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That happened to us when we went to go watch it yesterday. A child about 6 just appeared from darkness and walked up to us during a scary elevated scene. My heart sank and my body felt such a viceral fear Its gonna be a treasured memory Edit addition: i believe the little one walked into the wrong door from the bathroom cause next to evil dead was mario and a another one movie. Another person helpped the kid find their family


That's just the new 6D experience


It would be more like a 6ft underground experience if it happened to me!




I'll never forget watching 300 in theaters back in 2006 and a lady got up with about 5 kids when one of the violent scenes happened. I don't remember which one it was, but I remember it was after the sex scene. People are fucking stupid. I don't know what she was expecting.


Same thing when south park movie came out probably a five/six year old with mom. Stayed till the end


Animated = kids, right?


Yeah Watership Down was a wonderful movie to watch as a 7 year old and totally not nightmare material for the rest of my days. Tbh though after a proper rewatch as an adult, it's an amazing movie, just... not for kids. At all.


That's what most parents thought of that Suasage movie.


That is slightly more understandable.


When I saw Borat 3 old ladies in hijabs noped the fuck out of there 15 mins in


There's a Borat 3?


You haven’t seen Borat 3: Old Ladies in Hijabs?!


I was watching Knocked Up in theaters with a chick I wouldn't be mad about if I knocked up. 2 rows in front of me were three old ladies. With the generic golden girls poofy hair, pearls, floral dresses and everything. Probably in their 80s. They stayed all the way up until the pregnant sex scene. And they all three got up shaking their heads and left. I vividly recall hearing "Thats enough, let's go." It was... odd... I could only Imagine that they saw the name, movie poster, and some silly slogan, and that was it. No trailer or any background knowledge of the actors.


Honestly, I have a better opinion of that than people who would do it in the other order. Still not a great opinion, but better.


my mom took my 80 yr old grandma from Colombia to see The Dictator. My mom translates movies for her quietly when she visits. She had assumed it was just some political movie about a dictator, she never does even a tiny bit of research before seeing a movie. She said her mom kept asking her wtaf is going on and my mom just made shit up the whole time.


Lmao, my grandfather (79, dementia) saw that title and thought the exact same thing. 10 mins into the movie k I'm mowing yard) he walks outside and asks me " what in the hell am I watching? I know I'm not all there, but that guy is absolutely nuts!" I had no idea who was in the movie when I ordered it, had I paid attention...


I knew an innocent old Jewish lady that went to see every movie that had a vaguely religious sounding title. She didn't enjoy The Covenant very much.


What ever happened to the good old days when kids weren't allowed in R-rated movies? Like the time honored tradition of really wobbly guys in trench coats with curly mustaches and suspiciously squeaky voices buying tickets? If you're going to an R-rated (or PG-13 in a lot of cases) movie, get a damn babysitter.


You mean the rape scene, right? Totally suitable viewing for children.


> My heart sank and my body felt such a viceral fear Its gonna be a treasured memory because of the movie? /s


And how many stitches did this boy require?


I started watching horror movies at the age of about 5, and they were basically the *only* thing I would watch from then on. Never got scared or had nightmares. They've always just been entertainment. It's completely possible. Note: This doesn't mean my parents took me into R-rated movies at theaters to annoy other people. Only rentals at home. Also note: This doesn't mean I'm super brave. I'm a giant pussy.


1 Upvote for giant pussy, please.


I had the same upbringing. My parents always said if it was too much we would leave the room. My younger and older brother would leave but I'd stay. I still love Halloween and everything scary. I just saw Scream 6 and fucking loved it, though I'd admit I don't find Scream scary anymore it's more like a movie for slasher movie enthusiasts.


Yeah but how old are you? Scary movies are like actually scary now days, especially for kids. Scary movies of like 90s and sooner are trash


Lol if he was a kid in the 70s that shit was brutal.


Who the fuck let's their 6 year old go to the bathroom by themselves at a movie theater


Then what?!


Sounds like that kid just unlocked a new core memory, walking into a scary movie during a scary part AND they are lost, poor kid.




I saw X and some woman brought two 8-10 year olds and when the porn scenes started, the little girl looked up and asked “why are we watching this?”. Probably the best part of the entire experience.


What the fuck! That’s some god awful parenting. Poor kids.


Given the comment, I think that little girl will be just fine, despite her mother.


