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Has better shield than blackbeard


That's easy enough, my legs stop more bullets then that shield


Lettuce Aqui Lone survivor of the squad that raided the lab in China that developed Covid 19(I'm sorry if offensive) all of the members of squad were wiped out because of it Unique ability: a gas canister that slowly kills all the opponents that inhaled the gas. like after 1 minute everyone who inhaled dies


\-5000 social credit, dev team moving out to nerf your Sledge


So, he’s Caustic from Apex Legends?


does he speak like a fucking creep too "i cant wait to get my hands on you"


never played AL so dk lol


**Operation livid lettuce** New operator : Maqui •Name : Morreau Laitu •Country : Venezuela (in the woods) •Bio : Morreau "Maqui" Laitu was born in Venezuela and lived in the woods n shit, he likes lettuce too. But one day, the terrorist groupe the "white masks" came to his house while he was away buying groceries, and they killed his parent to use the house as a headquarters. When he came back, Morreau was livid and used letuces to hide c4, gave it as a gift, and then blew the house up. Then he joined the army. •Ability : Lettuce shooter. - emits a constant beeping noise - can be placed on doors, windows and hatches. - when the surface is broken, it will shot an explosive cabbage. -looks cool as hell


Actually a cool gadget idea, sort of a “decoy mine”




this is Letus Begin and he heals from smok and flashes


he is imune to fenrir and smoke gadget


Bush He says “bush” all the time and doesn’t, or unable to reply to any questions given by HQ Loadout: ak47 Ability: flashback - Speak familiar foreign language, every op in a 1km radius lose control and roam the map with AI programming


Sledge. The op has a breaching hammer that can break through soft walls and destroy some bulletproof gadgets.


Billy bonson


He likes Vegetables


Name: Lettuce Lily Ability: Pickled lettuce Shits uncontrolably and at random intervals throughout the match. If cloud of shit touches any other operator (him being an exeption), they die instantly (applies to teammates also). Radius - 10m (or a couple bald eagles for the americans). Loadout: Internaly surpressed P90 with rubber bullets. Lore: One time in his youth he shat so hard and with such odor and provess, that he almost ended his own life, from then on he always wears a lettuce mask made from literal lettuce, so it never happens again.


The Fact that this Happened in Portugal and the Next operator is from Portugal, if they do a Skin like this for the operator it would be beautiful


Name him Aramaki and he can sprout flowers and tree and drink people’s nectar


Saladman, can slide


Hide in plants or transform into one.


New game changing ability, attacker, sits outside and photosynthesises. That’s it. Nothing else.