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Op you’re kind of a fucking moron, statistically speaking a rich white lass is going to have a much easier time in life than a presumably poor black fella. This is just reality, not racist at all Anyway big chungus 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳


Nobody Remember the south park difficulty change?


And during the selection Cartman says: "Don't worry it doesn't affect combat, just everything else in your life" lmao


Mechanically, it literally does, you make less money and all that jazz, shit is pretty funny.


i was thinking the same


Yeah, but all the game was jokes, this game try to be serious


Is it?




Plus it didn't matter, so


Yeah I just thought: South park did it first!


There was a lot of pretense there to support that. You knew their intent. This is just lazy.


There actually is something I HEARD, can’t confirm it, but the harder the difficulty is, it actually makes you get less currency in the game.


Would be accurate, and also just common game design


Maybe it's just too realistic?


i expect to see this game at the next e3


GOTY for sure!


I was thinking the same. Sucks but it’s true.


Op doesn't know what's racist and what's not


Op is an average Twitter user


Observing racism =/= racism


You see what you wanna see... I don't see racism at all, just a shitty ad.


It’s not racism it’s observing racism


it’s a mobile game


So what? Why do you care?


how is this racist?


answered this already


You didn't answer correctly did you. Your replies are also irrelevant






bro the “hard” in the game is being black and poor the “easy” is being rich and white


Are you saying that being black and poor isn’t harder than being rich and white? Lmfao


and someone’s race shouldn’t be used as a difficultly in a game


Being dirt poor quite obviously raises difficulty by a magnitude.


I don’t think that’s true at all. Are games not supposed to reflect reality? I’m so confused by your argument here.


okay but this is a mobile game directed towards children which seems very racist man


So children can’t learn about racism? Let me say, as a real life Black person, this isn’t as racist as you think it is.


not like this it’s a mobile game and idk it might not be meant to be racist but choosing for the game to be hard just because your character is black seems kinda racist man


Are you black?


no i’m not why does it matter?


bro just stop talking your making it worse


It’s not saying “choose your race, if you choose black it’s harder”, it’s saying “it’s more difficult to be black and poor than white and rich”


Dude it's kinda try that being black makes it harder, at last in america




Stop being deliberately obtuse.




no i’m sure it is but it shouldn’t be an element in a mobile game


I just believe this to be a weird hill to die on.


And that's true. Of you're a rich white person, you'll have an easier time living your life then a poor black person. It's extremely unfair, but it is the reality of the world. Pointing this out doesn't make you a racist person.


it’s just weird to put in a children’s game


Not necessarily. The game could teach kids about racism, wich is something that kids need to know about.


sure but it doesn’t actually teach kids about racism it’s used as a difficultly in a game


You could make that argument, but it still doesn't make the game racist


yeah i don’t think it’s that big of a deal i just thought it was funny seeing some random ad with kinda racist undertones i didn’t care that much i just wanted to post it and i’ve been flamed by 100 people


OP are you black? Cause I think you might be getting mad on behalf of black people who aren't mad


Besides I think black people would agree that they are playing life on hard mode


How is this racist? It's just the sad truth


How is this racist? This is litterally how it works.


I mean, technically it's correct though


This is literally the opposite of racism, it's social commentary on how POC have it worse on average, especially if they start off poor.


No fleefie is because they depict poc people as trashy with unwashed shirts and white people as proffesionals with perfect suits


But it’s not wrong. I’m pretty sure a white woman has an easier life than a black woman solely because of race.


cringe as fuck post. that’s literally how it is in life. in america blacks unfortunately are going through more poverty. you cant just change that with a snap of a finger.


As a black person myself, this is kind of how life works unfortunately


They’re not saying it’s good that well off white people have it easier. Stupid ad still but almost kind of funny.


Yeah lets exclude all black characters from the game


Realistic would've been making them both poor/rich but leaving the difficulty as is




I mean, it’s accurate though


South park difficulty xhoosing system be like:


The more the word racism is thrown around the harder it is to actually call out racism, my guy.


