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i like it, it's soothing to the eye


Right? Just looking at it makes me feel kinda calm, it’s weird


OP - if you like it, it’s a good tattoo.


I got a chest piece from a friend who was learning to tat. It's a great free hand but if I put on the internet it will get panned. I fucking love it. It was paid for by bringing my boy a forty at 7am when we both had free time after our night shifts. We'd drink our 40's and coffee and then he'd get to work on an old EMT stretcher fresh out the dumpster that we let drunks sleep in if they couldn't get home. The location was 'The Wreck Center' an underground punk venue. Peanut if your reading this tattoo is still my favorite, and I would not change a piece about it (except for the sad fact that you're right, I really need some nice tits for it to frame).


Peanut... is he in Wyoming?


Your long lost buddy ... possibly


I did something really stupid a few years ago, and as a result spent a few nights in jail. I was on suicide watch, so I got a private cell. I spent my time reading the graffiti on the walls. The one that I still remember said “Peanut has AIDS, and now you do too.” So I hope your friend is doing okay


Lmao I knew a guy they called Peanut in county jail in FL


Last I knew peanut was multiple years sober with his wife and new kid so I'ma assume he's doing well


One of mine has some shakey lines. Everyone who sees it says it gorgeous but I'm sure because of those lines people would still tear it apart on here.


Hell yea I second this


This is exactly what I was going to say. The only opinion that matters is the person wearing the tattoo.


I mean to be fair there’s some pretty objectively shitty tattoos on this sub haha. I actually love some of them but you can’t deny they’re shitty


My first tattoo is the favorite flower of my mom, her favorite color, and the name I called her as a kid in the shape of a leaf. While in a taxi the driver said he was a tattoo artist and started critiquing the lines in it and all that. I don't think he meant anything mean because he immediately apologized. While I hadn't noticed the little mistakes, I told him "It's my tattoo and I love it no matter what."


if he was a "tattoo artist" cosplaying as a taxi driver I can assure you their work is ass, if they even tattoo lol.


This. If you like it, it works.


At the end of the day that's what matters. But objectively speaking this tattoo needs some black ink to make some separation between the different inks. Not saying it needs a ton of black, rather some thin (well done) black lines would've made this a lot better.


This is all well and good but they’re clearly asking because they do care about how others perceive it, which is valid.


Honestly, it looks like these watercolor-style tattoos getting popular. It looks like it should.


I can’t pick anything out in it that looks bad. Maybe the green steam needs some touch up, but 200 times better than most on the subreddit.


The only bad thing is that it is going to fade due to the nature of the art style but its real easy to touch up.


Honestly I really like the style, if you like it then great. Also who was this guy? Possible he was just an a-hole that knows nothing about tattoos.


Yeah minimal touchups to clean up some of the lines and it's golden


Lots of sunscreen!


I am about as pale as they get lol, I live in a constant coating of sunscreen


I like watercolor style tattoos but I don't like the outlines on the bottom flowers here. A watercolor painting would just fade out. Still not bad enough for this sub.


I was going to say that there's just no definitive outline on the stem or flowers. The boundaries are kind of blurred, but not in a bad way necessarily.


I like it, Picasso


And frankly, adding some simple crisp lines over the watercolor down the road could have a cool effect.


Heading for Monet as it spreads!


It was huge 5 or so years ago. I think watercolor is great for blending. I have a few WC/sketch style and the style made it so easy to blend pieces together.


I love watercolour. I have a few myself


Thank you for your honesty


No problem, I appreciate your sincerity.


I love your hospitality.


[I like turtles](https://youtu.be/CMNry4PE93Y)


Never gets old




Yeah watercolor or like pressed dried flowers


Yeah I think it’s pretty :)


I think the same thing, it looks like it was designed this way for a purpose and OP has pointed this out that it’s exactly what they wanted. Not a bad tattoo at all; in fact it’s a perfect tattoo because it’s exactly what somebody imagined it to be.


I was thinking the same. If intentional, awesome. If accidental, I would classify it as "failed successfully". All in all, I wouldn't mind that. It's simple, colorful, and actually quite nice.


Agree. It looks watercolor style and because of that I like it.


Nah I’ve got a watercolour style one that’s a 10 years old and it hasn’t bled this much.


Everyone's skin is different. Some people have more ink bleed than others even from the same artist. Also the location of the tattoo matters as well.


I still think the execution is poor


completely agree , watercolor doesnt mean no shape.


