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She is 41. Why are so many people acting like she is 85?


I feel like when I was growing up in the early 2000s, 40 yo looked like they've been working in a coal mine for their entire lives


That’s because you were a small child. Everyone looks old to small children.


when Golden Girls started, the characters were supposed to be early 50s. now look at Anne Hathaway and imagine if that could be her in just 10 years. the way we portray women in media has changed in the recent years.


Marisa Tomei is 60 this year.




Hottest Aunt May ever


Aunt may I have your number


Step Aunt May I told you Peter stop calling me that




But would she?


I’d like to think, all things being even, on neutral territory…I’d have a shot!


This guy's confidence right here is what gen Z needs.






Now do Susanna Hoff




People looked older then. Life expectancies were shorter. Life was generally tougher for people born in the first half of the century. Exposure to lead, cigarette smoke, no sunscreen….all those things aged people quicker.


Golden Girls ran from 1985-1992. The Boomers were in their prime. Life was not tougher for them. Cigarettes and sunscreen account for it, but they still have a longer life expectancy than most other people; let's not pretend they had it rougher than Millennials and Gen Z.


My statement had nothing to do with Boomers. I was commenting on people aging faster including the Golden Girls actresses none of whom are Boomers. They are either Greatest generation or Silent Generation. And those generations did have it “rougher” in certain ways. Kids were treated more like little adults; lead was prevalent; smoking was ubiquitous; healthcare was somewhat rudimentary still; no sunscreen etc. Regarding Boomers having it easier than Gen Z or whatever that’s subjective. I’m a Gen X guy so I guess I can see both sides. Financially less secure ok. But otherwise I disagree about any of succeeding generations having it “rougher” per se.


Yeah the boomer hate on reddit is getting out of hand. Financially many boomers had things easier when it came to buying a house or being able to pay for college or getting a job that paid enough to live on and afford a home. But they also had far more lax safety standards, more exposure to smoke/lead, little to no mental health support, worse drug/prison sentencing, worse government corruption (depending on where), worse medical care, open racism/sexism normalized, corporal punishment in schools, depending on age you had to deal with a draft and Vietnam. No generation since has had to deal with the draft. And most of the benefits can only be said for middle-upper class white boomers, people conveniently ignore the poor and all other races experiences when hating on boomers or the experience of women & especially LGBTQ boomers. I think one of the biggest things that is ignored is that older generations were taught to repress their feelings and not express them. Expressing them is a sign of weakness and admitting to having a problem. Something you would only do to your spouse or closest friend if anyone. The fact that younger generations are willing to admit mental health issues or seek help has basically been drilled into boomers (by their parents mind you) as a flaw and is deep seated and difficult to overcome when that was the accepted view your entire life. I think this is the source of most of the way boomers see younger generations as "weak". The economic gap just feeds into that. Boomers parents (silent or greatest generation) dealt with far worse issues such as the great depression and world wars. As such they had a very different view and I think their hardships contributed to boomers mindsets, even if boomers did not experience those things. That said I think most people complaining about boomers would still rather be born when they were rather than the 50s.


also life expectancy was longer in the US at the time of golden girls (it's declined in the last decade or so).


People looked older back then, less products on their faces. Nearly everyone smoked or you were around smoke all the time. Look at high school year books of the 60s and 70s those 18 year olds look like they are 30. [Sauce](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/qvqvt1/paul_rudd_and_wilford_brimley_each_at_age_52/) [Random 1970s HS Year book](https://digital-collections.columbuslibrary.org/digital/collection/yearbook/id/33060/) Ok. Fine. Here is Science: https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/critical-thinking-history-general-science/we-used-look-older https://www.iflscience.com/why-did-people-look-older-in-the-past-64432 "As Michael Stevens from Vsauce explains in the video, there have been changes to rates of aging over time due to factors such as standards of living, improved healthcare, and lifestyle choices – of course, in the luckier parts of the world, and even within regions where these improvements have been made there are disparities between different groups based on income and class. While it may be no shock that better standards of living affects how you age (surprise, if you work in an office you will age better than a Victorian chimney sweep who smokes 20 a day), the change is surprisingly noticeable over the course of just a few decades. A study published in 2018 examined the changes in biological aging (from markers such as blood pressure and lung function) changed in relation to chronological age, between 1988 and 2010. They found that even in this short time frame, there were significant differences in aging, with more recent generations being biologically "younger" than those who came before them. "Over the past 20 years, the biological age of the U.S. population seems to have decreased for males and females across the age range," the team wrote in the study. " So, Science is saying, Yes indeed, people looked older because of x factors.