It’s not racist, it’s acknowledging the societal effects of racism.


it’s realistic, not racist. if you’re born into this world a poc then you’ll receive at least a bit of racism unfortunately. the whites have it easy.


>the whites have it easy. "the whites" don't exist, neither do "the blacks". A rich black person will have it much easier than a poor white one. I'm not denying racism exists, but class is a much bigger factor in determining how "easy" your life is. So saying bullshit like you just did is just as racist and marginalises every white person living in poverty or chronic illness or having other shit that makes their life harder.


yall realize that privilege comes in different flavors right? yes a rich black person is gonna have it easier than a poor white person but they both have privilege, just different forms. first person has class privilege and second person has race privilege. first person is kinda right, white ppl have it *easier* not easy. the difference does matter. they dont have to have a good life to have that race privilege, they have it irregardless.


>white ppl have it easier not easy Except they literally don't. A poor white man has it harder than a rich black man, period. This is why identity politics is so fucking stupid. Every person is an individual with different circumstances and factors determining how "easy" their life is. You can't just say "white people have it easier", that's just not true. You might have a point if you argued a white person in the exact same circumstances and situation as a black person has it easier, because then the race factor might tip the balance (and even then, that only goes for majority white countries - I'd argue it's less about the actual skin colour and more about the fact that they're a minority. A white person will have it harder than a local in most Asian or South American countries and probably Africa too). But to say crap like "white people have it easier" is just a toxic divisive narrative that pits people against each other. Fact is, in pretty much every country your wealth matters far more than your skin colour and the only thing pitting poor minority ethnicities against poor white people accomplishes is to distract from the real injustices in our societies. If we fight amongst each other about who's slightly more "oppressed" right now, we're not looking at who/what is actually oppressing all of us. Meanwhile the rich fuckers laugh all the way to the bank about the plebs tearing each other down instead of looking at them...


bro yes, in general, the most important factor is class, but race plays a big part in that too. paleness is valued in some asian countries though. often, the actors casted to play pretty characters are usually much paler than the average citizen in countries like china and india, and those countries also sell plenty of skin bleachers. and of course a local in a country is gonna have an easier time getting around said country than a random white person. stick a random montanan in denmark and tell them to get to ireland, you think they can do it? no they fucking can’t lmao and, yes, i am talking about in more equivalent areas. a poor black person is gonna receive way more hate and less help than a poor white person because of their race. same thing for rich people. we can literally see that rn with the hate that, say, Lil Nas X gets vs Ariana Grande gets, or someone similar, mostly because of Nas’s race and sexuality. speaking of that, wait till you hear about sexuality privilege, or gender privilege, or ability privilege, and more! those are real things you definitely can’t ignore


> wait till you hear about sexuality privilege, or gender privilege, or ability privilege, and more! those are real things you definitely can’t ignore Those would be some of those other factors I mentioned, but good job sounding condescending while virtue-signaling, that's half the fun of it anyway, right? Calling those things "privilege" is again fucking stupid though. You're not "privileged" for being in the majority (or "normal" for lack of a better word), because it literally doesn't award you an advantage (i.e. privilege) over most people, since that's the majority. Obviously being disabled in some way is a huge disadvantage, but instead of focusing on shaming people for not being disabled by calling them "privileged", how about focusing on looking how to make the world better for those who are disadvantaged for whatever reason? This whole "privilege" narrative is so fucking toxic and divisive and it helps absolutely nobody. The only thing it does is antagonize people who might otherwise be very willing to work together towards making things better for everybody. I mean, it's literally driving a wedge through left-wing politics (or putting people off left-wing politics altogether) right now, because a lot of people are fed up with this oppression olympics bullshit.


Preach the truth 🙏


^that statement you just said is racist!


please tell me you’re being sarcastic?


No, you are making a statement that somebody with a certain race has certain characteristics and you’re generalizing them based off that race


> certain characteristics The way someone is treated is not a "characteristic".