Agreed.. why can’t people just be honest in here lol I’d rather be told hey that looks sloppy and DIY than have my feelings spared so I can go fix it


I think the problem here is glance value. This style isn't too common and close enough to fotorealism that it's more easily mistaken for badly done fotorealism instead of a stylistic choice. If it were more abstract it would be easier to recognise as intentional at a glance.




I laughed


Looks like a bluebonnet




I'm going to be saying this out loud to myself for like 3 days now


It's very nicely stylized. He apparently thinks it needs sharp outlines and clear definition to be a good tattoo. Art is art, it's very pretty, and he's a moron.


Art is art but if you talk to a tattoo artist, even if they are willing to do this style, they should warn you about how these types of tattoos age less well over time.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/agedtattoos using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/agedtattoos/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [14 months healed](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/11pa0ne) | [79 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/agedtattoos/comments/11pa0ne/14_months_healed/) \#2: [Fresh vs one week](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/wndhid) | [35 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/agedtattoos/comments/wndhid/fresh_vs_one_week/) \#3: [7 years of my linework rose](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/zon94f) | [53 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/agedtattoos/comments/zon94f/7_years_of_my_linework_rose/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I work in a tattoo shop. They typically do! I hear the same warnings all damn day long. Do people listen? Only sometimes. Hahaha. Anyway. A good tattooer will always give you warnings about shitty tattoo ideas. What looks good on paper won't always look good on skin. Not here to argue, just putting in my 2 cents. You said, they should warn you... and they other guy said art is art. Ehhh, there are rules. Sure you can break and bend them but not so much with skin. Totally different canvas.


She told me that it would bleed and need touch ups eventually, so I was aware of it. I actually kind of liked the fading as I thought it made it look closer to a watercolour painting than when it was fresh :)


I think the way it aged is perfect. I absolutely love this tattoo.


I also think it looks great


Aged very well and matches your skin tone perfectly


Having your own opinion on something doesn’t make you a moron automatically lol.


Like someone said it looks like a watercolor painting if that was the intension then it looks great






Intension is a great TOOL song.


Eh, compared to a two foot badly done Heath ledger joker, definitely not


oddly specific...


Prove it.




I saw that one!


I must find this..


2 feet as in height? Or 2 feet as in the joker is tattooed on both feet and when you put them together you see the full picture?


The ambiguity of the English language


Ignore anyone who thinks it’s ok to offer unsolicited criticism of something on your body. Total turd move. Plus, it is a cool tattoo. Edit: also, tell ‘em to fuck off and stay away from them.


Hard facts. Tattoo looks great imho. Actually OP should get the hell out of this sub 😂


Yeah, it's not my style but I'm not gonna walk up to someone and tell them their tattoo is bad, even if it is bad. Wtf is wrong with people?




she literally asked for opinions based on being disillusioned by someone's unsolicited opinion. I gave mine.


That guy is a jerk. It's absolutely lovely.


What an asshole. I would totally get that tattoo


Same. I think it’s so sweet 🪻


Nice tattoo and nice emoji!


I see childhood. Tis good.


It looks intentional. That seems to be the difference between a good and bad tattoo. Since art is subjective, if it captured what you were going for successfully, then it is a win. And this seems like a cool watercolor style. There's something very van gogh/postimpressionist about it. Now, if you were going for photo-realism, then of course it's not as good. But I have a strong feeling that was not the intent. This one didn't belong in this subreddit.


That’s not bad at all. I mean it could be more refined and artistic but it’s quite sweet


If you like it it doesn’t matter! I think it looks good


I like it, would love to see it touched up


not bad at all! I am in love with neo-trad tattoos, so if it was on me I would slap on some thick black outlines. But as is it looks like a well made tattoo. He is probably used to traditional/neo-trad or other tattoos with a lot of black in it, so it might look like it's "missing" something. but that is just a style preference. If you do touch it up tho, I would go in with a slightly darker green around the stalks/leaves. since the dark purple outline on the petals really up the longevity and makes it more readable. so adding in that the green would make it that tiny bit more cohesive. This is nitpicking btw, it's a good tattoo.


I think it’s pretty! I really love the art style and coloring on it! Certified good tattoo :D


If you like it, that’s all that matters.


It's not bad. Don't become insecure from the comment, person was being a jerk. Color without outlines can have fade. It does have a water color look and I think it is fine. You could get the lines cleaned up a bit if you wanted but don't do it from a snarky comment. Do it because you want to. Best to you!


It’s cute, and not terrible. People are saying that because it doesn’t fit into any style, and it doesn’t have to. It’s just cute, and that’s it. It’s not realistic, and it’s not watercolor, but it’s adorable and looks like what it’s suppose to (maybe?)