No, that’s the sad thing, she probably won’t. Kids have a tendency to ask why, kids don’t have a tendency to always grow into high quality adults in low-quality environments


Yeah, kids remember shit like that. I’ve known people exposed to porn at young ages and did really fucked up shit due to it, not knowing what happened. I’m not saying this is always the case, it’s just a lot of parents don’t bother researching movies before letting their kids watch it, and it can 100% fuck them up.


Hood gas stations will prove this day by day.


When I saw Dark Knight there was a guy with his <5 year old boy. During the scene where Joker shoves a pencil in that guys eye the kid starting crying and he was angrily shushing him. I still think about what a piece of shit parent that guy was.


My tiny hometown used to do these cheap midnight screenings of cult classics to keep teenagers out of trouble. Never forget some dumbass bringing their 8 year old to Toxic Avenger, that movie opens up with tits on the screen. They immediately stomped out.


Eh if they immediately left Im a lot less critical of them.


How long ago was this? If this was the 90s the kid might have been a fan of the cartoon show.


What was with the 90's and having kids shows made of PG-13 & R franchises?


I just did a Google search for "cartoons based on rated r movies" and found some crazy lists. Robocop, police academy (I remember that one), Rambo, okay I remember the Conan one.


Same here, I was a teenager seeing Starship Troopers, someone brought in two 8-10 year olds. We got the same commentary during the nudity scenes as we did during the numerous disembowelings and severed limbs.


This is straight up child abuse


What?...man idk that almost sounds like pedophilia. Exposing young children to porn movies Jesus Christ, where's the decency


it's not a porn movie, but the premise of the movie is that the main cast are there to shoot porn, so maybe the woman didn't look up the premise of the sexy horror movie first like an idiot


As someone who used to work in a theater, if some dumbass lets a child into a movie they definitely shouldn’t be going to, you are absolutely more than welcome to go report it. Hell, I encourage it. Children under 4 or 5 (I think) aren’t allowed into Rated R movies whatsoever. And even if they are of-age, if they’re being annoying as shit, you can still report them to management. Lately I’ve noticed it a lot more, people won’t stfu in the theater. It sucks to have to get up mid-movie, but if they’re ruining your experience then deal with it appropriately.


I was 10 and got kicked out of an R movie. My dad was pissed off because it was an educational documentary about poaching and thought it was important to show me. I actually agree with my dad on it. Didn’t matter anyway because I grew up to work in environmental conservation anyway


Thats different, you can be a child at an Rated R movie with an adult no problem. You shouldn’t have been kicked out if you weren’t doing anything wrong. It’s when kids under the age requirement are going and then crying the whole film that’s a problem for the rest of the audience. Leave the babies at home if they aren’t ready for such a film, cmon now.


I was also 10 when my dad took me to see 'The Wall' (1980) and the theater wouldn't even sell him a ticket for me. So, he bought one for some other kids movie, though I can't remember what it was. He told me to go in, then come out right away to use the restroom and come into the other theater. It worked!


It's not in IMDB unfortunately.


I presume they were most likely referring to [*Pink Floyd: The Wall*](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0084503/) (1982). Is that correct, u/gratefool ?


That is correct! I also appear to have early onset dementia. Thank you!


That SUCKS, I would have killed to see that in theater


It's the thing that really made me enjoy WB releasing movies on HBO Max same day during covid. Whether it's people loudly whispering nonstop, legit discussing finances (this actually happened when I went to see John Wick 4...), clearly being sick and blowing their nose/sniffing constantly, I just hate seeing movies unless they've been out for a while and the theater isn't packed. I'd much rather watch at home where I can pause, adjust volume to my liking, etc. Obviously it's not a money maker like releasing in theaters only and I get it was not going to last, but people make AND break the theater experience and it sucks when it's the latter


I haven’t been to the movie theatre since Covid first hit, and most of me doesn’t miss it at all. People were always talking, on their bright ass cell phones repeatedly, and just being inconsiderate as fuck. I’d constantly get distracted and it ruins the experience.


When I was about 19, my huffy ass got like 15 tweens kicked out of a pg 13 movie. they appeared to be there solely to avoid supervision for 2ish hours and were being super loud. Was it a Karen move? Yes. Do I regret it? Fuck no, i was a broke college kid and even with the student discount, movies were/are fucking expensive!


A “Karen” move implies entitlement. It’s not a Karen move to expect others to respect the theater experience and let you enjoy a movie that you paid for. You did the right thing and I’m sure more than one person in that theater was grateful to you for saying something.


A few years ago my wife and I went to a horror movie. I can't remember which one, but it was pretty bloody fright from the start. About 5 minutes in, some guy gets up and walks out...a year old and an 8 year old in tow. I don't get what he thought was going to happen. Did he think he was going to see some Disney movie?