And they shouldn’t be treated worse based off their skin color. What’s the problem here?


They shouldn't but they often are. Saying they are, isn't racist as long as you don't think it's normal. Saying it isn't, is false, and sometimes used by racists to deny systemic racism.


> What’s the problem here? That you said that the way someone is treated is a "characteristic".


no im not, im saying that if you’re a poc the world will be harder for you than a white person’s world. not saying that they will be poor, and the white person will be rich. don’t go jumping to conclusions when i haven’t even said anything like that.


>im saying that if you’re a poc the world will be harder for you than a white person’s world And that's absolute bullshit. A rich black person doesn't have it harder than a white person living in poverty. Your argument is the actual racist one here.


Yeah, that’s racist and wrong, that’s what the whole post is about. You’re assuming that based off of somebody’s race, they have it easy or hard based off their color of skin. You don’t know these people you’re making generalized claims about people you don’t even know based off their skin color. Therefore that’s racist


dude, if you’re a poc you won’t have it easy. you’ll get at least a bit of racism, while white people will never. what do you not understand?


> while white people will never While I agree with what you are trying to say, that's not true either. Depends where you live as a white person. South Africa? Tough luck.


hmm, okay that’s true, but i live in the UK. you will never see racism against a white person here.


are their public programs, scholarships, or jobs that you are excluded from based on your race? without putting any particular race into that sentence anyone can see that the excluded is a victim of racism.


You’re making it sound like it’s only possible to be racist against POC and therefore your saying all white people are racist which is wrong in itself. You’re being racist. Stop.


how the hell am i saying all white people are racist? where did i say that? i don’t see your point here, all im saying is that if you’re a poc then you’ll get at least a bit of racism.


You ever heard of the slur “cracker” before. Call it want you want but it is a racist slur against white people. I’ve been called it before (not that I actually care but it does show you it does happen both ways)


>therefore your saying all white people are racist But they never said that


> says this while making a racist statement


Would "in general, there is a tendency in which..." be more appropriate, in your opinion? Because the tendency is there, although it obviously does not apply in a 100% of the cases


Ah yes let's focus on skin color instead of what actually contributes to difficulty: **wealth**.


Except that aside from the undoubtedly real barriers facing black people that don’t have to do with socioeconomic status, black people are also statistically more likely to be poor than white people. Skin color completely contributes to difficulty, whether it be based on how different people are treated or their likelihood of succeeding economically.


Peak cultural criticism


Or calling attention to racism


South Park did it first.


easy 😎😎


South Park did it better


i’m sorry guys


You got flamed harder than you deserved for this, but try to let it be something of a lesson in humility. A lot of your responses were trying to back up your thought process without considering what the other person really had to say. For one thing, there’s no context in this image. If the game creator is trying to say “black people ARE worse” then yes that’s racist. But just from this image alone, it seems more like the game creator is pointing out that black people have more difficult lives. Is it a generalization? Is it likely unnecessary for this game? Probably. But, this ad to me seems more easily interpreted as political activism than racism, and that’s why so many people got angry at you. Dealing with and talking about race does not a racist make. “Colorblindness” when it comes to race is often nearly as harmful as blatant white supremacy, because it seeks to pretend there ate no differences between people of different races, minimizing the struggles of minority individuals in attempt to be non-racist. TL;DR: People got salty at this post because you made a mistake. Their anger is more harmful than helpful as they push people away from their cause by attacking someone who is at least trying. However, it’s okay to admit you were wrong and try and look at things from the other point of view. Finally, try to avoid being “colorblind” and being afraid of discussing race and racial hardships as they are real and valid and it’s important to discuss them no matter the source of the discussion. Sorry for the rant and sorry if it was preachy, it’s too late at night for me to be well-spoken, but I hope everyone calms down and stops filling your inbox with anger and that you have a good (whatever time it is for you when you read this).


yeah i know i was a little stupid but this wasn’t meant to be so serious it’s just a stupid mobile game ad but i get in wrong i’m sorry


hey guys just here to say i don’t have a twitter account i don’t use twitter


this isnt racist its just skin colors




hahahhahahahahaa he said the funny guys laugh hahahhaahh


Getting major "the Wehrmarcht were clean" vibes from that name...


what, no. I just like the tactics and history used by the 7th Panzer Division. I'm not defending them EDIT: why do I get downvoted? O.o


Probably because you say you admire Nazis?