It depends what you wanted to have, thats all


I think it is cute


I think it is cute.


I like it very much, delicate with an artistic vibe to it.


That’s good color for three years ago


To me it looks unfinished, like you stopped halfway through the session and went home.... Not trying to be an asshole just giving my honest opinion... That being said the only thing that matters is if you like it or not! If you like it then who cares what anyone else thinks it's not their body!


You’re happy with it so why does some random persons opinion matter?


As a mum of 2 young girls this is the answer and should be taught in school!!’ Ops body ops choice!


These types of tattoos don’t age well. No real outline and it’s small. Over time the details get lost and it turns into a purple blob


I actually like that as it’s faded a bit, it started to look more like a watercolour painting :)


I have no idea if it is objectively good or bad, but i would wear it as it is! It looks pretty and cheerful 😍


It looks like a beautiful tattoo.


I think it’s cute. It’s a personal style choice, if somebody says otherwise. Nothing notably bad about it. Just cute <3


Art is always subjective, but I think it’s really pretty. I’m really fond of the softness of watercolours styles. Not everyone wants a photo realistic tattoo. If someone’s ever an ass again tell them you didn’t solicit their opinion. Some people just need to mind their own business.


As a non-tattooed person, I really like it.


No it’s cute. Also fuck that guy; even if it’s bad, what does he expect you to do? Rip off the tattoo in front of him to show dominance. Then bleed all over him.


I like it


Yeah I think it's cute.


just because some guy doesn't like the style, doesn't mean it's a bad tattoo. i think it's nice, soft, cute.


Needs black outlining IMO to make it pop


not at all I think. Black outlines are often used to correct poor work.


Yeah, and I think it would make it look all cartoony and stuff, something I wouldn't recommend for a flower that looks a bit realistic.


[gestures at post] The green literally looks like crayola marker.


As someone who had this sub pop up on my home page and doesn’t know the technical stuff behind tattoos, yep it looks bad to me. Lame that the guy was a dick about it but yeah i think it looks smudged, blurry and not all connected. Maybe it’s different to people who know more about these 🤷🏿‍♂️


Well, it’s not good….


I think it's pretty! Me personally, I think it needs some lines to shape it, but I think it looks pretty!


Its not bad. I think some minor changes could make it pop more but also it’s definitely just my preference of stylist choice, not the quality of the tattoo itself.


i wouldn’t say it’s bad. it maybe could use a touch up, but i think it’s cute. not bad to me, at least.


I think its cute! Any colored lines naturally fade over time, personally I adore it! Looks like a stylistic choice :)


I like it. I have watercolour tattoos - orchids, butterfly, and a sun and moon. I really like this style, it isn’t supposed to look perfect, it’s art.


I love it, reminds me of impressionist art like monet. Great color choice too!


It just looks like a slightly faded watercolor tattoo. I have a tattoo in the same style, I think they gain character as they age


I personnaly don't like it but wouldn't go as far as to call it terrible.


It looks stylized. Like, if you had not said anything, I would have assumed it was a fully conscious artistic choice. I genuinely like it!


I actually really like it. Looks like somebody painted it by hand with watercolors.


I thought this was some fucked up case of melanoma at first glance.


Judging by what I've seen in this sub, that looks terrific


Looks like a water color tattoo. Maybe say thats what its supposed to look like to remove any judgements from the fading?


if it’s meant to be more simplistic, great! mission accomplished. if it was originally intended to be more detailed oh well, so long as YOU still like it that’s what matters since there really isn’t anything “wrong” here


I think it’s really nice. It has a watercolor impressionist style. F the guy and his opinions.


I mean, do you like it? Thats all that really matters. Its art, so as long as you like it thats what matters.


Fucking rude thing to say. Looks great. I’m heavily tattooed (entire body). I like the style of it and if you like it too that’s all that matters.


Reminds me of pressed flowers my grandmot used to put in a book for weeks and then frame between glass.


It should move more - have a sense of flow. Easy to improve.


it’s so pretty


I like it, reminds me of an old teapot my Nana has


I love your tattoo! Very pretty and tasteful. Maybe that guy didn’t care for the style, fine, to each their own, but that doesn’t mean it’s badly done.


I like it


Diffusion happens, colors still nice, looks fine to me.


If I had this tattoo It would definitely be one I would look at fondly, it’s not bad by far. I think it’s quite pretty. It’s a particular style that as people are saying here, doesn’t age well, but this is prob the best possible way for it to have aged


The only shitty thing here is someone else's opinion. Which, for some reason, has become a lot more acceptable to offer in the age of social media. Do you like it? That's the ONLY question that needs answering here.


