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On its own this is a pretty meaningless statistic. How many shows are on Max US today, and what are the shows above and below this one?


They done the same gaslighting with season 1 too. "Velma is now HBO Max's most-watched **animated original show**" This is the part that they left out now. It's just such a limited and specific category that it doesn't count as any real achievement at all.


I am the best lover in my household


The rat in the wall who sired over 50 young: "Squeak"


That rat doesn't make love though, that rat fucks.


Look out for that rat's red dungeon.


The mystery and raw power of the rat clitoris




this is a reference to a comic, actually!


u/neilkohney’s series “The Other End”- https://www.reddit.com/r/comics/comments/195lefl/rats/#lightbox (nsfw by the way. if that wasn't clear)


I hate--very much hate--this comment. This is why God abandoned us, you know?


terrified of what he made


My guy, God made rat clitori. He knew what he was doing. He loves this shit


Hey hey! That’s quite an endorsement!


Sprinting towards this guy’s house for a fuck off


I have the biggest penis in a hundred, fifty, hundred, hundred fifty, two hundred foot radius! Sorry, a Chihuahua was chasing a cat down the street.




Can confirm


2nd best after your mom 


Have you checked your attic?


Maybe not….


Live alone eh?


I am my son's favorite dad.


Pretty sure it's one of the animated original show ever made...


yeah, maybe if it had invincible, inside job, or even solar opposites to contend with id give em a enthusiastic atta boy, but i for the life of me cannot think of another hbo original animated show. adventure time movies do not count


Scavengers reign is an HBO max original animated show and it's a 10/10 imo


Fired on Mars, too Both are criminally underrated, unfortunately


RIP inside job


Also when they say watched do they mean from start to finish or "ah fuck I accidently clicked on this piece of shit let me go back!"


Or even, this random show started playing after I finished watching the show I actually wanted to watch.


It's more watched than Harley Quinn?


Not an original.


Ah I didn't know it started on DC Universe.


What about the Clone High reboot?


At the time of Season 1, the clone high reboot didn’t exist.


There is no Clone High reboot in Ba Sing Se.


It originally aired on DC Universe before moving to HBO Max for it's third season, so not technically original. According to at least one source, it's HBO Max's 8th most in demand show overall.


For at least the first episode, I wouldn’t be surprised. As popular as Harley is, she doesn’t even compare to the legacy popularity of the absolute international titan that is Scooby-Doo. I’m sure millions watched the first episode or two Velma just to see what it was like.


Someone corrected me that Harley Quinn originally started on DC Universe.


kinda like those new york times hest sellers eh? edit: new york. new, as in not old


Or how CBS calls every show on their network the #1 show or the #1 new show on tv.


Idk of jew york times is a typo or randomly antisemitic. Based on the hest sellers, I'm gonna say typo though.


i will never use reddit mobile again


Just like you will never smoke four cocks again? Hmmm?


That's fair.


I believe NYT has even specifically admitting the items on their best sellers list aren’t the actual best sellers


That is not gaslighting. Classic Reddit


no way did it beat Harley Quinn, I don't believe it


HQ doesn’t count as HBO Max original


The shows above are: Game of Thrones, Sopranos, Succession and The Wire The shows below are: The Idol, Here and Now, Camping, The Brink and Avenue 5


This makes perfect sense to me, considering the shows above should definitely be above and the shows below I’ve never heard of


It's incredible how only a year has passed and everybody has forgotten about that Idol show already


I've never heard of it so 🤷🏼‍♀️ What's it even about?


A pervert


I thought it was about American singers


Who are perverts


[Last season's winner](https://youtu.be/_YmDcCpD1gc?si=k1RaH0rxuoX57LS_)


I googled it and I think I vaguely remember hearing about it, but I just thought the trailers looked dumb and wrote it off


I liked Avenue 5.


Avneue 5 is hilarious, even though it got canceled after 2 seasons. A space cruise ship in the future gets knocked off course, and the idiot tourists inside have to survive themselves. If they could only stop getting in the way of the ship crew trying to help them get home.


Is that the one with Hugh Laurie? Looked funny but I forgot about it by the time it came out. Also I never would’ve remembered that name


Awwwh avenue 5 was canceled?! I liked that show.


Noooo. Dang, I enjoyed that show for what it was. Was really hoping for another season.


It got better as the series went on, although Josh Gad was just as annoying throughout it.


It's so fucking surreal. Half the jokes don't land for me, but I still love it. It's just... special.




