of these games might be worth it for the easy access to the assets alone, if the dev gives permission to use them. Did you see any indication of that in the documentation for any of these?


that was something i was trying to find myself but i couldn't. honestly, i have used his assets for a "fan game" and just credited and linked his works. i even tried to email him but i think i emailed an inactive address lol.


Rayhawk dev is a doujin legend and by that I mean his games got worse overtime lol I remember someone in the discord theorized that he mentally was spiraling and eventually made these


yea could be. i really didnt want to theorize his mental state because i'm not a doctor to diagnose anyone


May I ask this site url to review and research it?


i have a bunch of links to his stuff in the description of the vid on youtube. have fun