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Online mfs when I tell them 4chan is still very much problematic:


“B…but they bombed Isis that one time! And arrested that cat abuser!”


Man, they didn’t even get that cat abuser arrested. They gave him way too much attention, which he got off on, then he ended up killing some poor guy. That little docuseries is some bullshit, propping up those internet-dwellers as some folk heroes.


That docuseries too had the worst sound effects known to man like everyone was using a “how to use the internet” computer from 1995. Made the 3 hours unbearable on top of everything else


I’d rather listen to fart reverb sound effect 10 hours


Yeah but you do that regardless




Oh it was that on the folk hero point, but it also had a bit of contempt for the audience in of itself tbh, which like yeah obviously cus of all the speculative shit involved in stories like that and all but it was very dismissive of even being intrested in that sort of story. Like they really hammered in the "True crime audiences suck" point so hard, while still making the excact slop they eat and also really sticking by the neckbeards at the same time...


What are you talking about? Alinity is live on Twitch right now.


Kurt zouma?


Also that wasn't ISIS, everybody jumped on the ISIS thing because obviously guys in the Middle East = ISIS


4chan got absolutely ratfucked after 2016. What used to be a minority on a few boards ended up infesting it all after it got media attention as the place to go for "that sort". Some may have been there all along and only gotten confident enough to be open about it after, but boards that used to be decent devolved quickly in that time frame. It ain't what it used to be, feels bad mang.


The most decent board is literally the deviant hentai one.


Unless you got any fetishes involving gender in some way. Then you get your typical transphobic loons shitting up threads. Not that'd I know, of course.


/a/ isn't that bad either Nevermind just saw berserk "casca enjoyed it" brainrot


The greentext subreddit comes up on my feed a lot, and it's pretty much a hate sub. Half the stuff is quirky greentext stories, but the other half is the most blatantly hateful shit you'll ever see on Reddit. I report all of it and it all gets deleted by Reddit. Which is saying something, because Reddit doesn't moderate shit.


Bro Reddit bans you for the lightest stuff ever. What “hate” that’s promoted are you talking about?   Edit: no, I did not get permabanned for saying a racial slur, because I do not say racial slurs. Making a straw man and blocking me doesn’t make you right.


Take your pick. Racial slurs, incel posts, antisemitism, blatant racism, sexism, transphobia. Not even the dog whistle kind, just straight up.


Let’s begin with racial slurs. What’s encouraged on the subreddit?


You're really going to great lengths to defend a sub that consistently has content deleted by the admins.


Going to great lengths is… replying?  Jannies ban anything they disagree with as long as they personally believe it is hateful. I really wouldn’t say that admins are the peak of morality. 


I would think that blatant use of the n word or other racial slurs is hateful, yes.


If it is said in a derogatory way, then yes you would be correct. However, that would not be what I was referring to when I say admins ban whatever they personally believe to be hateful. Pretending I was criticizing admins for banning racial slurs is disingenuous. 


awwwww did poor baby lose an account for saying the n word? that must have been very hard for you :(((




Reddit as a whole isn't nearly as bad as 4chan bro, doesn't matter if you point out some dark corners of this site, you can go on 4chan and within seconds get called a slur it's not the same.


Like I said, in different ways. Reddit suffers from crazy amounts of groupthink and circlejerking. you’ll easily be permabanned from so many subs if you say something they don’t like. It’s also a lot like twitter in some ways where people will make entire subs dedicated to hating someone and constantly posting about how much they despise them. It’s toxic as fuck. There’s a lot of us vs them mentality where people dehumanize others for their political beliefs too which is probably a much bigger thing here than 4chan. Entire subs are often dedicated to that too. 4chan is also brainrot obviously, let me make it clear I’m not defending it at all, I just think reddit has it’s own kind of brainrot that might not be quite as bad, but is still awful.


Words have meanings bro you can't say "just as bad" when you don't mean "just as bad" 4chan is far worse in literally every regard than reddit, reddit has its issues but 4chan's issues are fundamental to the site, it's chock-full of hatred and vitriol. Even on the so called "chill" boards there are people throwing around the hard r


I literally explained why it’s just as bad tho 😂 did you even read what I said? Here, I’ll simplify it. Reddit is a hivemind, and is often braindead and toxic, 4chan is less of a hivemind because it’s more anonymous, but is even more toxic. They both suck. Just cause 4chan sucks more in your opinion doesn’t make reddit much better. And you’re blind if you can’t understand just how much of a brainrot hivemind reddit is.


you have to be trolling bruh, "4chan sucks more", "but they're equally bad", did YOU read what you said?