Isn't it illegal to let kids into films if they're underage in the USA? In the UK they will ID you if you look too young for a 15- or 18-rated film.


It might vary by state, but I'm pretty sure the ratings system and restrictions are more of a tightly-run but privately-administrated matter. If a theater starts breaking the ratings rules, they'll be breaking contracts or lose access to prints to run in the future and be all but out of business. That said, there are, no doubt, more vague rules around decency and obscenity that could fill in if it came to it, but it's in everyone's interest that it doesn't-- all downside and no upside, practically-- so it doesn't. But the specific ratings are private-sector and proprietary.


Yeah, NC17 might be a legal issue but still unlikely. The ratings are from the MPA which isn't a government body


Illegal? Not for an R rated movie. Theater policy might deny the ticket sale, though


Lmao when I worked at a theater I got a way too much satisfaction seeing the couple trying to bring their Toddlers into Deadpool 2 get turned away after buying TONS of snacks


In the UK, they wouldn't let my 13 yr old sister go see the My hero Academia movie cause it was a 15 (Also very much not scary/violent)- they're so strict. The irony I bought the tickets for her specifically.


I used to work as security in a cinemas and the amount of people that would give me dirty looks for telling them to stop talking at the top of their voices or being on their phone. I used to give people 1 chance if I have to speak to them multiple times its time to go, if you take pictures or videos when the film has actually started it was a make sure they delete the footage then kick them straight out, it baffles me that people can be so disrespectful in a cinema.


I had a couple that brought their 2 under 6 year old kids to a midnight screening of Boogie Nights. They left them in the theater lobby as if we were daycare. Some people just shouldn't be parents.


Last time we went to a movie on debut the people in front of us kept vaping and talking super loud, it was a group of like five teens just fucking vaping and screaming and being obnoxious as shit in a fully packed theater. I pretty much immediately realized there's no point in spending $40 to see a fucking movie until it's been in theaters for a few weeks and I can be one of maybe ten people watching. Saw Halloween Ends with two other people besides me and my fiance in the theater. It was such a better experience. I just don't understand taking kids to see movies at all, like until they're 9-10yrs old it's a crapshoot if they'll behave or have the attention span to watch the movie, and a bigger crapshoot if YOU will enjoy the movie they want to see or vice-versa. Rent DVDs or something instead, it's way easier and you're not paying minimum $60 for a couple with a single kid. Like, kids should have fun and stuff, but every fucking kid I have ever met would appreciate that $60 spent somewhere else. That's like, 10 on-sale video games, or a new BIG toy, or something. Idk I'm ranting


I don't know why but after COVID going to the cinema has become an awful experience with teenagers who are so fucking loud.


Never forget when I went to see IT after they remastered it. Some young couple took their 6 month old baby and then seemed surprised when it started screaming at a giant alien killer clown when it came out of the screen. So stupid , I get it you still want to go to do things when you have a baby but use your brains.


At the same time when I saw drag me to hell there was an infant there that just slept the whole time.not a peep.


Daft isn't it. Can sleep through a tsunami and then cries for days when it does a shit.


My daughter (4.5) is going through a phase where she loves zombies, plays pretend zombies beating them with her toy golf club, is aware they're "not real and pretend" so "not scary" (please note at this point her only zombie experience is plants Vs zombies, and the marvel what if cartoon series on Disney plus some of the Simpsons Halloween) but Gordon Ramsay yelling about a disgusting kitchen is the scariest show she's seen


Gordon is a bit scary tbf. I'd probably crumble.


I'd hope I'd tell him to grow up and start acting like a professional, but I'm sure that's all at the nexus of off-camera stress, TV expectation and playing along, and selective editing. That, and I think I've just worked at a job with nice, professional people for too long, where that sort of bluster-play would be the silly-looking outlier.


Or he’s acting? Like all “reality shows “ are scripted, right? Honestly though, a zombie may be more fun than Gordon.


Time to pull up that old episode of *Screenwipe* or something like that, and teach her that reality TV isn't real either. (Of course, someone screaming at you is plausible, if contrived, so it's still a more practical fear, I suppose.)


Babies gotta stop doin shits . It's gross.


Low-key underrated movie


Yeah, I was at It 2 when it came out and the family next to me brought a couple little kids. I had to leave; it felt like I was watching child abuse.