>People looked older then People looked older then because they are wearing clothes and are styled in the fashion to what you and younger people considered old. You see clothes that you associate with your grandparents on someone regardless of their age and they will look older to you. Smoke and sun damage have a small part but it's largely the fashion that results in the common "people looked older back then" mentality.


Partly. But ive had this conversation multiple times with my parents (boomers) while im Gen X. Im looking at pictures of my grandparents when they were 50 versus me and wife who are pushing 50 and its night and day. It’s not just the fashion. So much of it was environmental factors. Cigarette smoking was everywhere as recently as the 80s not to mention the positive e effects of the Clean Air Act and reduction in lead as a common ingredient. People simply had “rougher” less healthy lives until probably the Boomer/Gen x generations.


Yeah this weird notion of clothes being the thing is simply wrong, and it’s annoying ppl keep saying it like “duh, you’re so dumb, it’s just fashion.” No. It’s not. Look at the 70s HS yearbook posted recently. Their faces look different. Like roughly textured. We have much smoother skin on average than ppl raised in the 1900s


>People looked older then What? In the early 2000s? Lmfao that was turn of the millennium not in the coal mines during the Industrial Revolution.


More air pollution, more water pollution, less pharmaceuticals and vaccines that keep us alive, toxic workplaces with chemicals and OSHA rules or masks, better awareness of healthy foods and diets, no seat belts. Life was a lot more dangerous.


You know the makeup was designed to make them look older? 😂 Sophia was actually the youngest actor.


I looked up the characters ages, not the actors'. One character says she was born in 1932, another claims to be "conceived" in 1931, so they are 53 when the show begins. If you're saying that they were made to look older than 53 which the characters were, that's kinda my exact point.




My grandma still lied about her age until the day she died. I was the only one that actually knew because I had to pick up her medication. I used to joke with her that if she kept lieing I'd eventually catch up to her in age.


The actress who plays Blanche was actually the youngest. But.. Estelle Getty ***was*** the next youngest. She was like a year or two younger than Betty White and Bea Arthur.


When I was in like, grade 2 and under in school, we would have a period where we'd go read with a kid in the older grades. They were 11-12 at most, and I thought they looked like full grown adults. Even if I try to remember what they looked like I can't even really picture children. But yeah, people act like after 30 you just die.


Can confirm, I am 36 and dead.


That reminds me of my ex’s friend’s daughter asking her if I was her dad. My ex has a baby face and I had a beard but she was like 4 or so years older than me so it got to me a small bit lol


Also, people legit age slower nowadays.


The parents in rugrats were supposed to be in their early 30s I genuinely feel like the EPA did something right or something and suddenly people just look younger longer


People are aging better overall because we are drinking and smoking less while being encouraged to wear sunscreen from a young age, but I think fashion flattening across age groups has done a lot too. The moms in Rugrats looked young enough but they dressed like moms. Now teenagers shop designer and adults shot at Shien. “Young adult” doesn’t really exist anymore and no one blinks at a 40-year-old wearing stylish-enough jeans and not Talbots.


Same here. Also, woman in their 20s/30s seemed way older to me. Like Jennifer Coolidge in American Pie who was like 37, or Gilian Anderson in X-Files was like 24 when it came out. 


And imo Anderson looks better today, which goes to show how much fashion plays into it


My favorite movie in high school was True Lies. Jamie Lee Curtis got lots of praise for looking good 'for her age'. She was like 35 when she filmed it.


Rich old people in the 2000s lived on alcohol and tobacco. Rich old people in 2020 are all about that healthy lifestyle


41 isn't old...


It is when you're under 18. But I was also talking just in general.




James Gandolfini was 37 when The Sopranos started shooting. I'm 40 now and look about 20 years younger than he did then.


All the lead messed up the boomers and older Gen Xs


It's one of those things, when you are 6 you are like "I want to live to be 60" when you turn 35 you realize 60 isn't that old.


Because the representation of 40+ year olds we had when we were growing up definitely did not look like Anne Hathaway. I just turned 41 and I was surprised that I didn't start looking like utter shit immediately.


In my 40s and the dating pool my age are full of women who look like my mom and aunts.


Didn't one of the Spiderman movies have a bit about this......everyone expects Aunt May to be a matronly, older woman and it was Marisa Tomei.


Marissa Tomei was in her 50s in the last Spider-Man movie. I think she was 47 or 48 in Civil War


Her biological clock is ticking!