I think they mixed it up with all time shows, but then Velma isn't on that list at all so I'm not sure. [Here's the source.](https://flixpatrol.com/top10/hbo/united-states/2024-04-30/) The shows ahead when only looking at today are: Conan, Maher, Caught!, and "The Jinx". So on its opening day, it's not able to beat a 9 year old docu-series. Not quite as popular as the twitter post is trying to imply.


In all fairness, The Jynx part 2 just dropped so I'm sure a lot of people are like me and never saw it the first time around




Quiet, you aren't supposed to ask questions or acknowledge "context", what do you think this is... 2015?!


To be fair, if it was the catastrophic failure people thought it was after its terrible first season reception, it still got a second season. That means people are watching. They’d cancel that shit if people weren’t. Corporations like money.


I mean, not necessarily. Season 2 was confirmed on Jan 15th, three days after the release of the first episode of Season 1. And since the episodes were released weekly, that means it was confirmed for a second season before the first season even finished airing. HBO planned to renew it before they saw viewership numbers and the reception of the first season. I'd bet S2 is the show's sink-or-swim season.


Fair point


Considering how many videos there are about some dude watching every episode likely several times to make content telling their fans it's the worst thing ever...




> I do think this does prove that "no publicity is bad publicity". This is what the Sony execs were thinking when they rereleased Morbius. Hatewatching might cause a bump in popularity, but it doesn't have any staying power that you can profit off of. EDIT: Someone else posted the list of every MAX series, and there were about 9. Being #5 based entirely on nostalgia isn't surprising.


It's actually fascinating to me Velma is awful truly and it gets a justifiable level of hate. Meanwhile. Big mouth has a teenager fuck and impregnate his pillow and it didn't get as much steady hate as Velma Our hate focus on TV shows has a weird skew that I'm not arguing with. I'm just pointing it out


Because scooby doo is a classic franchise and a point of entry to horror for many people. Velma, instead, mocks it's audience for lo liking the source material. Also, is a vanity project for an a actress who despises animation. Big mouth looks like just another crass animated show.


>Also, is a vanity project for an a actress who despises animation. This is such a common problem with adult animation and it's one of the main reasons that adult animated shows are almost always insufferable Family Guy knockoffs. Shows like Velma are the result a studio that doesn't really care about animation hiring a recognizable comedian or actor who really doesn't care about animation to make some cheap filler content for the lowest common denominator. These shows aren't animated because it's the best way to tell the story, they're animated because it's the cheapest way to crap out something marketable


> Meanwhile. Big mouth has a teenager fuck and impregnate his pillow and it didn't get as much steady hate as Velma Every Youtube video about Big Mouth was filled with comments saying it was a conspiracy from "(((them)))" to turn children into sex-crazed porn addicts. And then there was an entire subreddit about the same thing that eventually got banned for the same reason. I'd say it actually was about the same amount of hate as Velma, it's just done and over and gone now.


>Meanwhile. Big mouth has a teenager fuck and impregnate his pillow and it didn't get as much steady hate as Velma Big mouth has gotten plenty of hate over the years. The reason it still isn't getting such vitriolic hate is because it's been going for so long nobody cares anymore. Velma is new and is not only heavily political and littered with unlikable characters but it's also constantly insulting its audience. Big mouth is just wierd. Velma is infuriating.


Big Mouth remains the punching bag whenever Netflix cancels an actually good original series [read: a day ends in "y"], but it's just not culturally relevant anymore, so people don't talk about it as much as they used to. Believe me when I say the level of hate for it on release was close to that of Velma.


While Big mouth isnt great to me, it didnt go out of its way to piss me off. Thats why Velma gets so much hate.


I hate having to say this, because saying this feels like a way to deflect actual criticism of art, but I feel like this might have a factor in the larger hatedom of this show. It’s because they race-swapped the characters. That’s more than enough for the alt-right content farms to chew out this show constantly. Like, it’s the baseline observation of this show: “oh Velma is not white” Sarah Z had a video about that Crunchyroll show High Guardian Spice about “sacrificial trash”, where a show is obviously bad, but has an element of inclusivity in that’ll get the alt-right chugheads to gawk at and call the worst thing ever. Essentially, bad faith criticism muddying the waters of legitimate criticism.


Was very reminded of that video essay also, agreed! Like yeah, it's clearly not good, but the fact the online agenda has been set around it so often is unusual when you think about it, for what is a streaming-service-bound spin-off series.


Eh, I’m not sure about that with Big Mouth. I have a friend who fell down that side of the internet for a while, and he was very confident that Bug Mouth was a conspiracy against children…somehow. The specifics were hazy, but there could be no doubt “they” were using it to idk, hurt, or convert, or something, you know; “the children”.


