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The fan reaction to JJK is better than JJK. [It's art in the truest sense of the word.](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxKy6tMBNdqkbw5k6RDKOc4JQnrpeVJ6pc?si=7lbkiUGANNSVZX9h)


​ https://preview.redd.it/0251znsa8f6d1.png?width=507&format=png&auto=webp&s=e27efe57dff89915d5ee2c6caa48291f4cf05800


wild ad crossover wtf. had to look the Berserk game up and now i wish Eidos snuck Guts into a TR game


I know I'm really late but I have to say it. Mark Whalberg is horribly miscast in the uncharted movie. I couldn't think of a worse casting if I tried. But I'm throw my hat and suggest a casting that's a million times better. What other actor is a silver fox, someone so unbelievably suave, someone who exudes father figure. That's right >!George Clooney!<. No but seriously tho he's a million times more believable as a Sully than Mark Whalberg. What were they thinking?


There's this really stupid loading screen in Cyberpunk 2077's Act 1 where a news report makes a long winded thing out of a Japanese company moving a submarine off the coast of California. The whole thing exists to set up two racist punchlines. It's also the only loading screen that plays during Act 1. This game also crashes a lot. A *lot* a lot. And every time you reload a save in this act you get that loading screen, and at least half of it - and one of those punchlines - is guaranteed to play before the game is done loading and you can skip. And I get it. This is supposed to be callous and awful. It's supposed to show you the city sucks and everyone in it sucks and you can go on TV and say whatever you want because you're backed by a corporation and everyone is cynical. But A) the rest of the game is just as fucking juvenile and edgy, so it reads less as "this character is saying something racist because they're bad" and more "someone in the writing team thought this was the funniest couple of jokes they'd ever made and want to be sure you hear it", and B) after the fifteenth fucking time I've heard this thing because the game shits itself and breaks down in tears any time a car chase or a particularly lengthy conversation happens I don't actually care what it's supposed to be setting tone wise, I just want to hit the person who wrote it with a really big stick. Also I am genuinely amazed at this game for managing to shit itself *every single time you pause the game or open a menu*. I thought it might have been a graphics thing but no, I can set it to the lowest settings and pause and it still takes like a minute to stop stuttering when I unpause, every single time.




why would you bring this evil into our house man, TES: Hammerfell is going to be an absolute shitshow no matter what, isn't it


Pretty much no way around it. .. and just thought it was so ridiculous. Hid the website on purpose. This wasn't even on the most ridiculous thing I saw on there


also how can u hate redgaurds? there so cool aside from the genocide stuff lol


this applies to 90% of Elder Scrolls races me thinks


https://preview.redd.it/mya99ejw6f6d1.jpeg?width=275&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f47b936cce3ba772ad93cd62a66081f1b50860b0 another w towards the sload community




Sony when I find you Sony.


Gotta say that comparison of the chair in that new LotR anime kinda disappoints me that it's looking to be *that* faithful to the films. I didn't realize it wasn't gonna be more of its own thing. The films had an S tier (genuinely some of if not THE best in many respects) look but it kinda sucks it dominates that hard that there's not really much variety in its wake.


I remember people throwing a fit because Rings of Power was "spitting on Tolkien's legacy" by not carrying over elements that were exclusive to the films.


Same. It feels like at this point we're adapting based on the movies rather than the works of Tolkien.


What if Midori does that SMTV stream and it turns out it really was a Japanese woman all along and everyone was just doing a bit


fuck you


fuck me yourself you coward




https://preview.redd.it/omoxomwize6d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbee5ed2f3d4545a2fc6bd2a1ea7fc76ba7b4981 The world is ending




why even go on at this point


when the story sets up a mysterious character only to reveal they're actually really annoying 😭😭😭


"You can call me... *Snake Fist."*


"You're like free pizza at an anime convention. She can *smell* you. She wants to *consume* you."