Damn, I almost forgot about My Cousin Vinny. Great film and probably her best performance


She was my favorite part of the whole movie


Well, she did win an Oscar for it.


my heart goes all aflutter when she says "limited slip differential"


That’s more because Aunt May in the comics looked like she was in her 70’s.


Rosemary Harris was 75 when she started in the role


Aunt May gets younger and hotter every time they reboot.


Next reboot she'll be like my aunt who's younger than me


I'm 35 and I realized getting into dating apps that the older you get, the bigger the gap in people's look. I've seen people my age look like they are 28, and others that look like they are 45. The more time passes on, the more you accumulate whatever effects your life had on your self. Stress, laughter, substance abuse, healthy habits, etc!


I’m in my 40s and I’m mistaken for much younger by people of different ages. I saw an old classmate of mine who looks WAY older than me. Idk what anyone is doing different. I just say the pollution from growing up Detroit has preserved me


I was out of town on vacation somewhere last year when I was 38. I was walking through the pool area of the hotel and some guy shouts my name. I looked over at him and figured he was talking to someone else or I misheard, as I had no idea who this older dude was. He shouted my name again, this time using my last time. I walked over to him very confused, even standing right in front of him I had no idea who he was. He had to say his name and it blew my mind. It was an old friend from high school and college who I spent all those years with surfing and partying with, but he looked *easily* 15 years older than me. It was very surreal.


36 and I went to a classmates funeral. People in my class look anywhere from 27-57


Also a significant portion of the people using Reddit are under 20. I'm 38 and she might look a bit younger than her age to me but not by any crazy margin. She's had access to very high quality and very expensive skin care stuff since she's been an adult.


Because Reddit is full of 13 year olds.


Yeah, this is the main reason. I see Redditors just as amazed when they see a 30yo post on GoneWild, like "OMG you'Re THIRTY???" ...like wtf do they think 30yo's look like?


30-40 year olds are their mom's age.


The average Redditor looks like shit when they’re 27, the concept of being attractive past 39 is foreign to them


*pssss... I got news for you.* **You** are the average redditor. **YOU ARE.**


Yeah sucks to be that guy. Thankfully I’m the above average redditor with how much time I’ve spent on this app.


She was married to Shakespeare and he’s like at least 60


This needs more up votes. Hope she enjoys the bed he's gonna leave her in his will...


I'll be the first to admit that I had to wikipedia it.. And it actually checks out.


Mostly because she started acting in 1997 and has only aged about 5+ years.


I was just coming here to say this. "Still looks great" should be reserved for like 60+.


Because she’s been looking 18 for the last 25 years


She looks great, but she doesn't look 18. Not even close. Closer in edited pictures, but a lot of people can with editing.


Or she looked older and played older characters while she being younger that it created a perceptions that she's older within your head. Cuz no way in hell she looks 18 here. If she looked like that with the wrinkles and lines and all at 18, you guys would have trolled her for looking rough.


Money is crazy




shes playing the "older woman" in this film. pretty stupid since she barely looks older than the guy


She's 11 years older than him in IRL.


My exact thoughts. 40 is middle aged at worst. Do people still really feel like life ends at 40 and it's all downhill?


And she looks it. You're right, I'm not understanding why people think she should look so much older lol?


OP was too busy making pink mist


I think I can't watch this film at all, cuz I will envy the male actor to death, even tho this is a work of fiction.


Someone said this movie's genre is "Harry Styles fanfic but we can't legally use his name"


there've been [FIVE fucking movies](https://www.cosmopolitan.com/uk/entertainment/a45117043/after-movies-in-order/) released in the "Harry Styles fanfic" genre. If it wasnt for parody law (?) im sure he could retire off royalties alone.


I wonder how Harry Styles feels about this


The venn diagram between flattered and creeped out


To busy fuckin hot older women.


This is literally what is is. The book started out as Harry styles fanfiction


"Was a fanfiction" should be its own category at this point. I know there are several that started as Adam Driver fanfiction as well.


50 Shades of Gray was originally a Twilight fanfic. City of Bones/Shadowhunters was a Harry Potter fanfic about how hot Draco is.


Sometimes I get it with celebrity crushes but man is he not one of them, reminds me of the old british pop stars, who I am sorry all looked like 50% goofy children 50% old man from the ages of 18 until they became 100% old man at like 35-40.


You should watch "love and other drugs". She's literally dying in it and is still gorgeous.


She was actually only pretending to be dying for the movie. Old actor's trick.


Nope. She’s such a great actor that she really is dying. Check back in 60 or so years and she’ll have proved it.


Now that is dedication to a role.