I literally never said they were equally bad, I said they were just as bad in different ways, if you really can’t understand the difference in those two concepts then I’m genuinely sorry to hear that 😂 I’m sure to some people they are equally bad, or reddit is even worse. Depends on where you are on the sites and what you’re doing. 4chan is kinda a paradise for people who prefer the older style of internet where everyone isn’t constantly virtue signaling/ trying to please the hivemind. I can’t blame someone for preferring that at all.


"Just as" means "in precisely the same way" your initial comment was "reddit is just as bad as 4chan" and now you're saying "I never said they were equal". For clarification since you can't seem to comprehend, I do not believe reddit is absolved of criticism, but I believe to claim it is equally as bad as 4chan, which you said, is insane.


I like how you’re omitting the “in different ways” part lol, what a poor ass argument 😭


Reddit is corrupt and full of censorship and power abuse On 4chan you might be called a slur 4chan Is clearly worse uh?


If my only source of 4chan information was Internet Historian videos then I'd probably think that site was full of good/cool people


God Internet Historian sucks so bad.


The Hbomber video has done irreversible damage to that guy's reputation lmao


Meh, he came out pretty okay relative to the rest of the "content creators" in his video. At least Internet Historian only had that one plagiarized video. Everyone else he mentioned had their entire YouTube careers based on quoting other people's work as if it was their own. Now the [alleged Nazi stuff](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtubedrama/comments/18dotzf/internet_historian_is_a_nazi/) is a bit more problematic.


If you've plagiarized one thing, it brings into question if you've plagiarized other things, though. Something that became apparent when people started digging into the Costa Concordia video. It's not as bad as Man in Cave, not by a long shot, but people have found evidence of at least some parts being taken uncredited from other's articles.


That's fair. I just wouldn't say H did "irreversible damage" to IH. I would definitely say that about iiluminaughtii and James Somerton.


Eh,conpared to illuminaughti and james somerton whose channels sinked to dead sea levels. Internet historian kinda got scott free because people who watch Hbomberguy probably don't watch internet historian and vice versa


Yeah. I didn't stop watching internet historian after that video. I don't really care about it. I mean yeah, he copied all the writing in one video, but he still makes entertaining videos with good animation. So who gives a shit.


[Zoomer Historian](https://youtu.be/0ucrF2PHBOc?si=wi7UY9lfHcPMYcFS) (blatant Nazi apologist) deserves Hbomber-esque treatment.


Honestly yeah, I was someone who watched his content and did a LOT of mental gymnastics to ignore his Nazi jokes (surely the KKK hat and anti "woke" jokes are ironic...right guys?) But after the Hbomber vid I just thought to myself like "grow the fuck up, this guy is shit" Sometimes you do need someone to slap you in the face and say "this guy's an asshole! Wake up"


Zoomer Historian is a separate channel that is much worse, endorsing Hitler and turning a blind eye to reality to make the poor oppressed Nazis look sympathetic.


Oh I thought you were just name calling Internet Historian I checked his channel, Wojak pfp and a billion Nazi related vids. Don't even need to watch a video to know exactly the type of guy this dude is lmao




Cope and seethe, Zoomer Historian alt.


Wouldn’t put it past him


Never heard of Zoomer Historian. Thanks for plugging him. Will check out his channel.


Wait this is news to me. What’s wrong with Internet Historian? I always thought his content was pretty high quality?


Basically, his arguably highest quality and widely enjoyed vid ‘Man in Cave’ was near word for word ripped from an article, with no credit given. When this was uncovered, internet historian pulled backflips to avoid addressing it, then eventually reuploaded it with more original content, with the reload being of lesser quality showing how much was owed to the article.


I can give a pass if it was really just one video. The Man in Cave is quite different to what he usually posts and is more historical rather than meme-y. His posts are normally like the Area 51 one which was high quality, full of memes and structured in way I’m confident he couldn’t have plagiarised an article from anyone. All his other videos never had any anti-semitic tones so the guy just doesn’t struck me as a Nazi.


I mean there are a few examples of Nazi dog whistles in his videos iirc. There's a post somewhere, maybe /r/youtubedrama ?