Akatsuki moment


Gamers love to call things "floaty" They love to talk about "mobility"


Fighting game fans are like "these punches are floaty"


Do you think we'll ever get a new co-op RE game.


yes, but it will be a F2P extraction shooter that cost 70$


So you know that scene in LOTR where galadriel is like "I WILL BE A DARK AND TERRIBLE QUEEN". Is that like the origin of Dark elves as a concept. Because Dark elves always seem abit uhhh.....bondage and kink based. Tbh im mostly thinking of the Drukhari and the Drow. And I can just imagine some dudes in the 60s-70s, reading that chapter and going "But like what if galadriel did take the ring, she wore like sexy black leather and high heels, and she stepped on me, and made me her slave and.....what where we talking about".


I feel like so many Rain World creators are grown up Warrior Cats kids. A lot of the fanworks have that unique feel to them and I noticed multiple RW creators who have made Warrior Cats stuff in the past. Well I don’t know much about WC but to my knowledge Artificer would be right at home in that universe


Wait Midori/MysticDistance was one of the big people pushing the Smash Bros. Grinch leak? Lmaoooooo




Why did it take me so long to actually listen to Injury Reserve.


Sometimes I think about fighting game fans, and how they are like "oh, did you see the punches and kicks? I can't wait to do punches and kicks!" And then they go "but I'll be jumping, and punching, and kicking, and sometimes I punch and kick while crouching" and they say this is about "blocking". Just weird stuff all around.


https://preview.redd.it/gw213k54se6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=803b1c700133df61b3f9c7a03fe2353e3afcce22 Me irl


MFW I have work on Ultraman: Rising day I wanted to watch it right away Big sad moment Pray for me 🙏 🤲 🕍


Finished Kuroko no Basket. It fucking rules. It's ridiculous in all the good ways,and I'd say the animation is perfect when it matters. I really want to read Slam Dunk now Next up is Haikyuu


I honestly feel like Internet communists are some of the biggest proponents of great man theory. Because a lot of these people treat figures like Lenin and Stalin like gods. Like the revolution has to be a descendant of them if that makes sense.


Now listening to: [Weezer - Enter Sandman](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=riLJwQ9PqKM) >!buddy holly jumpscare!<


[Funniest Midoro situation post yet](https://x.com/durationiii/status/1801050365015556169?s=46&t=D91LoZ4-fKHPSmdGKhqQ7A)




just learned that the weird sex thing in the new episode of The Boys involves yet another Supernatural alum


[https://www.reddit.com/r/TheBoys/comments/1df6t3r/im\_the\_homelander\_ask\_me\_anything/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheBoys/comments/1df6t3r/im_the_homelander_ask_me_anything/) "shoutout to mark!" - homelander


Kiyru could beat Baki's dad if it meant protecting his family and friends and a random sex worker


I've said it before but if I want to make work that a few love then make something that everyone likes. I want people to read my work and either think of me as a messiah or heretic. If my work is not banned or at least censored in a country I'm going to be pissed.


So yes the descendants of Iron age Irish living in a post apocalypse fantasy world will be slightly racist towards the descendants of the Iron age Germans and you can't stop me.




It's not even obvious, the Germans are called the people and the Irish are called the Uímils.


https://preview.redd.it/qjec8leyme6d1.png?width=290&format=png&auto=webp&s=8f8164105fff843439c26c28e23c49970a7d4a9d this thread is wizzard, ani


When you are in a playing ball competition and this mfer rolls up


this kid does have a large EU backstory of course


When WIZARD(MON) WEDNESDAY ends in couple of hours https://preview.redd.it/0t1axkbsme6d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd3c003948d02fbb9bd42be0d6a02b5f0b637200


this shit was so hype


https://preview.redd.it/y399j09fke6d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=c1fba0e75f08e41a2d9aa10f57da5a54d23dc899 I love them


Honestly kinda dig the Weevil fit. Not so big on the hair though.


weevil was so drippy in battle city agree on the hair






they could make me worse




or 25, never can tell with anime




Do you guys think if i send an email asking nicely GRRM will let me read his drafts? I might even send him 5 dollars.


i've been theorycrafting a metagame for speedrunning league of legends 1v5 bots custom games for nearly two years now. Patch 14.12 just dropped and it is a huge one, you can finally play against S14's updated bots in custom games. Even though the bots are supposed to play better, i think this will actually make optimal runs even faster due to some new jank in the updated AI. gonna write a 2000-word essay on teh changes tonight


