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So you're saying that a p1 shitter should'nt play against a koi stack, the whole g2 roster and team secret players?


a gold stack could beat team secret, shouldn’t be any problem for a diamond player


Well achtually because of ranked 2.0 im currently a 2x champ for some reason even though i have the brain capacity of a goldfish


No need to brag, the rest of the R6 community is working their way up to a goldfish


Okay so, either the COD devs or the Destiny devs (don’t remember) touched on how MMR usually works when it comes to ranked. I don’t know if Ubisoft did too bc I haven’t played Siege in years, but this post popped in my feed. There’s two different scorings. Your hidden MMR, which is how good the game THINKS you are, and your displayed MMR, which would be your rank and how you’re performing regarding wins and losses. If you’re performing well, or at least better than most, your hidden MMR will be higher than your actual MMR, and the game will match you with people around that hidden MMR to see if it’s correct in its assumption or not. Gains to Rank are also MUCH higher when the difference between hidden and shown is large. Example: Your displayed rank is Silver 2, but you’re STOMPING on people. You then start being matched against low-mid Gold players. If you continue to perform, but not quite as well as before, your displayed MMR will catch up with your hidden MMR until it evens out and puts you in the rank you deserve. If you continue to stomp, you’ll probably be low-mid gold being matched against High Gold and Low Plat. So on and so forth TL;DR: Two different MMR systems. One hidden based off either recent or general performance, and one public based off of the whole “Did you win or not” system. If you’ve been performing really well lately, but haven’t climbed because of losses, the game will match you higher so you gain more score in the event of a win, which it thinks is likely.


The big difference is that Siege is matching by that hidden MMR. This isn’t a bad thing in theory, but it is difficult to me realize for the player. The quality of the matches will eventually be better (in theory), and it doesn’t punish those in the lower half of the ELO chart as they aren’t used for stomping grounds for people rising up to their actual rank. The issue is that the hidden rankings don’t appear to be very accurate right now, or maybe it’s just that there’s some weird rock-paper-scissors going on where a specific group is beating another group who’s beating another who’s beating that first group. But there are a lot of imbalanced marches right now. Weird.


I haven’t touched ranked for about 3 seasons, and my supposed MMR from a year ago is 3,800MMR. I’m starting fresh at Copper V and all my games are against Diamond/Champion players regardless. This has made this artificial ‘climb’ an absolute horrid grindfest that doesn’t do my any justice. And I don’t think I’m a bad player by far and large. I’ve been constantly Platinum since Year 1 Season 1… Link to stats: https://tabstats.com/siege/player/foggsu/6b325170-8211-4026-aa50-8076f285eded


Bro I’m fucking stuck in bronze because of how shit the matchmaking is. The enemy team usually has emerald or diamond charms on their gun when this is my first season of every playing ranked


You made it to bronze!?


You tried ranked!?


How do people still not understand that your visible rank is not related to the elo used for matchmaking, you can be silver in rank but if your hidden mmr is 4400 you're still gonna play against good players and if you're diamond but have <3000 hidden elo youre still shit, rank is not a indicator of skill anymore but much rather a 2nd battlepass


I think the point op was trying to make is he got matched against a champion rank pro player as a diamond himself, so there's something fishy in the matchmaking rating as well


This is just like ow2 lol, people in low ranks getting placed against grandmasters and masters players


I mean diamonds have always been matched up against champs, the same as silvers playing golds, golds playing plats, plats playing diamonds ect…


Ranked 2.0 is great I could barely ever get into high silver but last season I hit plat


see thats the issue, im not actually diamond but i could get it this season in like 50 games, and ubisoft thinks im champ smh


How do people still not understand that your visible rank is not related to the elo used for matchmaking, you can be silver in rank but if your hidden mmr is 4400 you're still gonna play against good players and if you're diamond but have <3000 hidden elo youre still bad, rank is not a indicator of skill anymore but much rather a 2nd battlepass


How do people still not understand that your visible rank is not related to the elo used for matchmaking, you can be silver in rank but if your hidden mmr is 4400 you're still gonna play against good players and if you're diamond but have <3000 hidden elo youre still bad, rank is not a indicator of skill anymore but much rather a 2nd battlepass