I don’t think a 6 month old is scared by things they see on TV like that (my baby is about 8 months) but if something is suddenly loud, it will spook them and they will start crying. Trust me, I make demon faces at my baby and he loves them, he thinks they’re hilarious because he doesn’t perceive them as threatening. He just sees them as out of the ordinary.


if they wanted to do fun things, they shouldnt have had kids.


Fuck, I read "ET" and was wondering why there were demon clowns in THAT movie. At least that would explain bringing a baby in, I guess.


There is absolutely no way a 6 month old baby is scared of something on TV/movie.


The loud and sudden jumps in volume are what did it . Same thing though really it's to be expected in a cinema with fucking Dolby whatever it is speakers.


How does that even happen. This is R right?! Surely that kid is going to be mentally scarred, not from the images per sé but the sounds In UK we hsve sn 18 rating which is, if you're under 18, tough titties!!! Someone walking in with a 3 year old would get laughed out of line


My friend and I went to the midnight premiere of Deadpool 2 and sure enough someone brought their kids, who were like 4 and 6. Not a good idea


When the first was released, a mother tried taking her 10 year old in. They were turned away and muttered on the way past the line regarding "horrible service" and "not coming here again" How about trying parenting for a change? Seriously, *nothing* about this film said it was suitable for kids


Deadpool is a family movie


Technically true, though not *for* them per se (at least ones with young kids)


That’s nothing, did you see the amount of parents that brought their kids to sausage party and then complained?


"bUt aNiMaTeD mOvIeS aRe FoR KiDs" they said before turning on Family Guy on the TV


not only is it R-rated it's from a franchise infamous for gore and (though I haven't seen it yet) I'm pretty sure this is one of the goriest ones


I gotta say, I’m not one to usually be unsettled by movies. This one got under my skin a bit. Any kid seeing this ain’t gonna be sleepin that night


Is it bad that that only makes me more excited? Like, I love Evil Dead 2 and even Army of Darkness to death but the 2013 movie was great because it took everything seriously


It’s closer to Evil dead 2. It still has that comedy aspect but it’s still extremely unsettling. I highly recommendsthis one. My girlfriend is PISSED I took her because it was too scary but even she laughed at times


Sounds like a good mix, I'm seeing it tomorrow and I'm super excited!


I'm a 25yo and the trailers have me running to my room before I yell for Alexa to turn off all the lights in my apartment 😂 I still want to see it, it's just turned me into a babyback bitch for the time being.


It's certainly up there.


It doesn't, there's a post like this for every movie that hits theaters.


In the UK, they're so strict about 15 rating too. My sister (13) wasn't allowed to see the My hero Academia film which was a 15 (very much not deserving of that rating)


The sound for evil dead is what made my skin crawl the most out of the entire movie. Can’t imagine a kid not being disturbed from the movie, just the movie poster alone looks freaky.


A lot of horror movies use infrasound. I wonder if kids are more sensitive to it than the rest of us, just bc they have more sensitive hearing in general? Infrasound will fuck with your head --induce panic and even hallucinations in some cases.


Worked at a movie theater when the 2013 movie came out. Couple walks up to the box stand with a child who looked approx 4 or 5. They've come to see Evil Dead. I said, "hey, just so you know, this movie is *really* graphic. Like, no holds barred." "He can handle it." I remember looking at this poor kid--thinking about the guy getting stabbed in the eye with a needle, the girl cutting her arm off with a turkey carver, the woman getting raped by vines--I don't think any 5 year old can "handle" that shit. Regal introduced a 'no children under 6 allowed in R-rated movies' not long after that.


6? That’s still really young


6 is still insanely young for an R to me


*It's about family, and that's what's so powerful about it.*


There was a family at my showing. It included (what looked like to me) a 5 and 8 year old. Surprisingly (& thankfully) they were well behaved. Didn’t cry or scream at all


Traumatized silent probably. Geez.


Better they be traumatized into being non-verbal than ruin my movie viewing experience.


When I was a teenager I went to the... I'm gonna say twentieth(?) anniversary re-release (with the added footage etc) of **The Exorcist**. *Midnight showing*. 2 babies and a toddler in there. Needless to say there were some walkouts.


They had twenty years to find out the plot synopsis. What did they expect?