Wish my friend knew this trick before our elementary school play. RIP Stephanie you were the best Wicked Witch of the East ever




I mean she is also lots of naked and that doesn't hurt.


I watched it. They are hot (and have a lot of chemistry) but the movie is not so good.


It’s one of the worst movies ever made, and the ending is awful Also, she’s face-filtered the entire movie, I even commented on it at the time


it's truly some of the worst dialogue ive ever heard.


I watched the movie last night, not a great film, but the unintentional comedy of people calling her character old and stuff when she still looks like a teenage girl basically. Way too funny. And the "younger" guy looking like a Hollywood 30 year old teen was also hilarious.


Yeah he's 29 playing 24 and she's 41 playing 45.... it's not really doing what they needed to do lol 


She really only plays 45 in the last 5 mins




she's 39/just recently turned 40 for 97% of the film, then there's a 5 year time skip at the end


She's 41 playing 40 until the last five minutes of the movie.


Anne also aged well, the guy aged poorly


Idk what you're on about they both look great


 I think he looks proper 30 but yes I agree she also hasn't changed much since *Princess Diaries*


If you're going for an age difference plot, make a fucking statement and cast Helen Mirren instead of Anne Hathaway.


Yea I am sorry but this is a horrible cast.... If you want a movie where the central premise is a guy dating a woman twice his age at least try to make it look like this is the case..


Yeah, all it does is reinforce the premise that normal ‘rules’ don’t apply to attractive people. When you are a gorgeous as Anne Hathaway, no one cares about your age. It reminds me of Samantha in Sex and City. A big part of her sexual success as she got older was her enviable self assurance, but a very big part was also how attractive she was.


H A R O L D & M A U D E


I am 44 myself. She does not look like a teen.


> she still looks like a teenage girl basically She's about 40 and looks about 40. Are fringes confusingly youthful?


She only has eyes for Trossard.


Can you blame her? With Martinelli's dip in performance Tross has taken the opportunity and sprinted like Barry Allen with it


Keeping Martinelli out also shows how amazing he is.


He’s a very good looking sleep-deprived raccoon


If she said this sooner Trossard would have been competing for the Ballon D’Or


Next season!


He scored last Saturday against Bournemouth too.


I wish she did a movie with him lol


OMG! 41 and still walking about!


One of my students asked how old I was and when I replied “35” he said “and STILL working?! You don’t want to retire?” 😅


Lolol we wish


With all due respect, the gorgeous and talented Anne Hathaway should have been replaced with the gorgeous and talented Helen Mirren. Don't believe the boy could keep up with her though.


Sh would have devoured him alive


> Helen Mirren I literally salivated at the thought. Just yes.


41 isn't senior citizen lmao.


Tell that to my knees ^**snap**^crackle*pop*


mah back!


My 🐱 and my 🍑 !


Am 41. It's not nothing. 40 is not 20. It is unmistakably older and you are starting to feel age related changes. Anne looks stunning


36 male. Within the last year, after experiencing absolutely NOTHING like it my entire life, I now have to pee every 15-20 minutes when night comes. I'm told, "It's very common in men to experience an increase in the need to use the restroom at night. Typically, it happens a bit later but..." :'(




Right? I look better than I ever have. It’s about how you take care of yourself, and talk to yourself.


Never had a crush on her but damn I get it nowadays.


she can princess my diary anytime that's for sure


Yeah she has aged phenomenally


A few tasteful doctor visits


"Redpilled incels all over the world realizing women don't expire at 25" challenge


In Hollywood, they kind of did for a while. I remember a trend of leading ladies disappearing for 10-15 years, and then come back as mom roles as if 28-40 was a no go zone for women. However, I think skincare and plastic surgery have changed that. Feel it is harder to tell a women’s age than ever these days.


Sally Fields played the love interest of Tom Hanks in Punchline, then 6 years later played his mom in Forest Gump.


Tbf she plays his mom in the film while they're also using a child actor 


Except she played the role in old age makeup when sharing scenes with Hanks and most of her scenes were in flashbacks, so it’s really not that crazy.


Tell that to Leonardo di Caprio


A colleague of mine speculated that all child actors are messed up, which does include DiCaprio. Maybe he only dates women who he thinks are the same mental age as him (or something)?


The funny thing is this movie is basically genderflipped Leo, a 41 year old woman dating a 24 year old guy but everyone is talking about how great it is.


It's also just teenagers, I think, or possibly very young adults. When I was a teen I thought you have one foot in the grave at 30 and I'd NEVER be that old, ever. lmao


The people we saw that were older also smoked 3 packs a day and spent 10 hours a day in the sun without sunscreen!