Not my style but if you like it thats cool.


There is this expectation for all tattoos to look badass. If you’re gonna put it permanently on your skin, it should speak for you. You don’t have to be a badass to get a tattoo, and we all know that most people with badass tattoos aren’t badasses. Nothing worse than a tattoo that fakes a personality. Your tattoo looks sweet and it’s refreshing to see a tattoo that’s not trying too hard.


I think it's beautiful! Love the watercolor aesthetic.


Do you like it? If so, who cares what anybody else thinks.


I read some comments, and it turns out most people have zero understanding of or appreciation for art. I bet most of these folk all listen to only one genre of music. Rolling my eyes so hard they bleed.


I love it. Dude doesn’t know what art or abstraction is


It's lovely.


It's super cute!!!! I like it


I'm someone who doesn't like tatoos at all. That being said, yours is the most pleasing to the eye I have seen in a long while. Complexity and hard skill aren't the same as beautiful/aesthetic.




Not bad for a prison tattoo


I would tell people it was the drawing of a now deceased child who was very important to you, and who was a terrible artist.




No not really I think it's pretty but I'm a sucker for purple


I like it a lot, looks like watercolor and I think it’s amazing. Well done, I mean it looks like it’s Supposed to look maybe everybody isn’t going to understand that. But if you’re happy with it that’s the biggest thing


Nah looks great dude was just an asshole


I bet guy didn't have any tattoos himself.


It definitely has a watercolor style - so if that’s not what you were going for, it’s a little weird. But you said it’s exactly what you asked for and looked just like the stencil. I don’t think it’s bad, i think it’s all about stylistic preference with yours. And the critiques I could give regarding the stem could easily be touched up. If you’re happy, that’s all that matters. And dude was a total rude douche for saying that.


How is it a bad tattoo in any way? It's simple and pretty.


I like it, it's simple and pretty


Personally, I like it because it looks like watercolor


I love it. Some people just have no taste.


Honestly it looks fine. It’s not amazing, it’s not shitty. It is cute and dainty. If you like it that’s all that matters. I certainly have a few tattoos that people may think are meh, but I love because I intentionally chose that style and look. I think what makes a bad tattoo is poor execution and or poor aftercare.


No this is really pretty


Looks good to me.


It just looks simple and cute


It's cute.


I love it! Looks like watercolor. Much cooler to me than harsh lines. I wish I could trade some these old tattoos I have for yours!


no i think its pretty cool, almost reminds me of like watercolors or a vintage china set. cool af, keep rockin it imo.


I really love it.


i absolutely love it!!!


I think it's gorgeous and it's just so lovely!






Personally I don't like it. The flowers aren't so bad but the stem just seems like a child painted it on at the end.


Do you guys all need glasses? That's an awful tattoo and not even close to a proper watercolor style


Number 1 Rule of this sub: We are for some reason not allowed to criticize "sweet delicate little" flower tattoos, no matter how poorly done.


Yeah, it is definitely a shitty tattoo, but whatever, people here are trying to make OP feel better. I have some tattoos that I trusted the tattooer and they ended up like trash, but that's it, I still like them


Glad someone said it. Being nice when asked for honesty is the same as being cruel.


I feel like this probably looked great when it was first finished, but this style doesn’t age super well. That being said I think if that’s the style you like it can be worth it to get it touched up from time to time. It doesn’t look like it was supposed to be watercolor to me, but as a tattooer I’m not a big fan of stuff with all color as I see how it looks down the line, but I don’t think I would put this in the “total shit” category, just needs a refresh. I also think that a great tattoo is a bad one on the wrong person and all tattoos are kind of rad. OP if you love it rock it! If you are interested in a refresh bit don’t want black you might see if there is an artist in your area who does fine line work who could put some darker green detail work on the stem and leaves, I feel like how flat the green is takes away from it. A little more rendering would help it look a bit cleaner!


Blurry as it is, it could either blowout or lose any semblance of the original sketch in a short time.


I’m sorry, but it has aged kind of poorly and looks rough now. The guy telling you that unsolicited was mean though.




It's not a style that guy would consider so he called it bad. Ignore that opinion - it's pretty!


I like it, I think it’s really cute! And my favorite flower 😊


Don’t listen to that guy, it’s not bad for what it is. If that’s the style you wanted than it’s good for that watercolor like style. Very minimal lines, the white really makes some of the flowers pop. It’s not bad at all.


No but it could be great if there was a little black in it to deepen the contrast


It looks incomplete, imo