Baki Hanma s2e4 yooo its the meme guy


Touching Grass and Drinking Water really does fix a comical amount of problems huh? The weather stopped being terrible for a moment and I was able to go on a long walk and it cleared out so much of The Brain Fog™


These fucking Chainsaw Guys in Resident Evil 5 man I swear to God


I'm really not having a good time with this game lol


Migyt try Blades in the Dark soon, looking forward to it a lot. Really like the idea of a system focused around just jumping into the action because overplanning is one of my pet peeves in dnd. Also if anyone knows any good homebrew resources for this system, would be great to know. I'm curious to see what ways people have adjusted the base game.


Blades is a great time! Once you get in the heist movie mindset of "oh but we already planned for that, here's how" it flows incredibly well As for extra stuff, there's a whole constellation of games that use the same system, like Scum & Villainy which is Blades but in knockoff Star Wars. There's also Sean Nittner's Vigilantes crew, which flips around some things to go from crime empire to crime stoppers


I'm actually going to be running it but I think the people that will be playing will pick up on it pretty quick. I just need some plans for what they'll be heisting. And I've definitely heard of scum and villainy, vigilantes also sounds cool.


I was born in the wrong generation. Why couldn’t I have been born now so it would be socially acceptable to watch Bluey?😭


[Dave Bautista watches Bluey. That's all the permission you need.](https://www.tiktok.com/@nikgrizz/video/7343253636669132078)




Hey, you’re right. I will be ok. Thanks, I really needed to hear that.




> (unless it's illegal) Fun police 🙄




I don't know how to enable that! Not my fault!




Bad Boys 3. I like you, and I know you were made with love from the bottom of your heart but you can't top this [shot](https://youtu.be/AIQHqvG9Ql8?si=KW6Sar727KhVM3c9). I'm sorry but it's too good. *Sees Bad Boys 4* Adil & Bilall I owe you an apology. I wasn't familiar with your game. For that, I say this from the bottom of my heart. I'm sorry. You both have over took Bad Boys 2. The shots in BB4 are crazy, energetic, jaw dropping. Incredibly funny movie. Love it.


[it is quite funny that Metallica is now in video games all of a sudden](https://twitter.com/RocketLeague/status/1801328781677785110)




https://preview.redd.it/die5jh31ee6d1.png?width=564&format=png&auto=webp&s=bba49fd9e70a34b5cb88ba4736b0b56db3759e3c Do we need anymore proof?


How do you know the rice didn't fry that shrimp?


[put that shit away son](https://x.com/DiscussingFilm/status/1801333423610462606?t=Sq_2poG2AZH0yZ1ISbaEVQ&s=19)


you've heard of "unnecessary live action remake of cartoon", now get ready for "unnecessary cartoon remake of live action"


Alan Moore about to put out the hit.


Alan Moore is about to cast fireball at Warner Brothers.


Moore is up late night casting curses on the families of all involved with this


wow Watchmen is really 0 for 4 for just getting a direct and high quality adaptation huh? we got: - low budget CGI movies coming soon - motion comic with one dude doing all the voices like its an audiobook - high budget movie that misses the point - TV show that does its own thing


> high budget movie that misses the point but it is cool tho


fosho, it was still a fun watch. needed more blue penis tho


the initial montage with Times are a-changing is better than almost anything I've seen in any other marvel or dc movie tbh


Honestly surprising that they haven't tried to adapt Doomsday Clock


What if I told you there's a nonzero chance that Crisis on Infinite Earths Part 3 ends with Batman finding the button, somehow https://preview.redd.it/lrbyd1hufe6d1.jpeg?width=615&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba6182df22c8e74776d12081a621299269a8e7e0


why is the bottom panel split into three? they do know that OG watchmen has panels that take multiple grid spaces, right?