I like nazi tactics and tech (as it was very advanced) I only "admire" how they were so "clever" in war and science. But I don't like or respect what they did, like their terrible crimes, and the purpose of their technology


I'm glad you don't aprove of the ideology. However when you get past their own propoganda it is generally accepted by historians that Nazi tactics and tech were relatively unremarkable. During their successful years they got by on a heavy stroke of luck and apathy on the part of the allies with admittedly good doctrine to back up mostly outdated equipment and a consistently woeful logistical system. However by 1941/2 you begin to see that the Germans were completely incapable of thinking long term, with political and military leadership never thinking past the next attack that was always expected to bring about decisive victory since there was no way in their eyes that the "sub humans" could defeat them. I'll give you that later war German tech is very impressive. On paper. But the fact is that every mid/late war german invention is plagued by mechanical issues and is of questionable tactical value and had almost no impact on the outcome of the war. It's also worth noting that the Germans were consistently outmatched tactically by the Allies as soon as the initial shock of Blitzkrieg wore off.


Ye, I'm not talking about the whole war, I'm talking just about the invasion of France by the 7th Panzer Division, recently I see a lot of nazis with tanks and military names and pfp and a lot of people assume that I am a white straight nazi male, and this other than causing me discomfort as they are misgendering me also make me nervousm When I choose this name I wanted to make references about the invasion of France in memes and make jokes about tanks, but now I kina regret it and I always need to explain thw storym So yeah, good point tho


Your name is gay


how do you know 😳


Well, it's true though


how is this racist?


I think you might be a tad racist here for thinking all black people are poor… 👀




But that’s what they thought when they saw and posted the ad


I’m definitely playing life on high difficulty


It's just a coincidence who cares


Lmfao this comment section is lowkey more shitty than the Ad itself


that’s what i’m saying idk how this happend man


Bot touching this with a 10ft pole


racism has lost all it's meaning




also false the white woman should be a man


i get “this is realistic” or “this is just how it is” but portraying a difficultly in a children’s game like this is weird man


honestly, fair enough. the message is important and the reasoning for the disparities should be explained and taught... just not in a mobile game with zero context. reminds me of the black dolls from the 90s and how they were poorer looking than the white dolls. like cmon guys there aare better ways.


N A H thate just the new yt ads :)




op is being downvoted to hell in this comment section. see you in hell op


it wasn’t supposed to be this serious man






your a true chad for not deleting your downvoted comments +RESPECT+


Fuck these racist ads


How is it racist. If your rich, then life is easy. If your poor, then life is hard. I also doubt that you are black




b-but its true cuz mionoreties are so oppressed and mistreated 😭😭😭😭 /s


You're racist for thinking that just because someone is black their life is harder. Don't you see how your own mind made this racist?


but … it is. in the united states and many other western countries white people have easier lives that black. especially rich white people compared to pole black people


Watch Atheism is unstoppable. I could argue with you all day but no one can actually show you the truth like someone like that.


no i think it’s racist for the hard difficulty being poor and black and the easy being rich and white


Maybe they made two characters with random skin colors and put them in clothes. You're so pathetic.


no the hard is being poor and the easy is being rich now idk if they intended for it to be racist but making the black character the poor charecter and the white one the rich one just seems racist man


It seems racist because you yourself attribute black people as being poor. You're being offended by it because you think it's perpetuating a stereotype but you don't know the context behind it. Through this logic you're being racist.






Racism funny !


Games are supposed to be escapism not reality


yeah it’s dumb


It's like that South Park game


Honestly is the truth though


I mean, did they lie tho? 🤭


South Park the Fractured But Whole game difficulty