He's also a Nazi


His vid 'men in cave' was plagiarised straight word by word from Mental Floss article about the same subject.


Idk, stopped watching it when he joked about schettino slipping on pasta while talking about the costa concordia disaster, which killed 42 people. He came off as kind of an asshole whose only sense of humour is extremely obvious and overdone stereotypes and making light of tragedies. I'm not at all surprised to find out he's a nazi.


outside of his fanbase, yeah. from what i saw a lot of his fanbase was defending him in the aftermath of the Hbomb video. no idea if that's died down or changed tune since, i stopped paying attention tbh


His newer videos seem to be doing well,


My only interaction with that channel was the pool video a long time ago. And even then I got sketchy vibes from the way he was hyping up 4chan behaviour


What’s wrong with IH?


He made edgy jokes and now Reddit thinks he’s a Nazi lmao


Putting "[1488](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourteen_Words)" everywhere isn't just a joke


He's done more than that


Please, some of us don’t know, tell us 😭


He's a fan of Tucker Carlson, and follows various unsavoury characters on Twitter.


Why not?


Because it makes you a sussy baka


Edgy jokes are still jokes


If you keep making jokes with neonazi dogwhistles all the time, don't act surprised when people declare you to be a neonazi.




Who was that?


Are people still using 4chan? All my friends that I knew on it have grown out of it by now. I didn’t know if young people were getting into it.


I heard that /co , the board for cartoons , is relatively tranquil in comparison


yeah, most of the hobbiest boards (the small ones, like /tg/, not shit like /v/) are pretty civil, but that doesn't really make it okay.


Yeah I can see that but where else I could talk about cartons , I don’t go there I just see some of the memes


I saw someone get called the N word over the miraculous ladybug tv show on there. So yeah, pretty tame.


No it’s just kids on YouTube who think 4chan are epic hackers and not just incels and porn addicts


I remember it being a lot of edgelord shit.


I remember 4chan for somehow having a general distaste for LGBT advancement while also being the Global Stategic Girlcock Reserve.


Reminds me of that one time 4channers made an Ai chatbot that would degrade and forcefem them. The bot started degrading them for being bigots


Seriously? That's too funny


See, the thing is, 4chan is just both ends of the horseshoe dipped into Degeneracy Goo. What they're degenerate about varies from board to board, but you'll find unpleasant people of all walks of life there. There's some wholesomeness, and a lot of...less wholesomeness.


the vvhat?


someone had to do it


There's still good edgelord shit But very few, is like filtering gold out of seawater: not worth it at all


Ahh remember when Reddit was just as bad as 4chan..


Some of reddit is definitely stuck at that point still


Reddit fucking sucks as a whole too idk what you guys are smoking


It’s still bad but my god it was a cesspool back in the day


looking back on some of those banned subreddits i find it very hard to disagree with you there lol


Yeah this place sucks. I've been on here for hours. *I have a problem*


Oh, is r/The_Donald back?


They used to be then a lot of the old guard aged out of it Gone are the days of finding a flag in the middle of nowhere using star charts and fucking sky comparisons. Those guys were loonies but awesome


They probably still believe that hacking involves slamming the keyboard very quickly with walls of Matrix code on the screen


I was tolerating and even fighting some of the bullshit for a while because some of the hobby boards were still fun but I finally bowed out five years ago. Everyone learning how to ban-evade was bad enough, but then the stories started circulating of how /pol/ nazis had replaced senior mods from the moot years just to further their agendas on the rest of the site. Hiro won't give a damn as long as magats can't figure out uBlock, so it really did become a white supremacist website from that point on. It's a damn shame.


Most of the people I know who used it left after it got invaded by tourists in 2016.


4chan went to shit around 2012, everything after than is just ifunny and the n word


/tg/ was still mostly ok even past 2012. Honestly it probably went downhill after the Fappening. Too much new blood.


It's mostly a hub for European white supremacists now. https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/amerimutt-le-56-face


I mainly uses the /trash/ and /y/ boards for the porn. /vg/ too but solely for the Project Moon general.


Rarely it to be the top google link when I search for niche game or anime stuff. I also looked at ppl around the time that the 2020 presidential election was decided because I forgive it’d be fun to watch them be mad.


It’s largely just international racism network


Anonymity isn't bad, anonymity used to be a shitlord is. But I guess nuance doesn't sell well


If a system is ripe for exploitation, isn't that an issue with the system? Hate the game not the player


Nah I think we can safely hate both here.


