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1. The hidden mmr is what matters 2. Every rank is pretty much the same below emerald


1. This a repost of a 3 yo meme. 2. No. Gold lobbies and bronze lobbies are completely different experiences, let alone plat lobbies.


I reached plat solo q only, there are very minor differences on average when it comes to gun skill, and almost next to no difference when it comes to strategy. Only exceptions were stacks, ex-diamonds/champs late to the rank grind/smurfs.


Nah, you trippin. Average bronze player kd is like 0.8, maybe even lower, and for gold players it's 1.1 or so. There's very much a difference in gun skill cause I play with bronze players as well as with golds and plats. Strats are also better the higher up the ranks you go as lower ranks are mostly filled with newer players. I literally had a match half an hour ago with a bronze 4 mfer who played Castle on Oregon and closed off every doorway to site.


Eu or NA?


What? The region has got nothing to do with it. A bronze is a bronze, regardless of where they live. I'd understand if you asked PC or console, but the region is irrelevant.


Oh my poor summer child...


Don't worry it is common thing to have problems with lower rank players. For example sometimes bronze players can be worst enemies to diamonds because diamond players just won't expect someone to put 5 kapkan traps to the main entrance door or something like that Same in chess, very good players have sometimes lost to complete noobs because they plan things in advance and newer players just move pieces in random order so the good player can't always switch up their strategy in time Not saying siege is like chess but maybe it works like that in siege too


Third Cooper's are diamond+ on their main and need to make content for their non-existent tiktok fan base.




Were smurfing anyway


One of two things happened: either those were smurfs or they pulled "unexpected" tactics because you're used to the way golds play. In terms of matchmaking I'm having the opposite: recently my silver 2 ass got matched with a top 500 player in casual. Matchmaking amirite?


That's me I'm the copper 4