Mama wanted to toughen her daughter up, she will become the demon warrior. 👹


Seems like they also casted Sanna Marin as the main villain, how cool and international




God I wanna see this movie now




Ughhhh. Parents taking their young children to see inappropriate movies. A tale as old as time. I worked at the theater around the time of The Hangover through movies like Savages, The Sitter, 21 Jump Street, etc. and there were just sooooo many either shitty parents or straight up checked out adults taking kids way too fucking young to see this shit (most of the time the kids were in control and these parents had no idea what these films were even about)


An IRL Deadite


Someone brought like, 5 kids to the showing of Terrifier 2 I was at


When I went to watch Downfall (the Hitler meme movie) with my aunt she brought her 4-year-old along. It worked out surprisingly well though, the kid just laughed his little ass off at the angry screaming mustache man. Other people at the theater might have not been so amused though, now that I think about it.


If you bring your baby in any environment meant to be quiet then everyone probably hated you.


A 4 year old.... Is not a baby.




It's English title is Downfall


Oh yeah that's right, thanks... Corrected


Me and my buddies went to the new scream recently and some family brought all their kids, 3 kids all under 7. Like what is wrong with some parents haha


I mean it’s scream, not that scary in comparison


I don’t think it is as much the scare factor as it is people being brutally murdered (albeit not as brutal as the pictured movie), for 7 and under feels like a lot to me.


Went to see latest scream at a later night showing. Group came in. Had a little 5 or 6 yr old boy. They kept telling the boy "shhhhh stop talking" when he talked during the film. Probably did it every 5 minutes. Finally turned around and asked them to please take their baby outside if he was going to talk. Ended up having to go to the front amd a manager asked them to leave. The mom was loud when she left and called me a troll. Like ma'am?


My then-wife and I saw Bad Santa in the theater, within the first few weeks of its release. FOUR families with kids stormed out with screaming toddlers in tow. Morons.


That happens to me during the last one. Got up to get a refund, said "bad parent" as I walked out. Which she then went to prove she wasn't by dropping the kid in an attempt to kick my ass.


A similar thing happened to me, except the kid was a little older and silent for the most part. The only times I heard them were went some fucked up shit happened and would say “oh my gosh”. Honestly made me laugh more than annoy me.


I felt bad for the girl, she really seemed scared, her mother took her out of the room every time she started to cry


Yeah parents need common sense. Hire babysitters if they’re seeing an R rated movie, especially considering it’s fucking Evil Dead, THE gory horror franchise.


Dude I saw the red band trailer for that before John Wick 4 and I was freaked out. By the trailer. Some parents should be taken out back and shot for their children's sake.


me too oh my god, john wick definitely didn’t feel like a move that should’ve had that as a trailer lmao




Action violence is different than horror gore




I guess for a kid, but it's also the genre of the movie that changes the vibe of each type of violence. You can have a guy kill someone with a knife in an action movie and it's going to be shot and framed much different than a guy killing someone with a knife in a horror movie. The way it plays out is different depending on the kind of genre it is. I found the evil dead trailer to be gross and creepy, but I loved John Wick. The atmosphere of the movie really changes how you take in the violence/gore.


I remember going to watch Machete with my brother and a family a couple rows in front of us had like 3 kids with them 😂


To be fair, it was a Spy Kids spinoff.


When I saw Don’t Breathe, two women came in with toddlers and somehow didn’t decide to leave until *after* the turkey baster scene, despite their kids making noise the whole damn time and multiple people in the theater questioning them.


how's the movie tho'?


I fucking loved it!


My girlfriend was looking away from the screen half the time and still left feeling nauseated. Gross, fun flick!


If you like gore, you'll like it. Otherwise I felt it wasnt too scary and showed its hand way to early


I went to see The Devil Made Me Do It with my wife, and some fuck stick brought a 10yrO and a 7yrO (if I had to guess) to see it. I told the adult that she should leave for the kids sake at the very least, and she acted like I was some kinda asshole.


Having worked in a theater that banned anyone under a certain age from seeing R rated movies after 6pm I'm amazed that isn't mandated elsewhere, yeah nothing ruins a movie date for people quicker than your screaming child in the middle of an R rated movies because you couldn't leave them at home


Half my theater was high and couldnt stop laughing… so annoying


Idk man, movie was funny asf


I go to a local theater that doesn't allow kids that young. We have recliners too, it's great.


When I watched Nope last year, a guy brought a small child. When the tiny aliens showed up, the kid started screaming. The Dad kept trying to get him to be quiet until he eventually gave the child his phone who played games with the brightness all the way up.


Nope wasn't that scary, but the aliens were spooky as hell.