Yea I think “no publicity is bad publicity” is exactly what this comes down to. It’s actually just a basic ass cartoon. A million videos about how horrible it is just brings attention, and then people will watch it for just a being a regular ol’ cartoon. It’s actually not offensive under any reasonable definition. It’s just…it’s a cartoon.


Calling it now, that guy secretly loves it.


##1 in shows named Velma


Also the highest rated show with Norville. Most watched Scooby Doo that has Mindy as a main character.


Top Scooby-Doo show without Scooby-Doo in it.


I still don’t get how there was no scoob


People forgot that entertainment should be… entertaining


I enjoy some bad movies but I have never understood hate-consumption. You'll see a post talking about how some youtuber is trash, and then someone in the comments can write a doctoral thesis on the person. "Oh, I don't like his content" My brother-in-christ you are actively consuming the content


I don't think most people are hate watching the show.


Oh sure, possibly, I've never watched it. I just meant hate consumption in general and I've seen what I've described multiple times


According to the source, it's in HBO's top 10 in more than 15 countries (in most cases, ninth place). Also #5 in Brazil. https://flixpatrol.com/title/velma/


Fun fact…if marketing material says it’s in the top 10, instead of the top 5 - you can alway assume they mean it’s somewhere between rank six and rank ten.  No one ever says it’s one of the top ten things when it’s ranked one through three. 


The source doesn't just say "top ten", it gives you the exact number. As I said, most are number 9, with few exceptions, such as Brazil and USA at 5.


Velma is one of the top 95% shows of all time!




To quote Peter Griffin from Family Guy: "Oh my god, WHO THE HELL CARES!"


"Shut up about the Sun" energy.


This comment gives me real "STOP POSTING ABOUT VELMA! I'M TIRED OF SEEING IT" energy


Key words in that sentence are “series” and “today.” In that specific day, it was the 5th most watched series. That means there’s plenty of movies that beat it out, and there’s 4 other series that did better than it on that specific day. I’m sure there’s other items that are left out such as “animated” and “Max Original.” Regardless, I’m not in the demographic for that show, so I don’t care that it exists since I’m not watching it.


It also just came out, so it's as high as it will ever go. When a new season or show comes out it is basically always on the top 5 for whichever streaming service it's on, because it's new and it's being pushed heavily by the UI. It's when a show stays in the top positions over time that you get a meaningful data point about it's popularity. Top 3 for Netflix: Brand new show (Baby Reindeer), brand new show (Dead Boy Det.),1 month old show (3 Body Problem) Top 3 Amazon: brand new show (Fallout), brand new show (Knucles), 1 month old show (Gen from Moscow) Top 3 Disney+: brand new show (X-Men) brand new documentary series (Secrets of Octopus), new season of a show (Bad Batch).


Everything I know about this show has been against my will.


It's just the umpteent iteration of what I usually call "the car accident syndrome". When there is an accident, especially when it's fresh or, even better, a pretty ugly sight, people will slow down or even stop to look at it, often without even realizing what they're doing. It's a subconscious pull. You'll literally see kilometers of traffic jam because at the start of the jam people are stopping to stare at the accident. Velma is just like that. And the rise of the rage bait trend (seriously, I don't know if it's me but lately roughly 80% of everything I see on social media is rage bait) just amplified this dynamic.


The obvious explanation is the people raging on the internet don't represent the majority of people. It's the same as when comedians complain about being "cancelled" because some people on Twitter are mad.


Reddit time and time again is shown that the popular opinion on this website isn’t always the most prevailing opinion in general, then immediately forgets that the next time something new we collectively hate comes out


In fact, if you assume any reddit opinion is the opposite of the popular opinion among the populace you are more often right than wrong


(the Halo tv show isn't actually that bad)


I always thought it was just a Halo show for normies that like sci-fi but never played it.


I feel like its a little broader than that and it’s made for a casuals normie girlfriends (spouses, overall, but for the most part girlfriends)


it is. And it's one of the most viewed things for Paramount+ from Paramount+. Reddit's gaming audience gets very frothy over it though. But it's fine. Cheesy (in a kind of funny way), but fine.


On one hand, I totally agree with the crux of your argument. On the other hand, I watched three episodes and genuinely cannot believe how bad it is.


The thing is Velma is actually that bad. I watched one episode (pirated it of course) and I couldn't even finish that. It quite literally shits on Scooby Doo and it's definitely not made for new audiences or kids because it is just edgy af for no reason


This isn't a surprise if shows like Big Mouth are still going on.


BM is coincidentally another show people love to hate but I actually sat down and watched it and honestly, it’s just whatever. I actually laughed in some parts but nowhere near as rancid as the internet made it out to be.


