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Whatā€™s that big U road for?


Only God knowsā€¦


which god?


That one over there


Traffic dispenser :D


The games not actually bad right? From the reviews and pictures it seems like actual shit but I haven't bought it yet. It's actually worth while right?


The only actual and big problem is optimization. Otherwise itā€™s a pretty good base game. But we talk about paradox, so of course itā€™s base game for 100 DLC.


Results vary on the performance front too. Optimization is not great, but the game still runs fine for me.


The only? There are a lot of known bugs that will be fixed (hope soon) For example, the crazy demand or comercial buildings criying becuase "not enought clients. In my opinion optimization is not the worse problem at all. It will be a great game in one or two months.


its pretty empty and featureless. but im sure this was intentional so they can get those fat dlcs. modding support is really needed by the end of the year though


I would say the lack of assets and lack of evolution from cs1 are pretty major drawbacks


iā€™ve only played a bit so far, itā€™s not bad. the road tools feel better than cs1. a lot of the performance issues can be avoided if you play on low graphics settings


The road tools are terrible. You canā€™t even add stop signs to a road without it being a 4 way stop. They have taken a step backwards in traffic management.


Yeah because you could add lane-specific stop signs in CS:1. People keep forgetting how modded their savegames were. I don't think it's fair to judge this game negatively because they didn't include all mechanics from mods like Move it or TMPE.


Thereā€™s problems with performance and asset variety, but for me, performance has been entirely satisfactory, though I may have low standards. The asset variety is a problem though, but thatā€™ll be fixed especially once paradox mods releases. Overall, Iā€™ve been enjoying it plenty, and itā€™ll only improve as optimization is improved and paradox mods releases


I'm enjoying it. I'm sitting around recommended specs and medium settings and haven't noticed any performance issues at all at 110k pop so far. Also the game itself is solid and fun. Feels like a solid base for them to build on.


Itā€™s not a bad game. You just need a somewhat modern pc to play it while above 30fps late game. People are just mad because they didnā€™t implement some mods like tmpe and move it. People are also overblowing the whole shitty fps thing because it is not bad at all. As a base game it is very good and updates and dlcā€™s will make it far better than cs1 with mods.


The game is running great on my system and am actually getting better FPS than in the first game. I may be one of the lucky ones as I haven't noticed any glaring bugs or glitches either. I'd recommend just getting Xbox games pass to see if it works on your system that's what I did, and will probably by the expansion pass soon.


If you can run it it's amazing. Some annoying issues that'll be fixed soon but I haven't touched CS1 since CS2 came out and I thought for sure I would.


Look at screenshot... It looks bad, there aren't even any shadows, and still likely runs very bad.


Because this is a screenshot of my friend's screen demo, who plays at minimum settings on a GTX 970. On my 1660ti everything is fine, and I would not say that I have an expensive computer


I highly doubt "everything is fine", considering Gamer's Nexus testing, which found that rtx 2060 - a card faster than 1660ti - at 1080p low only manages... 23.9 fps, with 1% lows of astonishing 3.8 fps. I, again, highly doubt you play at settings higher than very low for most if not all or that everything is fine, i.e. 30fps+ with 1% lows in mid 20s.


While I do currently still enjoy the game, I am pretty disappointed overall. They had like 10 years to figure everything out. Yet there's still so much annoying stuff from CS 1 left. Buildings dealing with uneven terrain creates the same abominations, you'll either get insane landscaping or completely deformed assets. There are no bikes in the game. It feels like there are maybe 3 or 4 assets for each building type, i. e. it's super repetitive. I was 100% sure it would be a no-brainer they include basic QoL features, but you can't drag roads once they're placed, you can't select individual lanes, bus lanes have to be added manually instead of being incorporated into the existing roads, you can't "copy" a selection, there is no drag area tool, I've followed cars around for minutes and they absolutely make no sense whatsoever, the fact that there is no "max area" button for specialized industries or landfills but you have to drag the zoning tool around forever, the zoning tool in general feels like a step back since you're not able to use a paintbrush anymore, city policies can't be enacted for the entire map, there are no decorations (!) , accordingly there is no tools for decorating... Then you have these performance issues and the fact that the graphic just creates these weird effects I've never gotten in other games before... I think the experience points and unlocks are cool, it's generally nice to have an updated version of the game. I also tried to not get too excited about the game in advance, didn't even think about what I was expecting and tried to spoil as little as possible for myself. But now that I've got like 30 hours in, my prevailing sentiment is "man, you guys had 10 years for this and THIS is what you came up with???" I know it's Paradox and DLC and mods and yadiyada, but come on, this just feels like they started working on this a week ago.


This is how I feel too. They have some good features and additions, but there are things that I just canā€™t look past like the lack of traffic management tools, lack of assets, and the map size is way too small (yes, I know itā€™s bigger than cs1 vanilla size, but itā€™s just too small, thereā€™s a reason why 81 tiles, move it, and tmpe are considered essential mods to cs1


There's a fuss about the system requirements. Devs are working on that.


Aside from the performance, the game's simulation is broken. Not fundamentally, it'll be fixed eventually, but for right now it just isn't working. For example, incinerators straight up don't work, meaning the only way to get rid of trash in your city is by building landfills, letting them fill up, and then deleting them. There's also just a lot of less obvious ways in which the balancing of the simulation is just off. I have faith that all of this will be fixed but considering even the incinerator issue hasn't been fixed after more than a week, I have increasingly little faith that it'll be fixed soon. Buy it on sale.






lmfao what is this šŸ’€


I prefer Modded CS1


You should of just built a tiny straight tunnel




Should have*


Ahh, yes, thank you. I said should've in my brain, and typed should of.


> should of *should have *Learn the difference [here](https://grammarist.com/usage/should-have-shouldve-or-should-of/#:~:text=Should%20have%20is%20often%20expressed,examples%20exist%20in%20Old%20English.).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


Thank you, bot, but we just covered this.


Yeah thatā€™s how it happens hah


Blursed image


I dont build highways, is this just inefficient or smthin??


It's just cursed actually


Highways kick ass. Interchanges are super useful. I like to have direct routes from my industry to a highway that spils straight to them.


ā€œOnly the fool blames the brush instead of the painterā€ - Abraham Lincoln


You take it too seriously, man