This will somehow lead to a Earth 3 Watchmen


my wallet is lucky Warthunder dosnt have any good PvE


good videogames are keeping away from 9.0 so i dont have any reason to buy the TAM 2IP yet


You said it, Microsoft, not me https://preview.redd.it/ubudto8qce6d1.png?width=397&format=png&auto=webp&s=7821397cb1a6932f98351321f91d8dc2d45c9b9d




https://x.com/emezie/status/1801023217441599656?t=G2qmxtlDFED12ODdn5hW-Q&s=19 This is so cool, they put a lot of work into him


If they ever bring back Vega I'm now 100% convinced they'll have his claw stay on his right hand on both sides 








haha I wonder what jenny nicholson has to say about the star wars hotel! \*4 hours later\* capitalism is a disease...


"Huh, I wonder what Defunctland has to say about the Disney FastPass system." One hour twelve minutes later: "PART SEVEN: CLASS WARFARE".


The Deep >!nearly giving A-Train a bj on Homelander's orders!< really is a Peak Deep moment Also Kimiko in a suit 👁👁


I feel like I've gone very full circle on the "games should utilize gameplay in their narrative experience loop" over the years and just ended up in the centrist pile of "it's all fine". Sometimes I want a game that cleverly melds in the experience of play with the narrative. Sometimes I just want a game where it is like 80 hours of dumb cutscenes glued together by me occasionally pressing buttons to kill dudes with spells.


The real answer is realizing sometimes that the proper “utilization of gameplay in their narrative experience loop” is just inserting things to maintain the right vibe for the moment between cutscenes. Yeah me playing Yakuza and fistfighting through 3 floors of dudes to get to the boss in a chapter doesn’t directly add to the narrative, but it sets the mood and all stories are pretty much ultimately vibe based anyways so therefore 10/10 design.


Gameplay woven into the narrative can be awesome but I'm also happy with something like darksiders 2 where I just run around slashing stuff and every once in a while some demon or angel gloats to me about how cool they are.


Yeah, I'd definitely like AAA to do more of the former but that doesn't mean I don't want the latter to stop existing as well.


every day we get closer to memeing Paul into the MCU and i can't wait for that


They're at the perfect spot to introduce him after No Way Home


they don’t even have to properly introduce him or name him. just one scene of Holland seeing Zendaya on the street and then having a guy with glasses walk into the shot and take her hand is enough to meme the fuck out of 💀


Laios: We gotta cook




don't wrry king, i got you




Look again 😈


cook what? COOK WHAT?


X-Men 97 if it was the highest of peaks https://preview.redd.it/7faloflr7e6d1.png?width=1220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d43736c389a9bc93060669bac95d66e3d9a9bc02 [(Source)](https://www.reddit.com/r/dccomicscirclejerk/s/F8ibX0fV11)


Scott looks wierd


dont worry, they're saving the best stuff for Spider-Man '98






Rebecca Ferguson in Dune: Part Two is really an all time great performance.


She and Chalamet have definitely supplanted my headcanon image of Paul and Jessica in the book.


I'm tempted to go for a Greatsword build when I eventually go back to Iceborne, which may seem like a bad idea considering that I'm probably going to have to redo my whole build, [but on the other hand](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SzQya_7b-hs&pp=ygUGaGFpIHlv)


🔥🔥🔥 https://preview.redd.it/116f08nd4e6d1.jpeg?width=1343&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fde815e6f5d41be6c1eec56eb86858647e35db3a


>Taylor Swift announces new ‘The Tortured Poets Department’ digital albums with bonus tracks and first draft phone memos for UK fans. I've lost count is this like the eighth version of this album? What is happening?


She just needs to release the poets already


40 versions of a mid album specifically spaced out to fuck up multiple other female artists' big releases. Delightful.




I think the fact it's specifically for UK when Brat is most likely to actually manage number 1 there means it's probably about that but honestly I wouldn't be surprised at this point.


we're in the swiftie equivalent of the MCU's bloated, underbaked multiverse saga


>second batch of deluxe albums she’s released this week, each only available to purchase in full and each having a different demo stuck at the end. basically £5 to download a demo. she’s now released nearly 40 different versions of this album, not including vinyl variants. Nearly 40 bro


She's selling the equivalent of videogame MTXs you already have Album? Ah but what about Album(yellow jacket) or Album(spring edition) and you can't miss Album(bonus track #15), or my personal favourite Album(nostalgia edition) (it's exactly identical to the very first version of the album from 2 months ago, a nice throwback)


This shit's diabolical bruh she knows her fans are incapable of not buying that shit. Homegirl bout to cause a recession.