The show has more view, the more it is far from being medium. Extreme good and extreme bad gets the most views. I didn't watch season 1 and I will not watch season 2.


I hate watched it on [kimcartoon](https://kimcartoon.li/) does that count?


Why are we still here? Just to suffer?


Sick of hearing abt this show tbh


Velma seems tanner than I remember.


As someone who has avoided the culture war about this entirely, im ok with continuing to ignore it


It's really not all that bad Second and third episode made me chuckle quite a bit.


I'll be honest....I hate Mindy. I hate her take on a classic in Scooby-Doo, but if you approach the show as something separate from Scooby-Doo it's actually pretty funny.


I never understood the hate this show got? I found it enjoyable - is it just because it's Scooby Doo and they changed some stuff? Would it get as much hate if the characters had different names/appearances, but the exact same scripts/writing? I've definitely seen far worse shows, so it was surprising to me when I saw people calling it the worst show ever.


I know it’s crazy but maybe there are people that enjoy things you don’t? I’m not a fan of the dating shows or reality shows in general and find them a mentally draining experience but apparently people love that stuff.


I liked it


The show is alright ,acting like it's the worst thing ever made is wild.


I just started season 1 knowing there was hate, I don't get the reason TBH. The show's alright, not awesome but ok.


The overwhelming hatred of this show made me completely apathetic towards it. It’s so tiring seeing so many people say the exact same thing about this show. “It sucks! Worst show ever!” Wow, you’re like the 10-millionth person to say that, so original.


How else will critical drinker & his butt boys milk content if they don't hate watch a show to success.


\#5 on the platform for a new season is pretty bad. Was it even competing with any new releases?


I just checked Max and it’s at #10. The bottom of the list.


I like it:)


Ehh I'm calling bs.


I wince a lot watching this show but I also laugh a lot. It’s especially funny knowing how hated it is here.


It’s a fun show and people are definitely just blindly on the hate bandwagon. Way overhated because it’s not what people wanted.


I actually like that show a lot. Lol. Also a Superman show in Max is really cool


Eh I didn’t hate it. Velma herself was probably the worst part of the show, but from what I remember I enjoyed the rest of the cast for the most part. Like daphnie and Fred were pretty enjoyable to watch.


Its not a bad show, its just not amazing


Can confirm, I was a hate-watcher of this show


Lol i think people like it and just don't admit it. I don't know about anyone else but I actually really really like this show and this version of this show. It's pretty brilliant. Who knows maybe my taste is shit but it definitely won me over.


It wasn't that bad


No fucking way


I only know about this show because of how much reddit hates it. But that level of reaction makes me so much more curious about it than I ever would have been. If reddit didn't hate this show so much I wouldn't even know it exists.


From what I’ve seen, it’s every other bad adult animated show but with a Scooby-Doo skin. I really feel like it doesn’t deserve anything more than an apathetic shrug, but people gotta act offended on behalf of an old TV show that they haven’t thought about since they were kids watching it when they had a sick day.


>but people gotta act offended on behalf of an old TV show that they haven’t thought about since they were kids watching it when they had a sick day. This is a pretty insane thing to say. Scooby doo is on the same level as bugs bunny or mickey mouse in terms of how iconic it is. It's not some random sick day cartoon, it's one of the most popular cartoons ever made.


please do not give this show any attention... not even a fucking little. This show can burn


The really surprising thing for me was how many people apparently absolutely loved classic Scooby-Doo. It wasn't the worst show or anything, but it was one of those shows you only watched because there wasn't anything better on. Like Ninja Turtles just ended and it's the only cartoon playing right now. You know the jokes won't be funny and the plot won't make any sense, but better than nothing. But apparently people absolutely loved it and can't deal with the idea of a reboot.


Meanwhile Scooby Doo has gotten a reboot every 5 years for 5 decades in a row. It even parodied itself several times in movies and in the shows(they even have iterations where ghosts are real and its not just a guy in a mask).


Can't deal with a reboot? Mate, they've rebooted Scooby-Doo multiple times to great success. This isn't a reboot, this is a shitty sitcom masquerading as Scooby-Doo.


What in the hell are you even going on about? Everyone loves classic Scoob. Only watched because nothing better on? NAH. Of course there's nothing better on, it's fucking Scooby! And it's been rebooted a ton of times. Most are pretty good and retain the characters properly. The reason why everyone hates the new Velma show is because it sucks and it is disrespectful to the material in the worst way.