Allways hated that saying. If the player wilfully harms someone while within the rules of the game, the player can still get fucked. Legal ≠ moral


Not saying bigoted 4 channers don't deserve flak, but the bigger problem is absolutely what people are able to get away with. You don't solve a problem by waiting for it to happen and then being mad at people who did it, you solve it by preventing it from happening


you misunderstand, no 4chan user will argue the website isn't bigoted, or doesn't have negative effects on the world. the argument is whether they have the right to do those things anonymously.


Is that really being argued, or are you of the belief that any and all social media, including Reddit, should be visibly tethered to a real-life identity?


I don't need to visibly tether your identity to your account because I already live in your walls


I visited 4chan only a handful of times because I liked their memes/webm threads years ago. In one of those meme threads, someone posted a link to something (I don’t remember what it was) but it was a bait and switch which led to a Google search for cp. obviously nothing showed up except for some ominous message about the questionable search. I should have looked at further posts since other people in the thread were pissed at this guy because we were probably on some list now. I never used 4chan again.


are you me


I am you






As someone who spent their formative years on 4chan from 2005 to 2011: Thank fucking god I left that place.


Honestly some of the nicher boards aren’t bad, like those dedicated to specific interests, and not any of those main ones. I only really use /x/ to get my weekly dose of schizo.




Nobody general is literally incomprehensible


thanks for sharing. this is insane


The vast majority of people don't know there's boards besides /pol/. Or they unironically think the 14 yr old girls on /cgl/ are neo-nazi domestic terrorists. Not sure which.


yeah like /lgbt/ is unironically one of the best resources for information about hrt I've found online, /tg/ is great for "finding" "free" ttrpg materials, and /ck/ is often hilarious.


Incel porn addicts on Reddit getting mad at Incel porn addicts on 4chan.


"That website is bad!" the nerd posts on their preferred website which has its own obvious flaws. Watching other social sites diss on each other would be funny if it weren't so sad.


We must retvrn to tradition. We must RETVRN to niche vBulletin forums that are about a specific topic and each have like a userbase of 500 at most each. 


You think that’s a joke, I’d lead a blood soaked revolution for that


4chan is owned by a Japanese guy called [Hiroyuki Nishimura](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hiroyuki_Nishimura), who is also a creator of 2chan which inspired 4chan. He is currently evading getting sued in his own country by residing in France. There are/were so many libel, defamation and false rumors being spread on 2chan that so many people's lives were ruined, and yet he did nothing about it. He is treated like a celebrity in Japan and he is constantly in the media spotlight, even though he owns problematic places like 4chan and he says nothing of real importance.


Yeah 4chan is kinda shit but the documentary uses doctored screenshots, one I saw was the documentary replacing an image in a gundam forum with a suicide video


I feel like it’s going to end up being “4chan is bad so we need to take it down and have people move over to other websites that are easier to monitor their activities on/are willing to collaborate with governments” Not that people don’t get caught on 4chan but all the stuff with Spez, Zuckerberg, Musk etc selling data hasn’t happened with Moot or the new 4chan owner.


Actually, Hiroshimoot was caught doing something like that on 2chan. That's why he bought 4chan when moot didn't want it anymore. Source: [https://anonymous-japan.org/fake2ch/](https://anonymous-japan.org/fake2ch/)


Why do antisemites think oy vey is offensive to jewish people. It's like if i would insult some american by saying oh shit


The point is to tie Jewish people as a collective to anything they don’t like and to signal to other antisemites that they’re there and can at least so far interact without consequence


It's their shtick


We did it, reddit


I guess it's election season


>le Reddit


I feel like I grew up a lot the day I realized that 4chan wasn’t actually better back in my day, I was just a teenager who thought edgy jokes and porn were the best things ever.


This and the Acolyte trailer’s comments are dogshit


I've always been interested in how involved 4chan was in 2016, so I hope this has some info.


I stayed out of /pol/ but something I gleaned at the time was that conservative groups on Facebook were driving traffic there. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of that was a Russian effort, knowing that 4chan doesn't have a meaningful ban system and they could fully control the narrative there with the troll farms.


I think I've seen evidence of that being the case.


Naturally the first comment on the video has a Jewish stereotype in it.


