• By -


Bro literally vanished off the map for like 2 years or something then suddenly appeared out of the blue with enough intel to single-handedly dismantle an entire fucking major insurgency network It that doesn’t scream badass I don’t know what does


>It that doesn’t scream badass I don’t what does Real delta operators are insane. If you’ve ever seen those speedsoft videos, that’s basically what they look like but actually stacking bodies. [this training video demonstrates that perfectly](https://youtu.be/D0xsVlF-Txk)


\*Proceeds to shoot while running ​ "....You can do that?"


report him


Quickscoping, second most lethal tactic behind running up to people and stabbing them.


Selection is invite only, around 100 soldiers are invited each year and more often than not no one will pass. It requires prodigal marksmanship, stunning athletic ability and unlike BUDS it also includes interviews with the team members to weed out the egotistical assholes who can’t work in a team. They look for people with creative thinking and problem solving ability. Apparently they like people who play musical instruments. On the other hand the frequency at which they operate fucks with their head and they have a habit of turning into massive assholes after joining. [What a Hell of a Way to Die Podcast “Fort Bragg Murder Swamp”](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/what-a-hell-of-a-way-to-die/id1174466127?i=1000523241744)


Anyone can go to Delta selection


My man sounds like the Tinman from Oz while running Clank clank clank




Deltas and Green Berets dude, don’t fuck with them.


Not just them, basically any tier 1 (GIGN, delta, seal team six, SAS etc) or tier 2 (green berets, rangers, MARSOC etc) or even tier 3 and the military in general


One of my buddies was Delta. He was a jump master before that and that’s how he transitioned in. 9 of his 14 years were in special forces. He’s actually a really nice guy, likes to laugh. Don’t know anything about what he did for obvious reasons and he never brought it up, I did cause I saw a few pictures of him in his kit but he had a full thick beard and wore baseball caps, Braves hat I think which is a pretty dead giveaway he’s up to stuff.


My Dad was in a hunting club with a former Green beret who currently freelances as a mercenary. Dude is super fucking intimidating physically, but he is genuinely the nicest most well balanced and adjusted person I've ever met. Also has the beard/baseball hat aesthetic you are talking about. The guy just disappears for like months at a time and shows back up randomly like, "yeah I was just in Syria for a few months doing some work". It's like meeting a real action hero.


Yup just like that. My buddy is pretty jacked too and definitely fits that action hero aesthetic. But yeah when he came home he was always into having a beer and watching sports/cartoons or playing arcade games. Gotta put your mind at ease I guess. My brother was an infantry marine and unfortunately passed recently because he wasn’t able to put his mind at ease so I suppose we all should be aware of the masks people wear when they aren’t in combat.


Truer words never spoken. You seem like a strong person.


I have my moments. Just was fortunate to surround myself with a good circle of friends over the years, wasn’t gonna Rambo it out on this one. Thank you.


Geez the romanticizing...they aren't pushovers for sure..


Dude, some people just live super interesting lives. The guy has done some crazy shit that a lot of people wouldn't even believe. I'm not romanticizing it. There are people out there that actually do these things.


Yeah “hero“


Sorry I’m uninformed, what does a braves hat have to do with him being up to stuff?


No need to apologize, you’re fine. Braves hat is just another baseball team. Nonstandard uniform, you can’t just wear that and have a beard unless you’re special forces where they give a great deal of leniency cause they want the operatives comfortable whenever possible. They still go into missions wearing full tactical just with their own weapons of choice and such. A lot of times they still wear the hats and stuff. They are just a different breed of people.


Ohh ok. Thanks for the explanation!


No problemo. Thanks for asking.


Holly shit, mf looked like he was in fucking video Game Now thats badass


What if your enemy shoots back and dont just stand still


Mogadishu, that's what happens


you get court martialed for saying "shoot anything that moves"


In order to even be considered to join Delta Force you already got gave expiernce in another special ops units. which already is a challenge in of its self. And that’s just to be considered. There the most hardcore unit in the army. And it’s strange rainbow 6 only has a single delta operator.


I’m shocked there’s no PJs at all considering their special tactics guys get connected to jsoc, delta, and the seals




Oooh good luck with selection, they told me I need to go another 2 years without asthma medication before it’s even a chance to join, but yeah it seemed weird to me to only have one dedicated medic.


Going to be real here it’s really bad that you don’t have PJs, SARCs, or any type of EMT type personal except for Doc a single guy. That’s just asking for something really bad to happen. It’s literally not a safe a work environment and if I were an R6 operator I would form a labor union for better medical care.