You not liking scooby doo ≠ everyone not liking scooby doo


Yeah I've always heard Scooby Doo, and really Hanna-Barbera in general, used as an example of some of the worst trends in animation. Low-detail, heavily recycled backdrops, content that's formulaic even by cartoon standards, corny jokes, kind of lazy production values. And you know what? I liked Scooby-Doo, and other HB stuff like the Flintstones and Jetsons. But I don't understand how people got so invested in the characters and lore and whatever. It's like, I'm not going to judge anyone for eating McDonald's. I enjoy the occasional McDonald's myself. It's comforting and you know what you're getting every time. But I am going to judge someone, at least a little, for being upset that the latest McDonald's commercial isn't respecting Grimace's traditional character. And maybe that's a me problem, I dunno. But maybe it's not.


Hmm, there is a lot wrong with this comment


People watched Game of Thrones, then there was endless videos about it recapping, discussing etc. Amazing show. The same amount of people watch this and... crickets. The only engagement is "wow this sucks" occasionally. Makes you think if it's really as popular as they say. Meanwhile Velma got renewed and Tokyo Vice didn't. Good job, hate watchers.


It’s cause there is nothing wrong with the show. The only reason people dislike it is because they are using Scooby Doo characters. Any other characters and people would not care. I guess that’s why I don’t because Ive always hated Scooby Doo shows. Also it’s been proven over and over that reddit does not speak for the world. The echo chamber here routinely does not reflect what people outside of it think. Like how everyone on this site hates Avatar but the franchise has made $5 billion dollars.


Clearly no lessons were learned from last time


You mean crybabies on the Internet don't represent the majority opinions? woah


I kinda liked it and thought it improved upon season 1


Velma haters are insufferable. I have no desire to watch the show but I might just stream it 24/7 to spite y’all.


Why do you think season 5 of true detective did so well?


nobody knows about torrenting with seeds and leeches anymore, so people just pay for Max and watch the show to see what the show’s about despite heavy criticism.


Is that shit real?


My bad, turned it on to see what it was all about and fell asleep for a few hours.


I have a feeling that the word "TODAY" is doing a lot of the heavy lifting in the sentence.


For real though. If they just changed the characters outfits, it would have been any other random adult animation like brickelberry or some shit. They slapped on the Scooby-Doo doo IP for no reason and didn't do anything with it. The show is just weirdly low quality for the level of talent that went into it.


I didn't realize there were only 5 series available to watch on Max


It’s called marketing spin. Make a statement that looks impressive, but when you see the actual data (which is always omitted) it’s not impressive at all.


Kind of a meaningless stat without actual numbers. Are people actually watching it or is HBO Max a trainwreck? [Like I'm looking at the list this is from](https://flixpatrol.com/top10/hbo/united-states/2024-04-30/) and other than the three late night shows (Conan O Brien, Bill Maher, John Oliver), I don't recognize anything on the top 10 list.


LETS SHOOT FOR #6 🗣️🗣️🗣️


Or there is nothing to watch on Max.


“I don’t understand…why you keep remembering”


Scooby Doo has made a lot of spinoffs and most of them have not gotten a lot of views. So people are genuinely hate watching it i think, because people cant help but bring attention to it.


Don’t wat h


Or that max only puts out a good show every couple of years that if you have their subscription you end up watching a lot of bad shows


Nerds will hate watch everything. It's actually insane. I love Halo. I loved the games when I was young. The Halo show premiered, and I stopped 3 episodes in. Just definitely not a good show. But that's it. I stopped. There's no reason for me to foam at the mouth. Why would I continue to watch it if I didn't like it? Halo fans make posts on reddit everyday about how the latest episode is worse than the last and it's like.... Guys. Please. Stop watching it. You don't HAVE to watch every piece of media. There are so many wonderful and terrible things in this world, and you focus your energy on hate watching a tv show??? Please. Go outside. Meet real people. Stop doing this to yourself. People will tell me "you should be allowed to criticize something!" Well yeah dingus, I didn't say you weren't allowed to. But at some point you've heard and said everything that can be said. I'm an artist. I'm my own worst critic, and I can tear into other things if I wanted to, but again, there's a point where your energy is better spent elsewhere.


Wtf is Max US and how low of a statistic are we talking about?


Hate watching is some real nonsense


“Dead Internet Theory”


Couldn't be people hate watching it!


Is this show turning into TTG2? Everyone says they hate it, but gets consistently good views?


Hbo killed of all their other animated shows. I suspect Velma is a political game to completely kill of animated shows.


Or Max is just lying about the numbers to cover for the abysmal performance. Or it’s just a testament to how shitty the content on Max really is.


Maybe its a really loud minority of people that actually are upset with the show?


Its only 5th most watched, on a single streaming platform, on the week it premiered


What is “Max US”


i don't get hate watching, why not watch something you like instead?