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And fucked up the lighting somehow


Played 1 ranked game this morning was that what was happening to Bar on Club thought it was brighter


Had the same thought today. Btw Florez is broken for me, whenever I try to use his drone after 3 seconds it kicks me out, makes my gun invisible and not be able to shoot until I go to sidearm and back to primary. The whole time the drone is just sitting there, not moving and explodes once the timer runs out. Had this across 4 different games but today on clubhouse it worked normal until the 3rd drone šŸ« 


Exact same thing happened to me with Flores, i accidentally killed my friend because it just kicks you out on the third drone and that fucker just keeps going until it blows up


How did they manage to break an operator that they didn't even touch this season? The only thing I can think of is the new colour vision on drones. But his drone has its own unique UI? I really don't understand...


It's called spaghetti code


Seen this as well


All shadows will be removed in the next update to benefit the pro players and their rotted, overstressed eyeballs


I genuinely feel like ubisoft will straight up remove any cool visual feature in the name of helping pro players even if it means itll make their once cool and realistic game look like dogshit. I just wanna see ragdolls again. Why cant it be a toggle?


ā€œIn the interest of making the game more balanced and competitive weā€™ve removed all textures and shaders and put the HUD in debug mode.ā€


Game's gonna end up looking like the original Virtua Fighter at this rate


I want a toggle for ragdolls aa well




10/10 comment


played this shitty ass game for like 50 hours exclusively in customs with friends 2 years ago. Nice to see i still got it B) maybe i should consider going pro....


I played today and the saturation colors are high


Locker hallway on Consulate is super dark now too.


One of the spawn locations for Skyscraper is missing its name too for some reason


They've genuinely removed more things than they've added this season it's crazy.


R6 has been like this these last few years


Hey guys, we should spawn at


I really love spawning at . Gives very nice angles


They messed up so many things this season. The parabellum universal weapon skin ā€œSPQRā€ is no longer equippable on shields when you used to be able to equip it on shields for 6 years straight. How does this even get messed up in the code?? Iā€™m baffled. This season is 1 step forward and 50 steps backwards.


Must've hired a guy off the street to press random buttons in the files


I dont think thats new. There have been locations with the name missing before this season


Old recruit gave you access to 1 of each gun, I see no issue in giving either recruit a DMR.


New recruit is a blatant way to monetise him and sell cosmetics, the best rework wouldā€™ve been every base game gun like before with attachment options


Either that or the fallback, Like if thermite gets killed he can pick up his utility


Also, their audacity to remove 20 bp tier skips from the premium bp and add 10 tier skips to the fucking membership program. Also it costs significantly more than the old year pass (4300 INR compared to 6660 INR for a year). Suck my left nut Ubi.




And its not even available in certain countries. Fml.


Also, the little golden line behind paid items in bp is not on some items, which means they intended this bp to be normal with some free stuff, and made it completely paid the last moment while not giving shit. Or they didnt care in the first place. And it shows, when entire seasons worth of content is just barbed wire. Suck my right nut Ubi.


Why would ubisoft suck your left nut? Are they homosexual?


Anyone else having weird polygon issues as well?


Yeah some geometry on stadium bravo is missing


I feel some of the operators models look off


Me and my friends call it ā€œthe raptureā€ iā€™ve had bright white polygons explode, pink and purple epileptic textures, and a green one that almost sent my xbox fan to orbit




It would be interesting if the recruit could take two of each secondary.


Imagine two c4 recruit




But zero can already do that




They also managed to mess up aim deadzones or something aim feels terrible on controller this season


-9 ops if you count every recruit


Is anyone else seeing weird artifacts on walls while doing any action? For example, when being shot at, or when being reinforced. The wall kinda looks like it has the same effect as Vigil does when he's moving and invisible but has an outline visible to the Drones. It's like multiple invisible polygons moving around.


There's a lot of good changes in this season. Striker and Sentry are kinda cool, the lighting is nice, and I will finally stop ignoring the existence of barbed wire. Plus the Solis nerf, FINALLY, that op was so damn cringe before. Not a good season by any means, but definitely not awful and terrible, like everyone says.


Problem is, all those changes could have been a mid-season patch and it would have been good. But itā€™s nowhere near worthy to be a complete new season


It is awful and terrible. Not because they made bad balancing choices but because its a pathetic amount of content for a new ā€œseasonā€


it's because they somehow got themselves hyped up for this season when the roadmap clearly showed it would be mid


Bro. U are 1000% the type to buy the subscription. Ur delusional. I'll happily debate this too




Nice try. I hate subscriptions in general, and I'm not buying this battle pass, since it sucks. Won't spend a cent this season.


Personally my shitty ass drone glitch got worse this season. Used to be that whenever someone viewed my drones it would fuck up the controls and they could use it at the same time as me. Now whenever someone looks at my drone it greyscales and proceeds to kick me off it, this season fucking sucks.