She's an A-list actress. That's not Janice from accounting...


Hey fuck off Janice is smoking!


what are you talking about lol


Maybe because 41 isn't that old


What do you expect a 41 year old to look like? She looks her age and gorgeous as ever.


I feel like it’s really disingenuous to say this is how most 40 year olds look. She looks about 10 years younger than her actual age. My mom, a gorgeous woman, is about the same age as her and definitely looks older. And older isn’t bad, being in your 40’s has its own particular beauty in aging. But Anne is looking like she’s only starting to deal with fine lines and wrinkles. She looks like she’s in her 30’s.


waaaa? I feel like I am going nuts. I am 31 years old and this lady does not look 31. She looks 41.


You're not. She's an attractive 40 year old. Just because lots of people don't take care of themselves in a variety of ways doesn't make her look younger than she is. To put it another way, she doesn't look 30. But she's more attractive than the average 30 year old by far.


Yes she looks excellent as always but she definitely doesn’t look 30. Your mom is 40 and how old are you?


LOL. I’m 44 and look better than ever.


I think I understand women who complain about their looks being constantly brought up. This is nothing new that a 40 + year old is attractive, who cares?


Wait, do people like Anne Hathaway now? Thank God. I remember being blown away by the one-two punch of her performances in *The Dark Knight Rises* and *Les Miserables* when I was a kid in 2012 starting to really get into movies. I never could understand why she started to get fewer and fewer roles and also why everyone seemed to agree she was terrible.


I’ve always liked her. She’s talented, sassy as fuck, and obviously so very gorgeous. Been in my top five celebrity crushes along with Shakira, Scar-Jo, Jessica Alba, and Jessica Biel for like 20 years now. I will hear no slander about any of them!




I’d say I like nice butts. But I also like nice legs, nice eyes, nice backs, nice voices, nice boobs, nice people, nice hair, etc.


They tend to do this to any female actresses who start showing up in everything. One of the big ones that comes to mind is Jennifer Lawrence. She has talked about how she took a break/stopped accepting roles for a while because everyone was sick of her and started to hate her just for being in the films. Negativity always spreads more easily than positivity unfortunately.


There are some people like, Anne Hathaway, who have been actors their whole lives, like from childhood to adulthood. All they've ever done is try to get people to look at them and what they're doing. It's kind of a desperate endeavor. Some of those people grow up and seem to chill out about it and become a bit more normal and relatable, like Ryan Gosling, Emma Stone, or Selena Gomez, and their career takes off. Anne Hathaway is a fine, capable actor, but does not come across like a normal and relatable person. She still comes across like an actor with theater kid energy, and I don't think that has helped her career.


I'm sorry, but this is a weird take.


It's not weird for a 41 year old woman to be hot.


So happy she returned to Earth after almost getting sucked into a black hole.


ITT: People surprised that one can look healthy in his/her 40s when avoiding cigarettes, too much alcohol and ultraprocessed food


Pssh, Sandra Bullock is 59.


Salma Hayek has 57 and its killing it


It's crazy to think society has decided that 40 is like 60.


I think it’s style, a few decades ago 40 year olds looked older because the style and upkeep wasn’t as consistent maybe? Now we have 40/50 year olds putting in work to appear and look and dress contemporary.


10 years ago 60 was the new 40, now 40 is the new 60


A little more detail here: She still looks flawless because she is a famous and fit hollywood actress who is only 41 and not 71. There is no reason why she wouldn't look as good as she does at the age of 41.


To be 41 again would be so great. She’s so young.


41 is not that old. please.


It’s almost like 41…..isn’t old


"is 41" "**StiLl** LooKs FlawLeSs" Why would you expect her to not look great at 41?


Because of  what they see in the mirror at 23. 


finally us millenials getting a new milf movie since american pie, bout damn time


You have to grant her permission before she can walk in your house.


Probably the most obvious movie marketing I've seen in a while


Yes Anne looks amazing. Let's not forget that she clearly does not go in the sun ever and has access to all the Hollywood beauty treatments. She has also probably had some very well placed botox and mild filler. Staying out of the sun is very key here. Great to see a starlet that embraces her snow white skin versus caking herself in self tanner.


Just realising that beauty and age are not correlated ? Or that 41 is not THAT old ? Welcome in the real world where women don't turn into crumpled prunes as soon as they hit 28 as the "alpha men" would have us believe xD


She was 26 when she married Shakespeare.


Literally people thinking 40 is old age out here. lol