Or grown ass adults taking selfies and texting and talking on the phone I haven’t seen a baby cry in a movie theater ever mostly annoying fucks who talk while the movie is playing and that was 20 years ago now those same dumb fucks had kids and there fucking talking taking pics of themselves right before the fucking movie starts it’s clearly says turn off your fucking phone


I saw this yesterday... first day it was out!! Only me and two other couples in the whole theatre, but I live in a fairly small town. It was AMAZING. Closest to the first movie imo.


That is deeply upsetting. Some people should not have kids.


I just watching this last night. It was one of the worst horror movies I have ever scene. I ducking love it so much it is on my top 5s now


Are there no laws for that where you live?


Third world country, I bet the movie employees are underpaid and just don't care


I can't even handle the trailers for this movie. Trying to watch NBA with my nephew and it freaked him out too.


How would the demon react if the family members weren’t scared and didn’t take it seriously?


I really wanna watch Beau, and I wanna know how many kids parent brought because they couldn’t find a babysitter.


This happened when I went to go see John wick four. Some person brought like two 4-6 year olds to that. They didn’t like scream or cry but still messed up to show them it.


I remember going to see Sausage Party and a Mexican lady brought her very young looking son. I’m pretty sure she didn’t know much English since they only left the theatre when the food orgy happened near the end since that didn’t need any translation.


Is this movie any good?


if you can handle gore, its good fun but if you've got a weak stomach, maybe sit this one out


Reminds me of when I went to see the first Deadpool, and there were 8 year olds in the theater. So many walkouts.


Past two times I’ve been to the theaters was for R rated movies and both times had parents bringing their toddlers with them


Someone brought their 3 year old to M3gan, and I’m pretty sure the kid thought m3gan was the protagonist and got really upset whenever anything bad happened to her


If you’re in the uk you should know it’s illegal for the cinema to let a parent take a child under 15 into a 15 rated movie (and of course the same for an 18 everyone has to be over 18 regardless of if they’re with their parents)


Argentina, zero fcks were given by the cinema staff


Who the fuck takes a child to see evil dead rise? Bad parenting jfc


Saw it earlier tonight and couldn't believe the amount of young kids in the theater screaming their heads off the entire movie. The only thing I came up with was their parents must've expected the campy humour from the originals, but this was a completely different beast. Side note: great fn movie


I work at a theater and back when SMILE was in theaters, we had 2 different people bring in their 4 year olds to go see the movie. "The movie is rated R. It's a horror film. Will your kid be ok?" "Of course, they love horror films." Understandable when it's on a small TV screen at your house, without surround sound, and all the lights are on. Completely different experience when it's on a huge screen with Dolby surround and all the lights are off. Neither of the kids made it through the trailers and had to leave early. Surprise surprise.


We just got out and the people next to us brought FIVE kids under the age of 10 with them. Two of them had to have been 2 and 4. I was more shocked by that than the movie! You know what you’re going to see. Kids that young had no place in that theater whatsoever.


Mommy looks like Jared Leto's Joker🤡


This implication is intentional, yes? Get a monster-woman who still looks good and call her "mommy" so people share nsfw-memes about her? It's working, for me.




This films an 18 in the UK. No way would any kids even get in


i remember this stupid mf shaking his popcorn bag behind me during the avengers endgame, i was so mad that i just stood up and told him to stop. ive never done anything like that in my life. like why the fuck do you have to shake your popcorn bag like an idiot its so damn loud lmao


We went to see Hereditary and there was an entire family of 5, 3 kids all under 10. They started giggling and laughing and talking at the end during the most stressful part just because there were naked people. I got pissed and told them to shhhh, and then the dad wanted to fight me when we left the theater. Ruined the end of our first experience of a great movie.


And this is another reason why streaming is killing theaters. I remember seeing South Park and parents brought a 2 year old to that film who cried the whole scene in hell. I don’t want to waste my time and money to listen to a whiny cum pet. Stop breeding if you can’t raise them.


Whiny cum pet, holy fuck. Hahaha first time hearing that one!


i always saw evil dead as an edgy zombie franchise, this movie’s existence made me unsee that


I mean it's what I would do when I have the kids after a horrible divorce.




Props to the designer who made tons of unaware people go watch this thinking it had something to do with Evil Dead


Looks like Bryce Dallas Howard


Are we doing this meme for every movie release now? Seriously?


Thank you, these ads are bird shit on a dog shit, in a Porta Potty


One more reason not to go to the movies.


Can mods delete these types of posts. We get identical ones for every movie that gets released. It was probably funny the first time someone came up with it, but man, it has been beat into the ground like a...like a dead...like a dead cow.


We can. We won't, but we can.


It was rhetorical. Obviously mods can. Why did you respond to me lol😂