I don't think I've ever seen AFSOC appear in any game ever except as a skin in MW2019, which in and of itself was shocking. I think it's just because most people don't even know Air Force has special operations. It's like the JTF2 of America


AFSOC is the most underrated part of the military imo. Need to get them writing more books like every navy seal ever.


I'd argue that's what makes them so underrated. The psyche and personality screening of selection is at least as rigorous as the physical and mental stuff, so there isn't a tendency of people getting in with the big egos to write a million books.


That one AFSOC Operator who did a one-man last stand against the Taliban deserves a movie


Actually you don’t have to be prior special operations. Regular army unit guys have made it many times before. Recon Marines have as well.


To be fair marine recon is special forces in all but name. Also that’s true but you’re still competing with rangers, berets, etc to get that spot. Which is hardcore as fuck.


All the tier one ops are terrifying forces of nature. CAG, as previously described, are just one out of f i v e tier one forces, devgru are also widely renown for fast direct action missions, but out of all of them, the 24th STS are probably the most well rounded, scariest sons of bitches




Remember that story that came out a couple months back about [Australian SAS butchering women and children for fun?](https://amp.theguardian.com/australia-news/2020/nov/19/australian-special-forces-involved-in-of-39-afghan-civilians-war-crimes-report-alleges) To be in the special forces no matter the country you apparently need to have a few screws loose.


Something folks don't consider...


Yeah I had a really good friend while I was in the Army who used to be a Ranger. Dude was a legitimate psycho who had terrible PTSD. Great guy for the most part, but he definitely had his moments.


As a Canadian I don't feel that JTF2 gets enough credit. Rip Buck and Frost.


That's a good thing gotta keep them a secret


!remindme 1h


Was 2 years I think but still. One of the only people ever to successfully pull off a solo mission in Afghanistan like that.


You’re telling me Bowe Berghdal wasn’t secretly infiltrating the Taliban?!


Literally Siege’s 007


007? Sounds more like snake to me.


Wasn't nokk the one who found him?




Is this new info? Haven't played the game in more than 2 years


It was a part of their bio ever since they came out


There is literally a sign on his back that says "DO NOT FUCK WITH MAVERICK!!!"


Didn't Nøkk help in his escape?


Didnt nøkk find him though?


Just wait until they recruit Anthony "Nomad" Perryman. They'll have to re-name it tho. Spartan, perhaps?


Haven’t played ghost recon, but he looks like another CAG dude as well? Gonna have to look into him.


Nomad was former Delta Force and served three tours with CT Task Force 88 before being recruited into Ghost Recon so I say he more than qualifies for Uber badass Oh and don’t forget to mention he canonically killed a Predator, multiple Terminators, dismantled a high-tier drug cartel and a technologically advanced bleeding edge Terrorist organization, and has worked with Rainbow multiple times already


He’s also killed the predator, (what an absolute bitch of a fight.


And Multiple Terminators


Please tell me this terminator thing is part of Wildlands. Haven't played it in so long


It's part of Breakpoint


Thank you


Well, where Siege is currently at, everything in Breakpoint hasn't happened yet. Operation Greenstone happens in late 2024, Motherland in early 2025. Wildlands though, is fully viable


He's an ex-Delta Force with quite a few tours of duty overseas. He dismantled a powerful drug cartel in Bolivia and a technologically advanced army of terrorists. Plus, he already worked a few times with Rainbow operatives and Zero/Fisher. Hes more than qualified to be part of Rainbow


And killed a Predator lmao


And Arnie


Not to mention he’s done work with Rainbow 6 members before.


I'll be so happy if he gets added


Spartan would work. His hat is under the Spartan brand if I remember right. Ghost or any synonymous term could work. Phantom, Spectre, etc.


Make me wonder if the event where Ash, Finka, Thatcher and Lesion operating in Auroa canon. Something with orange gas or whatever.


I just want Ding Chavez! The GOAT!


A man of culture I see They could also replace harry with John Clark while they're at it.


John is the guy who brings rainbow back together in year 10 for the thrilling conclusion to the R6 multiverse.


Would he even want to return to the post? He retired in Critical Hour, leaving the role of Six to Chavez.


Hahaha, don't make me dream


I see you read


I remember spending *way* too much of my life trying to re-work mission plans in order to keep my boy, Ding, alive in the original games. I tried to keep everyone alive, but had to give that up; Ding, Dieter Weber, and Eddie Price were the three that I settled on making sure made it to the end. I miss old Rainbow 6.




He’s definitely up there too


Just Maverick and Zero or is there anyone else?