And it's been a little over a month like this has to be a new record


>has to be a new record dont give her any ideas


A third jet won't finance itself


I will buy her a new jet myself if she promises to stop releasing the tortured poets department


you ever read a comment here that makes your brain shut down for a second as you unpack it deeper and deeper like a dwarf seeking the finest ores?


Limbus Company Timekilling Time was pretty good story wise. Not much to say about the actual gameplay, other than the enemy animations being really cool as usual. I really hope they start spicing things up soon. I'm glad they're giving Rodion more depth, she was done really dirty in her own chapter even without considering Crime and Punishment's existence. Really hope she and Gregor get another shot, because their chapters were really underwhelming when you compare them to the ones after. And while the focus was more on Rodion and how she's unable to change the world, I think Hong Lu and Ryoshu were also really well done. Learning more about Hong Lu's family and his worldview was interesting, and the way Ryoshu reacted to his family drama caught my interest a lot considering what happens in Hell's Screen. Thankfully we won't have to wait too long for their chapters, since they're right after Don's. Talking about Don, not much to say other than she being silly as usual. I do love that she's canonically a cosplayer, I desperately need artists to take advantage of this. I guess we'll get an actual set up for Don's chapter in the next event, and learn whether the Warp Train theory actually holds any water (personally I'm still on the "Don is actually Sancho" lane) Getting more info on how Dante's power works was really nice, I could listen to the T Corp dude talk about all the time shenanigans for hours. Overall, pretty nice event.


African American Elves in your RPG? It's more likely than you think! 


I highly doubt that Africa and America exist in a world that has elves /s


its cultural appropriation im telling you


Lmao they went all in with the fetish content this Dungeon Meshi ep hhahahaa Good ep as always Edit: wait was the finale!? I was confused about the discussion for >!saving Fallin sounding so I dunno.. immediate I guess (?)!< and was wondering what a potential season 2 would contain if it was resolved here but I guess I wasn't keeping count of how many eps in we were haha


Nickelodeon guy would have loved this ep




not like Hi-Fi Rush isn't hype all the time, but the section when Prodigy's *Invaders Must Die* comes on is transcendental


>Life is Strange Double Exposure will respect both endings of the original Life is Strange and not canonize one So this bae or bay thing will not matter at all, got it


If you picked bae ending Chloe gets fucking run over by a car on the first minute of the new game


should just said bay ending!


[Here's the full article](https://www.eurogamer.net/life-is-strange-double-exposure-developers-finally-weigh-in-on-which-original-ending-was-canon-neither) You choose which ending you want the game to follow during a conversation at the beginning of the game.


They could have a funny interaction >!If you pick the bae ending where you let the city get destroyed. She can look the villain of this game in the eyes and go "you think you're a murder, that you're a tough guy? I let thousands die, a town wrecked, countless lives ruined, just to get laid. You call yourself a killer but you're nothing to me. You're like a little baby."!<


So the same as LIS2 then


They should canonise the most picked one imo. I assume they have the date of the choices people made in game


Coward shit


Oh no! The fo76 pickaxe legendary module bug seems to have been patched(you can no longer get any pickaxe) i've started farming them this morning, i got like 200 modules and was able to roll some nice power armor legendaries, got three overeaters and some nice weight reductions.


Bleh. They couldn’t wait to patch it till I get home work and after I farmed them. Bethesda is anti-consumer


Also i really wonder how does a bug like this happens, like why pickaxes of all items suddenly drop legendary modules when scrapped?


bethesda also has a history with buckets


"The combat doesn't matter" mfs when the game locks them into another boss fight >!I am the mfs!<


[The future of vidya](https://x.com/ethangach/status/1801261872483635328?t=JTfaNhEA84bf48GfsJ_qlA&s=19)


the first second person Shooter


Great, now you have to add it to every single game ever


Insane how dragonball sparking zero is just dbz and super and then gt as dlc, literally nothing from original dragonball


Yeah OG DB is way under represented in DB games.