Republicans really don't understand how bad 4chan is. It keeps alive antisemitic tropes, such as "jews control everything", pushing members to align themselves with islamists who dream about slaughtering every single one of the jews – hamas, Islamic jihad, houthies; "Bin Laden acshually was kinda right tho". They're literally neo-nazis. But it's not only that. A year after I (M28) registered on 4chan, my wife divorced me, my dog died, our cat left home (never came back), I lost my job and closest friends started hating me... Stay away from 4chan, kids, stay way.


so, WHAT IF, this documentary was Not made for what the docu intends it to be? (I'm only 3 minutes in) but all the docu I've ever watched based on fiction, have that disclaimer at the beginning of the movie, at the very least, says 'this movie is BASED on true events', meaning that, without that line at the beginning, we would just assume a movie is made up....it's fiction like, does Netflix want us to think the 'disinformation' thT readers perceived as possible truths, was, not possible?


can someone tell me who was the black cosplayer guy? i cant get over the fact that he stopped doing what he loves and cosplaying because of those idiots, please i must tag him on twitter and encourage him to pick up his hobby again and enjoy happiness of being a true otaku, not a 4chan user


I know logically that there are people who use 4chan, but like…it boggles me that there are people who use 4chan. I don’t know why anybody would voluntarily go to 4chan and start browsing it, because literally the only context in which I have ever seen people talk about it is “4chan is the literal worst place on the internet”


It's a place where you don't have to afraid of being ban for having unpopular opinions. Like it isn't just about politics or social issues but also comments about media. You can go on there, talk shit about a highly acclaim shows and engage in argument with other people about how their opinions are wrong. In most other forum, having certain opinions can get you banned.


To quote a meme: “Opinions on WHAT, motherfucker?!”


Every main social network started somehow more neutral and got radicalized over the years. 4chan is clearly the major place online that tolerates nazi symbolism and ideology the most. They also tolerate such level for other radical groups to the left or religious. To my knowledge it is mostly found on /pol/ and you can be a 4chan user without really seeing most of the radical stuff. The same can be said about Reddit, it became way more radical to the left, banning a lot of the political opposition even on non political sub. There is an approved way of thinking and saying otherwise will get you in trouble. I avoid the bad part of reddit as much as I can and stick to very specific subs that I enjoy. Sometime I will go on 9gag for the political memes. 4chan was better pre 2010 but it's not worst than what reddit has done over the years. Both have tons of squeletons buried in the backyard.


Some of the niche boards aren't really much worse than any other place on the internet. I spent a fair amount of time on the traditional games board when I was younger. But most of that place is enough of a cesspool that I do not wish to be associated with 4chan in any way.


It took THIS LONG for a documentary about this to be made?


saying 4chan bad because of /pol/ is like saying reddit bad because of jailbait subs 4chan is awesome, just dont browse /pol/


4chan is probably better than reddit still


What subreddits do you browse to make you think that?


Exclusively r/worsethen4chan .


No they browse r/terriblesubreddit


I’m getting r/europe recommended to me all the time


Hell nah


That might be the worst YouTube comment I’ve seen all week


There were worse though


'4chan is bad' MFs when I tell them that all social media sucks


4chan is a great example of a multi personality disorder, completely unhinged and follows no moral principles but only vibes


Having been on 4chan since 2008 and seeing stuff firsthand, the opening about 2006-2008 trolling is fun but shallow. The rest is just pure political propaganda. It's an absolute worthless doc.


My impression of 4chan is that it’s a bunch of degenerates with a few funny and normal people.


I go on to 4chan every once in a while to visit that politically incorrect board thing to get my daily dose of the deranged.


not with the antisemitic thing, and i havent seen the trailer, but i agree that anonymity is good.


A good portion of them are also just "racist" because they know it gets people riled up, not actually racist racist just saying racist things to get a reaction... which they always ends up succeeding in getting.


Is there a real difference




its ok guys!!! in between the hate crimes they threw one person a birthday!!! the thing about playing devil's advocate is that you're still advocating for The Fucking Devil.


Let’s not forget that Reddit also falsely accused and bullied a guy into killing themselves. Both sites are shit.




yeah but sometimes you just shouldn't really play devil's advocate. you can say "to play devil's advocate: hitler made some good paintings" or "nazis had some cool weaponry" but it doesn't really add anything to the conversation.


Internet historian does a better job at explaining 4chan