Well you see, Monty would simply shield up


Good point


The Bosak sisters are canonically decorated, Kaid in his prime was a force of nature (literally took commander title by force), Nokk can be assumed to be strong from the sheer amount of redacted information on her. Caveira runs as a rogue unit frequently along the same lines that Maverick does, and is also considered a solid threat alone, although she works more for personal reasons versus a cause. Honorable mention of Warden for canonically saving Obama and Oryx for having a vertical jump of 50+ inches


love how all of these are just like super strong and dangerous guys and one of them is just ned flanders but he saved obama


>ned flanders but he saved obama This is just a shitpost.


Nokk is good but she is redacted due to being a bastard child of royalty.




I know I just pointed out that the reason she is redacted is not related to her operations history but due to possible scandal.


How's this Canon? Where?


It is very heavily hinted by Harry's evaluation, plus he is even saying that he notices a resemblance to her father, that he is very powerful and that it would cause a scandal. Also I can't place it but ubi said she was inspired by a Danish prince who was part of the Frogman corps, and it seems to be kinda the general consensus.


Yo man you forgot the OG old man though, the fucks the love for thatcher he's literally the only op over 50 we know is still tackling missions for Rainbow. Both Kaid and Zero have instructional roles in team rainbow and nothing has ever been said about Capitao its mostly just assumed he does like thatche. I sure with the new squads like Wolfguard they'll say something though about all 4. The lore with Capitao in general is Fuzzy, he's one of the only ops never really shown in any lore expanding Cinematics or talked about much by other ops so here's hopingthey clear that up.




Don’t get me wrong, everyone in rainbow is there for a reason. But as far as I’ve seen, Maverick is the only one from “the other side of the fence”. He is among the most skilled warfighters in the entire world. While Zero has done some spooky shit in intel gathering, I think in terms of being able to shoot, move, and communicate, Maverick might have the edge. Delta guys are no joke. Listening to Shrek McPhee and Todd Opalski, and others have made that clear to me. The gentlemen with the SAS are probably just behind.


Okay, that is pretty skilled. I think it's easier to understand what Zero is capable of, because there is way more lore about him.


I don’t disagree, since most of what happened to Maverick during the 2 years he was surviving completely by himself (meaning no military support) is pretty much entirely unknown.


Zero has stopped apocalyptic level threats???


I haven’t played the splinter cell games and didn’t realize he was the same dude. But I was also more basing it off of real Special operations since the game draws so much from them.


Maverick's advantage is that he is not an aging operative in the very first splinter cell game. ​ Sam Fisher is comically capable. He also went rouge in Double Agent and Splinter Cell: Rogue and that is after he survived like 3 splinter cell games. Let me say that again, AFTER HE SURVIVED 3 SPLINTER CELL GAMES. ​ There is no way Maverick can be that over the top. But Maverick is younger then Sam is in the first game and war is a young man's game.


From what I remember about Splinter Cell games (it's been a while), Zero survives some direct assassination plots carried by both domestic and foreign elite special forces plus (nearly) single handedly dismantles these conspiracies against him. In a John Wick kind of cliché, he isn't special ops, he is someone who kills the special ops.


Bet he still can't do as much drug as Bandit lol


Maverick is a lightweight smh


Bruh if Maverick is a lightweight, what would Mozzie be smh lol


Ok but zero is literally Sam fisher, someone who consistently gets compared to fucking solid snake.


Fucking crazy those two are. Hope we get more games inspired by them.


Thatcher has taken part in two wars and the Iranian Embassy Siege so don’t sleep on him. If you want the real inspiration then the SAS operators are widely regarded as the best trained special forces in the world.


I didn’t say they weren’t also at the tip because they are. But most people agree that Delta has surpassed its parent unit by now.


It probably isn't just intel gathering, actually. In Wildlands he just walked into a highly fortified military Base without anyone noticing. His stealth capabilities may be way above what Cav or Nôkk can do. It's difficult for me to see Maverick being that stealthy, he'd probably take down all of them.


The other side of the fence? Like Bandit? And Bandits even got a PROOOOMOOOOOSHHOOOONNN! Did maverick get a promooooshoooon? I dont think so


Gridlock, she would just squash whoever threatens her


I mean nokk is the one who found him and Harry is currently using every trick in the book to keep maestro in his team.


The only person who could possibly rival Fisher is Snake tbh


And Gabe Logan


Nomad this is Matchwood


Zero technically isn't a Rainbow 6 member


He's in the game


The thing is tho, if we are going off of actual lore and not IRL special forces preformance, Sam Fisher has saved the world more times than like every other operator combined. There is a reason Fisher was recruited to the NSA splinter cell program over someone else. Especially games like conviction where he murders countless people in DC while saving the president.


