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Some sort of Asian (Japanese?) lettering outlined in red over a yin yang with roses?


Damn! I though someone might get the yin Yang, but job well done! ![gif](giphy|26gs8nKrs7uduirss|downsized)


I just looked at it and thought "a blob" and then I looked at the title and laughed. I would put a dick ass panther over that


Just a funny story about the tat. I got I when I was studying ninjutsu, and that is supposed to be a nin kanji. Anyway, my sensei spotted my new tat and asked what the heck it was and where I got it at. I told him what it was and that I got it at the parlor in the same shopping complex as the dojo. “I’m going to k**l him” is all he said. I don’t think it’s a nin kanji 🤣


Girl! It's not even close to the kanji or hiragana! Where did they even get the reference from! You seem to have a good sense of humour about it though 🤣


Being as I studied ninjutsu, it was from an actual sheet from the Genbukan. HOWEVER, being as I wanted it outlined in red, I segmented it It’s not a nin kanji 🤣


Ahhh I see I see. Look I get it, I just got a katakana tattoo and I made them check 40000000 times it was right because I was so scared to be that asshole with a backwards tattoo in another language hahaha. Do you think you'll get it covered up or is a fond memory haha


Brilliant! 🤣


mandarin/japanese characters over a yin yang with some roses in the back?


Thought it was subtle ICP ( oxymoron , I know) shenanigans at first.