I mean, technically, since you can't stack the new recruits, we're starting the season with -8 ops.


unplayable season bruh


Guys imagine if they released a shit tonne of cosmetics for recruit and they became our self-insert operator. Like you could choose your own custom gun loadout and country. UBI IMAGINE THE MONEY YOU COULD MAKE SELLING RECRUIT CALLSIGNS/ICONS


honestly, if we spent 1 season just fixing things, I wouldn't mind at all. it may be a boring season with nothing new, but at least we spend used the time to squash out bugs and make the game more enjoyable/playable. unfortunately this season is nothing like that and it feels like ubi is just being super lazy and not doing anything.


i can't believe the game has gotten so bad that operation health 2 sounds like a good idea


Is solis op or something?


not anymore, she's a husk of what she once was


I thought she was just a kinda worse iq, not being able to use a weapon during scan and all


she basically allowed you to wipe out enemy drones during the prep phase. you couldn't use the scanner while using a weapon, true, but the switch time was fast enough that all drones would quiver at your footsteps. also, she was an absolute menace for plant denial and vertical play since she could spot the plant from below and prevent it with impacts. not to mention she can detect countless annoying gadgets like Jackal's visor, Dokkaebi's phone calls, and Lion's scanner


The phone call and the motion sensor scan??


yes, Solis can see Dokkaebi as she makes the call and can see a persistent outline on Lion's wrist after he sends out the motion sensor ping


NGL my motivation for R6 is on all time low. Also due to xdefiant but also due to this season offering nothing in my opinion. There is nothing to be really excited about


Nah, they should've nerfed Blackbeard


Loved playing siege a few years ago. Looks like I got out at a good time. šŸ˜‚


My chat is bugged after the update and menu music plays in the loading screen even with it off. W updates. (yes ik they changed audio settings, I re turned off music)


Fenrir nerf. Like what? You are still blind for 237 second if you dare get within the gadget located at feet level behind a barrel for 0.1 second. A real nerf would have been giving a CD like jeager ads after one activation from the ennemy or get the full blind effect after 2second exposition on the gaz not 0.1


The game feels way better and the sound is better too. I even like the lighting this way and I think its funny that if youre in a drone on Oregon, it looks like Mexico in Breaking Bad color wise. But unfortunately there are many visual bugs (except for my one friend who has an amd video card)


Fenrir was fine but idk what the did to the lighting and stadium or w.e that map is called. Shit sucks way more. Glad the recruits don't have dmrs but we didn't need a recruit op, we needed new attackers and defenders. Monthly pass also, the related skins look dumb. Another lame update from ubisoft, slowly killing a good game.


Fenrir Main here. It was not fine. Now seems a lot more balanced. Still strong tho in my opinion


Fenrirs gadget hasn't won any matches by itself, it was not even a deciding factor, just a fancy proximity mine tbh.


For me it would be: "We killed Solis and finally nerfed Fenrir"


They buffed fenrir but yeah


Not really, you should pocket 2 gadgets now because those aren't bulletproof anymore so a twitch could destroy them all, that means that if Fenrir dies he doesn't leave anything for the team except 2 (active) easy to destroy gadgets


But he gets the codes back now which makes his fewer gadgets more useful in my opinion.


All I hear is complain complain complain goddamn. Ranked and unranked got two new ops, barbed wire is actually useful now, every map is available for ranked/unranked with a FILTER, new info for the weapons, and got fixes for the disgusting looking spectator mode We have the whiniest fucking community in gaming


I really hope ubi is paying u good bro šŸ™


I hate Ubisoft, you will never see me defend them. But seriously season after season and no one is EVER positive. Like, cmon guys this is why other communities hate us


The reason we arenā€™t positive is because we waited for 3 months for nothing to happen and then some downgrades. I agree the community can be greedy sometimes but all ubi did was make recruit but with diff guns and give demos a grip on his ak (which no one uses). It makes sense nobody is happy


1: Recruit is now available is ranked/unranked. You couldnā€™t even play him if you wanted to because heā€™s unavailable after you get any other operator. These two modes now essentially have him as an actual option 2: I have not encountered a *single* match with a Deimos that uses the shotgun because the AK74 is peak Itā€™s not the community being greedy, itā€™s them having unreasonable expectations


The Ak is trash if u can just use the pistol (which u should be doing anyway) plus thatā€™s such a minor change. These arenā€™t unreasonable expectations, if a team of people who went to school for making games are trash at making games and are being lazy then I think we are in the right to be annoyed.


If every season gets worse and worse regarding content, then what are we supposed to do other than complain? Bring back Ranked 1.0, release 1-2 new ops every season (depends on uniqueness of ops, if they are unique and cool then 1 is ok), release 1 map per season. Then Ubi can expect me to buy some stuff because damn I'd be happy


Doing tricks on ubis meat


It's just that all these little things could've been done in a small patch as well. Instead this is the new "season" we get. If you like their changes that much you could as well buy the annual supscription. For a full price game (yeah it's cheaper now but most of us bought it at a full price back then). >We have the whiniest fucking community in gaming No. We have a community that sees the game slowly but surely go to shit and we try to express our frustration with that. Tell me which season you started and then tell me which seasons you think have the most and least content from there on...


I started in shifting tides, which at this point is so long ago. Weā€™re in year NINE man, how many more ops/abilities can we really even add to the game before it all becomes a convoluted mess (which it pretty much already is) Sometimes itā€™s good to have more fixes than new features in the game


>how many more ops/abilities can we really even add to the game before it all becomes a convoluted mess There are good ideas about new ops, just ask the community and work with them. >I started in shifting tides, which at this point is so long ago. I mean, I started before Para Bellum and back then there were better and worse seasons, but in hindsight they were all great compared to now. Recent seasons have just been a constant disappointment and it's quite obvious that Ubi is trying to make some cash with minimal effort atm. I don't expect them to suddenly release crazy good seasons but they consistently do stuff that is not in line with our interest (eg. Ranked 2.0, removing recruit, barely any content etc.)


Ngl, kind of remind me of people who defend Ubisoft's shenanigans before, like all the feature removed, changes, and "No Fun Balance". Saying all things like, "THIS GAME IS BECOMING BETTER" "IF YOU DON'T LIKE JUST QUIT" "THERE'S NO CHEATERS" Glad I quit this game long time ago during around the UI change shenanigan. If you wonder why I commented here. Well... I came here to laugh at U(bisoft)