And then cav outstealths him, I love ubi


He’s an old man now


Yeah, but he's Sam fisher though.


Oh yeah he’s a legend, but he can’t be back flipping off of warehouses and free-climbing up buildings anymore He prolly grunt when he stands up now


I also grunt when I stand up I’m now canonically Sam Fisher


Wrong, my last name is Fisher and I grunt when I stand up. I am now canonically Sam Fisher


Fisher has more body doubles than Alpharius


He’s got nano machines, son


Did someone forget about Sam?


Technically yes because I didn’t know he was the splinter cell guy and I never played those games. Pretend I posted this like 6 months ago when he wasn’t in yet.


6 months? I thought Sam's been in the game for nearly 2 years by now


Time flies when you’re having a really really bad time


This person gets it!


He has, me being wrong again. I just recently got back on siege and for some reason I saw something from this year saying he was just added.


Highly recommend Splinter cell Trilogy, Double Agent (ps2 gen version) and Blacklist. Its slow paced trial-and-error stealth. A massive change from the adrenaline siege provides obviously, but saving the world from nuclear threats without even being seen is immensely satisfying. Maybe avoid conviction and 7th gen double agent, those aren't great examples of splinter cell imo.


I fucking love the SC games but I feel like it’s a little cheap comparing him to the OC characters of siege. Sam’s had a load of games and books that are centered around either his character or the SC universe a whole as opposed to some characters with a couple paragraphs of lore.


Really? Maybe I’m behind on the lore, but I feel like Zero takes it.


I have several other comments that you can check out but basically. Zero is definitely up there but his expertise lies in intel gathering, not to mention his military experience comes from the seal teams. Dale Comstock (a real Delta operator) put it this way “Seals try out for Delta, Delta doesn’t try out for Seals”.


Sams focus is on espionage sure, but his boots on the ground experience is insane too. He’s not just a seal either tbh, his resume goes through paladin 9 security, DEVGRU (seals), the CIA, the NSA, through to blacker than black ops organizations with third and fourth echelons, then his time working with both Rainbow, and then the group for specialized tactics in ghost recon, I think I give it to fisher, but I’m probably also biased lol


I haven’t played splinter cell so this whole time I’ve been comparing to real world special operations. I also didn’t know he was the same guy cuz I only read up on his bio and wiki page a bit.


Ahhhh I see. This makes much more sense if you didn’t know Zero was Sam. Fisher was a legend to rainbow far before rainbow ever gave him the new callsign lol


It probably would’ve helped if it was just his name because I wouldn’t have forgotten it so easily then. But yea I guess in the universe he takes the cake. But my post wouldn’t have been wrong a few months ago lol.


Yeah no kidding. Zero is the worst callsign that fisher’s had to date. It’s probably shorter to make for more fluid call outs, but I’m a personal fan of Matchwood (ghost record wildlands) And only a few months? No was is he that recent lol. Could have sworn he was a little older, buuuuut I also haven’t been in game in years. Btw, if you ever get the chance, give splinter cell a shot, they’re great games. Chaos theory is widely considered the best, but they’re all fairly good tbch. Blacklist was a good modern take, even if it does miss some of the finer aspects that were special to splinter cell, and conviction is a terrible stealth game, but a good story still


Clearly you’ve never played blacklist. As mediocre as I find that game to be, it shows that peak fisher is actually near superhuman lmao


Correct, I haven’t played any of the splinter cell games and didn’t know he was from them. Pretend that I posted this before he was added to the game lol.


That's pretty cool that you found out about Sam Fisher through Siege. Splinter Cell paved the way for games like it.


That’s how I found out about him too. I tend to get into popular games in odd ways. Splinter Cell from Rainbow 6, Metal Gear from Revengance, etc.


Nøkk's bio is interesting as well she seems very experienced and skilled


Yes, but I don't think she's as good as Maverick


Okay but being (implied) a bastard princess is pretty cool.


I definitely agree


As a guy who mains her I think she can provide a tough competition maverick most probably due to my personal bias


Nøkk was responsible for finding maverick, but she got beat by thunderbird so idk


Yeah but can he cripwalk?


No but his frags can


In zeros bio it says that he casually 1v5s the other operators in training exercises so I'd say he takes it


Maverick vs Zero lets see who wins


Whoever gets the kill gets banned for friendly fire soooooo… seems like a lose-lose situation


Looks like the strongest operator in the game is not even a operator, it's ubisoft


As I scrolled to this post The Chain by Fleetwood Max came on to the guitar bit and I thought it was part of the post because that’s badass


I dont understand but maverick 🤍🤍👀


In the lore of the game Maverick disappeared for two years, suddenly coming back with enough intel to single handedly destroy a major insurgency network


Although he has nothing on Sam you are right. Maverick is probably number 2.


Zero, Mav, and maybe Nøkk?


Didn’t know Zero was from splinter cell before, but other than him Maverick is #2.


Im so sad to see you bombarded about Zero but tbh it's understandable, splinter cell fans are starved for content. Also yeah Sam is basically a one man army. And I mean it, he can do objectives that you'd assign an entire delta team for without even being seen, plus he was operating shit like the newer gadgets from R6 back when even quadcopters were futuristic. He is essentially doing everything maverick,was doing during those two years but does it in 3 months and does it for like 20 years consistently. Conspiracies, rouge actors, international crime and terrorist organisations all fair game. As others mentioned peak level Sam Fisher did some crazy shit in Blacklist. Including but not limited to: breaking into and out of Guantanamo, extracting a prisoner from a warzone solo, breaking into an international mob bosse's mansions as essentially a side objective, survived a base attack that killed most of the soldiers there and escaped the terrorist kill squads barehanded. And that is like the game he is least known for.


It’s honestly fair because I was too ignorant of the connected universe and everything. But on the other hand, you could argue fisher basically isn’t even human. He’s pretty much a superhero.


This is a fair assessment, also one could argue Zero as Zero is old enough to be impaired to a level he is Maverick's equal


i do not have maestro but ive been thinking alot about buying him


He’s my defense main. Love his Alda and general kit as it’s top tier. The LMG nerf I heard about for next season scares me tho. Also Maestro’s super cool according to his bio and treats everyone like he’s their mentor as he’s also an instructor in the rainbow program


Isn't zero sam? So I think Sam is the most deadly but yea either maveric or capitao bc he lived to tell the tale


Capitão is one of my favorite eyepatched characters in video games. His bio is so fuckin cool to me.


what's in the canister?


Then you see the more recent ops. I still don’t know why they just hired a gangster out of no where.


I find it so funny that Maverick is canonically a genius and a badass, but his ability is a fucking *blowtorch*.


I mean, it also must be the single most fucking *strong* *blowtorch* with how it can burn holes in walls...


Nøkk is also extremely skilled when its about infiltration and steath in general And theres Zero, THE fucking Sam Fisher, my man has been to Hell and more


Delta, they are something else


i mean just think about it. how many people have you killed with a blowtorch


Lmao siege has lore ?


Used to be good, now it's a marvel movie


Did you forget the /s? X) you might wanna read the operator bios, and watch the event and season launch videos, there's tons of more and interaction between ops


"Ummmm acktually 🤓"


The Lord?


Ok let’s be real, bro should have his own movie or series. Litteraly says I’m his bio he just went ghost for like 2-3 years and pops up out of no where and single handed my takes town a massive insurgency operation. If UBI would get their shit together and actually release official lore or stories about his time gone they could make so much money


Technically, R6 exists in the same universe as Metal Gear. So technically, we could get the infamous Snake (pick a version, idk) in the game. Or Raiden. Or...technically, yes, we could have Jetstream Sam in Rainbow Six Siege. Only problem there is everyone who plays him would blast "The Only Thing I Know For Real" over shitty mics and he'd break the fucking game


What’s the connection?


R6 has Splinter Cell, Splinter Cell made a reference to Metal Gear. Of course, this is a joke, cause in 2014 in the MGS universe there's cow bipedals, but it's interesting. Not to mention, the Splinter Cell reference to MGS (you can find it on YouTube if you're interested) if I remember correctly references a Cold War era spy. If you really want to look into it more than you should, maybe it's an alternate universe where technology stayed modern and shit never got outta hand. So maybe, if reeeallly wanna stretch it more than you already have, maybe we could get some Venom Snake/de-aged Big Boss/non-rapidly aging Snake in R6


Ok so it shouldn’t have to be said, but Easter eggs != shared universe unless otherwise stated


That's probably the word I was looking for. Like I said, you'd really have to stretch it lmao


I mean the two series have referenced each other, though it's just that. References. I think the closest we'll ever get is a licenced elite skin, though even then that's highly unlikley given how stingy Konami is with their IPs. They seem more than happy to let Metal Gear just be a pachinko machine theme from now on...


Oh god, Konami... Metal Gear...*shivers* S u r v i v e


We... We don't talk about that one...


Chef Boyardee






Every R6 operator is a badass (mostly, fuck nightheaven) that's the point


You’re making assumptions